rSlash - r/Bestof My Dad Thinks He's Dating Jennifer Aniston

Episode Date: October 14, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:25 Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Welcome to r slash best of redditor updates where a 70 year old guy genuinely believes that he's dating Jennifer Aniston. My dad thinks that he's dating Jennifer Aniston. And for those who don't know, she's one of the actresses from Friends. I'm a 36 year old guy, and my 71 year old dad just got divorced from my now ex-stepmother. I believe the divorce was in part due to this hoax of a relationship. My dad met Jennifer
Starting point is 00:00:58 Aniston through Facebook. The real celebrity Jennifer Aniston doesn't have a personal Facebook account, according to my research. Jennifer Aniston quickly got my dad to download a secure app that I think is Telegram. But my dad was told not to tell anyone because of the potential scandal that could occur in the news. He's been talking to the scammer for over a year now and states that she sent video and pictures proving it's her. They have supposedly video-chatted
Starting point is 00:01:26 too. Now, my dad is NOT a good looking man. He's spent the last 50 years smoking a pack of cigarettes a day and drinking at least a 2 liter of soda every day. He has bad knees and bad hips and is a true conservative boomer. I KNOW that he's delusional. My siblings, my wife and I have all told him that it's a scam. For F's sake, I work in the scam and security department for a major IT provider. And I know full well that the end goal is to get my dad to send money to Jennifer Aniston. I assume that they're using deep fake AI to video chat with my dad. I've told my dad to ask the scammer to write his name and date on their hand and take a picture,
Starting point is 00:02:11 thinking this would prove the scam if they reject. But my dad refuses to insult his lovely Jennifer Aniston. Can anyone speak about how to get my dad to see what this really is? Is he too delusional to recognize the red flags? I thought of contacting the real Jennifer Aniston, but that's not likely. The cherry on top of this is that my dad has no money. He's selling my childhood home and will have a chunk of money soon. But he absolutely cannot get scammed out of what may be his last chance of financial security. What a maddening scenario.
Starting point is 00:02:47 He was my superhero. Old age, two strokes, and two heart attacks really messed him up. Remember in high school when you read that story about how the explorers came over from Europe to Central America and they brought malaria blankets and distributed those blankets among the natives because the natives had no natural defense against malaria so they all just died by the thousands, by the millions. I think that's kind of like what AI is for old people. Old people just have no natural defenses against AI so they see Jennifer Aniston smiling at them and they're like,
Starting point is 00:03:22 wow, aren't I lucky, ugh yuck? Feel sorry for the guy. Our next reddit post comes from r slash am i the butthole. Am I the butthole for my response to my boyfriend's ultimatum over audiobooks? My boyfriend and I have been together for around three years and we've had a pretty easygoing relationship. No big fights or anything until now, which is why I'm questioning myself so much. So I listen to audiobooks.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Not erotic ones, though I do partake in audio-only adult content sometimes. Because as this becomes important later, I have a thing for nice voices. Ah, we have an r slash listener I see. But for some reason, someone just reading smut off of a page feels weird for me to listen to. No judgement to anyone else, of course. It's just not my thing. My boyfriend has recently gotten a bug up his butt about me listening to them, especially when he's home, even though I always use headphones. And I do my best not to disturb him. Also, before anyone says it, my audible account comes directly out of my own bank account.
Starting point is 00:04:26 He has no reason to think it'll affect his finances. Anyways, he only ever gives little snide remarks until the latest time, so I let it go. Most recently, I'd been making us dinner and cleaning up behind myself as I did it. And because he was playing video games and I get bored doing these kinds of things without something else to think about, I turned on my favorite audiobook and I picked up where I'd been
Starting point is 00:04:48 listening the week before. I didn't realize my boyfriend was in the kitchen until he jerked the cord on my headphones and asked if I was doing it again. I asked what he was talking about and he just sighed and said that he needed to talk to me. We sat down and I'll admit, I was pretty pissed that he had jerked on my headphones and not super willing to listen to anything right then, which is another reason that I might be the butthole.
