rSlash - r/Bestof My Husband Has a Secret Second Family

Episode Date: July 15, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:10 Secret family 6:52 Comment 7:50 Another secret family 13:31 Waited on 110 kids Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Metrolinx and cross links are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Cross-town LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware and stay safe. Welcome to our Slash Best of Redditor Updates, where O.P. discovers that her husband has a secret second family. Our next reddit post comes from our Slash true off my chest. My husband has a second family. The ultimately Shay has happened in my life and I'm absolutely broken.
Starting point is 00:00:45 My husband, my rock, has been having an affair for over 17 years. We've been married for over 25 years. We have three beautiful children, two in college, and one who still lives at home. But turns out, my husband had another set of kids this whole time. My husband is an insurance broker. He has multiple branches over the country where he works week on, week off. Turns out on his week off, he's been with his other family in Albuquerque where his other branches.
Starting point is 00:01:15 He has a fiance whom he has two kids with, both in their early teens. I found out when I went to make a new Facebook account, and when I searched my husband's first name, another profile with another last name popped up. And through that profile, we're the links to his fiancee's and his other kids' Facebook's. My husband is currently with that family, and I know it's him because his most recent post is a photo of him that other family eating dinner. Among those photos were photos of him kissing the girl and him being fatherly with kids who looked nearly identical to my husband.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I am absolutely broken. Almost every part of me wants to scream in his face and reprimand him for ruining my life. But another part of me wants to pretend to be ignorant and let it be. Because our life is peaceful. he's good with our kids, he's the main source of financial income, he's loving, but he's also all those things to another family. Not only would I be tearing a gaping hole into my family, but I'd be opening up a vortex for them too. My heart is in shambles.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I've never cried so much in my life. My youngest son is currently on a graduation trip with his friends, and I'm alone until my lying, cheating, bastard husband comes home. My life is absolutely wrecked. It's literally a movie plot. I'm hoping he'll just come home, and it'll be a big misunderstanding why he's kissing a woman with a ring on her finger. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm tempted to pack a bag and just leave. I can't be in the home where we've raised our kids, where we've spent every Christmas for the last 26 years, and where I've been alone on New Year's taking care of our babies while he works his butt off.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I just can't. I want to leave a note for him to come home to hurt him like he's hurt me, but I don't think that's possible. I don't know how I'll ever face him again. Then four days later, OP posts in an update. I've called an attorney. We're discussing their process, and he's also told me to gather as much evidence as I could, such as photos of the Facebook pages, text messages, and recent flight information.
Starting point is 00:03:28 All this evidence has been put into a folder and I'll present it to a judge or jury when we get into some sort of divorce proceeding. I've also been in contact with the other woman. I've told her, explain the situation, and she was just as distraught as me. From what I'm aware, she's financially independent from him and they don't share properties, so it seems very clean
Starting point is 00:03:51 cut on her behalf. My husband is aware of the fact that I know and is currently staying in a hotel. But he's unaware of the other woman knows. I confronted him when he walked through the door. He started to cry and plead, and honestly it was kind of pathetic. I mean, I was crying too, but I've chosen to think of him as a pathetic coward for doing this, because he is. But anyways, I have my name on our house, we both do, so it's not like I can just kick him out, but he's chosen to live elsewhere for now for my sake. All I keep thinking is, if he chose to stay away for my sake, then maybe being faithful
Starting point is 00:04:31 for my sake should have been considered too. Despite this, he's living elsewhere for now. He's in a hotel downtown where he calls every few hours to check up. I'm no longer sad. Well, I am, but I'm way more furious than sad currently. My kids still have no idea, and my youngest thinks that my husband is just working more in albacricky because of a business problem. I'm still confused about how to tell them that they have two half siblings and two parents. One, with an extra backup parent.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I'm just feeling very, very unappreciated and un-wanted lately, but your kind words have been so helpful. Thank you guys so much. Then, six months later, OP posted an update. I won't be going into details about the divorce because it's still ongoing, but do rest assured it is happening. A few people seemed worried that I was going to stay with him, and for a period of time I would have, but no, we are divorcing. On that note, I've completely cut contact with him. Our communication is through lawyers only. He officially moved out of the house, and my middle child moved back in to help me out
Starting point is 00:05:44 over the break. To my knowledge, my kids have cut most contact with him, but I haven't asked because it's not my place. Also, custody isn't a problem because my youngest turned 18 recently. We've also been in contact with the other family, and we even spent Christmas together. Despite being a little awkward at first, me and his ex-beance are trying our hardest to bring the kids together harmoniously. And that'll be the last update. I'm logging off of Reddit for now. I'll continue living my life. I'll try to support my kids through theirs, but I'll forever be thankful for the support and
Starting point is 00:06:20 love that you all have shown me. Yours truly and sincerely, OP. Man, it's so weird to think that you'd be like 18 and then suddenly find out that just magically you have two half siblings living in Canada. That's so bizarre to me. And then this dude, oh, it's so brutal. I almost want to be a sorry for him, except for the fact that he's a douchebag.
