rSlash - r/Askreddit Who Was Your Coworker From Hell?

Episode Date: April 14, 2021

r/Askreddit Have you ever had a coworker from hell? The Reddit users in these posts share their stories of the absolute worst of the worst coworkers. We've got one guy who likes to play with himself ( completion!) in the middle of a crowded office, toxic coworkers who haze female employees, and idiotic liars. Who is your coworker from hell? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're flying to meet with a new supplier to keep your business growing. And with the business platinum card from American Express, you can earn $820 in new value and more, which includes a $200 travel credit toward your flight. Now, boarding business class. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Welcome to our slash a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit. Today's our Reddit is our slash as credit where we answer the question. Reddit, who is your coworker from hell? Our first reply is from Little Booty snack. I quit smoking due to a coworker who would follow me to every single smoke break to talk about their problems when I just needed some me time. It's been three years and I still haven't bothered to pick the habit back up. Really, I'm just super introverted and they just started joining me one day and decided that I'm their best friend ever. This person was trying to get me to smoke
Starting point is 00:01:05 more often so they could talk to me more. This person was also very upset when I quit, so much that they started crying. Beneath that, big gun lots of funds as exactly what I was thinking. Imagine being so annoying that you forced someone to stop using one of the most addictive substances known to man, just so they wouldn't have to hang out with you. Our next reply is from Charlie. I had an assistant who plotted to get me fired and take my job. Some of my coworkers let me know because he tried to get them on board with them.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Eventually due to politics, I was demoted, but I was asked to be put on the ship that relieved him. After being relieved by a phone a couple of times, which was against the rules, I intentionally came in 4 hours early and he was nowhere on sight. He still called me at the time when he should have relieved me as if he was still on sight. I let the guards know when they videotaped him and I got him fired. And then beneath that, we have a similar story from Melinsame. I used to have the easiest gig ever, an on-call janitor
Starting point is 00:02:05 on a university campus. You had a few minor duties, but for the most part, you could just sit around shooting the breeze, doing homework, binging Netflix, or whatever. However, you did have to be on-site for the entire shift, and you definitely had to be there to lock up. Well one semester, the weekend shift was comprised of one student and his new wife. Our boss kept getting complaints that these two people weren't around to unlock doors, get toilet paper, etc. They always had some excuse, along with a personal hand to God guarantee that they were on campus the entire shift.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Everything came crashing down around them when they got into a car accident driving back from Vegas, which was 10 hours away during a shift. They told our boss that because of the accident, they wouldn't be able to make it to their shift the next day. Idiots. Obviously, they were fired. Our next reply is from, it's an eagle, not a raven. My coworker from hell was a lady in her 50s. We worked at a doctor's office. Nothing was ever her fault, and she couldn't take even the nicest constructive criticism and constantly complained about everything.
Starting point is 00:03:10 One of my nicest co-workers ever was often the recipient of her blame, and because she never took responsibility, it was regularly the same issues that she never learned or correct. They bickered a lot over this. One day, the nice coworker went to her card to grab her anxiety medication. And then the obnoxious coworker went to the office manager in HR saying that she thought the nice coworker was going to her card to get a weapon to her to her to her.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Like, what? She didn't even own a weapon. And then the nice coworker got fired. I was absolutely shocked. Any lingering respect I had for her was gone. I've had a lot of jobs and met some sucky people, but she was the most stressful nightmare coworker who could boo-hoo her way into getting pity parties on cue. Our next reply is from King of Hanks Hill.
Starting point is 00:03:57 My old boss could be really good sometimes, but here are some of the things leading up to her getting fired. She would berate people into buying vitamins from her. She would insist that we all attend her hot yoga class. She would get people to do it by putting them on the clock. She would pinch her arm if she didn't like what you were saying to a customer. I had to share a room with her at a conference. She slept naked.
Starting point is 00:04:21 She got so drunk she went to hang out with a random couple in their room and then came back impuged all over our room. She would climb ladders in front of customers while wearing tiny dresses. Beneath that, we have another story from Osito. I worked in a hotel restaurant as a server when I was very young. The kitchen was staffed entirely by guys. The pastry chefs were all female. One of the other servers had been studying to become a chef and went to the kitchen for work experience. She worked in the kitchen with all the guys because that was her passion. After being there for about a week, her forearms were covered in burns. I just thought she was clumsy until I saw the head chef leave a knife on the grill to heat it up and then press the blunt side of the knife to her skin to leave a line of a burn.
Starting point is 00:05:06 He then yelled at her for dropping whatever dish she was working on. I tried talking to her about it, but they had convinced her that it was hazing, and that she would never be one of the guys if she didn't go through with it. The guys did get haze when they started working in the kitchen. They got stuck with awful jobs, they got water thrown over them, pranks, etc. But it was nothing like this. They left her arms a complete mess of small burns and blisters. Eventually, she decided that she wanted to be a pastry chef after all.
