rSlash - r/Bestof I Won a $4,000,000 Lottery

Episode Date: June 23, 2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This holiday season, let's swish Shalai to the cooking so you can enjoy spending time with those you love. Their iconic festive special includes the famous quarter chicken dinner. Now with cranberry sauce, stuffing, lindor chocolates, plus a scratch and wind card, where everyone's a winner. Grab your loved ones and hurry to swish Shalai today. Visit for contest details, well supplies last. Welcome to R-slash Best of Redditor Updates, where OP wins a $4 million lottery jackpot. Our next reddit post comes from R-slash confession. I won the lottery five years ago, and I haven't told anyone. I just got engaged. So after taxes, my winning came out to just shy of $4 million. Oh my god! I paid off all my debts, hired an accountant, fixed some things on my truck, and put most of it in savings. I kept my job, didn't move, and kept my effing mouth shut. My brother is a method. My sister is a spiteful whore, and my mom still blames everything on my dad who died 10 years ago, so I didn't
Starting point is 00:01:05 want them scrambling to pretend to care about me to get some cash. I've been dating a girl for about 3 years now, and I recently asked her to marry me. She said yes, I bought a modest ring, just over what people would expect given my known employment. This weekend, I'm gonna lay everything out for for her and I can truly know that she's in it for me and not the money. It's gonna be liberating to be able to buy what I want and take care of my friends. This was totally worth the wait. Then about two weeks later OP posted an update. So my plan was to break the news on a relaxing evening on an odd weekend when we were
Starting point is 00:01:42 both free. We went to an early dinner at one of our favorite Italian places, and then finally went to see Star Wars. After the movie, we grabbed some beer and wine for the evening and went home to relax. After the small talk about work and friends, I told her that I wanted to be open about everything with each other leading up to the marriage. She got kind of quiet, a little guarded, and said, Well, yeah, so do I. Posing with that look that people get when they want you to keep talking. I told her that we were never truly going to have to worry about money, that she could do whatever she wanted with her job or stay at home or change careers, anything. Because I had north
Starting point is 00:02:23 of three million dollars in the bank. Her response was this slow. What are you talking about? How? Kind of thing. I got up and pulled a financial statement that I'd printed out and stashed in the coffee table drawer, handed it to her, and told her that I'd wanted a couple of years before we met. She started crying, like sobbing uncontrollably crying, and looking terrified. I got really worried and started explaining that I kept it hidden because I didn't want my terrible family hunting me down,
Starting point is 00:02:56 and that I didn't want people around me to change or to lose my friends. Then she started apologizing, saying that she should have told me before I proposed. She has about $40,000 in student loan and credit card debt, and she thought that was going to break the engagement. She thought that I was so financially responsible that there was no way that I take on that debt because she never told me about it.
Starting point is 00:03:20 That was why she had been open to having a prenup in the vague conversations that we'd had about it before, and why she never brought up or talked about money. So after a long, long conversation about openness and trust, we hashed out some ideas on what we would agree on for the prenup in regards to premarital debt and assets and all that. I'm going to pay off her debts after we're married married so the tax issue is less of a concern. And all of my winnings will remain my winnings if we get a divorce. Interest in dividends will be marital assets. All told, I'm very pleased with how things played out, and we're in a great place.
Starting point is 00:03:56 We're working with attorneys in my account this week, and I'll be putting in my two weeks notice at work. She wants to keep her job, but sure requests some time off so that we can take a vacation and settle into actually enjoying some money. I talked to one of my friends about paying off his house, and he very firmly refused anything for himself. But he was very grateful for my offer to set up his daughter's college fund. I'm going to keep leaning on him though. I think he'll come around to accepting some repayments of the kindness that he showed me.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Maybe a vacation at the very least. I don't know. Wow, this is a super happy story. And I'm amazed OP. Most people, if they win 4 million bucks, they quit the next day. But the fact that you held on for who knows how long just to find true love. Honestly, it's really romantic. Also, you sound like you have a decent
Starting point is 00:04:45 head on your shoulders OP, so as long as you're careful with that money and don't waste it immediately, then you have enough money to last you the rest of your lives. Our next reddit post comes from R-slashamaythabutthole. Am I the butthole for hating my husband's mother's day gift when I haven't even received it yet, the day that I'm writing this is the day before Mother's Day. I've spent the whole day, or week, more accurately, in and out of tears. I started reminding my husband about Mother's Day a month ago. I told him exactly what I wanted. One of those viral book bouquets with a couple of books from my wish list.