Starting point is 00:05:14 He said that it really bothered him when I listened to audiobooks from a man's perspective because he knows about my voice thing and that it makes him uncomfortable. I asked why and he said that he couldn't get it out of his head that I was thinking sexual things about the characters. And that, along with the romantic elements in the story, made him really upset and he felt almost like I wasn't fully committed to him. I asked if he realized that I was listening to a book for teenagers written by a literal Mormon and that none
Starting point is 00:05:45 of the books I listened to have smut. He said that it didn't matter and started getting angry again, which made me angrier. And he dropped the ultimatum that he wanted me to stop or else we would need to break up. I was so pissed at this point that I just shrugged and said, gladly, the minute you stop watching adult videos I'll never touch any of these books again. Which had him pissed because he claimed that he never said anything about adult videos,
Starting point is 00:06:13 only about the romantic and sexual parts of the books that I listen to. I said that if he's allowed to make ultimatums about my hobbies then why can't I do the same thing? Then I asked him if he would rather give up video games since that's a closer hobby to what audiobooks mean to me. He ended up saying just effing forget it and went to bed but he's been pissed at me since. I talked to my friends about the situation and got mixed answers so I wanted to try with strangers as well. Yo, what? This dude's watching literal adult videos and you're not allowed to read a book where
Starting point is 00:06:49 characters hold hands and kiss on the lips? Oh, how scandalous! This is hypocrisy of the highest order. Then, two months later, OP posted an update. I didn't think that I would update because the original update would have been mostly us talking and working things out, agreeing that whenever he felt insecure, he could tell me and I could focus my attention on him for a while. That worked really great.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Well, haha man of course. Well, until I found out that he had been screwing his coworker, that is. I don't have the details, I don't want the details, but he admitted to it, so he did it. That's enough. He wanted to work it out and apologized and begged for a second chance. But honestly? The idea that he said a word to me about an audiobook about Edward freaking Cullen while he was getting strange on the side? That killed any opportunity for forgiveness that I had inside of me. It's so ridiculous that I laugh thinking about it now. And it's been almost a month since we broke up. Like it makes me feel insane that it's so funny. He was yelling at me for listening to a book
Starting point is 00:07:58 about Mormon vampires while he was cheating on me. I cannot make this stuff up. 100 points to whoever said that it was projection the first time I posted. I can't remember if it was a comment or a message, but you were right. I wish I could give you a cookie. Thanks for the help anyways. Even if the relationship is a bust now, I really do appreciate you all. Down in the comments we had this short story from Kissner. Reminds me of a girl that I dated who got mad at me for watching an old Marilyn Monroe movie. She was jealous of a movie star.
Starting point is 00:08:31 A dead movie star. Completely unsurprisingly, that girl cheated on me. Our next reddit post comes from r slash amithabutthole. Am I the butthole for leaving a drunk girl alone at a bar? This story involves me, a 32 year old guy, Matt, a 30 year old guy, Matt's girlfriend Lisa who's 28, and her friend Jane who's in her 20s. Two days back, it was Matt's birthday. He invited me and a few of our friends to a small birthday dinner at this restaurant, which is also kind of a bar. The plan was to eat, drink, and chill.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Matt's girlfriend, Lisa, also invited a few of her own friends. It was a group of around 15 people. I mostly hung out with my own friends and Matt, and Lisa mostly hung out with her friends as well. One of Lisa's friends, Jane, kept trying to talk to me throughout the evening. It was kinda awkward for me as I'm an introvert and the conversations with her felt like they were going nowhere. At around midnight, I decided to head back home. Jane came up to me and told me that she also wanted to go back home.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I was like, okay, cool. Then she asked me if I would drop her off at her house. I asked her where she lived and she told me some address that wasn't even on my way so I told her to ask someone else to drop her off. She asked me if I was sure that I couldn't and I was like, yep, absolutely. Jane was visibly drunk but I figured that she had a group of friends that would give her a ride. Also, I was super tired and just wanted to go back and sleep. The next morning, I woke up to some very angry messages from Lisa. She was furious at me for leaving Jane alone at the party.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Apparently, they all assumed that since I was hanging out with Jane, I would have had the decency to drop her off back home. I told Lisa that I talked to Jane for a total of like 15 minutes in the entire 3-4 hours there, and I don't understand why everyone wants me to be her personal chauffeur. All of her friends obviously think that I'm a huge butt hole. Matt has decided to stay neutral on this. Then two months later OP posted an update. Lisa entirely stopped talking to me after the incident.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Not that we were close before, but she would sometimes forward reels on Instagram. Matt was also being distant, but whatever. I got busy with work and forgot about it. A week after the incident, Matt texted me saying that he needed a favor. He said he wanted me to apologize to Jane. I was like, F no, I'm not apologizing to her. Matt said that he knows that it's not my fault at all and he's tried explaining this to Lisa but she's adamant that I was a butthole to Jane and that I made Lisa look bad in front of her.