rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars A Hunter Trespassed on My Land and SHOT ME!

Episode Date: August 18, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash choosing beggars where a woman gets shot and killed in her own backyard. Selling Zelda Breath of the Wild for Nintendo Switch for $30. Hi, is this available? Will you take $20? Sorry, but the price is firm. What about $25? I'm sure that if you're willing to pay $25 for it, you can add the extra $5 low. I got someone else at $27, so how about $25? Alright, well good luck buying from them. I'm firm on price like I said. How about $27? I can do $27 tomorrow. Just pay the $30. You keep inching closer to it. I don't understand what the negotiating is. Why would I when I'm gonna buy it from someone else for $27? You make no sense.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Okay, just buy it from them then. I don't need to lower my price just because someone else apparently did. This isn't a competition for lowest deal, LMAO. It is if you want to sell it, I think I'll pass then. I'll buy from the other guy. Why didn't you just do that in the first place? Have a great night. You're not very good at this.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I bet you don't even have a PlayStation 5. What? What kind of insult is that? I don't have a PlayStation 5, doesn't bother me at all. Also down in the comments we have this word from Windals. I sold brand new Samsung earbuds for $110 the other week, and some people have the nerve of trying to haggle.
Starting point is 00:01:26 This one guy said that he lived about an hour away, but he would drive down to pick it up. He got to my house, and he said that he only brought $100 with him. Even though we agreed on $110, and he said that he should get a discount because of how far he drove. I told him he could either give me the 100 cash and banged trance or me the rest or he could leave, but eventually he did. Job posting, marketing, social media articles. Our small legal office is looking for a miracle slash blessing. We need a volunteer slash intern part time. We need a marketing person to
Starting point is 00:02:02 handle all of our social media, email marketing, etc. for about 3-6 months, then convert to a salary employee. We're aware that this is unusual, but we hope this reaches someone work for free for 3-6 months? And then you most definitely won't get immediately fired so they can find another free intern for 3-6 months after that? What an opportunity! Our next reddit post is from Miss Fixin. I was fresh out of a doctor's appointment and on my way back to work, and I only had enough time to stop by a local grocery store to get a few things. When I finish my visit at the store, I'm on my way to my car and I get stopped by a woman. Excuse me, can you help me? I have no money and I'm living in my car with my kids and we're hungry. We just escaped a bad situation. I say, I'm glad that you got out and
Starting point is 00:03:02 yeah, I can get you something quick.'s go to subway um actually can we get something from the Mexican Cantina I don't like the bread from subway oh um well I'm in a rush oh that's okay if you have any loose money I swear that I'll go in and get the food for my kids and I. Unfortunately, I don't have any loose money, only my card. But if we go to Subway, then... It's the bread. I just can't. I swear, they're really fast at putting food together at the Cantina. I really can't.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I don't have time. What about the Deli section at the grocery store? I need to get back to work. I'm sorry. Really? The Cantina is fast. Maybe you could pull money out of the ATM. I'm sorry. I'm late getting back to work, I'm sorry. Really, the Cantina is fast. Maybe you could pull money out of the ATM. I'm sorry, I'm late getting back to work. I don't have time for the Cantina.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I then just walked away, and all I could think was, how could you be hungry and choosy, especially when you have kids? Come on OP, don't be so naive. If you would said, okay, let's go to the Cantina, then she would have said, oh, I can't eat it the Mexican Cantina The burritos are just awful. Can we go to set way instead? She doesn't want the food. She just wants cash. On this next post
Starting point is 00:04:14 OP donates to a charity organization and when his membership expires he gets this letter from the charity. Dear friend, when they told me that your membership expired, I couldn't believe it. I just can't believe someone so dedicated to conservation would walk away from the critical challenges that we face. Not when polar bears, the world's largest carnivores on land, with males weighing up to 1500 pounds, are threatened by habitat loss and global warming and need our urgent help. I don't believe that you intended to let your membership expire. I believe that you'll continue to stand with us and that's why I'm personally sending
Starting point is 00:04:54 you this annual membership renewal. Polar bears are special indeed, but so are supporters like you. I don't want to lose you. Please renew your annual membership today. like you. I don't wanna lose you. Please renew your annual membership today. Thank you. P-h-h-h-h-h-h. Okay, the letter has a PS. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:05:13 PS, when you joined our organization, you made a commitment to wildlife conservation. We still need your help urgently. So please return your annual membership renewal today. Thank you. Okay, so letters like this is exactly why YouTube never implemented a policy that allows YouTubers to email their subscribers. Can you imagine how obnoxious that would be, man?
