rSlash - r/Bestof My Son & Husband are Cheating on Me!

Episode Date: June 1, 2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 These side marios all you can eat is all you can munch a soup salad and garlic home Welcome to our slash best of redder to updates where Opie discovers that her husband and son are hiding in a fair Our next red post comes from our slash relationship advice. I'm a 34 year old woman my husband is 36 We've been married for 12 years. A few weeks ago, my husband said that he's seen another woman handle situations that he didn't think that I'd be able to handle. I tried to talk to him about why that comment bothered me, and he just told me that it was a passing comment and I shouldn't take it too seriously. That he had simply meant to compliment this other woman by saying she was handling so much on her own, and he was impressed by it. I told him that it was completely
Starting point is 00:00:50 unnecessary and hurtful to compare her to me to compliment her. He told me that I was being unreasonable and jealous, and that he didn't mean anything by it. After that, he didn't say anything else about it, so I dropped it. Then, yesterday, when I came home from work, I saw a pair of women's fendy sunglasses on our kitchen island, kind of hidden by our fruitball. I picked them up and asked my husband who's they were. He looked confused and was like, aren't they yours? And I said no.
Starting point is 00:01:19 My older son, 11, was sitting at the kitchen table and said, Oh, those are my friend Allison's. I took them home on accident. I was immediately suspicious. These are very expensive sunglasses. I know Allison's mother, and she doesn't seem like the type to let her child bring something worth that much money to school.
Starting point is 00:01:39 My son kept insisting that they were his friends, and he had just taken them home accidentally on the bus, and he'd return them to her tomorrow. I said no, and that I would return them to her mother in person so I could make sure they got to them safely. When I spoke to Allison's mother, she confirmed that the sunglasses weren't Allison's, and that neither she nor her daughter own sunglasses like that. When I told my son and my husband this, they both played dumb. My
Starting point is 00:02:05 son went from saying that he could have sworn they were allocins to, well, maybe not, maybe I don't know who they are. Then, my husband said that he does remember taking the sunglasses out of our son's backpack when he was getting out his lunch stuff. My younger son, who was nine, just came home, and he recognized his sunglasses. There are no elves, the woman my husband helps out sometimes. The one he told me not to be upset over comparing me to her. I'm gonna confront my husband when he gets home. I don't know what to say to him. I feel as though I'm going to immediately burst into tears.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Can someone please give me advice on what to say and just general advice please? I never thought I'd be in this situation. Then the next day O.P. Posts in an update. When my husband got home, he admitted the sunglasses were no elves. She's been over to our house while I was at work. My husband didn't realize they were hers. He thought they were mine, which is why he didn't move them. My older son realized they were no elves immediately, which is why he lied about them. He knew that I was about to find everything out, and he was trying to cover. My younger son recognized them, because apparently they would all go over to no elves place when I was working, but my husband wasn't.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I don't know what my husband told my older son, but he told my younger son not to tell me about noel hanging out with them, because I would feel bad about being left out because I was at work. I returned the glasses to Noel who seemed horrified. She was under the assumption that I knew about their hangouts. I asked her why did she think that I'd be okay with this? She looked really confused and told me, why would you care if you're separated anyways? I told her we are absolutely not separated. We are still very much together.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Apparently, my husband has been telling Noel that we hadn't been together except for cohabitating and co-parenting for months now. I confronted my husband with this information and he didn't deny it. He apologized, but said that he had developed feelings for Noelle, but didn't win a risk our marriage until he knew if they were true feelings or just attraction. Since then, he's left the house. Noelle wants nothing to do with him, because now she knows the truth. He lied to her as well, and she's furious. I'm speaking to a lawyer today.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I'm not going to speak to him again, except through lawyers, since I don't have anything else to say to him. Oh man, this story is a gut punch, OP. Not only is your husband trying to cheat on you, but your son is covering for him. I'm not sure which things more. Well, probably the cheating, but the son lying for him stings pretty badly too. Our next reddit post comes from our slash I don't work here, lady. I'm hit of sales and marketing for a major property developer with 10 years of experience in the industry. Several of those years I spent at a large
Starting point is 00:04:56 competitors company. Let's call them money homes. They're considered the epitome of luxury due to the huge price tag. This will be important later on. My team covers all the capital and a very large portion of the country. Since we're expanding, we're currently interviewing for new positions. I have eight applicants waiting for me. The first few interviews go pleasantly well, but nothing special. Until we meet interviewing number four, meet Annabelle. Before she even comes into the room, she's sitting
Starting point is 00:05:25 in the waiting area with the other applicants. I can hear her talking to the other people about how she pretty much has the job in the bag because she's overqualified and everyone else is wasting their time. Then I see her shuffling through papers which weren't hers at the Admin desk which was left unattended. She still doesn't realize that our office is behind a one-way mirror. I can see her, but she can't see me. She hears the Admin come back in, and she scurries away back to her seat. It's now her turn for the interview. She comes in, hands me a copy of her resume, and sits down opposite myself and the two other
Starting point is 00:06:02 members of my team. I look at her resume with a slight half smile, which I think she took as a good sign because she goes off talking about her major accomplishment at different employers. She tells us that she's actually more interested in being hired for another position at our company, which she can assure me she's more qualified than our current employee.