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Apparently Lisa gave Matt an ultimatum saying that if I don't apologize to her and Jane, Matt needs to cut me off. This honestly was some high school BS that Lisa was partaking in and very toxic and I told Matt the same thing. But he was really desperate and pathetically sad, so I agreed to text Jane an apology. I texted her something like, hey, sorry I didn't drop you off at your place like you asked. I was really tired and wasn't thinking. My bad. She replied, it's alright, don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:11:46 But this apparently made Jane think that I'm interested in her or something and I felt like an absolute idiot for agreeing to apologize. She started texting me a lot. In the beginning, I gave monosyllabic replies but then her texting increased. A LOT. And I straight up hit her with, please stop texting me, I'm not interested. This hurt Jane, and she snitched about this to Lisa. Again, more high school BS. And Lisa started threatening Matt to go no contact with me. Those two fought about this non-issue for like a week, and this made Matt realize that Lisa is really toxic and they broke up. Jane hasn't tried to contact me either.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Life is peace- Life is peaceful for the time being. Okay, hold on. What exactly was Jane's plan here? To blackmail her boyfriend so that he could blackmail you into dating a girl that you're not interested in? What? Also, in the original post, I did kind of have a gut feeling that Jane was interested
Starting point is 00:12:51 in OP and her request of, could you please drop me off at my place was actually more of a, hey, could you drop me off at my place? More specifically, my bedroom. OP, I am so glad that you and your friend are out of that situation because Lisa and Jane behave like 13 year old middle schoolers. Our next reddit post is from r slash relationship advice. My relationship with my girlfriend's mother has recently turned sour after she took my Transformers toys from my flat to give to her grandson.
Starting point is 00:13:23 She's refused to give them back, saying that someone in their 20s shouldn't have toys in their apartment. The issue is that they're collectibles in addition to toys. Since the majority of them date to the 1980s, their combined value is estimated to be roughly $10,000 to $11,000. I informed her of their value, but she brushed it aside by stating, Well, they're just toys. I even told her that I'll go to the store to just buy some toys for her grandson but she doesn't want that and refused by saying they don't make them like they used to.
Starting point is 00:13:57 My girlfriend and I have spoken about this but she doesn't want to become involved and prefers that I handle it on my own. I told her that I've exhausted all options and that the next logical step is probably to report the items as stolen. Stealing something worth $10,000 isn't a misdemeanor either. This is felony level theft. Additionally, the mother took them by entering my flat using my girlfriend's key. My girlfriend said that she would speak to her mother and ask her not to do anything similar ever again. But that I should let this one
Starting point is 00:14:31 go and not escalate the matter because if I reported it, we would be done. She promised that she would only talk and involve herself if I promised not to do anything about it and I should value our two and a half year relationship more than some plastic toys. Ironic, OP. You could say the exact same thing to her. Oh, OP literally does say it. I don't understand why SHE isn't valuing our relationship and getting my stuff back
Starting point is 00:14:57 from her family. Right, OP? That's what I'm wondering. I just want my things returned. I genuinely find it hard to believe that she's siding with her mother. We've already been in a few arguments about this over the past few days and I don't think things will get better. A part of me believes that her mother will likely sell them for a profit or something
Starting point is 00:15:17 and then just purchase cheaper ones for her grandson to give him on his sixth birthday. I don't want to involve the police and ruin my relationship with my girlfriend or her mother. Up until now, her mother has been nothing but nice to me. Is there a more effective approach to take? You know, I totally understand OP not wanting to rock the boat here and bomb the relationship, but the thing is, this is actually a huge red flag. The fact that she would allow anyone, including her own mother, to steal from you is crazy. Why would anyone want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't respect them like that?
Starting point is 00:15:51 OP, I say report the mom and potentially even the girlfriend since if she used her key, I think that counts as aiding and abetting, right? Then two weeks later, OP posted an update. I broke up with my girlfriend because she continued to take her mom's side and threatened to break up with me. A police report has also been filed. I wrote down the estimated value to be $13,000 when the police asked me for it. So fingers crossed.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Then two years later, OP posted an update. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to recover any of them, but we settled for $7,000. This amount is definitely less than what I believe was fair, but at this point, I'm ready to move on. The past two years have been incredibly tough, and I just want to put this behind me. Thank you all for your support. It meant a lot to me when I needed it the most. That sucks.
Starting point is 00:16:44 I bet you money that the mom just sold the toys. So yeah, OP got 7k for it, but she got the remaining 6k that she gets to pocket. That was our slash best of redditor updates, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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