rSlash - r/Askreddit What's Your Best "Hate to Break it To You" Story?

Episode Date: October 8, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:03 Todays question 0:09 Incompetent raise 1:33 Incompetent part 2 2:45 Scammed 3:05 Similar story 4:09 Catfished 5:01 Dating service 5:40 Similar story 6:02 OF 6:22 PTO 7:34 Stinky 8:14 E...xplaining 8:34 Consultant 9:34 Taking advantage 12:52 Crossing the street 13:20 Lottery scam Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Take back your free time with PC Express Online Grocery Delivery and Pickup. Get in-store promos, PC optimum points, and more free time. And still get groceries. Shop now at Welcome to r slash ask Reddit where users answer the question, what's the worst I hate to break it to you moment that you've had with someone? Our first reply is from Gakua. I had a guy working for me that was extremely nice, easy to get along with, but wildly inept. Not even like low effort, but just not capable of learning seemingly basic tasks.
Starting point is 00:00:37 We tried everything. Coaching, giving him legitimate checklist instructions, having a team lead sit with him for a couple of weeks to walk him through basics, everything. Everyone said the same thing. He just couldn't do the job. Everything he did had to be double checked by somebody else, which meant that we might as well have somebody else do it. But everyone liked the guy. They thought that he was easy going and cool to be around, everything. But still, he just straight up couldn't do the job. So I had to find another place for him in the company that would better match his skills.
Starting point is 00:01:11 His option would be for him to either take the lower job with lower pay or he'd be fired with severance. I was not looking forward to the conversation. I called him in for a one on one meeting to break it to him. And the first thing he started with was hey boss Before we start I just want to tell you that I really feel like I've been doing a great job here And I would like to talk about a raise. Yeah that conversation was not a fun one All right for all my D&D players out there this guy maxed out his charisma
Starting point is 00:01:42 But used intelligence as his dump stat beneath thatath that, we have a similar story from Le Kevin's Revenge. I had a similar instance in my career where the person legitimately was working harder than anyone else to try to learn and contribute. Everyone saw her as the first to show up, the first to volunteer, attending conferences on weekends to improve skills, and basically working on improvement constantly. Since I was the one person reviewing her work and attempting to give her additional training constantly, it became a huge burden on me trying to get her to some level of competency, and yet failing to even get her to complete basic tasks without constant coaching.
Starting point is 00:02:21 I had to break it to her that we couldn't keep her on the team. She cried a lot about how she was working harder than everyone else and she didn't understand why this was happening. She got angry when I tried to give her some parting constructive criticism that she was asking for and stormed off screaming that the group couldn't function without her and that we were going to realize all she really did after she was gone. It was so hard thinking of how much easier it would be once she was gone. She really was a hard worker, she really was dedicated and she really gave it more effort than anyone else.
Starting point is 00:02:55 She just wasn't capable of doing the job. Our next reply is from Nothendoma. I had to tell my friend that the online girlfriend he'd been talking to for months was actually a scammer using stolen photos. He was planning to send her money to come visit, and breaking the news to him was one of the toughest conversations I've ever had. Beneath that, we have a similar story from Yord Satan. So my friend had a similar thing going on, claimed to have talked a bunch on the phone
Starting point is 00:03:25 and we didn't really believe him. Eventually, she asked for money for a ticket and we were all like, there it is and he finally believed us. He decided to test her to prove it once and for all and told her that he'd bought her a ticket for the flight, assuming she would make up an excuse to get out of it. He didn't really buy the ticket, he just assumed that he was calling out the catfisher. Well, to his surprise, the day of, he got a call from her at the airport panicking because they couldn't find the ticket.
