rSlash - r/Askreddit How Did Someone Ruin Their Life in 1 Minute?

Episode Date: February 14, 2025

0:00 Intro 0:11 Make out 0:31 Pills 1:18 Arc blast 3:23 Workplace accident 5:38 Emptied clip 7:16 Caught with CP 8:36 Protest gone wrong 9:30 Panic kill 10:53 Kicked out 12:07 Window punch 12:47 Alcoh...ol 14:22 Stolen 15:15 Flammable waste 16:14 Security company Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wealthsimple's Big Winter Bundle is our best match offer yet. Get a 2% match when you transfer over an eligible RRSP. For a $50,000 transfer, that's a $1,000 cash bonus. Enough to buy a fancy parka. A ticket to somewhere you don't need a fancy parka. Or just be responsible and top up your retirement fund. Plus, move any other eligible account and we'll give you a 1% match. Minimum $15,000 transfer.
Starting point is 00:00:25 Register by March 15th. Additional terms apply. Learn more at slash match. Welcome to r slash ask Reddit where people answer the question, do you know of someone who ruined their life in just a matter of minutes? If so, how'd they do it? Our first reply is from Not Another Empire. A guy got intoxicated at a corporate holiday party and made out, consensually,
Starting point is 00:00:45 with his work wife who was a one-rank subordinate. HR was unimpressed with violation of their zero tolerance policy and he was fired for cause. His actual wife was unimpressed with excuses and filed for divorce. Our next reply is from Kinetic Keep. She sold pills that she knew contained fentanyl to two people. The first one died. She found out and sold the same pills to another person who also died. Boom. Life in prison.
Starting point is 00:01:16 The texts between her dealer are what led to her arrest and exposed that she had full and complete knowledge that the pills would result in an overdose. You know, obviously I don't know this woman, but since dealers typically buy their drugs from their supplier, my guess is that her reason was, well, I spent $20 on that pill, so I can't just be down $20, so I got to sell it for $25 to at least make my money back. And if they die, oh well, at least I got 25 bucks. Our next reply is from YesRicoKaboom. When I was in my early 20s, I worked as an energy worker in field service. One of my really close friends was someone who I was on calls with regularly.
Starting point is 00:01:56 A project lead pressured both of us to work on equipment that we weren't qualified or trained to work on, and we unfortunately relented. We were halfway done with the task, and I walked out to the truck to grab water bottles. Halfway to the truck, I hear a giant buzz, then a huge bang, then screaming. By the time I get back to the generator room, my friend is fully on fire. The cabinet had arc blasted, and he had been right in the way. By the time I got our fire blanket from the truck, he was basically fully engulfed. I was able to put him out and get him into as much of a recovery position as I could
Starting point is 00:02:34 and then I called our shop to get them to organize rescue to our location. He somehow survived 80-90% second and third degree burns, but he coded so many times he ended up with severe brain damage from oxygen deprivation. He lost his eyes, his sense of smell and taste, and much of his sense of touch. I think he lost his hearing too from the noise of it. He's in a vegetative state in a full-time care facility now. I had frequent nightmares for years about it. The thing that stuck with me the most was since the arc blast had hit him basically right in the
Starting point is 00:03:09 face, it basically boiled his skin off. I ran in and saw him ripping large pieces of his face off while he tried to bat the flames off. The smell and the sight of that never goes away. Beneath that, someone says, I hope that supervisor got fired, literally breaking OSHA regulations. And OP replied, It turned into a huge multi-million dollar lawsuit. The company settled out of court. It's so weird to me that if you burn a guy's face off, you go to jail. But if you're someone's boss and you make them burn their face off by being an incompetent boss, you just get fired and you're totally fine. Also beneath that is this story from Busty LaDevil.
Starting point is 00:03:53 My father died in a workplace accident in the mid-90s. He was instructed to go to a propane changeover alone, even though it was a two-man job. There was a leak in the line, and the propane in the air ignited and exploded. The boss who told him to do the job? Literally nothing happened to him professionally, legally, or personally. F you, Troy! You killed my dad! Beneath that, of course, there's a bunch of people saying F you, Troy. So, yeah. F you, Troy.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Our next reply is from Sacrilegious Q. An ex-girlfriend of mine, Lovely Person, was out at a restaurant slash bar with a friend one night. They had a meal and played pool. When they left, for some reason, she drove his car. I don't know why, but I know that when she and I were together, she asked to drive my car just for the experience of driving a different car. Maybe that was it.
