rSlash - r/Choosingbeggar Full Time Artist Job! Pay: 9 Cents/Hour

Episode Date: May 8, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash-choosing beggars, where you get to be a lifetime furry slave. Posted to Facebook. Room for rent. $250 per week plus utilities. Good-sized room with its own bathroom and access to the kitchen between 7 and 8 pm. Up to two guests allowed over Saturday between 1 pm and 9 pm provided they stay in your room. Non-smoker slash drinkers only. No negative comments, thanks.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Okay, so at first I was thinking, alright, 250 bucks a week, that's not too unreasonable, but then I saw that you can only eat for one hour out of the day. So I guess you just skip breakfast, skip lunch, and then you eat your entire day's worth of meals in one hour block. This next post comes from the DMs of a restaurant. I'd love to come there. I'm a hot couture fashion designer with an ultra luxury collection.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Unfortunately, I'll only be able to come two to four people at a time, but I can't wait in line, especially if it's on either a business dinner or a date. I see that your reservation policy requires seven or more people for a reservation. We are not the restaurant for you. I keep that you're trying to make people laugh on your stories, putting customers' DMs on blasts, but some of us really don't have time to wait. I'm sure that most of your followers are kids with nothing to do, but the rest of us are busy living executive lives and have places to be. You guys should bid some of the tables up so you can make extra money and we could purchase a smaller reservation. Let me know. Yeah, that's gonna be a no for me dog. Actually though,
Starting point is 00:01:42 unfollow us. I just saw that you posted my message. Very cool. Not. I was just trying to give you some ideas. You're probably just some little kid anyway, feeling tough and hard, running a stupid steak Instagram account. Get a real job. I consider you posting my message, harassment, and I am 100% contacting your owner to let them know that your account is harassing me, this is not customer service, you should be ashamed! Calling all fairy artists, I'm looking for someone who's willing to do unlimited art for me.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I'll pay you $100 for a year and $200 for as long as I want. Note, I will not overload you with art. Maximum 2 pieces per week. I will never give you more than 6 a month. All art will be strictly personal art. 6 a month times 12 months is 72 pieces. So if we assume that each piece of art takes an hour, then that means $1.30 per hour of work. Or an even better deal is for the low, low price of $200 you can be a lifetime slave of drawing furry porn. Also down in the comments OP points out, fun fact, this guy owns multiple fur suits.
Starting point is 00:03:04 He can definitely afford to pay artists, he just chooses not to. He took his post down a few minutes ago. And then Amiable Ostrich says, well, that begs the question, how much is a fur suit worth? And OP replies, about 3,000 bucks? Our next Reddit post is from Captain Amy. About a month ago, my husband and I decided that we were done with slime. All slimes and doves of the play sort were banned from our household for a period of some odd months.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Before this happened, I purchased a box of plastic eggs containing slime, figuring they would be a fun filler for Easter baskets. I got like four dozen of these eggs to my surprise with the purchase. This led to them just sitting on a shelf because I had no intention of giving them to my surprise with the purchase. This led to them just sitting on a shelf because I had no intention of giving them to my children. A couple of my local needs groups this past week had their fair share of posts asking for Easter basket help, so I began offering up these slime eggs. A few families took some, grateful. I was happy to clear out these eggs and happy to help. Then up comes a new post.
Starting point is 00:04:05 It was a poor family with no money left this pay period, and here's Easter. Oh, well, maybe they were like a combination of these slime eggs. I don't have much left, it's not a full basket, but hey, the other saw it was a good contribution. This is the conversation. Oh, thanks. Yeah, we could take those, but do you have anything else? Kid number one, one's new video games, and Kid number two, one's AirPods. We were hoping to maybe get them scooters.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I said, no, I can't help with that. We need real gifts, so no thanks on those eggs. Posted a Facebook. Is anyone willing to help me financially obtain this beauty, as well as assist in transporting it into my place? I can't pay you back for it yet, but I will have it noted to do so once I'm able. It's a pretty heavy Japanese dresser,
Starting point is 00:05:00 so they don't mind haggling. But seeing as I've been financially destitute since October, I'm unable to get it myself, and they're moving like now. It would mean so much to me being able to have this. I have so many uses for it that would help in my spiritual journey and trauma healing. I know that sounds weird to some, but it's the case. Uh, hold up. What kind of trauma does someone have to have that the best way to cure it is by killing a Japanese dresser that someone else pays for and delivers to their house free of charge? I mean, yeah, I guess that does kind of make sense. If someone else bought my grocery and
Starting point is 00:05:43 then delivered it to my house and installed it for me I guess that would make me feel pretty good. I mean now that I think about it. I'd feel great about that honestly Posted a Facebook. I will say that I am slightly Disappointed in the participants of my honeymoon wishes website. I've gone and attended many weddings and I've given cash We could really use the help right as our flight and travel has already been paid for. So peeps, please help out, we're having a big party afterwards and I want to invite all who participate. Wait, I don't get it. If they're flight and their entire honeymoon has already been paid for, then why are they still asking for money? Just to have money
