rSlash - r/Bestof My Assaulter Wants to Date Me

Episode Date: August 5, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:10 Huge debt 3:14 Miscommunication 8:23 No go 14:30 Wrong text Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash y amex. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash y amex.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Benefits vary by card, other conditions apply. Welcome to r slash best of redditor updates, where OP randomly gets a bill for a million dollars. Our next reddit post is from r slash student loans. Today, my mom received a letter in the mail and I seriously can't believe this is real. Is it possible for a loan that was under $10,000 to become almost a million dollars? And that they're really expecting my mom to pay this back ASAP? My mom has worked in public service for the last 25 years and has struggled financially as a single
Starting point is 00:01:02 parent for my entire life. She continuously gets denied for any type of assistance for her loans. And she even went through wage garnishment for 10 years where she was made to believe all these loans would be settled by the end of this. And now she's getting this letter in the mail as she faces retirement. Like, this has to be some kind of glitch, right? Anything we can do? OP includes a picture of the letter and sure enough, the total is $955,000.02. Then apparently Reddit tracks down the Reddit account who is the president of the Institute of Student Loan Advisors and this person, Betsy, replies, Jesus Christ! Thank you for paging me.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I can't wait to sink my teeth into this one. OP, please reach out to me via email. You can check my post history and Google me to verify that I'm legit. But I run a nonprofit that provides free student loan advice. It would be my absolute pleasure to help with this one. OP says, We appreciate you so much. My mom is going to reach out to you. And Betsy replies, Good. I can't wait to get started on this.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Then three months later, OP posted an update. Great news! My mom and Betsy were able to resolve the nearly million dollar loan issue. Turns out, it was legit and my mom did actually owe almost a million dollars. It's scary to think what would have happened if I didn't make a post about it. At the end of the day, you all saved my mom's life. She was literally on the verge of a health crisis because of the stress the situation caused her. Betsy was able to advocate for my mom, and the university ended up acknowledging that
Starting point is 00:02:41 this loan did actually qualify for forgiveness by a certain point. So instead of owing $955,000.02, my mom only has to pay $400.00. Then Betsy replies, thank you for updating everyone. It was truly my pleasure to help her. This whole situation is outrageous. And since Betsy did this for free and she runs her non-profit, I'll go ahead and throw a link in the description if you want to send Betsy a donation. Also, down in the comments, Betsy provides some insight about the bill. The bill turned out to be an error. We got that fixed pretty quickly. But then I had to fight the rest. I can't remember how much it was, but tens of thousands that she shouldn't have owed at all due to being eligible for something called Perkins Forgiveness.
Starting point is 00:03:27 That should have been applied decades ago, which is why OP didn't think she even owed the loan anymore. Wow, I guess because of some stupid computer error, this woman would have had her wages garnished for the rest of her life and would have just died in debt. Our next reddit post comes from r slash amithabutthole. Our next reddit post comes from r slash amithabutthole. Our next reddit post comes from r slash relationshipadvice. The title is, My best friend wants me to work with the man who forced himself on me on her wedding.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I have a best friend, Tina, who I've known for most of my life. We've had a strong friendship from middle school all the way until we graduated from the same college. We've always been there for each other and I tell her pretty much everything. Back in my junior year of high school, this guy named Rod forced himself on me at a house party. He never apologized for it and it put me in a deep downward spiral to the point where I almost wanted to drop out in order to never see his face again. I told Tina about it and she did everything she could to support me. Fast forward to early 2020.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Tina and her boyfriend, Josh, announced that they were getting engaged and Tina wanted me to be the maid of honor. I was beyond excited to do it. We've always talked about being each other's maids of honor. There was another detail though. Josh had a similar friendship history with his best man and they thought that it would be adorable if the maid of honor and the best man worked together on everything and were their own second package on the wedding day.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I guess this was their way of making us feel a little more excited for weddings of our own. I found out that the best man was going to be Rod and that he and Josh remained best friends after high school. out that the best man was going to be Rod and that he and Josh remained best friends after high school. I thought that Rod was just in Josh's friend group, but it turns out they were as close as could be. My heart sunk and I simply didn't know how to respond.
Starting point is 00:05:16 They expected us to work together during the whole wedding process and that sounded like literal hell. I started wondering whether Tina never told Josh or that Josh heard and just didn't care. All I know is that I was having second thoughts about the wedding after that. I texted Tina about my concerns with Rod coming in the most polite way possible, and she sent me this in reply. I know about what happened with you guys back in the day, but Rod seems to be a great guy
Starting point is 00:05:45 now. It would just really mean a lot if you can push that memory away for the duration of this. Please just trust me. I don't know how to respond to this. And luckily, the wedding planning process has been stalled since COVID. I haven't responded to her, but this has really been bugging me. Should I just say no?
