rSlash - r/Askreddit What Have You Seen Working for the SUPER Wealthy?

Episode Date: July 30, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:03 Todays question 0:09 Apartment 0:38 Jacuzzi delivery 0:58 Yacht 1:15 Emergency tech support 3:32 Getty 4:59 Hawaii 6:29 Appliance repair 7:05 Glasses 7:49 Shower room 8:22 President ca...lling 9:09 Poo deck 9:26 Free stuff 10:28 Cleaning mansions 12:18 Custom pool 13:00 Massive wall 13:57 Gambling 14:57 Working on cool cars 15:37 IT work for the rich Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Business notifications getting out of hand, buried under an avalanche of customer emails, texts, and social media messages, keep your edge with Thrive Small Business software and never miss a message again. Thrive offers one solution to communicate, market, and run your business, but simply, small businesses run better on Thrive. Get Command Center for free today at That's Terms and conditions apply. Free plans have limited functionality. Welcome to our slash ask Reddit where people answer the question, people who work for the super wealthy, what stuff have you seen? Our first reply from Kale Dooty. I had a client who purchased a newly built Pintel
Starting point is 00:00:41 apartment and wanted a jacuzzi on the balcony. That would have meant that a structural column was needed in the middle of the balcony below, which the contractor who built the apartment block wouldn't go for because that would impact selling that apartment. So my client just bought the apartment beneath his, approved the column, Jekuzi was installed, then privately sold the apartment below. Voila! Problem solved. Beneath that, we have a similar story. Voila, problems solved. Beneath that, we have a similar story from ReWallon.
Starting point is 00:01:08 A few years ago, a rich French guy opened a school. A bit before the grand opening, the staff was having a small party on the roof and the rich guy came in. He asked them if they had everything they needed. Someone said jokingly that it was missing a jacuzzi. A few days later, a jacuzzi was delivered on the roof. Our next reply from Uncle Gracco.
Starting point is 00:01:29 The owner of my company had a customer pay off a giant debt by signing over a yacht to him. When he went to the marina to get the storage info transferred to his name and saw how much it cost to store the yacht there, he just bought the marina. Our next reddit post is from Wedgie Scott. The CEO of the company I worked for was the founder's son. He wasn't an unintelligent guy for the most part. His dad made him start with the most basic jobs in the company
Starting point is 00:01:55 and then work his way through the different departments. Management was ordered upon penalty of termination not to treat him any differently than a new hire. So when he became a CEO, he wasn't a bad guy to work for. Now this is a company of over 10,000 employees. One night I'm working overtime on this late night shift and we get this call. Hey, you guys got an electrician? This guy is clearly drunk.
Starting point is 00:02:21 We have no idea who this guy is or why he's calling our maintenance slash engineering group. We ask who he is and he'd lightheartedly tell us that he's a CEO. He went someone to ride to his house and figure out why his internet isn't working. Keep in mind this was a one hour drive away. I volunteer because I was bored anyways. I get to the house and the entry gate is smashed. A section of the white horse fencing is gone and his jaguar is stuck in the field.
Starting point is 00:02:51 When I get inside the house, this dude is completely blasted. He's got a huge cut on his hairline. I say, are you okay boss? I'm fine. Why? He asks, blood literally caked on his face. I accompany him to the bathroom and help him clean himself up, wash off the gash and put some bandaging on it. Then I
Starting point is 00:03:12 connected his internet by unplugging it and plugging it back in. As I'm walking out, he asked me to do a shot with him. I comment that I'm worried about my job, that it might be a bad idea. He agrees and hands me the bottle, saying, Take it home and do a shot later. Keep it! When I get back to work, I look up the bottle of alcohol that he gave me. I'd never heard of it before.