Starting point is 00:06:22 She then starts spewing out figures of our marketing campaigns, which haven't yet been published, and advises me on the results that we should expect and what our next moves in terms of marketing should be. I tell her that the only positions currently open are for sales staff, but I asked her which job she specifically interested in. She mentions, of course, the sales and marketing director, my job, my co-workers both look at me, so I decide to play along. I asked her what makes her more qualified than our current director. She talks about the marketing figures again and asks me outright, how many applicants are able to predict to a certainty what result you'll achieve,
Starting point is 00:07:04 and then she talks about a major point in her resume working at Money Homes. So I started asking a little more about her position there, what her area of responsibility was, how long she worked there, etc. She starts off telling this long, rehearsed story of how she started there as a negotiator a few years back and worked her way up to associate director. And how she eventually became sales and marketing director, but she's looking to leave, so discretion is of the utmost importance. At that point, I just couldn't hold it in anymore.
Starting point is 00:07:35 I really wanted to let her carry on, but I just burst out laughing and asked her to leave. She gets very confused and starts asking what she said that offended me. With the biggest grin on my face, I said, I watched you talk down to other applicants when you're supposedly looking for upper management positions. I watched you steal confidential information from my admin's desk. And now you're telling me and my colleagues that you can do my job better than me by lying to me about your experience. She gets offended and starts going off at me that I know nothing about her and that she didn't lie about her experience and how would I have known that anyway.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I said, Hanna Bell, the reason I know that you're lying is because I was the sales and marketing director at Money Home during the years you described. And not only do I know that you weren't a manager there, I know that you weren't even part of that department. That department had 42 employees, and I knew each and every one by name. I recommend that if you do indeed work there, you should contact your director because I'll be filing a grievance against you for stealing confidential documents from their main competitor. Her face went as pale as a sheet of cheap toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:08:48 She turned on her heel, ripped her resume out of my colleague's hand, and ran out the door. Like, does she really think that we don't keep her details on email when she sent the document through? I can't wait to see if I'll be hearing from her or money homes anytime soon. Then 20 days later, OP posted an update. Basically in the update, OP explains that she reached out to money homes, but Annabel never worked with money homes.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Instead, she worked with another company that worked with money homes, so that was just kind of a dead end. But then, 3 years later, OP posted an update. Recently, I've been having issues at my workplace, so I decided to move on. I started a new job just over two weeks ago. It's the same position, just for a different company. Imagine my surprise when I realized that Annabelle is an existing employee at the new company, and part of the team who will be reporting to me. In my first week on the job, Annabelle came to my office, having clearly remembered me and the embarrassing
Starting point is 00:09:45 interview. We had a very good chat. She apologized profusely and admitted that she thought that everyone lies on their resume, and she was so desperate to leave the job that she had at the time, so she wanted to make herself stand out. She's actually a very sweet girl and an important member of this new team. I explained to her that while it is true that most people do lie or exaggerate on their resumes, they tend to lie about much smaller things and not about running a competitor
Starting point is 00:10:15 sales and marketing departments. I told her that there's no bad blood between us, and as long as she's doing her job and doing it well, I'll endeavor to support her as much as I possibly can. I made her promise that if she ever considers leaving to come to me first and will work on her resume and cover letter together. I know it's not the petty update that anyone was expecting or hoping for,