Starting point is 00:06:04 It would probably break her heart, but I just don't know if I can handle working with my R-wordist. Also, in the comments OP explains two important details. One, she was under the influence, but she vividly remembers saying no. Also, she didn't report it because she saw how reporting it turned out for other girls who reported those crimes. Reading all your comments, it seems pretty clear that how Tina was treating me was extremely inconsiderate and I should find a new friend.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Although it was a huge slap in the face, I came to my senses and believed that I couldn't be around someone who would do that to me. Some of you said to expose them during the vows, but that's just not the kind of person I am and it might not turn out well. I decided to text Tina this. I've had time to think about it and I just can't be your maid of honor anymore. It's so hurtful that you're telling me to pack up my trauma for who knows how long until your wedding day. I just can't do it. I don't think that I'll come at all knowing that he's going to be there. I'm sorry. An hour later, I get a call from Josh.
Starting point is 00:07:07 He asked me what was going on between me and Tina and that Tina was extremely upset. A part of me snapped and I said, I don't know, what's going on with you making someone who forced himself on me your best man? I don't usually blurt things out like that. Josh was confused and I repeated myself. He was silent for a few seconds and then asked if he could come over. I was a little wary, but I said sure.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Josh comes to my apartment 40 minutes later without Tina. I've never hung out with Josh one on one before, it was always with Tina. Josh always had a really cute and sweet personality and I've always approved of him when it came to dating Tina. He was really only just a friendly acquaintance to me though. We sat down and spoke for over an hour. Tina had told Josh that the reason I wasn't coming to the wedding was that I didn't want to work with Rod because I had a crush on him and that I thought she was forcing
Starting point is 00:08:00 the relationship too much. So basically she said that we had a petty girl fight. My jaw hit the floor and I was fuming. She had obviously never told Josh what Rod did to me. I shared what Rod had done to me back in high school and that Tina knew about it. I asked if he knew too. He said that he didn't, but at one point Rod did mention that a few quote, crazy B-words falsely accused him of the R-word senior year. This obviously didn't include me, since I had only told Tina and a few family members. Josh believed Rod at the time, but I guess after hearing me say it, it's starting to
Starting point is 00:08:40 dawn on him that his friend was a liar. Here's something that I didn't expect. Josh shared with me that he was also R-worded when he was a kid by an older brother of a friend that he had. He said that if he was forced to work with that guy on a wedding, he would absolutely refuse. He apologized heavily on behalf of Tina, but I won't forgive her unless she says it herself. I could see by Josh's face
Starting point is 00:09:05 and body language that the realization really weighed down on him and I felt bad. In a way, we were both going through a betrayal. I asked if he was okay to go home and he said yes. He thanked me for telling him and left. I don't know if I'll stay in touch with him, but I was beyond furious with Tina at this point. Well, I kind of hope that the wedding got destroyed. Tina's a liar and a bad person. What I can't understand is why on earth would Tina not tell Josh about Rod? Because that would mean that for the rest of her life, she would have to hang around
Starting point is 00:09:38 an R-wordist. Oh, I bet I know why. It's because she just didn't want to make waves. She just didn't want to lose Josh. She assumed Josh would pick Rod over her so she just kept her mouth shut. Pretty awful behavior. Am I the butthole for refusing to help my wife and her friend anymore over what my wife calls a miscommunication?
Starting point is 00:09:57 My wife Emily has a long time friend, Leslie, who's recently become a single mother. Leslie does not have a working vehicle at the moment and is working two jobs, so Emily took it upon herself to help Leslie out as much as she can. Emily started asking me to help as well, driving Leslie and her kids around, taking them to school and appointments, taking Leslie to the grocery store, etc. whenever Emily or someone else couldn't. I agreed since it made my wife happy and I understand the kind of situation Leslie is in.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Helping has turned into Emily inviting Leslie and her kids over often or organizing trips that they would like such as camping or fishing. A few times, my wife was unable to attend these get togethers that SHE organized due to work and insisted they still take place, leaving me to entertain Leslie and her kids on my own. Since I've known Leslie my entire relationship with my wife, I didn't think too much about this. The times that it's been just me and her, I've made normal small talk with her and her kids.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Recently, Leslie's kids were going to be away for a weekend, so Emily wanted to have Leslie over for dinner and some movies. My wife asked me to text Leslie and ask her over and when I did, Leslie replied with, just as friends, right? I'm not interested in being anyone else's girlfriend. I thought that response was out of left field so I asked her why she'd even say that and her response was, no guy would be asking me and my kids how we're doing or helping me out unless he wanted something in return. I told Leslie that it wasn't anything like that and then showed my wife the conversation
Starting point is 00:11:30 and informed her that I'd be stepping back from helping her with anything involving Leslie and to leave me out of any future plans. I also offered to show my wife the rest of my phone and anything else she wanted to see. Emily believed me, but she still talked to Leslie about it to see what had given her that impression about me and she gave Emily the same answer she gave me. A few days later, Leslie apologized to Emily and told her that her emotions and mind were just all over the place because of a down day. That's fine, but I'm still not willing to help out Leslie or my wife with this anymore because I don't want any repeat accusations hurled at me when really I was just helping out
Starting point is 00:12:11 the way my wife asked. Emily thinks that I'm overreacting and I should just brush it off because it was a silly miscommunication that she had on a bad day. Am I the butthole? And for context, the original text that OP sent was, Emily wants to know if you'd like to come over for dinner and some movies on Saturday. The general consensus down in the comments is that OP is not the butthole because Leslie didn't apologize so she doesn't deserve free help anymore. Then three days later, OP posted an update. My wife and I had a long conversation after I made my original post.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I brought up points from both my perspective and possible points from Leslie's perspective that commentators made to explain the situation and why it made me uneasy enough to step back. I showed her the post and she eventually relented. Emily decided that she would speak with Leslie again to see if Emily leaving our outings ever made Leslie uncomfortable. We also discussed the matter of over-helping. In that regard, Emily wanted to keep helping Leslie because that level of help is normal for them, but she would stop asking me to help when she couldn't. Instead, she said that she would talk to Leslie about getting the kid's father to help out more now that her ex-fiance was gone.
