rSlash - r/Bestof My Friend Wants to KIDNAP My Baby

Episode Date: July 28, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:09 Friend goes nuts 11:47 Comment on similar case 12:22 Another comment 13:03 Dropping out Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:20 on the same points vet app. The platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do. Bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino Welcome to R-Slasch Best of Redditor Updates, where O.P.'s friend wants to kidnap her baby. Our next Reddit post is from R-Slasch off my chest.
Starting point is 00:00:39 The title is, my best friend thought that shoving her breasts down my daughter's throat to calm her down was completely okay. So basically what the title says, I have a 10 month old daughter, I'm a 30 year old woman, and I've always been super close with my best friend who's 31. She helped me a lot during my pregnancy and after childbirth, so it always came naturally to me to ask her for help until she eventually became something like a nanny for my daughter when needed. She's always been very eager and happy to help since she had no kids of her own. She had a miscarriage in the past and
Starting point is 00:01:14 stopped trying afterwards. So we were at a mutual friends wedding yesterday. I was holding my daughter for quite some time since she hates strollers. My best friend came to me and offered to take her for a while so I could take a break and go chat with some friends. I agreed and wholeheartedly thanked her. After 20 minutes or so, I came back to where we were and she wasn't there, so I started looking for her in the garden and she was literally nowhere to be found. Finally, after another 10 minutes, I managed to find her and I see her talking to some people
Starting point is 00:01:43 while holding my baby with her boob shoved down my daughter's throat. I literally tried my best to keep my composure and not to scream so I went to her and said that we had to talk. After reaching a quiet place I yelled, what the f is wrong with you and why are you nursing my daughter? She looked at me in disbelief and replied that she understood that it was the best way to call my daughter and that there's nothing wrong about it, adding that it could very well be her daughter? What the F? I was shocked, but we couldn't keep up this conversation because we had to get back inside for the wedding cake.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I told her that we would have to continue this discussion later on. We never did, but now we agreed to meet today in a couple of hours. Honestly, I'm so effing mad. How could you say that there was nothing wrong with it? I feel like she violated my daughter and she gave literally zero epsi about it. I'm trying to arrange my thoughts before talking to her. I hope I don't end up hitting her. I'm nearly bursting out.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Then five hours later, O.P. posted an update. So we met up and talked. She explained that my daughter was restless while she was talking to a couple of women. And they said that maybe she was hungry and it was fine for them to keep talking while she was breastfeeding. So she just did it. I got straight to the point, what she did was completely effed up, no excuses. She told me that she didn't agree and that she did nothing wrong. She said that she tried everything in the past and nothing worked except for her breasts which were the only thing that calmed her down. So she just did what she'd always done?
Starting point is 00:03:19 I literally couldn't believe it. I asked her what was wrong with her for doing such a thing behind my back and why the F among all the things that she thought that she could try was dry nurse my daughter. She replied back saying that she was just doing what she thought was best for the baby and doing what my daughter wanted, adding that she didn't think she needed to inform me of such a thing since she's quite a second mother to her. I was losing it but she continued. She added that she wasn't actually dry nursing her, since a while ago after using pumps and dry nursing her so much, she had actually started to lactate a little.
Starting point is 00:03:55 She said that her supply was still low, but that in a while I could leave breastfeeding to her and stop worrying about it. I was livid, but she didn't even realize she was completely clueless like absorbed in her own world, like not even realizing that what she did was wrong. So I stood up from the table and told her that she was completely insane and that she was creeping me out. I told her that she wasn't allowed near my daughter anymore and to never contact me again or I would report her to the cops. She started crying, saying that I couldn't cut her off
Starting point is 00:04:28 from our daughter's life. Yo, what am I reading? So I lost it and shouted that it's not her goddamn baby, but it's me who popped her out. It was me who was pregnant for nine months and she's my daughter, not hers, and I just left. I'm just completely shocked. I don't even think shocked can completely describe what I'm feeling now.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I received a couple of texts from her begging to reconsider and asking to see my daughter. I told her to stop contacting me and block her. If I receive another message or call or anything like that, I'll report everything to the police. I'm just disgusted. She was my best friend. Why did she do something like this? I'm completely speechless. Then the next day, OP posted an update.