Starting point is 00:06:23 in the bike account? On this next post, OP is posting on Facebook that they're giving away free plans from their garden. Hi Laura, I saw your post on the Facebook group. You're a little bit early at the moment, but come April, we'll have seedlings of everything you've asked for in the community garden at the end of Blank Street. You'd be welcome to come and take what you want. We'll have loads and loads of spares. I've checked on Google Maps, and that's 0.8 miles away from me. Would you be able to bring them to me on blank crescent? Huh? If you come out to the end of blank on the opposite side of the shop, the community garden is literally opposite that. I don't have a car, though, so how will I get them home? We could give you a bag? No need to be cheeky at me though. Ha ha, sorry, but seriously, it's like a five-minute walk. Surely you can manage caring if you plan for that, right? Don't tell me what I can manage.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Do not f you f'ing cheeky gruntunt. Well that escalated quickly. We'll be posting on Facebook and the board outside the church when they're available so come along and grab some if you like or don't. Ethoth I've seen you driving down in your car. F'ing big man. F'ing grunt. Ethoth you grunt Look, I know there are people who are disabled and who literally can't walk 0.8 miles. And there's a chance, a small chance that the choosing beggar in this post is one of those people. But come on, man, 0.8 miles is too far for you to carry some seedlings. So down in the comments, people are speculating that this woman only wants to resell the vegetables on her own, and then we get this story from 66 GT.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Bingo! I've run into a few of those. I used to be a produce manager for a rather large retailer, and we would go through 40 or more cases of bananas a day. I would often have requests from people for boxes, because they're very sturdy, stack easily, have handles, and can handle 30 to 50 pounds. They work great for moving most items if you can deal with the holes.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I had a lady asking for 40 to 50 boxes every week, and she started to get really obnoxious about it. She wanted help loading them, didn't want ones with any small imperfections, or shipping stickers on them them and always wanted them by a certain time. It got old really quick. One day I was at a local farmer's market and lo and behold, there she was. She was using our boxes to display her own produce, which I didn't have an issue with,
Starting point is 00:09:00 but then I saw that she was selling empty boxes to people. F that, I'm not dealing with her garbage and then letting her make her profit off of my boxes. I banned her from getting boxes after that and then I had to put a limit on boxes when she sent other people to come pick them up. Breaking news, Space Needle celebrates 60 year anniversary with a contest that will allow five random Seattleites
Starting point is 00:09:22 to help paint the roof. Then beneath that, paint the roof. Doing free labor is the best prize ever. Ah, yes, free labor. And then the official space needle account replies, Thank you for sharing. There will be 60 lucky winners. Five of which will have the opportunity to paint the roof
Starting point is 00:09:42 in our original 1962 color. More to come, because this is just the start of our year-long celebration. Stay tuned at slash 60. Feature headline, breaking news, angry Seattleites have painted dicks on the roof of the space needle. Post it to Facebook. I'm looking for a caretaker, slash handy person, and possible live in tenant at one of our Airbnb rental places in Blank. The rent is 700 bucks for a shared space, only when I'm in town. I live in California. It's a two bedroom, one bathroom upstairs with full kitchen.
Starting point is 00:10:18 No children. The house is large, and we have multiple Airbnb's in the building with separate entrances. The person can work off their rent. Rent is month to month. I'll have a camera in the place. No visitors and no overnight stay by anyone else. Background check will be performed. Email me at Blink.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Awesome, $700 a month and rent to take care of someone else's property, be on camera 24 hours, and be there what made slash live in nurse whenever they're in town. Cool. Also, I'm not super familiar with Airbnb rules, but I'm like 95% certain that having cameras on your guests in an Airbnb is strictly against Airbnb rules. It would have to be right. There's just no way that Airbnb would let their tenants get away with recording their customers. No way man. It's certainly against policy, and it might also be straight up illegal. Posted to Facebook, I won this TV from a raffle, and I don't need it so I'm selling it.
Starting point is 00:11:20 It's normally sold for 800 bucks, but I'm selling it for 650, so that's a hundred and fifty dollar discount. Then, beneath that in the comments, I don't understand why people win stuff and then sell it. Why not donate it to somebody who's in need? But no one's in need of a 75 inch TV. There's plenty of Facebook pages that relate to man hat and areas for ones in need. Specifically, people who are starting from nothing or who can't afford new things. It's just a nice gesture instead of something you won, not paid for. Wait, so you won this TV and now you're selling it?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Not cool. I agree, there are single parents out there who are going without, and this would be a blessing, but for y'all to want money for something you didn't even pay for is awful. Right, at least replace your old TV for this one and give away this one. Fact, I'm a single mom of four kids with one income, so I know what it's like to struggle. Ha ha ha. Aw man, if only I had a 75 inch TV then I wouldn't be struggling.
Starting point is 00:12:26 The original poster could very well be struggling themselves and need the cash but not the TV. Then finally some logic in these comments. Wow y'all are so toxic. Dude forget these people and repost it in a different group without the one and a raffle part. It's amazing how people judge others just because he wanted. Now it's his to do it as he pleases. Like why are we so judgmental as a society it's truly sad.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I'm losing my mind over this R-slash choosing Beggar's feed. He should give it away to struggling people. He could very well be struggling and need the cash and not the TV, lol. How about selling the TV for what your raffle ticket cost? If you didn't need the TV, then why buy the ticket? What was the point of the raffle? Ah, I'm sure there are other prizes that were in the raffle. Man, the depressing thing about this is that if OP really did just give the TV to some
Starting point is 00:13:22 single mom with four kids, then more than likely the mom would just sell it for like 600 bucks profit, which is what OP is trying to do. That was our slash-choosing beggars, and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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