Starting point is 00:05:39 Hi there, this is R-slash, and I noticed that you didn't watch my latest video. I mean, normally I make fun of entitled carons. I didn't think that you would be one too. So unless you want to get five out of five buttholes, how about you maliciously comply by watching my latest video? Oh my god, that would be so obnoxious. Post it to next door. Can someone help me and my family with food or take out food ASAP?
Starting point is 00:06:05 Because we have to use the money that we get to pay rent and bills. We have no money to buy food, toilet paper, and paper towels. My husband gets paid next week. Please, someone help us. This is serious. Because me and my husband have medical issues, so we have to eat. I'm on dialysis treatment for kidney failure, and my husband has stomach issues. He has to eat, or he'll go back to the hospital again if he doesn't eat. I'll send you the address so that you can send me food.
Starting point is 00:06:38 And then someone replies, I have some canned goods that you can have, but you have to pick them up. Sorry, but we don't drive. And then someone replies, I'm happy to drop off first thing in the morning around 9. Please send me your address. But I can't eat canned food because of the dialysis. Not even pasta? I have peanut butter, spaghetti noodles, sauce, and some frozen pastrami.
Starting point is 00:07:02 I can't eat that. Sorry, I'm on a steak diet due to being on dialysis. What can you eat? Fish, steak, ribs, pork chop, breakfast cocoa puffs with two-person milk, hamburger, buns, eggs, cheese, bread, ham and chicken salad, and potato salad, and chicken papi. Then someone else replies, LMAO, that sounds like a dialysis diet. Can you imagine a doctor being like, ma'am, you're on dialysis, your diet is super important. You must eat breakfast cocoa puffs with 2% milk or you could die.
Starting point is 00:07:39 If you have one bite of spaghetti, it'll be the last meal you ever eat. Okay, on this next post, someone wrote a review for a wedding venue that has a lake on it. Review one star. I hear they don't let you fish on their lake, even if there's no ceremonies going on. Selfish. Nice lake gone to waste. Then the owner of the wedding venue replies, Hi choosing Beggar, we're a privately owned property that specializes in weddings.
Starting point is 00:08:07 If you'd like to plan a wedding and see what we can really do, please feel free to reach out. Then the choosing Beggar writes in edits. Edits, no, I don't want to plan a wedding, I just want to fish on your lake. Let people fish on your lake. Why do you guys care so much if people fish on your property? It's a perfectly good fishing lake gone to waste. You don't need a lake for a wedding, but you do need a lake to go fishing.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Stop being selfish and letting your lake go to waste. Oh man, what do you think the odds are? If this choosing beggar had his own private lake, that he would let total random strangers drive up to his property and fish on his lake. Would you guys say a hundred percent chance or zero percent chance? Down in the comments we have this story from Oralenty. I had a similar story with a hunter on my six acre property. I love watching the deer coming out of the woods in the morning and evening until one day
Starting point is 00:09:00 I found this numb nut walking in the middle of my property while walking my dog. I told him that he can't hunt here, that there are kids around. He got all pissed, called me names, and said that I'm not neighborly until he stormed away. I found his car a few days later parked on this other side, so he must have walked more than two miles to come around. Needless to say, the cops were waiting for him at his car when he came back. Oh, whoa, okay, beneath that, we have this story from Stode.