Starting point is 00:05:15 After my friend tried all yesterday to contact me on social media, this morning she just showed up at my front door. I told her she needed to leave because I didn't wanna call the cops on her. She started crying, babbling, why was I treating her this way and why I was keeping her from my daughter since she did nothing wrong? I told her that everything she did was wrong
Starting point is 00:05:35 because she did all of this behind my back. I said that she can't be the baby's mother and she can't take over as the only one breastfeeding and it was delusional even thinking something like this. My friend responded by saying that my daughter needs her breast milk and that her milk will be surely by far better than mine for the baby. Yo what?
Starting point is 00:05:57 If that wasn't enough, she said that she was worried because my breast are too small to feed her properly and to please stop being selfish and start thinking what's really better for my daughter. Concluding by saying that she was fine with me breastfeeding my baby until she reaches sufficient supply, but then I should leave the responsibility to her if I wanted my daughter to grow up healthy. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I wasn't even mad.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I couldn't believe that it was my best friend saying such bullshit. My friend was talking really loud and I guess my daughter heard that because my daughter started crying. My friend took that as a sign that my daughter was calling for her. What the f?
Starting point is 00:06:39 She only left after I started calling the cops, saying that I shouldn't treat her like this and that she was only doing what was best for my daughter. I'm done. I can't take this anymore. I contacted a mutual friend and told her everything, emphasizing that she needs help. My mutual friend agreed to talk to her to see what's going on. In the meanwhile, I'll go to the cops and try to file for a restraining order and I'll
Starting point is 00:07:03 talk to a pediatrician as soon as possible. I can't live peacefully like this and I'm starting to get worried for my daughter. Girl, same. Same, I'm actually worried for OP safety here. The vibes this lady is sending off is I'm gonna murder my friend so I can replace her as the mother and kidnap the baby and run off into the sun set where I can pretend to be this baby's mom for the rest of our lives. Then the next day, OP posted an update. So I came back home this morning after spending the night at a nearby hotel. I didn't feel safe staying alone in my house since my friend has a copy of the keys. Even though I have a surveillance system, I didn't want to take the risk.
Starting point is 00:07:42 The first thing I did when I came back was call the emergency locksmith, explain the situation, and they arrived and changed my locks swiftly. I felt so much safer knowing that she can't get in anymore. Then I met up with a mutual friend and she updated me on the talk that she had with her. Okay so for the rest of this story, OP is using a lot of she's, but there's multiple she's in this story so I'm gonna name these characters to keep track. We'll say that the delusional breastfeeding woman is Karen, and the mutual friend is Amy. Amy told me that she visited Karen at Karen's home this morning, because she wanted to
Starting point is 00:08:16 talk to Karen face to face, because she thought that maybe I was a little bit overreacting. Well, Amy went to Karen's house, Karen greeted her for a bit and chatted before inviting Amy in. When they sat down, Karen asked Amy if they could talk while she breast pumped because she had to get her supply running. Amy played dumb, saying that it wasn't a problem, but she asked why she needed a pump if she doesn't have kids. Karen replied back saying that she does indeed have a daughter, and she was surprised that I didn't tell Amy about it. Karen then pointed out that it was my daughter, and that even if she didn't give birth to her, she still considered her her baby too, and that she needed her mama's milk to grow
Starting point is 00:09:01 a healthy. She kept on going, saying that she had no choice but pumping because I was being sassy and inconsiderate and I wasn't letting her breastfeed our baby. But that she couldn't be inconsiderate like I was, and she had to get her supply to a sufficient level, but that she was sure that I would change my mind in no time since I'm not stupid, and I know that her breasts are better for our daughter. Yo, this story's going off the rails, you guys. Amy told me that she couldn't believe what she was hearing and that she couldn't believe
Starting point is 00:09:33 that all of this was true. But what shocked Amy the most was the fact that she was indeed lactating. She wasn't producing much, but she was indeed pumping breast milk. Amy tried to talk to her, but it was no use. Karen just wasn't listening. And after trying for a while, Karen just said there was nothing wrong in what she was doing, and that she was just being a good mother. And after that, Karen asked Amy to leave because she had to relax while pumping.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Honestly, I wasn't surprised after hearing all that, but still, it was very, very depressing. Amy was completely shocked, and she couldn't understand what happened, since apart from that, she seemed completely normal. I then asked Amy to accompany me to the police, but unfortunately, this evidence wasn't enough to get a restraining order.