Starting point is 00:06:45 He lost two wives and two sets of kids. Norman, normally when someone cheesed, they lose their entire family, but this guy lost two families. He has two women who hate his guts, and I think she said middle kids, so three plus two, she had five kids also hate his guts. And now they're bonding together over Christmas Christmas talking about how much they hate their cheating
Starting point is 00:07:08 father. Oh man, this guy ruined his life. Oh, this is brutal. Ooh, this comment from Imagine Itchian, which I did not consider. Wow, this makes him look so much worse. Her youngest kid is 18, and he hadn't affair for 17 years. So he must have started cheating when she was postpartum. He sucks. Oh man, this guy has a newborn baby.
Starting point is 00:07:33 He abandons his wife to go work in albacurky. I guess he does have a legitimate job in albacurky, but he flees to albacurky leaving his postpartum wife with a new baby and he's thinking, man, what a relief to get away from my sad wife and my screaming baby. Can't wait to go balls deep in some local chick? Man, what scum? I'm glad he lost two families. Also, in the comments, people are pointing out that this story is really similar to another story on Best of Redditor updates where OP discovers that her husband has a second family. So hold on to your butts because
Starting point is 00:08:10 we're about to see more lives get completely destroyed. Your business has grown fast from opening your first location to planning an expansion in no time and with your business platinum card from American Express, you can access spending power and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor's here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply if it slash business platinum. It's hockey season and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats.
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Starting point is 00:09:08 For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See out for details. This pose comes from our slash relationship advice. I'm a 32-year-old woman, and I just found out that my husband, who's 36, has a full, blown secret family because his other wife, who's 36, has a full, blown secret family because his other wife, who's 29, just knocked on my door.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Sorry if this sounds so vague and incomplete, I'm confused and my eyes are all swollen up. I thought that I had a pretty happy marriage with Jonas. We've been together for over 11 years now, married for 9. We have twin girls who are eight years old. Jonas works in a branch of business where he spends three months outside and three months at home. During this time, he'll visit us and we'll visit him. It's inconvenient, but he earns really good money. So good that I don't need to work if I don't want to. During all those years, I've never suspected him of cheating. He was always super honest
Starting point is 00:10:06 with me and would even tell me about attraction to other people that he felt. So this comes out of the blue for me. Jonas is a way on a business trip for the weekend. A woman knocked on my door. She introduces herself as Cherry. When I asked her what this was about, she broke down crying. I took her in, and after calming her down, she started to tell me this story about Jonas. Apparently, she and Jonas have been together for over six years and have a three-year-old little boy together. We were both fooled because he keeps his life there completely separate from our life here. He has two different sets of social media accounts. Also, his parents sadly passed away
Starting point is 00:10:48 in a car accident 15 years ago, so he didn't have to introduce us to either of them. At first, I was livid and screamed at her. Then I calmed down because she was just a victim like me. Apparently, Cherry found out that my, well, our husband, has an apartment that was paid for by the company through some bank statements. This is the apartment that he would take me and the kids to when we visited him. She searched his keys and went snooping.