Starting point is 00:05:35 The head chef was happy and said, There's no place for tuna in the sausage factory. It wasn't just toxic, it was scarily toxic. Years later, the head chef had the biggest mental breakdown I've ever heard of. He had to be taught how to read and write again afterwards. I couldn't bring myself to feel bad for him. Burning employees with hot knives? This sounds like something you'd hear like a serial killer doing.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Our next replies from RALO. I used to work part-time at a shipping warehouse, and at one point we ended up hiring a 16-year-old kid. He made a ton of mistakes that we ended up having to fix for him, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt at first just because he was new. But not only did he never learn from his screw-ups, but he was incredibly lazy and lacked any self-awareness. There were instances where he'd be given a task, but then he would just dick around on his phone, hide out in the bathroom for like 45 minutes and hope that we wouldn't notice, or just wind him a supervisor that he didn't want to
Starting point is 00:06:34 do whatever he was assigned. Because of that, he would often take half the day to do like 30 minutes of work, and then he would complain that he had too much work piled on top of him. It was ridiculous. He lasted maybe a month before my supervisor let him go. Our next reply is from Ryan Nerd. I once had a coworker who constantly lied. It drove us all crazy. This was around 2002 in an IT department.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Here were some of his claims. He was friends with George Lucas. He dated Christy Alley. Steven Spielberg was going to produce one of his screenplays, but someone was jealous and claimed that he plagiarized her work and Spielberg believed him. But she had connections so he couldn't do anything about it. He had a degree in law and he was a lawyer before he became a software developer and he won every case. The dude was maybe like 25 years old at the time and he sucked as a developer. So I flat out told him once that he should re-enter the legal
Starting point is 00:07:30 field, which he somehow took as a compliment. He played golf with Bill Gates on more than one occasion. There's a lot more, but those were the biggest lies. So many of us think one day we'll find a way to buy our first home. But what if there was a faster way to turn one day into one day soon? Introducing the Questrade Tax-Free First Home Savings account. Contribute up to $8,000 a year, tax deductible, and watch your investment grow tax-free. Now there really is a faster way to save for your first home, with the new Quest Trade First Home Savings account. Learn more at
Starting point is 00:08:09 Now streaming on Paramount Plus. Hey, baby, I hear the blues. It's calling, toss our lives and scramble eggs. Y'all know how this goes. And maybe I seem a bit confused. Yeah, maybe. But I got you picked. Ha-ha. But I don't know what to do with those tall salads and scrambled eggs.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Kelsey Grammer returns in Frazier. Life's calling again. New series now streaming on Paramount Plus. Our next reply is from Kandem. I worked shifts. I couldn't go home unless I pass over my reports to the next person face-to-face. This one particular B word loves coming in late. Not five minutes or ten minutes late. I'm talking 25 to 30 minutes late.
Starting point is 00:08:55 She loves complaining about how everyone is always on her case for coming in late. And she literally lives a five-minute walk away from work, so no one knows why she's always late. Our next reply from Cyber Hawk. He told the general manager that he might be a bit late for a shift due to a second job. When the GM reluctantly said okay, he apparently took this as thinking that he had free rain to come and go as he pleased. He'd show up anywhere from 730 to.30 for his 7 o'clock shift. Then, at the end of the shift, he said that he had to head out to have an early start the following morning, leaving everyone else to do the closing work.
Starting point is 00:09:33 He also had other issues like being rude to customers and other employees. People mostly kept quiet until one day, a higher level manager had to sub in on night shift. When the douchey coworker went to leave early and leave the rest of us with the work, the manager flipped out. He said, if you lay an effing finger on that money before this work is completely done, don't bother coming back. The douchey coworker insisted that he had permission and left anyway. When our general manager returned and he tried to come back, our manager said,
Starting point is 00:10:05 you warned me you were going to be late one time. And I never once gave you permission to otherwise start late or leave early. Clean out your locker now. Our next reply is from BroSafe. I briefly had a coworker at my current job at a local grocery store. We'll call him Fred. Fred is one of those people who's always talking on his phone in the break room, and that's my personal pet peeve at work. More often than not, he's arguing with his girlfriend, and he doesn't seem to care that anyone's listening. He'd do other annoying, gross things, like chewing with his mouth wide open, and wiping his boogers on things. But then there was one day when he tried to flush a hot
Starting point is 00:10:44 pocket down the toilet. Needless to say, that didn't play out so well, and that temporarily put an end to our closest employee restroom right by the break room. He surprisingly didn't get fired over that. But he did get fired when one of his old high school teachers came in shopping, and he threw a whole sack of potatoes at her. She was an elderly woman who got seriously injured and we had to get the ambulance and the cops involved. I never did find out what happened to his old teacher. But Fred, on the other hand, is currently in jail for not only assaulting his teacher, but he apparently also attacked his lawyer for reasons unknown.