Starting point is 00:13:19 My wife wound up agreeing that I should have received an apology, but since I'm just hands off now, I didn't see the point in pursuing it. I'm happy to say that I have not been volunteered to help or drive since our talk. My wife continued to help Leslie whenever she could for a couple of weeks until things took a negative turn. There were a couple of times that neither my wife nor Leslie's other friends were able to give her a ride or help her, and she asked Emily where I was and why I couldn't do it. Emily told Leslie that it was best if I didn't help to avoid any future misunderstandings.
Starting point is 00:13:52 After the fourth time of Leslie asking my wife to get me to drive Leslie around town when no one else could, Leslie told Emily that she must have been right that I have a crush on her because clearly I was avoiding her because I felt rejected. Apparently, Leslie argued to my wife that since I was nice to Emily before we got together, then me being nice to Leslie meant that I wanted to sleep with Leslie. Then Leslie told Emily that she would also end up being single. We've minimized contact with Leslie and my wife told her that it'll stay that way until she gets some therapy or help.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Then they can rebuild their friendship. This has been hard on Emily, so whenever I'm not working, I'm doing what I can to help her get through this. You know, the more I think about Leslie, the worse she becomes. Because she thinks that OP has a crush on her and that's why OP is doing nice things for her. And yet, she's constantly begging OP has a crush on her and that's why OP is doing nice things for her. And yet, she's constantly begging OP to drive her around town. So effectively, she's betraying her friendship and her own morals just because it's convenient
Starting point is 00:14:55 for her. What a scummy hypocrite. Our next reddit post comes from r slash today I effed up. Today I effed up by texting my date that I might end up marrying him seconds after we ended our date. This just happened to me, literally 10 minutes ago. I'm dying, I'm dead, end me now, oh holy ghost. I thought this only happened in poorly written romcoms, the kinds where life hardly imitates the real one. I want to bury myself and never come to see the light again. Why me?
Starting point is 00:15:28 10 Painfully long minutes ago, I, exalted by the wonderful date that I went on with this handsomely gorgeous man who also happened to be a friend of mine for the last three years, against my apartment door that I had just closed on his beautiful face, typed the words that will fiercely haunt me. BIIIIITCH I THINK I'M GONNA END UP MARRIING THIS GUY. That message was meant for my best friend, the only other soul I could muster to express my vulnerable feelings. I sent this deeply poetic text to him instead.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Do you think there's a void big enough in this planet to hold all my misery? All the embarrassment? Do you think I can make a pact enough in this planet to hold all my misery? All the embarrassment? Do you think I can make a pact with the devil to turn back time? I would just need 10 minutes. That'd be really nice. Can I please die now? Literal and metaphorical death is the only relief I might know. I'm currently in my library, sprawled across the floor intently staring at the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Man, I think I'll be here forever. Then OP posted an update. Once I realized the text blunder, I quickly texted him that it was not meant for him, with a crying emoji for good measure. Sweet sweet man that he is, he responded immediately to let me know that he doesn't read text not meant for him. I subsequently asked for permission to die. He said, please don't, with a Winky face. I subsequently asked for permission to die. He said, please don't with a kissy face.
Starting point is 00:16:47 This morning he texted me about some travel plans that we have down the line. Bless this handsome man. The gods are cruel, but not that cruel. This is where I should clarify that the original post was obviously a tad hyperbolic. I slept well last night and I also laughed. At myself, the blunder, just the ridiculous timing. What also got imprinted on me was the exact moment that I wrote and sent the text. The moment he leaned and kissed me goodnight, I looked at him as I closed my apartment door,
Starting point is 00:17:17 locking it and at once turning around and heavily sighing and smiling, keys still in hand. Then four years later OP posted an update. Three years after I mistakenly pressed send, texting this gorgeous specimen of a guy that I would marry him in seconds after ending our first date, keys still in hand as I struggled to both text and lock the door, and subsequently sprawled across my library wishing for the floor to engulf me, I did end up marrying the man. Damn, what in the world? I thought I'd let you guys know since you did help me with your funny comments and shared
Starting point is 00:17:52 shameful moments to eventually get myself up that fateful evening, dust myself off, and not commit cringe seppuku. It's been three years of pure joy, and he's still dreamy and kind, you guys. And it was, kids, that's how I met your father after all. Well, it's nice to have a happy ending every once in a while. So why don't we make this the happy ending for today's episode? That was our slash best of Redditor updates, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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