rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars A Millionaire Wants to Pay Me in Food

Episode Date: July 9, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash Choosing Beggars, where a millionaire wants to pay people with food. Our next reddit post is from I'm Fed. Graphic designer here. I've been contacted by the assistant of a local entrepreneur, a pretty rich one regarding one of his restaurants. Hey, can you help us with this project? Sure, do you have a budget for this project? Dinner?
Starting point is 00:00:20 Yeah, I'm in. It's better to meet in real life and work out a plan together. No, we're offering you dinner as payment. I told them that I'm not starving and that I only accept money as a form of payment, like every other human being. I'm still waiting for an answer. I think they're currently searching for someone who's willing to eat some rabbi only in exchange for 10 hours of work. Selling something or another for $150 on Facebook Marketplace. Hi, is this available? Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:49 What's the last price? Huh? What's the last price? I don't know what that means. The price is listed at $150. You want a hundred bucks on that? No, I want 150. I'm coming now and I'm taking $100.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Well, no, you're not. On this next post, OP is a 3D artist. I'm not being rude or anything, but what you're asking for is a bit much for some 3D models. It takes a lot of time to position, pose, and fit in lighting for the models done to ensure the image is high quality and looking great. The previous commission I accepted took me over a week to complete due to the complexity, and you're paying for my time to render them too. I don't currently have money, but we could do a trade or something if you'd like. I could draw you something? I'm not interested in receiving art, but thank you anyway. I think that me sharing your 3D art around would help. Pay in views type of thing. I could pay you,
Starting point is 00:01:46 but I'm disabled and I need that money at the moment. I've been pretty down since I was diagnosed with depression too. I think that this could help. I'm sorry, but I don't accept views as payment only money. And I'm also disabled and depressed, which is why money would be great for me to make from commissions. Do let me know in the future if you're interested in commissioning me. All right. I don't want your art anyway. Your profile is actually gross. Then the Choosing Beger links a 3D render that OP did of an older man wearing lingerie. He's a grown man. BARF! Yeah, he a grown man, because it would be incredibly strange if I were to try to put a child in lingerie.
Starting point is 00:02:30 But I can see why you think my account is gross. It's why you were so interested in begging for free art, right? OP, you could have literally cured a disabled person's depression by giving them this 3D render, and you refused? That's just heartless OP. Heartless, cold, and cruel. Yo man, I love your comic, it's fire. Thanks man, I appreciate that. So can you like draw me in your cartoon style?
Starting point is 00:02:55 Yeah, for sure. I would just need a picture of you, your favorite color, etc. Dope. And this is all free, right? Actually, no. I charged $20 for a cartoon, but I can get it done by tonight if you give me all your info now. $20? Damn, yo. It's not that good. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I'm not sure how you want me to respond to that, lol. I'm just saying, 20 bones is a lot for one of your goofy-looking cartoons. Right. But a cartoon that you asked for, though, so would that make you goofy too? Man, F you! You're lucky that I've been hitting your stupid butt up, I could do this stuff way better than you could. You know what, you're right. How could I even refuse such a nice person like you? I'll do the cartoon of you, don't worry about it. Yo, for real? Yeah, right after I finish climbing Mount Everest, hit me back up in a year or two. Your art is whack anyway, brah.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Heh, nothing quite says I hate your art and your art is garbage quite like begging the artist for free art in their DMs. Post it to Facebook. Let's talk babysitter rates. I pay hourly for date nights, small sessions, etc. However, for all day care, I usually offer a set amount. Is this not common practice? I had someone tell me today when I asked for all day care from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. that it would be $10 an hour. That's $80 a day for just one kid when I provide food and
Starting point is 00:04:25 transportation so that seems steep to me. That's $400 for the whole week. This girl is 16 years old. I'm honestly asking because I don't feel that I was in the wrong. So I want to see where everyone else stands on this and get some opinions from other mamas. Thanks in advance. So when she's saying that because this girl is 16, she doesn't deserve, like, minimum wage. Really, the argument is just, I should be able to exploit child labor. And why can't I? And the fact that I can't makes me angry. GURR! Curse those child labor lost. Posted a Facebook.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I'm taking applications for someone to hang out with my kids this summer. Details must have a valid driver's license, a vehicle or access to one and insured. You must be available during the day, one to two days a week, either Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday. I need you to take them to the library, splash pads, skating, bowling, etc. I'll pay you $30 a day, plus your admission to places and your lunch that day. My kids are both boys aged 8 and 13. There's spending way too much time on screens and my work made us go full time in person
Starting point is 00:05:37 again. I prefer a high school kid or a fellow mom. I'll be requiring references and a full application. Also, there may be a chance to earn some extra money over the school year for help with transportation. And for the math on that, if you assume eight hour days, that comes out to $3.75 an hour. Considering you're expected to drive these kids around, I'm not even sure if that covers the cost of gas. This next post comes from a news article. Members of the House of Lords have complained about the quality of food and wine served in