Starting point is 00:11:20 That's Fred. Our next reply is from Sexy Ebola. He was an MMA fighter with serious PTSD, although it sounds like he was crazy and mean before he went to war. I have brownish skin and he would threaten to kill me multiple times a day at work. Once he put me in a sleeper hole, just to knock me down for fun and two other guys had to get him off me. The guy was laughing maniacally the whole time. Sometimes, he would hit me around the waistline when no one was looking so that no one could see the bruises. He threatened to kill me and my family members if I ever reported it.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Our supervisor was an ex-army ranger who I deeply respected, but he defended this guy through it all and I never understood that. Finally, the guy got fired after two years and ended up in jail for a while, but those were two terrible years. Our next reply is from Mochi Mant. She didn't officially work in my store's location. She was supposed to be at another location training to be the manager there, but her predecessor was still working there. And upper management didn't want too many people working there at once, so she had to work
Starting point is 00:12:24 at my store's location instead. As soon as she started working at MyStore, she had a problem with me. I don't know why, and I'll never understand why. I suspect my resting B-word phase had something to do with it. She essentially bullied me from the get-go, and when I told my manager about it, my manager claimed that nothing could be done since the rude lady wasn't officially under my manager. So one day, this lady started bumping into me and saying, You have a problem with me, let's take it outside.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I was half her size, I've never fought my life outside of sibling squabbles, and I have terrible social anxiety. So I went to the bathroom, called my significant other to come pick me up, grabbed my things, and walked out of my shift. I didn't say a word to anyone, and just left her there alone during lunch rush. Our next reply is from Prince Jupy. We worked in a store that sold specific and fairly expensive products, and there were four of us working there, including the owner.
Starting point is 00:13:19 The woman in question was basically a second in command. She seemed totally cool at the time, but then I got fired. And then, a month later, our other coworker got fired. So then it was just a two of them, and when the owner was busy, it was often just her. It wasn't long before the owner realized that she was stealing hundreds, if not thousands of dollars worth of products when he wasn't around, and that she'd manipulated him into firing his two other employees so that she could have the store to herself. Our next reply is from Get After It. On her first day of work, she lit her desk on fire. On her second day of work, she ate her lunch and broke out in hives.
Starting point is 00:13:57 On her third day of work, she arrived at work and sat in the passenger seat of her car until one of us went to check on her. She claimed she heard her back trying to pick up her purse and had one of her co-workers drive her home. She wouldn't let us use the same microwave as her because she claimed that she was allergic to garlic. The list went on and on until she was fired. Oh, Marion, I wonder where you are now because you were so entertaining. What I want to know is how on earth you end up setting your desk on fire? Our next reply from Nedred. We had a middle-aged lady who smelled like tuna.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I was a manager and I had to send her home one particularly hot day. I also had to put her chair outside after she left because it still smelled. It was such a shame because she was a really nice lady. She just effing STANK! Our next reply is from Penn Mark Tant. I had a 50-year-old colleague who would message women on sugar baby apps and rub one out over his trousers. I saw him blow his load in an open office.
Starting point is 00:15:02 He sat next to me. It kept on happening so I reported it. He denied it and blamed it on having a genital rash, but he admitted to messaging people on social media. I got in trouble for my accusations. Fast forward eight months, he's sitting opposite of me now. He starts rubbing one out in the open office again and I recorded him.
Starting point is 00:15:22 I showed my manager and he was finally fired. He was a grunt, too. So I know people always dread coming to work, but that guy looks forward to coming AT work. Our next reply from Nibblic. We had a system admin who would come to work and run his real estate business from his desk while he was supposed to be working. The whole time he was coughing and sneezing and sniffling constantly. We called him itchy. He would also call friends and family and have hours long conversations with him while we all had to listen. He picked up the nickname Thanksgiving dinner guy for using the full kitchen break room to cook entire meals that wouldn't be out of place at a family gathering. One of the offices in another wing had a sheet by the door for people to log when they saw
Starting point is 00:16:08 him and what he was cooking that day. He didn't like any of us, the feeling was mutual, and he left books like jerks at work on his desk. When he finally got fired, they found out he never did any of his system had been work. No backups, no password changes, no log monitoring. Based on the story I read before this one, this wasn't the only coworker who jerks at work. That was our slash ask Reddit, and if you like this content, check out my patreon where I publish extra episodes. Also, be sure to follow this podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.
Starting point is 00:16:37 episodes every single day.

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