rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars 41-Year-Old Man Sues His Mommy for Allowance Money

Episode Date: January 10, 2022

r/Choosingbeggars This story is pretty nuts. A 41-year-old lawyer decides that he's tired of working, so he actually sues his rich parents for money. Basically, he wants them to pay him a weekly allow...ance so that he doesn't have to go into work anymore. I should also mention that the dude already lives in a $1,000,000 house that his parents bought for him. Not only did he lose the case, but now he's pretty much guaranteed to be written out of inheritance. How stupid can you be? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-Sash Choosing Beggars, where we get to enjoy the Christmas spirit of giving. Hello, does anyone want to make an extra 200 bucks a month? I need someone to pick up my daughter from Blank at 2.45 pm every day. The school bell rings at 3 pm. Then you'll have to stay with her for an hour and a half at our place in Blank until I get home. Please message me if interested. So, that turns out to be 5.75 an hour plus gas. If you're not interested then don't comment.
Starting point is 00:00:32 And beneath that we have this story from just brutally me. I've been there. I've been babysitting for nine years and I have tons of references. I had one lady offer me the equivalent of $3.68 per hour to drive 30 minutes to get there. Watch 3 kids for 10 hours. Do light housework. Do all of her household chores with my own cleaning supplies and then drive 30 minutes home. She got mad and called me a selfish little brat when I told her that I absolutely couldn't
Starting point is 00:01:03 accept anything less than 10 bucks an hour given the commute, number of kids, and other responsibilities that she wanted from me because I'd be losing money due to the commute and having to buy my own cleaning supplies. She messaged me a couple of other times since, begging me to come babysits because she can't find a babysitter who will do all of her chores and watch three kids for her awful pay. I very politely tell her every time that I would be happy to babysit for her and help around the house, as long as she provides the supplies and pays the appropriate rate. She gets mad every time.
Starting point is 00:01:38 And then we have another story from Kitharane. My current manager wants to hire a live-in babysitter to pick up and drop off her daughter. They would live in the garage, which she has yet to convert, and it's Australia, so it would be stupid hot in the summer. She expressed horror when I said that she would be expected to pay about 300 bucks a week and provide food. She just couldn't understand that. Needless to say, she still hasn't gotten anyone. No one seems to be happy to sign up to servitude. This next post comes from Facebook, where someone is organizing some kind of local giveaway, where people who are better off can buy gifts
Starting point is 00:02:15 for people who are struggling. The organizer writes, this post is for everyone that has asked for help for this big Christmas drive. Whether you've been matched yet or not, please pay attention to this. The donors are regular every day people. They aren't corporate sponsors, big business owners, etc. When it comes to your list, I've asked you to please keep your request to under $25. I did that for a reason. These people are being very generous with their time and money, but they don't have a lot themselves. Please keep that in mind, and if the sponsoring families contact you asking for more information, please keep the criteria in mind. Also, be grateful for what you get, because if you give them a whole list, then they'll do what they can. But if you don't get everything on the list, please be understanding and grateful
Starting point is 00:03:04 for what you do get. I've had sponsoring families come to me, saying that families that have asked for help are asking for things way beyond the criteria that I posted. Make sure that things that you're asking for are true needs and that they're small and reasonable. Thank you. Down in the comments, we have this story from Little Miss Dream. I looked into adopting through USPS last year, and I was excited to share a big Christmas for some kids. I was gonna go
Starting point is 00:03:30 all out because I had a great year. I did end up donating elsewhere later. I specifically searched for Transformers, and I was gonna make a few kids' Christmases by loading them up with my old favorite childhood toy. Every list that mentioned Transformers were clearly written by adults, who knew the exact figures to pick, which were insanely expensive, rare, hard to find, and collectible, like the ones that you don't open from the box. It was disheartening. Also, we had this story from a lectant sub. My office adopted a family at Christmas and their requests were totally crazy. Multiple playstations, shotguns, a microwave, designer clothing, I was shocked. At the time, I was a divorced mom and there was no way that I could afford this. But when I voiced my concerns,
Starting point is 00:04:20 the big bosses suggested that I was being selfish and I was shamed big time. Do they really not know how much their employees are making or realize that this is not a realistic expectation? Then we have another story from legal bagel. When I was a kid, my Girl Scout troop sponsored a homeless family and we got a local radio station to donate like $2,500 to $5,000. I can't remember. But it was enough to get an apartment, furniture, clothing, and they were also going to connect the adults with job training and placements. The homeless family was upset that they didn't just get the money.
Starting point is 00:04:53 They didn't like any of the apartments, and they didn't want to participate in the job program. They also didn't like the clothing options. I think we ended up giving the bulk of the money back to the station or to the local shelter because we had it for like two months to help this family. Then we have yet another story from that Gothgamer chick. I did one of those angel trees where a family puts a Christmas list on a Christmas tree and you choose a list to buy for and give that family those gifts. A couple of co-workers and I pulled our money together to do one, and we chose a letter from a mom that had two kids.