Starting point is 00:06:11 Parliament despite the 25 million pounds of taxpayer subsidies. One pure grumbled. There are only so many smoked salmon or prawn and crayfish salads one can take week after week. Both the shard and the soven sovignon blanc are really poor quality. Can something be done? Hold up, there's no way this is real, is this the onion? No, it's a real article.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Yo, hold up. These people make $80,000 a year, $80,000 pounds. They get free smoked salmon. This is an ultra-exclusive restaurant that you can only go to if you're actually a member of parliament. One member of parliament complained that there was so much lettuce in the sandwiches, and the current offering of salads leaves much to be desired. Wow! They're eating on the tax payers' dime and they're still complaining about it. Apparently, according to this article, this is the same parliament that voted not to increase the salary of doctors and nurses. Hmm, I see. And to be clear, they don't have to eat this stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:17 They could just spend their own money to go out to, you know, whatever, McDonald's and buy themselves a burger, but they just don't want to. They went free, high quality, lobsters and steaks. On this next post, people are talking about the Netflix show Love on the Spectrum, which if you don't know is about autistic people dating. And this guy says, I thought I saw a tweet somewhere saying that autistic people showing on Love on the Spectrum weren't paid for their time. Can someone either find that tweet or corroborate this? And they reply, the casting call in the US indicates that this series is a documentary
Starting point is 00:07:49 series, so all roles are specifically not compensated. They do cover the production costs of dates, meals, and travel. And oh, okay, this is the actual casting call. Netflix writes, So this isn't an acting gig. It's all about people being themselves. We're a fun, respectful production aiming to raise awareness about autism and celebrate differences. We're open to a diverse range of people. We want to represent the spectrum as best we can.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Since we're a documentary series, we cannot pay for participation. But we do cover any meals and transportation costs incurred. And then beneath this, Netflix is getting blasted. Asking autistic people to invite cameras into their house, have their family members in themselves interviewed, and go on a date with a random person and or speed dating, and the autistic person gets no money. And to be publicly shown on TV so that millions of other people can comment on them. What? I can't imagine being an autistic person, being asked to go on all these dates and getting
Starting point is 00:08:50 interviewed, having cameras in your house with no compensation. The fact that this is uncompensated and isn't a true documentary really leans more towards exploitation in my opinion. Wow, honestly, I'm kind of shocked by this. Well, you know poor Netflix doesn't have money to spend on this project they can't afford to pay them. After all they spent all their money on stranger things. How much did Netflix spend on stranger things? 30 million dollars per episode so yeah I mean that's where all their budget went. Don't have any
Starting point is 00:09:19 money left over to pay the autists so tough luck I guess. My fiance and I are looking to a lope in Salt Lake City flats. No family or friends, just an efficient. Our idea was to have it styled up and have it open to photographers and other vendors willing to do it as a styled shoot. I'd pay for florals and setups and just charge each photographer a small rate to shoot, as long as we get the photos in return. For your hope, Lady, I hope the Efficient has an iPhone that can take pictures. Our next reddit post is from No New Friends.
Starting point is 00:09:53 So unequatence is getting married and they sent their wedding website and registry. Now, this person wants an over-the-top kind of wedding. Only her partner works, but the cost of the wedding is about $30,000 right now. How do I know this? Because their registry only has cash funds for their vendors, a regular cash fund, and a honeymoon fund. They said absolutely no gifts, only contributions to the funds. Everything from the videographer to the wedding dress, to even the manicure and pedicure costs are on there. Another acquaintance recently got married in a small ceremony, and all this person did was talk about how trashy it was, but at least that person stayed within their budget.
Starting point is 00:10:34 This is supposed to be a guest count of 125, so I guess they expect everyone to contribute at least $250. Mind you, this is all a group of younger people who haven't even finished college yet or had kids. And even crazier, their partner pays for everything. All of her living expenses. All deposits have been the partner's money because the bride refuses to work at least part time, even when asked to by the partner. He's a commission based employee too, so funds fluctuate month to month. He literally just bought his fiancee a car, but then he had to cut her off
Starting point is 00:11:11 to prevent her from running up credit card debts. Now, you might be thinking, oh well, it's what his partner wants to do because he loves the bride, but previous conversations have been, can you work part time to help out? No. What's wrong with the car you have now? I went something else. Why can't we go to the courthouse? I went my dream wedding. Man, based on this story,
Starting point is 00:11:34 it seems like the only thing this guy is getting himself is like a two-year marriage tops, an alimony afterwards and massive credit card debts. On this next post, OP is a software developer and this conversation takes place on Discord. Hi, at OP, at OP, at OP, hi, at OP, at OP. Hey there, sorry I was AFK for a bit. Anyways, can you make me a website? Yeah, what kind of website do you want?
Starting point is 00:12:01 A chatting app like Discord. Whoa, that's a lot of work to do. Please, I know that you can do it. Yeah, I will, and it'll probably be way worse than the real Discord because I'm a solo developer. Thanks. Uh, how much are you willing to pay? Pay? Wasn't this free? No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:12:22 A complete full stack web application will cost you about 100 bucks, including all the hosting fees. A hundred dollars is way too much. Ten dollars is a reasonable price. No, do you even know how much work I have to do? I don't care. Ten dollars is my final offer. Take it or leave it.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Fine, I'll do it. Finally. And then OP just sends like a paint image of the really badly drawn Discord logo with Discrod then the Choosing Beggar sends back a middle finger emoji and blocks OP. Wait, I feel like I'm missing something. $100 for a full website where you can chat with other people that feels like something that would cost like hundreds of thousands of dollars. That was our slash-choosing beggars, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my
Starting point is 00:13:08 podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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