Starting point is 00:04:42 And I imagine, driving in someone else's car, you take a few extra seconds to adjust the seat in the mirrors and get your bearings. Unbeknownst to her, a teenager was driving a Mustang nearby. He was pissed because someone passed him a mile earlier and his ego was hurt. He decided to catch up to the guy and floored the Mustang, getting up to speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour. As my ex pulled out of the parking lot to cross the median, she had no way of seeing the Mustang barreling towards her over a hill. He crashed into her, killing her and her passenger two seconds earlier or later and they wouldn't have made contact. I went to his trial. I remember her poor mother
Starting point is 00:05:23 sitting there stone-faced while testimony was given. Several lives were ruined in that moment. My ex was only 26. She never got married, never had kids, never found her way in life. Predictably someone asks, any word on the killer? Did he get convicted? OP replies, yeah, he did. I don't remember how much time he was sentenced to, but he did go to prison for it. Actually, I looked it up. He was 17 years old at the time. He was tried as an adult for killing both people, but he still only got four years in prison.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Geez, makes you feel like if you ever want to murder someone and get away with it, just run them over with your car. Whoops, I didn't mean to! Our next reply is from Extreme Today. When I was a teenager, my dad and this other dude had beef with each other. My dad was dating this guy's ex-wife, and the other guy didn't like that. They bumped into each other at a bar and exchanged some words. My dad left the bar and the dude was waiting for him outside.
Starting point is 00:06:25 A car rolled up and someone handed the dude a handgun. He pointed it at my dad's head from two feet away and pulled the trigger. Luckily for my father, the gun jammed. My pops wasn't taking any chances, so he took off running. The dude fixed the gun and emptied the clip, missing all but one shot that hit my dad in the back. My dad was already downtown and the hospital was only a couple of blocks away, or so he thought. Unluckily for my padre, the hospital was under renovation and preparing for relocation.
Starting point is 00:06:56 When he saw that it was under construction, he slumped over and called 911 for an ambulance. The surgeons removed his kidney because it was too damaged for repair and he survived. The dude got an attempted murder charge and almost 15 years in prison. To my knowledge, they never found the accomplice who handed him the gun. This is kind of a weird thought to have, but it makes me wonder how much time or effort has to pass for it to be two counts of attempted murder, right? Cause he tried to shoot, but the gun jammed. Then he had to stop the murder and fix the gun and then try again. So I guess the courts consider that one count of murder. What if he had tried
Starting point is 00:07:35 to fire the gun and then went home and got a different gun and then came back? Would that be two counts of murder? Or are we still on the same murder? Our next reply is from AnnualInternet. Former roommate and friend. He was building a decent career, coaching a local youth sporting team, going to grad school, and just bought a house. Turns out he had CP. Lots of it that he got on the deep web. Custom photoshopped, with faces of kids from his youth team. He accidentally uploaded it to Adobe cloud and they sent the feds after him.
Starting point is 00:08:11 The trial is ongoing, but he's likely going away for a long time. I might have some interesting insight on this. I have Adobe obviously to edit these YouTube videos and Adobe has a setting where if you make pictures with like Photoshop or whatever, this box is automatically checked that allows Adobe to scan your images for training and AI purposes. So my guess is this dude probably had that box checked automatically and the AI scanner was like, whoop, hold up, time to report this.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yo, the story beneath this from Fire Duck! This is up there with a story of some folks with similar content, because CP started playing on their Amazon Fire TV as a screensaver. And the dog sitter saw it. Sometimes, I'm glad that technology is so weird these days. Our next reply is from Soul Fiber. A kid I went to high school with wasn't going to graduate and decided to protest by speeding and doing wheelies on the road in front of the school.
Starting point is 00:09:14 On his third round, he passes a pickup truck, hooks his leg on the bumper, and is thrown from the bike right on his head, snapping his neck. The school posthumously graduated him. Then OP adds an edit. I noticed that his intelligence has been questioned. Let me share an additional anecdote. His nickname was Bob. When asked what it was backwards, he replied without guile or irony that it was OOB.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Whether you agree with the school's action in graduating him or not, locally it was considered window dressing as the whole town knew of what happened within hours of the incident. You know, this is going to sound like a joke, I'm really not trying to make a joke here, but I can't help but notice that in a way, he actually got what he wanted. Our next reply is from Ecstatic Horse. The man that killed my grandfather never had so much as a speeding ticket. He was married with kids and fell behind on rent. My grandfather, who was in his 80s, worked for the company that rented this guy his home for extra money.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Grandpa couldn't reach this guy about his rent, so he went and did a welfare check. The guy panicked and murdered my grandfather, destroyed more than one life in a matter of seconds. Beneath that, we have a similar story from Roly F-ing Discapoli. I was just reading about a group of people who dined and dashed on their $100 bill and then ran over the server who wasn't even trying to stop them but was taking down their license plate. She died.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Just like, who escalates like that? Four people couldn't come up with a hundred bucks so they killed a 22 year old? Then another story from Vanilla Raincloud. I knew someone who owned a farmer's market, and there was a guy who would frequently steal from him. One day, the guy stole a grapefruit, and the owner chased him as he drove off. The thief ran him over and killed him over a grapefruit. I've always heard that retail stores like Walmart and Target have a policy where the employees aren't supposed to stop thieves who are stealing, they're
Starting point is 00:11:12 just supposed to, you know, observe and take down information. And this thread is starting to give me an idea of why they have that policy. Our next reply is from DSP. A guy I went to high school with was kicked out of his college ROTC and moved back home. After some time of living at home, his dad walked into his bedroom and went off about him being lazy and needing to do something with his life. So he decided he was going to take his gun and rob a bank. Supposedly the gun wasn't loaded. But he did successfully rob the bank and get away.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Some time went by. He moved out of his parents' house and started living it up. He eventually told someone he trusted. That person turned him in. He was arrested and charged. He got a count for every person who was in the bank because he had a gun. You can decide if he ruined his life when he decided to rob the bank or when he decided to tell someone that he did it. Beneath that we have an interesting comment from Ted Mosby is a Jerk. What an effing rat, seriously. I do feel bad for the people who went through the robbery, but if nobody was injured, it was basically a victimless crime. Yo, what about all the PTSD from thinking you were going to die? What about the bank who got robbed?