Starting point is 00:10:37 but life has a funny way of teaching us a lesson when we need it most. I think that Annabelle and I both have learned our lessons this time. Now OP, don't apologize for the update. This is a pleasant update. It's nice to read wholesome sweet stories every now and then. It seems that over the past three years, Annabelle has been doing some growing and has become a better person, so good job Annabelle. Metrolinx and cross links are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Cross-town LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, the trains can pass at any time on the tracks.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. So you think you know sports. Points vet is the sportsbook for you, because we've got the features for true competitors, like live, same game par leagues. Use your sportsmarts to make pics live on the players and teams you're watching. And qualified bets can use our early cashout feature,
Starting point is 00:11:43 so you could take your winnings to play live blackjack on the same points bet at. The platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do. Bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino. Our next reddit post comes from R-slashamay the bad guy. Am I the bad guy for not telling the nurse at my niece's school about my profession? I'm a 29 year old woman, and I was supposed to pick up my niece, Sophie, who's seven from the elementary school to spend
Starting point is 00:12:09 a day with her. The school knew about this ahead of time, and I've picked her up a few times before. Sophie was running towards me, but unfortunately, she tripped and fell down. Her knee was bruised, and she started crying like crazy. I took her to the nurse's office immediately. The nurse was in her early 20s and helped Sophie with cleaning up her wound and dressing. I tell my niece a lot about my line of work, so she asked if she was going to need stitches, if so, how many and what kind, etc. The nurse was impressed. She showed Sophie a few pieces of equipment she had and asked if Sophie wanted to be a nurse
Starting point is 00:12:44 like her. Sophie said, No, Sophie wanted to be a nurse like her. Sophie said, No, I want to be a doctor like Aunt OP. The nurse got a bit upset and asked me why I didn't say anything about this. I was honestly confused. I was like, why would I even need to mention it? I even threw in a compliment saying that she was quite good at her job and I enjoyed witnessing a professional at work. She said that I was being good at her job and I enjoyed witnessing a professional at work.
Starting point is 00:13:05 She said that I was being too generous with my comments. I told her I was being honest and I thanked her for taking care of Sophie's knee. Right when Sophie and I were leaving, she said that she never would have been able to guess my line of work correctly because I look better than most of my colleagues. I thanked her again and said that I appreciated her help. She said that I still owed her for not telling her my job and that it felt like I was testing her or deliberately trying to see how she was doing. I apologized and said that wasn't what I meant and that I knew that she was more than capable of doing her job well. She
Starting point is 00:13:40 said maybe I could find a way to make it up to her properly. And I was like, sure, but Sophie and I need to go now. I don't know. Opie. Opie. I don't know if I was rude, but this had me thinking. Should I have told her about my job? Opie, girl, I think she was flirting with you. Guys, do I have this wrong?
Starting point is 00:14:00 I think the nurse was hitting on Opie. She said, maybe you could find a way to make it up to me properly. Come on OP, are you that dense? You're a doctor, you're supposed to be a smarty pants. Alright, where's the update? I gotta know what happens here. April 23rd. Okay, five days later, OP post an update. As you could see in the original post, I was absolutely clueless during this whole interaction, and I missed the flirting part altogether. So I took your advice. Ask my sister to let me babysit Sophia again, and I picked her up from school. Around 10 minutes before school was over,
Starting point is 00:14:35 I went to the nurse's office with a bouquet of flowers, and I thanked the nurse for taking care of my niece's knee, and I asked her if I could have the opportunity to make up for my rudeness from the last visit. Thankfully, she agreed. We went on a date last night. It included a late evening walk by the beach and dinner. By the end of the night, I showed her this post, and I think it's safe to say that she was just as amused as every single one of the commenters and she can barely stop teasing me about it. So overall, thank you so much for your comments and help. Man, aren't you glad Reddit exists? Otherwise, like 15 years later, OP is going to like, you know, brush your teeth, lay down
Starting point is 00:15:22 in bed, close your eyes to go to sleep, and suddenly her eyes are gonna shoot open. And she's gonna be like, I think that nurse was flirting with me. That was our slash best of redditor updates. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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