Starting point is 00:03:35 It's a $1,500 bottle of scotch! The next day I met work early. About 11 in the morning, the CEO comes walking up to me and says, oh, we're not going to be talking about last night, right? I tell him it's all good. Awesome! A little bit later, I get an envelope. There's a check attached for emergency tech support for $5,000. Beneath that, we have a similar story from Domestic Mayhem. My dad used to work for Getty Oil. Paul Getty the third was made to do the same thing by his dad as far as working the Little
Starting point is 00:04:09 Man's job to get a feel for how things really ran. My dad would tell us stories about how Jay Paul would roll up in the oil rigs two to three hours late. In a limo, drunk, and blown out of his mind. He wouldn't do anything while he was at the oil rig. Just watch and at the oil rig. Just watch, and at the end of the day, the limo would show back up with a half-naked woman in the car, and then take him out to party the night away. This was after the guy got kidnapped,
Starting point is 00:04:34 and my dad said that his missing ear was always crazy to look at. Oh man, I had to look up this story, and okay. So apparently this guy got kidnapped and then they sent his dad a ransom note demanding at the time would have been $112 million ransom. However, the father didn't believe it and he thought that this was some kind of like prank pulled by teenagers. So he didn't pay the ransom and then the ransom was cut off this guy's ear and sent the ear into like a new station. letter said, this is Paul's first ear. If within 10 days the family still believes that this is a joke mounted by him, then the other ear will arrive.
Starting point is 00:05:13 In other words, he will arrive in little bits. After that, it looks like his dad agreed to pay 2.2 million to the ransomers, and he tried to claim that it was tax deductible because it was a business expense. Wow. Our next reply is from Dr. Grizzly. I worked as a male nanny for a rich couple who wanted someone to care for their kids. The wife didn't want a female nanny and I was in college so it helped pay the bills. One day they asked me if I wanted to go to Hawaii. Turns out the company that the husband was a COO of was doing an executive retreat in Hawaii. Instead of finding daycare in Hawaii for their kids, they thought
Starting point is 00:05:50 that it'd be easier to just pay for me to fly to Hawaii, care for the kids during the day, and then have my evenings of their family time free. So, I went to Hawaii on their dime, had my own hotel room, they paid me for my time and gave me a large stipend for my own food and entertainment. I ended up with pretty much every evening free. During the day, I brought their kids to the beach, we went hiking, and did some touristy running around. On top of that, they gave me $5,000 in spending money in case any of the kids wanted
Starting point is 00:06:21 anything. I had to show receipts, but when I tried to turn in the receipts, the wife just said, oh don't worry about it, it's just a couple of grand, and never verified how I'd spent some of that money. I couldn't tell if she just trusted me implicitly by that point or if she truly thought the amount was so small that it just didn't matter. They were a really nice family, just very well off, which made spending money on any problems the easiest answer. I actually got invited to the oldest daughter's high school graduation because she considered me a friend. This post is giving white lotus vibes.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Our next reply from Cograck the Strong. I did appliance repair. This one lady had a 10 foot by 12 foot walk-in wine cooler. It was Florida's ceiling stocked with wine. In her living room, another person's house was made of imported stone and had a library the size of a two car garage. My favorite was an old lady who just had nice stuff. She took care of what she had. Every time I went, she gave me 40 bucks to have a nice beer with your lady. I would always refuse, but she insisted and was basically
Starting point is 00:07:31 the typical granny that everyone would want. Tis the season for making memories with family and friends, so celebrate with Swiss Shally's festive special, their famous quarter chicken dinner, now with cranberry sauce, stuffing, linder chocolates, plus a scratch and win card, where everyone's a winner. It's a tradition truly worth sharing! The Best of Special! Only at SWISH.LA!