Starting point is 00:09:28 After reading your comment, I googled the term, shot by hunters in own backyard. The number of responses was scary. The worst was a woman who people blamed for her own death because she wore white mittens and no orange during hunting season. She was shot to death at her own back gate. No charges were filed. And then another story from Ket Dog. My dog and I were almost shot in my own backyard when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:09:57 This guy yelled at me for having a brown and black dog when he realized that we weren't a deer. I was like, but you're not allowed to shoot right next to my house anyway. Also, you're trespassing on my property that was well marked, which is a huge no-no. Yo, hold up. Then we have an even worse story from my evil bob. I was shot in my parents' backyard, which is surrounded by no hunting signs. I was hit with buckshot, but from enough of a distance that it didn't break my skin. It just hit hard enough for me to notice. My dad managed to figure out where the guy was parked and called the cops. Oh man, I really don't understand the logic behind most entitled people and choosing beggars
Starting point is 00:10:37 that we read about all the time, but I especially don't understand hunters who trespass on other people's property. Because for one, you could shoot an innocent person and go to jail, and why would you want to do that? And for two, you're carrying a loaded weapon onto someone else's property, and typically America is where these stories take place. Honestly, that's just asking to get shot by a homeowner. Or next where it posted from Aurora. This happened yesterday. I was coming home from work and outside the metro station, there were a few volunteers for a non-government organization, all middle-aged women.
Starting point is 00:11:10 They were tagging people's shirts with their organization's logo. Apparently, they were collecting donations and terrible items for disabled kids. I pulled out my wallet and I had nothing less than a $50 bill, so I handed them that $50 note. She looked at me, pinned the logo on my shoulder, looked me dead in the eye and said, we're doing this for over 500 disabled students. I smiled nervously. Unsure why I needed this information.
Starting point is 00:11:37 But she didn't stop there. 50 bucks is barely anything for that. Can you please give us at least a hundred or 150? It's for the children, of course. I took back my 50 bucks and walked away without saying anything. Down in the comments, people are pointing out that more than likely this wasn't even
Starting point is 00:11:55 a charity organization. It was just a bunch of scammers. All you have to do is just buy a bunch of stickers or pins and then stand around with a table saying you're collecting charity for kids and then trade basically 50 bucks in exchange for a sticker. Our next reddit post is from Pointer Dragonfly. I'm just incredibly disheartened by what happened. It all started the other day at work.
Starting point is 00:12:17 I work at a small chain convenience store with self-checkouts. A woman who was maybe 35 years old came up and had about $17 worth of item scanned. But then, all of a sudden, she starts telling me her life story. She told me her girlfriend was in the hospital, she was homeless, and she was living in a U-Haul. She said that she had 200 bucks on an online gift card from her mother, but for whatever reason, she couldn't use it. She stood at this self-checkout lane for close to 20 minutes. The self-checkouts were the only ones open because the regular register was doing an unplanned system update.
Starting point is 00:12:53 She just kept trying to check out and talking to herself, saying, it should work very loudly. I assume to get someone to pay for her so they can move on. I watched her and began to feel bad for her. Now I'm a 21 year old college student, I do not have a lot of money. I reached over and tapped my phone to pay for her things, and I said, if you ever see someone in the situation, please do the same for them. She was very thankful for it, and I was glad that I was able to help. Fast forward the next day, and she's back in
Starting point is 00:13:25 the store, asking my manager to pay for her gas and cigarettes. Now this made me feel bad, and almost regret what I did, because she said, I don't know how to do anything else, but ask people for things and beg. She said this in an almost argumentative way. I'm looking at this woman who seemed to be getting a rationally upset that my manager wasn't going to buy her cigarettes and gas, both of which are incredibly expensive in my state. She looks over to me and goes, she knows me, and I just stared. No, I do not know you. You showed me that you had $200 on a card that your mom sent you to pay for these things,
Starting point is 00:14:04 and instead of trying to get it sorted, you come back in and continue asking for those things, especially the cigarettes. I felt bad, but I felt as if me doing that made her think that she could take this weird advantage of the store and get things for free. I don't know if maybe I'm just being a B word or something, but it was just very off putting to hear her get so angry at him after already being helped the day prior. Yeah, Opie, unfortunately, sometimes being nice comes back to bite you, and sometimes it doesn't.
Starting point is 00:14:35 The tricky thing is, it's not always easy to tell which time is which. That was our slash-shooting beggars, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. That was our slash Choosing Beggars, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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