rSlash - r/Bridezillas "Stop Crying About Your Dead Baby at MY Wedding!"

Episode Date: April 30, 2020

r/Bridezillas The woman into today's episode is one of the most disgusting, selfish, awful people I've ever read about. She messages her friend, who has just lost a child to a miscarriage, and demands... that she sucks it up and just gets over it because she doesn't want anybody to cry at her wedding. That is just unbelievably callous and selfish! Luckily, OP told the bridezilla that their friendship was over after that. If you like this video and you want to see more, hit the subscribe button for daily Reddit posts! Watch on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bet on the NFL with Bandual, official sports put partner of the NFL. Download the app today to see why we're in North America's number one sports book. 19 Plus and physically located in Ontario, gambling problem call 186653126100 or visit Welcome to our slash bride zillas, where a new bride tells a woman to get over her dead baby. So I came across this one post and decided to make an R-slash Bridesill's video just so I could cover this one post. So this is a text exchange between a
Starting point is 00:00:31 Bridesilla and OP who just had a miscarriage. Buckle up everyone because this one is wild. So with my wedding were you still coming? Because I was thinking maybe you shouldn't. Like I don't mean to be harsh, but I thought you'd be over what happened by now. But you cried today just because some lady had a baby. It's just a bit dramatic and lots of people don't know yet because apparently you aren't ready to tell people. I think if you don't tell people you shouldn't come. Like I'm trying to be as nice about this as I can, but everyone will be asking why you
Starting point is 00:01:11 aren't pregnant, and I don't want them distracted from making me feel special. What happens sucks, but I thought you'd had enough time to get over it so it wouldn't be a problem. Like maybe you could announce it on Facebook so people know. Uh, okay. I need a minute to process what the fuck you just said to me. Don't take it the wrong way. You know I'm right and you just need to move on. I want my wedding to be about me. I don't want it ruined by you, no offense. You would do the same. If you
Starting point is 00:01:47 don't want to announce it, then just don't come. So let me get this straight. You don't want me at your wedding because the fact that my baby effing died might ruin your day. Like I just want to make sure I have this right. Because if that's what you're saying, that is just super effed up, dude As in don't worry about me being at the wedding because we won't be friends So I want to be sure I understand. I mean that's not how I said it. Okay, so what did I get wrong? You're twisting my words. I just want to be the most important person on that day. And if people see you're not pregnant, they will ask. And then it will take attention off of me.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I just thought you could announce it now, so by the wedding, no one will talk about it. I don't think it's such a hard thing to do. You know what? You enjoy your wedding without me. I hope our friendship is worth all the attention you so desperately need. You giant trash pile of a human. I hope our friendship is worth all the attention you so desperately need. You giant trash pile of a human. You're being silly, but okay. Like what is so wrong with wanting to make sure my day is about me?
Starting point is 00:02:55 If you think that we can't be friends because I want to be the most important person on the day and don't want people talking about you at all, then I guess we can't be friends. But you're being really selfish. It's been two months. How much time do you really need? It's not like you knew her. And I just don't want the focus to be on you, so I think that you announcing it is fair. That way everyone focuses on you now and not later on my day.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Yeah, we're done. Holy s**t, I cannot believe you! You think I'd give an F about attention on me? She was my baby! How fucking dare you! Seriously glad I found out you were trash now, so I don't waste any more time speaking to you. Tell your fiance I'll see a method of voice party.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Down in the comments, Payne 1994 says, if I were the mother of the baby, I'd post this on Facebook and tag the future bride and groom. Oh, okay, so I look down in the comments and that's actually what happens. OP posted this on Facebook. Okay, so I'm still trying to calm down
Starting point is 00:04:04 from this interaction, but I need to shame this sh** out of this bride to be. First off, I don't really know how trigger warnings work, but if you're sensitive to stillbirth, slash infant loss, don't read the messages or any more of this. So for context, this dumpster fire of a bride is getting married in early February, and I would have been heavily pregnant
Starting point is 00:04:24 as I was due at the end of February. But my daughter was still born in October. It's been a sucky time, and both my partner and I are still just trying to get through each day. And up until now, everyone has been understanding and kind to us. Q this piece of trash, messaging me this absolute garbage. I still don't even have the words to express how angry and hurt I am by what she said. At least she made cutting her out an easy choice. This next post was posted on a Facebook bridal support group. Hell, I need advice. My fiance and I are having lots of issues right now.