Starting point is 00:10:23 So the only thing I could do was file a formal complaint about what happened, and I did that. They told me they'd keep an eye on the situation, and they would check my neighborhood more frequently to make sure nothing happens. And that's it for now. Amy will stay at my house for a couple of days to help me recover from what happened. Also, to wait for my parents to arrive. Unfortunately, neither I nor Amy know how to contact Karen's parents, but Amy did find a way to contact Karen's ex-husband, and
Starting point is 00:10:51 I'll contact him tomorrow to ask for help. It's been a while, so I hope he's willing to help. I also booked an appointment with a pediatrician, and I'll get my daughter checked next week. I'll stop making updates for a while. I need to get my act together, plan what to do next, and take care of my daughter. Fortunately, my parents are coming to help me, and I'm really, really relieved. I don't think I can keep basing the situation alone. Okay, that's the entire post, and normally Reddit has a reputation of going to the most extreme suggestions, saying, the only option is divorce. You need to contact a lawyer, go scorched earth.
Starting point is 00:11:30 But in this post, honestly, I kind of think that your best option is to just go off the grid. To literally move, do not tell anyone where you're going except your parents, and just cut all contacts with all people. Because I would not be surprised at all if this lady breaks into O.P.'s home, steals the baby, and just cut all contacts with all people. Because I would not be surprised at all if this lady breaks into OP's home, steals the baby and just vanishes. A small part of me almost wants to be sympathetic to Karen here because I don't think this is Malice or Evil.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I think she's just delusional. Like she's having some kind of psychotic break or psychosis or I don't know the right term for it, but this woman does not understand what actual reality is and that makes her extremely dangerous. Alright, down in the comments, it looks like I'm not the only one who had this response. Lollipop shares this story. All I can think about is this case in Texas where a mom of two kids, I think, who had a newborn, was visited by her best friend who brought her coffee.
Starting point is 00:12:25 They got into the friend's car, and that was the last time the mom was seen. The best friend killed her, stuffed her in the trunk, and took the baby. The friend had been faking a pregnancy, possibly miscarried early on, and faked it the rest of the way. The friend's boyfriend believed that the kidnap baby was her baby. So if I were you, I would be terrified of this Karen. Oh God! Then we had this story from Lucky Worth. Or the case where a lady was invited by a neighbor to have coffee. Then the neighbor and her boyfriend killed her and cut her baby out of her belly. Then they stuffed her corpse
Starting point is 00:13:03 in a closet and incompetent police didn't think of checking into it. The baby was also stuffed alive into a chest while the police were looking around. Fortunately, after a couple of weeks, they were arrested and the baby was rescued. Yeah, sorry, I kind of got off an attention there. I'm just saying crazy people do crazy things, and this woman is crazy. So, O.P, please do not expose yourself or your baby to that level of craziness. You're flying to meet with a new supplier to keep your business growing. And with the business platinum card from American Express, you can earn $820 in new value and more, which includes a $200 travel credit
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Starting point is 00:14:30 See out for details. Our next reddit post comes from our slash wedding shaming. Will I be the butthole for dropping out of a wedding when it's two weeks away? I'm a 29 year old male, and I have a long term girlfriend of three years. Hannah. My friend Kyle is getting married later this year. I agreed to be a groomsman, so it's me, him, and three other dudes. I was disappointed when I found out that I wouldn't have a plus one for their wedding, but at the same time, I thought the same went for the other guys. I come to find out last weekend that the three other groomsmen do have