Starting point is 00:05:26 The lists seem normal for the most part. Clothes, hot wheels, car stuff, Legos, they asked for a PlayStation 4, which we thought was odd because both kids listed on the tag were under the age of 4. But whatever, we couldn't afford that anyway. They also asked for headphones for her 3 yearold to use when they play on their iPad. I found a nice pair of kid-friendly headphones for 20 bucks that had nice reviews for holding up to the roughness of a toddler, as well as being overall good sound quality. When we delivered the gift's face to face, the mom was instantly disappointed that the
Starting point is 00:05:59 headphones were cheap, and she actually asked us why we didn't get beats by Dre headphones. She literally said, I went the best for my kids, not cheap BS. Why would I put cheap garbage on the list? It's Christmas, you should be buying the best. We were so dumb struck. First off, I can't even afford to buy those for myself, let alone a three year old. And secondly, why the F would you give a toddler such expensive headphones when they literally break everything? I never saw someone be so ungrateful for someone buying presents for their kids before. Honestly, it turned me off
Starting point is 00:06:36 to charity for a few years, until I realized that I shouldn't let one greedy lady ruin helping others have a nice Christmas. Now, more coworkers have joined in, and we were able to cover gifts for a couple of families this year. Don't let choosing beggars ruin it for others. So a bit off topic, but while we're on the topic of Christmas gifts, a couple episodes ago I said I was super super excited because I asked my wife to get me a drone for Christmas because drone flying looks super super fun and I think it'd be a really cool hobby for me to get into. So my wife got me the drone, but I live kind of close to DC and I didn't know this until after I got the gift, but apparently DC is this massive no fly zone for drones. Like, literally, if I want to fly the drone one time, I have to file some
Starting point is 00:07:25 sort of application with the TSA and they get a police escort just to fly the drone that one time. Like, I literally can't even make the drone fly inside the confines of my own house, because the software on the drone realizes that it's close to DC and it literally won't even turn on. So, that kinda sucks. It doesn't kinda suck, it mega sucks because I was really, really excited. But, you know, there's still hope because my wife and I are thinking about moving, um, next year. So, if you move out of DC, then perhaps there's hope that I can fly this cool drone around. Anyways, I just wanted to share that because that sucks. That's so unlucky.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I feel so stupid for not, like, looking this up beforehand, but it never crossed my mind that I would be in a giant no fly zone. It just never occurred to me. So that just sucks, man. I feel like an idiot. News article. 41-year-old lawyer who sued his parents to pay him 500 bucks a week loses appeal. What? Unemployed lawyer who has had his lavish lifestyle entirely funded by his wealthy parents for years has lost a court bid to force his mother and father to continue to pay him maintenance. Faiz Sidiqwi, whose 41, claimed his parents are violating his human rights after they stopped paying for his life in London after he went years without a job.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Sidiqwi, who graduated from Oxford University, last worked in 2011 having previously practiced law at prestigious firms, Burgess Salmon, and Field Fisher Waterhouse, and worked as a major tax and blah blah blah. While unemployed, he claimed that he has become entirely dependent on handouts from his parents, who are 69 and 71 and live blah blah. While unemployed, he claimed that he has become entirely dependent on handouts from his parents, who are 69 and 71 and live in Dubai. These payments amount to about 1500 pounds a month, while the 41-year-old lives rent-free in a 1 million-pound apartment in Central London. So, apparently, this guy also tried to sue Oxford University for a million pounds in 2018 over his failure to get first class honors.
Starting point is 00:09:29 He claimed that what he taught was inadequate, and he lost that case too. How can someone who's just so perfectly set up to succeed in life be such a failure? Graduated from Oxford has wealthy parents? Like clearly the guy is smart, because how else would you get a lot ofuated from Oxford has wealthy parents. Like clearly the guy is smart because how else would you get a lot of agree from Oxford? Is it just because he's mega mega like ultra lazy, just can't be bothered to do anything because he just doesn't care? It's gotta be right? Or like a drug problem or something? This is, this is weird. How does he honestly expect that a jury is gonna force wealthy parents to pay a 41-year-old
Starting point is 00:10:07 a salary for just existing? Like, what's the claim? Child support, I guess? Man, this guy must like straight up be the laziest human being to have ever existed. Also, it's really weird because if his parents are wealthy enough that they can afford to give him a 1 million pound apartment in New York, then clearly his parents are super wealthy. Also his parents are pretty old, so they could kick off any day now. So why would you go out of your way to piss off your parents by suing them, which in my mind would pretty much guarantee that you will never get any of that inheritance money, right?
Starting point is 00:10:43 This just doesn't make any sense to me. I'm looking for a logo and banner. Alright, the total for that will be 12 bucks. What do you want them to look like? Something like yours, but more color, and on the side of the banner, I wanted to say Blank for instant RTS. What colors do you want?