Starting point is 00:05:02 We can't stop fighting and I don't know what to do. I quit my job because wedding planning was taking up so much time. And my fiance is refusing to get a second job. He doesn't understand that I don't have time to get ready for work, drive to work, be somewhere else all day, and drive home. I need to be home to plan this wedding. I'm trying to find a job from home, but it's difficult. I asked him to get a second job, and he won't. It really pisses me off because we're spending $80,000 on this wedding. And he keeps saying
Starting point is 00:05:40 that we should spend less. Uh, hello, no. This is my wedding. I've been dreaming of it since I was little and I refuse to have anything but my dream wedding. How can I convince him to work a second job to pay for this? What happened to happy wife? Happy life. Down in the comments, Kitty 9020 says it best. This isn't just a red flag. This is a strobe light with a few fog horns attached to it. Our next reddit posted from Sinky Doodles. Right, so my best friend of many, many years got engaged and immediately asked me to be the bridesmaid. I was thrilled for about point two seconds until she said, huh, now I get to make you do it scarily. Her list of requirements included dress and heels.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I had to grow my hair to at least bobblink. I had to die my hair. I had to get a tan, fake or sunbed, and I definitely had to use my body makeup to cover all my tattoos. Now, readers, this was a gut-rinshure. Anyone who knows me knows I'm an absolute tomboy who feels deeply uncomfortable wearing dresses, etc. But hey, it's the bridesday, right? I offered to do all except grow my hair. Not good enough. Apparently, I would ruin her photos with my stupid short hair. Argument started. Text and group chats of Pliny telling me I was being stubborn and it's for one day and I should suck it up. It went back and forth for a while but around that time my dad was diagnosed with a terminal illness. We mutually agreed my dad was my priority and I stepped down from Bridesmaid to Guest.
Starting point is 00:07:17 She asked me what my girlfriend would be wearing. I replied that we had tailor-made suits from a wedding last year and they would be perfect. She told me she didn't want everyone staring at the two lesbians and suits and that everyone would be talking about us and taking attention away from her. People I was gopsmacked. My girlfriend refused to even go. I told the bride that unless she was telling all the guests what to wear, she could f-right off. I went to the wedding. I didn't want to be the butthole who didn't show up to be honest. It went swimmingly, an absolutely grand affair with no
Starting point is 00:07:50 expense spared. I left after the first dance to get home to my kid. I'd been there for eight hours at this point, and was told the next day that at the end of the party, the bride was sobbing that I left early and ruined her day. She also texted me to tell me that the money I had gifted her was nowhere near the cost of posting me. So we don't talk anymore. Update, I'm getting married. My fiance proposed last week. We're both going to wear suits and bridezilla ain't invited.
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Starting point is 00:09:07 Much of the wedding was pre-packaged with reception hall it was held in. They covered invitations, catering, cake, tables and chairs and decorations. The time came to choose centerpieces for the tables. The venue offered a variety of glass containers the bride could fill with whatever she wanted. Tall cylindrical bases, decorative platters, bowls, globes, which shapes she chose would depend upon what the bride chose to display in it. Did she want flowers, candles, pebbles? No, she had a better idea.
Starting point is 00:09:36 You see, my ex-friend was an animal lover. On an off-again vegetarian vegan, PETA supporter, etc. She was especially fond of fish. With that in mind, how cute would it be to have a pair of goldfish in a globe as a centerpiece? Real live goldfish. A pair of them to represent the couple see on each and every table, all 40 of them. I raised some objections, multiple objections.
Starting point is 00:10:03 What happens to the fish after the ceremony? Oh, the guests can take them home. They'd be like wedding favors, keep sakes. But not everyone is gonna want to take home a new pet from a wedding. People tend to like having a say in what pets they want to take care of. Well, not everyone has to take one. There's only a pair for every table, not everyone could take one anyway. But still, you're expecting... what? 25% of your guests want to adopt a pet that day? They're only goldfish, plenty of people already have fish at home. Wouldn't the fish be
Starting point is 00:10:38 pretty stressed out being in the middle of all that wedding chaos with nowhere to hide? But they have like like three second memories it wouldn't even matter. The ones in the tank at Walmart don't seem to mind people walking by them all the time. Yeah, speaking of the ones in the tank at Walmart, there's always a fair few of them floating at the top. What if you get floaters during a reception? I mean, it's not an appetizing sight for the people eating their dinners. Besides, it wouldn't make for the best representation of your relationship. There's a lot of...not good symbolism there?
Starting point is 00:11:12 Well, that can be your job during the reception. Just keep an eye out for the dead ones and replace them before anyone notices. They're called feeder fish for a reason. They don't live long. Everyone knows that. We'll buy them that morning. They only need to survive through the reception. I thought you loved animals.