Starting point is 00:15:00 plus ones. Two of them have been in relationships for less time combined than I have. The other guy is single and was complaining about not finding a date to bring on Tinder, which is how I found out. I ask Kyle what was going on. Why do they have plus ones, but I can't bring Hannah. I found out that the reason is because I'm walking down the aisle with the bride's sister, Lisa. Lisa is developmentally disabled. She's in her 20s, but mentally she's only about 10 years old. Kyle says that it's because they don't want to piss off Lisa. Her parents figure that she'll never marry or have a boyfriend, so they want me to come solo to give Lisa the impression that I'm single.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Basically, they want me to be a pretend boyfriend for Lisa. If I come with Hannah, that'll make Lisa jealous. I'm really not comfortable with this. Lisa's a nice girl, but I don't like that I'm tricking her into thinking that I'm someone I'm not. It's scummy to make someone believe that I'm her boyfriend when I'm not. Plus, what if Lisa meets Hannah in the future and finds out that we're together? She's already gotten into trouble in her adult care group for fighting with another girl over a guy.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I told Kyle and his fiance Claire that I'm not okay with this. They told me that I need to suck it up for a day because this will mean a lot to Lisa. But I'm not comfortable playing pretend boyfriend, especially for someone who thinks that we're the real deal. I want to drop out at this point. The wedding is two weeks away. Will I be the butthole? Then later that same day, OP posted an update. I'm gonna need some time to calm down.
Starting point is 00:16:33 My friendship with Kyle is over. And whoever said that I got roped into this because Lisa had to crush on me, you win. I'll fill you in when I have a moment to calm down. I feel sick right now. Then an uncertain amount of time later, OP posted another update. The more I read everyone's answers, the more I realized this was really messed up. I already had a feeling that this whole Lisa wedding date situation was messed up, but
Starting point is 00:17:00 reading everyone's comments reinforced it. I told Kyle that we had to talk and he agreed. We met at Kyle's house. Claire was there, but Lisa wasn't. Thank God. Basically, I told them that I was dropping out of the wedding. I told them that setting me up as Lisa's fake boyfriend was beyond messed up.
Starting point is 00:17:19 What did they think was gonna happen after the wedding? Was I supposed to continue this charade or dump her, break her heart and be the bad guy? Claire tried to explain what was happening. Something about how Lisa was upset and angry that she wasn't the one getting married. But that wasn't the part that pissed me off. No, you guys wanna know why I got offered up? It's because Lisa loves Kpop and is obsessed with Asian guys. I'm Japanese American. So that's why I got roped into being her fake date, and not my single friend who has
Starting point is 00:17:52 to rely on Tinder to find someone. It's all some sick attempt at making Lisa feel better by hooking her up with the only Asian guy they knew. At that point, I'd had enough. I told Kyling Claire that this was over. I was not going to the wedding. I never wanted to speak to them or see them again. There was a lot of screaming and crying. Claire asked me why I would do this to her sister. I barely even know Lisa, except for a few times that we met that were wedding related.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And that's where things stand. I don't know if they're gonna try to paint me as the bad guy who broke Lisa's heart. I already told the guys that I'm not coming and why. Who knows what the fallout will be from that. I spent the rest of the night trying to get a grip on myself. I feel kind of queasy from this whole thing. This feels like one sick joke. I feel bad for Lisa because while I got out, she
Starting point is 00:18:46 still stuck with that awful family. Oh, I also asked why not hook up Lisa with Tucker, the single friend who was using Tinder for dates. It's because Lisa said that he was too ugly and she hated his beard. I'm not going to tell Tucker that. He's going to find out eventually. Man, this is so messed up. How are they going to say out eventually. content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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