Starting point is 00:12:30 Or the people's savings who got robbed? Sympathy for armed bank robbers is kind of a weird take. Our next reply is from Krusty. My father. He punched a window out of anger. He severed the artery and ligament in his bicep. He almost bled out. He effectively removed his ability to work with his hands, which was the one thing he had going for him.
Starting point is 00:12:51 He then became a moody, piece of garbage alcoholic. Actually, he always was one, but way worse after this. He then beat the neighbor across the road with a pipe after they got drunk and got into an argument. He was arrested and went to jail. My parents lost the family home. They ended up splitting. I went no contact with them. Two years later, he lost his life.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Our next reply is from LolTittySprinkles. My former roommate. He had a great job, made great money, had his own house in which I rented a room. The only problem was he was a serious alcoholic and a terrible person. He'd get up at 4.30 and go to work, get off at 2, and then hit the bar until 11. Every single night. Unless he had a girl coming over, then he'd come home at 10, do a quick clean up of his filthy room, and have obnoxious and very inconsiderate loud intercourse.
Starting point is 00:13:46 While drunk driving, he hit a guy who was riding his bike home one night. He fled the scene, came home, and went to the neighbor's house and said he hit a pole. The neighbor called the cops and on the way to the house, they found the guy he hit with his front bumper next to the body. Gee, I wonder if the front bumper also had his license plate on it. He went to jail for vehicular homicide. He did 6 months. 6 MONTHS! And got out. Now he lives with his parents, and he can't get a job because his story is a little infamous in our town. His sister took over his mortgage and lives in his house now. All he does, all day, is cry on Facebook about how life isn't fair and badmouth the guy he killed. Wow, my earlier
Starting point is 00:14:33 comment turns out to be completely correct. If you want to murder someone, just run them over. Seems like the worst you'll get is a couple of years max. Maybe just six months like this douche bag. Apparently getting drunk and fleeing the scene also helps your case and makes the time shorter for some reason? Our next reply is from Egg Malone. This is a third hand story from a former coworker. One of the other Marines at the base where he was stationed in the 90s stole plastic explosives from the test range and tried to sell them at a bar that was literally in line of sight from the base. The f-
Starting point is 00:15:08 Hahahaha. The first person to show any interest was an NCIS officer. The guy might still be at Leavenworth. For those who don't know, Leavenworth is a prison. A federal prison to be specific. Beneath that, Restless Meatball says, shortest NCIS episode ever and Softmatch says, dun dun, scene opens, Marine walks into a bar. Hey, wanna buy these explosives? NCIS officer, you're under arrest. Dun dun, credits roll. Our next reply is from Donnie. Lit a cigarette in an oil change pit when he was a teen. Flammable waste was illegally being stored down there along with a lot of oil. RIP.
Starting point is 00:15:55 When I was, I guess it would have been 19 because my brother would have been 16, I was teaching him how to drive. And we took the car to a gas station and I was teaching him how to pump gas into the car. And you know how the gas handles you like catch it so it automatically dispenses the oil hands off? Well it stopped dispensing the gas automatically and my brother thought he still had to do something to the handle so he picked the handle up to inspect it and in doing so he sprayed me with gasoline standing like a foot away from him. So if I had been smoking, which is a dumb thing to do while you're getting gassed by the way, I also don't smoke, I would have been burned alive.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Luckily, that didn't happen and I was in a rush to get home and take a shower before an odd cinder destroyed my life. Our next reply is from General XTL. At a security company, this guy was doing well at his job, got lots of promotions, on his way to lieutenant, but was too into his job, and he got a police scanner that he would listen to. One day, just as he was getting off work, a high-speed chase went by. He hopped in his personal vehicle with his firearm, got to the front of the chase, blocked the suspect in, and pulled his gun.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Suddenly, the cops were much more interested in the crazy guy with the gun. He got hit with several felony charges.

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