Starting point is 00:11:32 I do. That's why I'm using them. Lovely. My friend vowed to handle all the arrangements for the goldfish since I had so many objections. It would all work out. I'd see. It was gonna look great. She just needed me to be on floater duty for the reception since she would be so busy.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Fine. Anyway, wedding happens. I didn't have a lot of time to spare during the reception to watch over all 40 centerpieces, but I did catch a few floaters. Luckily, the happy couple had spares in the back. They'd bought roughly a hundred that morning. Three cents a piece, what a bargain. Floating tealights would have been so much more expensive,
Starting point is 00:12:12 you know? Besides, everyone uses those. The goldfish are unique, memorable. Just like the bride. Indiv reception, everyone's gone home and the wedding hall hosts are cleaning up. What does the bride want to do with these? Oh yes, the 80 goldfish left behind with all the spin streamers and confetti. The venue needs their gloves back. Isn't it strange how not a
Starting point is 00:12:37 single guest was willing to take home some goldfish? It couldn't have helped that the bride didn't think to provide containers for them. So will the bride and groom be adopting these 80 goldfish plus about 10 spare still in the back swimming around in the giant back from the pet store? Alas, they can't. They're headed off on their honeymoon. Such a shame. Gotta go now. Bye.
Starting point is 00:13:01 With that they were gone. Now I was literally the only person from the wedding left in the building. The host still needed their gloves back. That night I strolled into a big box pet store in my big, fluffy, red satin floor length gown, heels clacking on the tiles and purchased a huge rectangular tank, a filter and some fish flakes. A few were did by the time I got home, then more the next morning, more again in the afternoon, and the evening and the next morning. By the third
Starting point is 00:13:32 day, we were down to 5 and we lost one day after that until there was only one left, and that last one, 5 years, I named it son. It lingered far longer than my friendship with the bride and far, far longer than her marriage. Okay, okay, so when she said animal lover, what she really meant, what she just pretends to be an animal lover so that other people will think that she's a good person. When in reality, she's actually a garbage human being. Our next Reddit post is from Slinger of Poison Cups. I was a bartender for about 14 years at a private club that was a popular wedding venue and worked probably about 800 to 1000 weddings total. One stands out that I'll never forget. I was the head bartender
Starting point is 00:14:15 and manager on duty for most of them and I worked with the in-house events coordinator who handled off the logistics on our empire to the event. Boking, catering, bar service, in-house decor, etc. She typically give me a heads up about guest requirements on my advent sheet and let me know if the client was being a headache beforehand. For this case, we were doing a third marriage for the bride in her mid-40s and a first marriage for the groom. The events coordinator gave me a heads up that the bride was a serious bridezilla. She'd been emailing or calling about minor details
Starting point is 00:14:45 three to four times a day for three months solid. And I was told to expect the worst. The day comes and the bride and her party is there to oversee set up a few hours before the wedding, not out of the ordinary. And everything is running smoothly until the flowers arrive. Floral is not our domain, it's arranged privately.
Starting point is 00:15:03 And she freaks out because it's not exactly what she ordered. They're gorgeous by the way, and way over the top for what I'd expect for a 250 person wedding. I have to calm her down and use my standard lines. No one is here to celebrate flowers, they're here to celebrate you, etc. We get over that, and I'm expecting the worst for the night and it's lovely. She's radiant the whole evening, everyone's happy, the event runs smoothly and I'm stoked to not have to deal with the drama.
Starting point is 00:15:32 At the end when they're packing up I go up to them with my standard. How did everything go? Is there anything I can assist you with conversation with her while her hubby stands a few feet away talking to a friend? She turns to me with stars in her eyes and says, it was perfect. I want to do my next one here. Hubby does a next snapping double take. While I'm kind of speechless and managed to mumble out, I'm glad you enjoyed it. They leave and I try to process what I just heard. Wait, it gets better. Often wedding parties show up the next day to pick up things they left behind so they
Starting point is 00:16:09 don't have to spend an hour packing up late at night. When they do, we let them come down to the bar club for a drink if they want. They show up and come down to the bar where I'm working. At this point, I figure her next one comment was just a slip of the tongue. She'd had some wine, though, wasn't what I'd call a nebriated. But no, talking to her straight sober with hubby and tow, she'd told me again how it was everything she'd hoped for, and she'd definitely come back next time. That's when I realized, she didn't even want to get married. She just loved being a bride and having a special day all about her. This woman literally married three separate guys just because she's so
Starting point is 00:16:48 conceited she wants to be the life of the party. What a monster! That was our Slash Bridesilas and if you like this podcast then please follow me because I put out new podcasts every single day and if you're on an Apple device then please leave a five star review because it really helps my podcast grow. and if you're on an Apple device, then please leave a five-star review because it really helps my podcast grow.

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