Starting point is 00:05:21 I sent him screenshots of my wish list and then again two weeks later as a way to remind him. Quick side note, I had to look up what a viral book bouquet is, and it's kind of what it sounds like. It's basically just a bouquet of flowers, but it's got books in it also. The reason why I even reminded him so early is because he has a tendency to put things off until he forgets about them completely. And unfortunately, I think this is the case for a lot of heterosexual men. For my last birthday, we did absolutely nothing. He blamed it on the fact that we were flying out to head home the next day, but that wasn't for my birthday. That was for Christmas. And I didn't even want to fly
Starting point is 00:06:01 home. He did. The birthday before that, he wasn't even in town. He was on a dirt biking trip with his brothers. He didn't do anything with my reminders or my screenshots of my wish list. He didn't buy any of the books, he hasn't bought anything at all, period. And now it's the day before Mother's Day. To give him credit, he did talk to me a few nights ago about this spa that he found in our area that I could choose a couple of services from his gift to me. The services offered were a couple of facials, brow treatments, or waxing options, none of which I
Starting point is 00:06:37 need or even remotely hinted at wanting to get done. I politely told him, I'm sorry but I don't think I need any of this. And he just kind of shrugged his shoulders and is now back at square one. Since he never bought me any books, I bought some for myself. The package came today, and when he asked me what it was, I told him it was my mother's day gift to myself since he never got them for me. He went to our bedroom, pouted, and said nothing. I'm so angry and so hurt. I told him from the very beginning of our relationship that I refused to end up in a marriage like my parents, and that's exactly where we're headed. I wanted to avoid the cliché last minute purchased flowers and candies so badly, and I would still try to appreciate them if he even got them at this point. I was asking him if he had plans to go to the store
Starting point is 00:07:29 sometime today and he said that he didn't. He's currently sitting on the couch beside me watching YouTube videos on his phone. See, that goes back to what I was saying earlier, you guys. YouTubers are the problem. We are the root of all problems in today's society. Anyways, I told him exactly what to do, exactly what I wanted, and he ignored it. I don't understand why.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Why do I have to work so hard to get someone to show they care about me? To show they like me. I'm truly so confused, so heartbroken. All I know is, I'll be keeping the same energy for Father's Day. So am I the bad guy for hating my Mother's Day gift when I haven't even received it yet? Then the next day on Mother's Day, OP Posts and an update. For those of you who said that I'd feel stupid the next day, you were right. I do feel stupid. I feel stupid for ever thinking that my husband would try to give me the same treatment that
Starting point is 00:08:24 I give him on special holidays. I feel stupid for laying out that my husband would try to give me the same treatment that I give him on special holidays. I feel stupid for laying out a step-by-step process for him to take the pressure off of finding me a gift, and then have him completely disregard it. I feel stupid for begging someone to show me they appreciate my efforts to raise our child, manage a household, and devote a hundred percent of my time and energy into our family. The only thing different about today was that he put up our window blinds, something that I'd been asking him to do since we moved into our new house four months ago. I guess that counts for something.
Starting point is 00:08:56 There were a lot of commenters concerned about what I do for him on Father's Day and Birthdays. For Father's Day last year, I planted 2-day camping trip to his favorite cabin side, and rented jet skis and prepped him all of his favorite camp meals. For his birthdays, I make him a dessert and a dinner from scratch every year, unless he wants to go out and we do everything else he wants. I get him tools that he's been talking about wanting, I've gotten him new clothing items and shoes when he wants something replaced, I get him things that go along with the hobbies that he's taken interest in.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Bottom line, I put in too much effort to receive less than the bare minimum in return. I don't care if that makes me narcissistic or materialistic or selfish or self-absorbed as a lot of you have called me in my messages. I deserve a partner who effing cares. I deserve a partner who takes note cares. I deserve a partner who takes note of my interest and makes me feel listened to and respected. I deserve a partner who shows me through their actions how much I matter to them. Not with stupid bullshit about spa treatments that I don't want. My kid deserves a better role model than that. Better yet, my kid's future spouse deserves a better role model than that. I think it my kids' future spouse deserves a better role model than
Starting point is 00:10:05 that. I think it's funny how they were comments saying, just wait for tomorrow, maybe he'll surprise you as if I didn't know that this would be the outcome. As if I hadn't been reminding him for a month in advance to avoid this, as if the pattern of him dismissing my days to feel special wasn't a common pattern. And no, I didn't marry him and trap him with a baby because I thought he'd suddenly change. He did change, but only because he used to be so thoughtful and sweet before. While we were dating and engaged, he always did so much for me and made me feel so loved. I don't know why that's changed.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Maybe parenting has taken a larger toll in our relationship than I thought. I really don't know why that's changed. Maybe parenting has taken a larger toll in our relationship than I thought. I really don't know. As for me, I'm spending my mother's day having a very long conversation about what we should do next. I think we're seeing a divorce happen before our very eyes in this post. Yeah, a lot of divorces are caused
Starting point is 00:11:00 by extreme incidents like cheating, but even more divorces are caused when one of the two people just stops caring. They stop putting an effort, they stop showing love, they just don't try anymore. Also, since the post was originally an R-slashamai the Butthole post, I'll give a Butthole score. Opie, you are not the Butthole. Everyone, whether they're man, woman, child, whatever, deserves to get special treatment on the special holiday that's reserved for them.