Starting point is 00:07:54 Visit for contest details, while supplies last. Our next reply from Durannis. I worked in recruitment, finding crew for superyots many years ago. I've put forward a candidate for a chief engineer on a very well-known yacht owned by a very well-known individual. He was the perfect fit for knowledge, experience, and the guy was super friendly and nice as well. They turned him down because he wears glasses and the owner doesn't want anyone with disabilities working on board. Okay, technically that's illegal, but I guess when you're that rich, laws don't really
Starting point is 00:08:44 apply to you, so the guy got away with it unfortunately. Also, since what is needing glasses of disability? Don't something like half how many Americans? Over 63% of Americans wear glasses. You know, that's not a disability, that's just nuts. Our next replies from Watson EXC. I redid a lady shower one time during a nasty divorce. This shower was 6' x 10' with the entire ceiling covered in shower heads. The wife said,
Starting point is 00:09:11 Since he was off with half the office, I figured I'd get the other half all in here. The lady was a baller. She offered a $500 tip for everyone who worked on that bathroom because it was her ex's money. Yo, a 6' x 10' x an hour? That's a whole room! Most people's b- most people's bedrooms aren't that big. Our next reply from Nuxle. I was the project manager for a mansion build for one of the founders of a major health
Starting point is 00:09:37 insurance company here in the US. This guy was one of, if not the best billionaire I've ever worked for. He showed up nearly every day in shorts and flip flops and would treat all of us like equals. This was around the time that President Obama was about to put out Obamacare. I was in a meeting with the owner, and President Obama called this guy on his cell phone to discuss the plan. The owner tells us, hold on, the president's calling.
Starting point is 00:10:04 To which someone jokingly made a comment assuming that he was joking. The owner asked Obama to say hi to the team, and he did. It was surreal to be at the table with him when the call came through, and an experience I will never forget. Our next reply from Ok profile, my brother worked on a super yachts. He quit the day that he saw a 14-year-old take a massive dump on the deck and tell him to clean it up. Well, carefully blame the kid. He probably heard the term poop deck and was like, well, alright. Our next reply is from Black Hawk. My brother-in-law builds custom homes in the Redneck Riviera belt of Florida. One day, he called me to come over to this $15 million beach house that he
Starting point is 00:10:46 was doing a complete remodel of. My brother was the original builder. He asked me to bring my truck and trailer. I show up and he walks me through all four floors. He then says, the owners have removed all the stuff they want to keep. She's told me to dispose of everything else's ICFID, so get whatever you want. There was furniture, appliances, outdoor furniture, rugs, lamps, artwork, you name it. I don't know the value of everything I took home with me that day, but it was the highest and stuff I've ever seen. Four floors of it, and I only got one trailer load because I simply couldn't fit anything else in my house. I likely had over $20,000 worth of furniture and appliances on that trailer.
Starting point is 00:11:30 OP, you should have rented out a few U-hauls and cleared everything else out as well because you could have definitely turned a profit there. Our next replies from Harley Queen. I briefly cleaned houses one summer and these houses were insane. Some of them had elevators. Some had stalls in their master bedroom. One had a literal cave manufactured in the bathroom with shower hits all throughout it. You could walk into one end and come out of the other side of the bathroom, split by a massive hot tub. What struck me as odd in almost every house was the sense of disuse.
Starting point is 00:12:05 They had grand pianos covered in dust, expensive lamps and throw pillows with the tags still on them. Sprawling playrooms with every toy that any child could want totally devoid of playing children. The weirdest house I cleaned though wasn't huge and it wasn't gorgeous. It was pretty normal on the outside, but inside, the entire house was filled with piles of clothes. Everywhere I pulled aside my fellow cleaner and asked, with all sincerity, how to clean
Starting point is 00:12:36 this house. She told me, go around the piles as best you can. They had a mountain of clothes in the living room, like something out of a cartoon. Every couch had stacks of brand new clothes with tags still on them. They were the only folded clothes anywhere. In the bedroom, it was the same story. Smaller piles were in every corner, and you couldn't fully open or close doors around them. The kids' bathroom didn't even have a shower curtain. My best guess after cleaning that house as best we could is that they just didn't wash clothes.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I think they just buy more and discard the dirty clothes into piles. I think about that house a lot and wonder if they ever got their act together. Well, I mean, obviously this family has money, but I don't know if this is so much the excesses of a wealthy family as much as it is Compulsive clinical hoarding our next replies from Lucifer. I worked on a billionaire's home installing his custom pool
Starting point is 00:13:32 He ordered a custom iridescent tile for the whole pool it costs $440,000 for material alone and another 400k just to install it We warned him that this was a special order and it couldn't be changed once ordered. He approved it, we installed it. He comes to check it out and it looks amazing. All the people working on it thought so too. He says that he doesn't like it, so tear it out and replace it.