Starting point is 00:10:59 Blue, purple, and pink. Alright, how does this look? It's watermarked because it hasn't been paid for yet. It looks good. Alright, so the total is $12 and my PayPal is blank. Just let me know when you send it and I'll get you the HD pictures. I want to see the HD picture first. Why? Because I don't know if I like it. Look, I'll give you a shout out for it. I don't need a shout out. I have many active viewers. Can you pay for it or not? I can't. Okay, why'd you commission me? I thought that you were doing it for free. You did ask prices. Could you let me use it? I can't. Why? You already made it. Because I thought you could
Starting point is 00:11:40 pay for it. Let me use it and I'll pay you as soon as I get the money. You're not getting it until you pay. I see these types of posts a lot where some young aspiring content creator is trying to get someone to make them a logo, an intro, an outro, or whatever. And I can say, like as a professional YouTuber, it just doesn't matter. Man, it really does not matter in the slightest. No one cares about your banner. No one cares about your fancy intro. No one cares about your banner, no one cares about your fancy intro, no one cares about any of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:08 All they really care about is, is the video entertaining or is it not entertaining? So trying to scam hardworking artists out of money because you think, oh, if only I had a banner for my YouTube channel, then I could finally hit a million subscribers. It just doesn't work like that. So if you're thinking about being a professional content
Starting point is 00:12:25 creator, just try to make good content and then all that other stuff, like banners and background music and intros, that stuff comes later, just don't worry about it. Okay, so for this next post, there's this thing called Reddit Gift Exchange where basically you sign up and you say what you want and then some random person on the internet gets you
Starting point is 00:12:44 and they send you a gift and then you get some other random person and you send what you want, and then some random person on the internet gets you and they send you a gift, and then you get some other random person and you send them a gift. So it's basically like, what, kind of like white elephant, but for the entire internet. Anyways, this one dude signed up to Reddit Gifts, and this was in his profile. Likes and dislikes. Any greeting card you send me must have money or a gift card because I will request a visa gift card along with it. The gift card amount can be either $25, $50 or $100. If you can't buy a gift card, then the money is a replacement option which I will request
Starting point is 00:13:17 for a $50 bill. Thanks and happy holidays. Then this guy posts a picture of a holiday gift card that was sent to him, and it doesn't have any money in it, and he writes this. I like the holiday card, but I ask for money or gift card with it. So, despite liking the gift, I didn't like how it failed to follow the requirement that I gave them. Okay, so this reminds me of something that I've been thinking about recently because it's near Christmas time time so kind of dredged up this memory. So back when I was really, really young, young enough that I would still be at the age
Starting point is 00:13:50 where I would like go on Easter egg hunts. So God I must have been probably like eight or something, really, really young. My mom asked me what I wanted for Easter and I said a video game. I wanted a video game for the N64 and Easter rolled around and my mom got me a bunch of stuff like toys and candy She kind of always goes over the top on holidays to be honest But I didn't get the video game that I asked for and I was like a spoiled petulant little eight-year-old And I was upset because I was really looking forward to the video game So I kind of like trashed my mom a little bit afterwards. I was like mom
Starting point is 00:14:24 I asked for the video game. Why didn't you give me the video game? And she gave me this lecture about how I was being spoiled and entitled and how she did give me a bunch of gifts and I should be grateful for what she did get me and not be upset about the things that she didn't get me. And even at the age of like eight years old, I was like, Okay, yeah, that makes sense. I like understand now the point of giving gifts and receiving gifts, and that like stuck with me,
Starting point is 00:14:50 and I've remembered that. And you know, when Christmas rolled around that memory kind of dredged up, and I look back and cringe at how entitled I was on that one Easter, anyway, anyways, I'm sharing this story because I wanna illustrate that even an 8-year-old child can understand the importance of not being an entitled douchebag.
Starting point is 00:15:08 But this guy, despite getting a kind gift from a stranger, is like, oh, well, actually, I wanted a gift card or money, and this doesn't have money, so go F yourself. It's like, dude, you're a grown man. Get over yourself. And then, like, way down in the comments of this post, we have a completely off topic story, which has nothing to do with the original post, but it's so funny that I have to read it anyways. This comes from Rall Hallahan. This reminds me of my father-in-law. He sent my husband a text saying that he was in the hospital with COVID.
Starting point is 00:15:41 He then read the text that he sent and assumed that my husband sent it. Then he spent hours calling everyone in the family telling them my husband was dying from COVID. I got like 20 phone calls in the span of one hour asking me if my husband was okay. All this confusion and distress. All this confusion and distress because my father-in-law read his own text message and thought that it was from his son. Dear son, I have COVID. Love, Dad. Oh my god, my son has COVID. That was our slash-shoes, Beggars. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. beggars and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new
Starting point is 00:16:25 Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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