Starting point is 00:11:28 So you get zero out of five bad guys. I'm giving your lazy, uncaring, apathetic husband two out of five bad guys. Because even though what he did wasn't like earth shatteringly terrible in the grand scheme, the problem is that this is death by a thousand cuts. Every single day, every holiday that goes by where the husband just doesn't care about his wife is one more cut leading towards the death of their marriage. Metro links and cross links are reminding everyone to be careful, as Eglinton Cross-Town
Starting point is 00:12:09 LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks, and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. Our next Reddit post comes from R-Slasher, my the bad guy, and this is actually a really old post. It was posted over a year ago, so I don't know if you guys will remember this.
Starting point is 00:12:40 But basically, OP's mom died during childbirth, and his dad just completely pieced out of the picture. He was allegedly so devastated by the death of his wife that he couldn't handle taking care of the baby who he thought killed his wife. So he just handed OP off to OP's aunt and OP's aunt raised him. Then 27 years later after minimal slash no contact with his dad, OP's new stepmother contacts OP and says that she wants to get in touch because she just married OP's dad and she wants to get to know her husband's son. She asks OP questions about his childhood and OP tells the truth that his dad's a loser that he completely abandoned him and he has no relationship with his father whatsoever. Well, then OP posted an update. Well, they're splitting up.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I heard it first from my grandma, then from his wife, or I guess his ex. She was legit crying on the phone when she called to tell me sorry for putting me in that position. Her and my dad had a longer conversation where he told her everything else that he did, so she made the decision that she can't stay with someone like him. She wanted me to know how disgusted she is. Also, to tell me thank you, which is something I really needed to hear. My dad is who he is, yeah, but regardless, two people breaking up their marriage because of something I said is a hard thing not to feel guilty about
Starting point is 00:14:07 This lady is heartbroken going through a divorce just a few months after getting married And she wanted to take the time to reassure someone else that they made the right choice Unexpectedly though, my dad wanted us to talk yesterday, too My girlfriend didn't want me to go. It was probably a bad risk to take, but I met with him. And yeah, I should listen to my girlfriend more when it comes to this type of stuff. For the first time in my life, I had a conversation with my dad about my mom. How much he loved her, and then being happy and excited about having a family. But then she died, and he told me, even if it's wrong, he has to blame me because simply if I hadn't been born, she'd still be here.
Starting point is 00:14:51 He's only sorry for not completely staying away from me and saying horrible things growing up. While he wasn't saying this to be malicious since he did seem sincere, it was still an out for me. In the end, we decided having a relationship with each other was never going to happen and said goodbye. He at least apologized for trying to put me in that position. The first and only good thing he ever told me was what happened with his wife wasn't
Starting point is 00:15:17 my fault. What? What? OP's words broke up their marriage and he says it's not your fault, but this guy's going to blame a newborn child for his wife dying. This guy's bonkers. Okay, anyways. Then I just went home and cried.
Starting point is 00:15:35 I had a date of process, a short therapy session, and support from both my aunt and girlfriend to get me through. The rest of my family is leaving me alone at least, so I'm glad that in the end it was resolved. It's not a total happy ending I know, but in the end, it's better this way. Man, I try not to cuss on this channel, but this husband is an absolute piece of shit. Just total garbage human being. First, he blames a child for murder, then he abandons the baby. Then, 27 years later, he still can't forgive the kid, and the only thing he has to say is, my only regret is not cutting you out of my life completely. Man, you think this guy's original first wife would have ever married him and tried to have a kid with him
Starting point is 00:16:20 if she could see into the future and understand what an absolutely disgusting toxic human being he is. He has the heart of just rotten meat. That was our SlashBestDevredator updates, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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