Starting point is 00:03:56 He managed to play it off as a mistake and was able to get her on the flight. She really was a big titty goth girl from the photos. They dated for 5 years and she flew out to visit him every summer for like 5 years before they grew apart. Beneath that someone says so he had to buy a ticket on the spot? That's rough. And someone replies she was a big titty goth girl. Worth it. Then a similar story from Deputydo. Oof, I had this one with an old friend that I lived with at the time. He'd been getting obviously catfished for years. Thankfully, not monetarily, just a lonely girl looking for attention. He'd been getting catfished over the phone and internet, but just refused to believe
Starting point is 00:04:41 the signs. It was weird for many reasons, one being that this dude was attractive, fit, and fun to be around and shouldn't have had issues meeting women. Also, we were young, like 2021. He had plenty of time ahead of him. Once we broke him out of it, he did just fine. It took me pushing him to buy plane tickets to meet her though because it had gotten to the point where the only way he'd believe me she wasn't who she said she was is if he saw for himself. She thankfully came clean during the trip planning stage, so there was no loss on the tickets.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Our next reply is from Captain Jerkface. I used to work in a customer care call center for a major telecommunications company. A woman called in one day to inquire about two $99 charges on her bill from Lava Life. She kept pressing about the charges, what they were, and I had to explain to her that Lava Life is a dating service and these charges were legitimate. If she didn't make them, did someone else live in her house who might have? There was only her husband and I heard her go from, but he would never to, I have to go now as it set in. That was almost 20 years ago now and I still feel awful about it.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Beneath that we have a similar story from Alaya River. I work at a bank and recently one of my coworkers was helping a member trying to figure out what a charge was. It was for a salon, which neither her or her husband went to, coming from his card on a day when he was supposed to be on a business trip. Then this story from Jules Migo. I worked at a bank and one time my boyfriend walked over from our apartment and was having me look into charges that were made on his stolen credit card.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I saw multiple charges from OnlyFans from before the card was stolen. It was a subscription to his ex's OnlyFans. Our next reply is from Ward Ludlow. There was a rule at my job where only one of these two supervisors could be off at a time. One was a guy and one was a girl. The guy loved to take a full week off during holidays to get more bang for his pay time off buck. One year he had Thanksgiving
Starting point is 00:06:52 week off, but the woman supervisor had her family come to town that week on late notice. She asked him to cancel just one of his days off so that she could spend time with his family. He declined, even after she basically begged him. And he even said that he didn't have anything to do that day. She then proceeds to take paid time off days every Wednesday of a holiday week for the next calendar year, effectively blocking him from taking his cheap weeks off. He told me that he thought it was funny because he knew that she didn't have enough time to take all these vacation days off, and she'd eventually have to cancel some of them.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I got to tell him, I hate to break it to you, but she only took off two hours of each of those days. The dude looked devastated. It was kind of petty on both their parts, but I give her credit for being creative in her retribution and I don't blame her a bit for what she did. Our next reply is from Fingerslam Grandpa. My best friend in high school was overweight and would sweat profusely. He would come in after lunch in Texas and he would smell awful. I think he would wear his clothes without washing them
Starting point is 00:08:01 after sweating in them. We had English class after lunch and the AC sucked so the teacher put a fan in the window. This guy would sit in front of the fan and blow his funk over everyone. The class got together and voted that I should be the one to tell him. Well I had to break it to him that for the last year he smelled horribly. I felt pretty bad but he never stunk again. Our next reply is from Long Pork Merchant. I had an upper management type guy try to explain to me in a very condescending way how a specific device works and how to install it. All of it completely wrong.