Starting point is 00:14:01 All told, he blew like 2.4 million dollars on his swimming pool tile before he got done. This guy didn't even bat an eye! Our next reply is from Bombsing. Years ago, I used to work carpentry mainly doing sun rooms. One of our clients was a brain surgeon who was married to a lawyer and they subsequently had a massive house on a large property. Their son was also some type of neuroscientist, and with his parents' permission, had yet another massive house built on the same property. Problem is, city ordinances prohibit two separate livable dwellings on the same property. Mind you,
Starting point is 00:14:36 these houses were about a quarter mile away from each other. So, to comply with the ordinance, they built an effing wall between the houses. This isn't some dinky picket fence type of wall. It's a massive medieval style wall with round towers that has murlins and cringles, a gym midway through, and a massive $750,000 all-glass sunroom all the while being wide enough to have room for a walking path and a road for golf carts inside the wall. Our next reply is from Deleted, and he says, I had a client gamble away $220,000 in one night.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And beneath that, someone posts a story of Terrence Wattenabe. Terrence Wattenabe, born in 1957, is an American businessman and high roller who inherited the Oriental Trading Company. A direct merchant of valued price-party supplies, arts and crafts, toys and novelties and school supplies funded by his father, Harry Wattenabi. He sold his family's business, Oriental Trading, and lost $204 million in the next few years gambling. He went completely broke and had the nerve to start a $100,000 GoFundMe campaign in 2017 when he got cancer. He's pretty well off again, unfortunately, because someone bought the movie rights to his idiotic life.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Man, you'd think that after gambling away the first $100 million you'd be like, you know, I'm not very good at this whole gambling thing. Maybe it's time to stop. Our next reply is from Insane Night. My friend is a mechanic, a wealthy, fat, famous, and all around, unlikeable entrepreneur came into his work one day and took a liking to his co-worker. He asked my friend's co-worker to come and work for him maintaining his car collection. It was really good pay, and he got to work on some cool cars, so he thought, why not? His days were spent working on old, rare sports cars on his sprawling property, but every now and again, he'd get sent to Europe or the United States to check out cars that this
Starting point is 00:16:37 entrepreneur was interested in buying. He'd get sent to auctions all the time, and call up the entrepreneur while it was happening so that he could bid on this car on his behalf. Our next replies from Fritzzo, I've done IT work for various CEO's dozens of times over the years and there's always common threads. It's always been male CEOs and they genuinely seem relieved to have someone in their house that isn't trying to negotiate or weasel something from them. They'll sit and talk with me, ask my career plans, how I got into the field, that kind of thing. The wives of these CEOs
Starting point is 00:17:09 are all eerily similar. Lots of makeup, very strong opinions, very cold, and very stand off-ish. The garage always has at least one classic car, one sports car, and one car lift. There's always a golf cart on the property. The kids' rooms are always a mess. One guy had like an 18 room mansion and his teenage son had a mattress on the floor with clothes piled up everywhere. I had to hook up some wiring in there and it smelled like his foot was in my face. If there's a dog or cat in the house, it's the most well groomed animal you've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:17:44 They always have a van surface to come out once a week or so for grooming. Any mess will be blamed on the cleaning lady. Either she hasn't come or she's missed something, even though I didn't notice a mess in the first place. They seem to have the best of everything that you don't normally see. One CEO had a custom German sound system installed in his game room, which featured a bar, snack bar, theater seating, cafe tables, and two fridges. The interface on his entertainment system was also custom made, and all the TVs in the
Starting point is 00:18:14 house use the same interface. I've seen a glimpse of very sexy lingerie, leather straps, and chains hanging in closets. Freaky stuff happens. I'll always get an invite to go on a boat ride, a plane ride, a golf trip, whatever they're into. These invites are not real. I think they do it to remind you that they have toys. That was our slash ask Reddit, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. because I put out new Reddit podcasts episodes every single day.

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