Starting point is 00:11:16 This is where she found out about us, and decided that she wanted to tell me the truth after thinking about it for over three months. We both cried our eyes out together. We cursed out Jonas, and now she's sleeping on my couch. Cherry isn't legally married to Jonas, because he sold her the, I don't believe in marriage spiel. The only legal spouse he has is me. I know that I have to divorce him, but maybe I just need some extra advice and a little husband roasting.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Also, should I keep in touch with Cherry and should we introduce our kids? Then the next day, OPPO said an update. I got legal advice today, and so did Cherry. We'll be staying in touch through the process, and we'll seek therapy first for us individually and then for the kids so we can walk them through what's happening. As for the situation with my husband, I've been advised to keep my mouth shut, so I'll be taking the kids to a vacation until my lawyer writes up the divorce agreement and we have enough evidence that he leads a double life. Thankfully, Cherry provided us with loads of
Starting point is 00:12:19 evidence that he lives with her half the time and that the kids are his. Some of you suggested hiring a PI to know if he hides more. And some of you suggested that his parents are actually alive, and he's telling us they died just for the convenience because there could have been another family that he's running away from. I don't know if this is possible because we met when we were so young, but I guess I can't rule out anything anymore. Some people were wondering how I never found out that he has two separate social media accounts
Starting point is 00:12:47 with the same name. The thing is, he doesn't. He has a double name, which is very common. So one account is Jonas' last name, and the other account is Henry's last name. Also, he doesn't use his face for profile pictures. The company housing situation is very confusing to me, but as far as I understand, his company has to provide him with an apartment at his other place of work so he doesn't have to pay double rent.
Starting point is 00:13:13 I think it's called company housing in the US. And no, I do not want to effing you night the families and stay married to this butthole. I know Polly Amory is a thing, but it's not my thing. I love monogamy, and besides, Polly Amory requires honesty, and he's been fooling me for at least six years, so no, that is not on the table. I would rather be a single mother than be together with a dishonest pig. I have my own job, and besides, I take care of the kids six months on my own anyways. So it's just ridiculous as some of you suggest that I pick financial stability before my
Starting point is 00:13:51 happiness. Man, you know what's so wild about these posts? I just don't understand how people have the energy to lead two lives like this. And don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be like, ugh, one wife is so exhausting, can you imagine having two? No, I love my wife. But I'm saying is just the stress, the anxiety, the exhaustion of having to keep up two separate lives, to have two phones, and to keep finances separate, and to have different names with different people, and to lie constantly, and to fear every single day that everything's gonna come crashing down around you.
Starting point is 00:14:25 And to hold your child in your arms and to smile and cuddle your child and then lie to their face about how you love her and you love her mommy and you'll never leave them. It's just God, how did people put up with that? That sounds like emotional torture. I mean, yeah, if you're like a cheating douchebag, then I suppose the benefit is you get to have sex with two women So if you that type of scumbag that feels like an appeal, but just it's not worth it man All the all the emotional turmoil who would sign up for that? Our next reddit post comes from our slash tails from your server My manager asked if I could work last night because she needed an extra server to help with a bus of
Starting point is 00:15:06 work last night because she needed an extra server to help with a bus of 110th graders returning from a field trip. I'm never one to pass up an opportunity to make money, so of course I obliged. My co-workers and I began stocking early to prep for their arrival. When the kids arrived, I noticed they were all so polite. Each time that I would drop off drinks, rolls, or straws, I was met with smiles and thank yous. The kids didn't make much of a mess either. They also asked for trash bags to clean up some of what they'd left. One little dude called me over and said, excuse me, here's a tip for you.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I didn't want to hold on to it any longer. He gave me ten bucks all on his own, so sweet. Overall, my co-workers and I really enjoyed working with them. Then OP posted an update. I wrote a thank you letter to the school and included a $200 donation for the students to have pizza, ice cream, or any gathering of the principals choosing. The principal was touched. She said they're gonna come back every year and request me. Man, I've read so many stories of entitled parents and spoiled kids that
Starting point is 00:16:06 when I saw that you were taking care of 110th graders, I was like, oh my god, this is going to go downhill. But instead, this was a delightfully wholesome story, so thank you OP. That was our slash best of redditor updates, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new reddit podcast episodes every single day. this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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