Starting point is 00:08:40 I wrote the manual for it. I own the patent. It's named after me. Beneath that, we have a similar story from Technos. The company I was at called in a consultant, Peter, to help with a bit of data migration. We were in a meeting and Peter was laying out a pretty easy to follow timeline that sounds like it would take about a week. Longer than we thought, but still doable. Our boss didn't like that and started pestering Peter with what ifs. After Peter explained why that wouldn't work for the third or the fourth time,
Starting point is 00:09:13 Peter asked my boss if he knows who wrote the software in the first place. My boss said, Uh, Palsoft wrote the software, why? Peter said, And do you know why they were called Palsoft? No, enlighten me, smart guy! Because my initials are P-A-L. I started the company. The boss didn't have any more questions or suggestions. I came to find out later that the reason why we hired Peter as a
Starting point is 00:09:40 consultant is because he had a personal relationship with one of the C-suite executives. Our next reply is from I'm not racist but 15 years ago my friend's father sadly passed away shortly after we graduated college. It was devastating for him. He figured he'd at least get a nice money boost to help him get back on his feet, but unfortunately his father kept it a secret that he was in deep, deep debt, and he had no liquid cash to his name. My friend had no support and fell into a terrible depression. He was broke, he couch crashed with me and our friends for a while, and he quit his job. And he got comfortable with his new lifestyle. Two years later,
Starting point is 00:10:21 he's still spending a month here and there with various friends around the city, eating their food, occupying their couch, sipping off their booze cabinet, using the terrible tragic passing of his father as a reasoning for the way that he is. It's been two years! We understood the pain he felt was real, but it was really time for him to actually get back on his feet and take care of himself. We didn't know how to explain it to him, but we all felt like he was taking advantage of us and was using his father's death as an excuse to just not get a job. I found him a job, a nice one, one that he'd be good at, that he went to school for,
Starting point is 00:10:59 and didn't need prior work experience. I talked to a team lead and an HR rep, and I got him a contact line for them, basically assuring an interview and a job offer if he arrived on time and sober. Weeks later, my HR rep and this team lead were confused, thinking that I didn't relay the information to him. He never called. I gave this guy a layup of a job opportunity and he just ignored it outright. I called him out on it, but he told me to calm down and chill out, that I wasn't being
Starting point is 00:11:31 sensitive to his depression and I wasn't understanding of his needs. So my worst I hate to break it to you moment wasn't actually with this friend, it was with all my other friends afterwards. I had to tell them all to turn him down every time he asked to stay a week at their place. It sucked. My friend figured out that I was the horrible jerk who turned all of his friends against him and denied him free room and board. Hell, I was probably going to be the sole reason that he would blame for his inevitable descent into homelessness. I accepted the burden and called up my friends, explaining that I had a job lined up for him
Starting point is 00:12:10 and he refused, and we all had to stop giving him a free place to stay if he wouldn't take an easy job. He didn't end up homeless though. Without us offering him a couch to crash on anymore, he ended up moving in with his aunt. Apparently, she didn't take his excuses, didn't put up with his laziness, and did all the things that we should have been doing all along. No booze, no weed, no gaming after she went to bed. She only had one TV in the house and she only ever used it for food network. He got a job developing 3D assets for VR titles and started moving up and up creating VR experiences for architecture companies. The dude still hates me, probably, and I'll admit that I made mistakes to
Starting point is 00:12:51 justify it. But I'm really grateful that his aunt was there. I did what I needed to do. But it would have been 10 times worse if he ended up living on the streets, still blaming his father's sudden death for his two-decade-long predicament. Our next reply is from Recognition East. I was crossing the road at Great Portland Street when I heard a screeching of brakes. I turned around to see a dude flying through the air. It all happened in slow motion. I got to him quickly and checked him over.
Starting point is 00:13:20 He said, I'm going skiing tomorrow. And I said, no'm going skiing tomorrow. And I said, no you're not. Because I saw the bottom half of his leg was snapped cleanly in half. I had to call his wife and break the news. Our next reply from Nom Nom was taken. Back around 2007, I had an older colleague who was excitedly flitting around the office telling everyone about some lottery she'd won and that she was going to quit just as soon as the $100,000 hit her account.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Mary was only in her 50s, so she was still many years away from retirement. On top of that, she was an administrative assistant for a non-profit, so we're not talking about a lucrative career where she was squirreling away funds for a rainy day. And here she was, ready to resign a decade early over a sum that would have been only a few years of her salary after taxes. Did I mention there was talk of a fur coat? Normally, I would have kept my mouth shut. After all, her poor financial planning was none of my business. And frankly, I would not have missed her in the office. I was not a fan of her.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I just couldn't be silent when she got to my office though. It was obviously a scam. I said, I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but are you absolutely sure this is legit? Oh yeah, I already gave them my banking information and everything. They're depositing the money today You may want to call your bank just to be sure no, it's fine. Okay Congrats dear reader not even an hour later. I hear her screaming into her phone No, don't close my account. They're supposed to be depositing the money Depositing no depos, depositing! No,
Starting point is 00:15:06 they're not taking it out, they're putting it in! My office mate and I just looked at each other and grimaced. Mary didn't say anything to anyone about the fraud. Luckily, the bank called her as a security measure, which saved her from getting cleaned out. The scammers didn't actually get any money. That was r slash ask reddit and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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