rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars "All Teenagers Should Be Work Slaves!"

Episode Date: May 12, 2021

r/Choosingbeggars Hey kids, wanna earn some money for your hard work? Well TOO BAD! According to this choosing beggar, all teenagers should have to work for free as some sort of modern day child slave.... Yep! This terrible boss actually made an angry rant on Facebook about how he should be able to pay his teenage employees $0/hour while he pockets all the profit. It's almost hard to believe that somebody could actually be that delusional. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So you think you know sports? Points vet is the sportsbook for you, because we've got the features for true competitors, like live, same-game parliers. Use your sportsmarts to make picks live on the players and teams you're watching, and qualified vets can use our early cashout feature, so you could take your winnings to play live blackjack
Starting point is 00:00:20 on the same points vet app, the platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do. Bed on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino. Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from a cross-reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash Choosing Beggars,
Starting point is 00:00:36 where a guy complains that he can't get free child slave labor. Hi, a friend of yours named Blink sold you my father's civic. And I'm trying to see how I can get the vehicle back because it's the only thing that I have of my father since he passed away eight years ago. I do have it, here are some pictures. I miss it, so what would I have to give up to get my father's baby back? It's not for sale, but money talks.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Make an offer, you know how much she sings are going for now. It was my father's. That's why I was asking for it because it has sentimental value to me. It's the only thing I have left of my father. Also, the only money I have is $1,500. Sorry, bro. I recently got offered $6,000 and I turned it down. That's my father's car, so you're telling me I can't have my father's car back? That's not right, man, just saying you'll regret it. Like, the man passed away, and that's all my father left for me. I wouldn't have bugged you if it didn't mean a lot to me, but it
Starting point is 00:01:43 does. And I have pictures that it was mine before you had it. I can't do anything for you. Good luck. Wow, okay fine, I'll call my lawyer then. You asked for this, not me, because the wheel has the car in my name, so keep playing me. Sure, let me know if you need my info for your lawyer. Alright, let me know if you need my info for your lawyer. Alright, let me get this straight.
Starting point is 00:02:05 This guy's father died eight years ago, and in the will he left this choosing beggar a car that he no longer owned. And then eight years later, this guy messages OP expecting him to just hand over his car, selling highly adjustable comfy office chair for 40 bucks. Would you take 20 bucks, and does everything work well? Everything works. It's only been listed for an hour so the price is firm at 40 bucks for now. Okay, I'm a senior and I'm on social security with a fixed income. And I'm a graduate student with $280,000 in student loans at 7.6% interest. I understand, but I have a lot of health issues and I can only pay a certain amount.
Starting point is 00:02:49 You think that's bad. Try going to college for four years, then grad school for two years only does sit around to make YouTube videos all day. Like yeah, I get it. 280K and student loans is a lot, but theoretically this guy's degree is still useful. Do any of you people care that I have a bachelor's degree or a master's degree? Nope, I don't think so. So that was six years and a lot of money down the drain.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Is anyone giving away cheap generation to airpods with charger and original casing unsealed under $10 or preferably free? Or if not, can anyone give me a free Disney Plus account? Both are for my daughter's 12th birthday. I promise them to her and if she doesn't get them then she'll cry. Thanks. Selling Call of Duty Video Game for 15 bucks. Hi, is this still available? Yes. Okay, is it for Xbox One? Yes, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Okay, is there anything wrong with it? No ma'am, it works fine. Okay, can you deliver? Unfortunately, I can't, I apologize. Okay, but I live over by session such a school and I can give you 20 bucks. I mean, I don't even have my license. The DMV has been packed for months, so I haven't been able to get it.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Okay, well, is there any way that you could get an Uber? I'll give you $25. If I get an Uber, I'd be spending more money taking an Uber than I am selling the game for. Okay, but I'm willing to give you $25. Let me see what I can do and I'll get back to you. Okay, sounds good. just let me know. So it would cost about 35 bucks to get there and back.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Okay, because I can only do 25 bucks in cash right now. Please, can you, I really want the game. I understand. Unfortunately, I don't have a car, so it's not like I can make it over to you. Okay, well, can you please just do 25 and I'll buy it from you today? How can I get it to you? You can drop it off, please. I don't have a ride.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Uber, please. It costs $35 to get an Uber. Okay, well, what about a taxi? Let me check. Okay. Yeah, same thing. about a taxi? Let me check. Okay. Yeah, same thing. It would be like 30 bucks. Okay, so can you sell it to me for 25?
Starting point is 00:05:11 I would spend more money getting the game to you than how much you would give me for it. Okay, fine. It's okay then. Bye. Finally. Finally, what? I don't know what's so hard for you to understand that I don't have a ride.
Starting point is 00:05:26 And I'm not going to spend more money delivering the game than you giving me money for it. Hello, I'm contacting you about your German Shepherd puppies on AKC Marketplace. Good evening, how are you? I'm good, I would like to discuss the price. I can get a German Shepherd for 200 bucks. Your price is too expensive. I'll pay $400. When can I pick up the puppy? If you can get a German Shepherd for 200 bucks, go get one for that.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Health, testing, good breeding, and breeder support costs money. In the end, you always pay. Whether you're paying now, or paying in in medical bills or a broken heart later. Good luck and take care. Your puppies aren't even cute. Kill yourself, you greedy grunt. They're cuter than you. Huh?
Starting point is 00:06:14 What a stupid insult. There's literally no such thing as an un-cute puppy. As an employer, why shouldn't I be able to hire teens for free? What the F-els are they gonna do during the summer months? Me hiring them for free, and maybe me receiving a stipend from the government for doing so means that I'm keeping teens off the street. It keeps the crime rate down
Starting point is 00:06:36 and prevents drug addiction in the future. F this nonsense. These kids are also getting experience. I'm effing educating them out of my pockets. Yes, I was fine today for not paying my staff a wage, and I'm effing pissed. This dude genuinely expects the government to pay him to keep child slaves. Like, why can't you hire teens for free? Because it's illegal. You see, what happened is, we as a society got together and agreed on these things called
Starting point is 00:07:08 laws about things that we shouldn't be allowed to do. Like, you know, let's not murder people, let's not steal babies. And of course, let's not exploit free child labor. And the best thing about this is, even if people were allowed to do it, how does he expect to ever get teams to come to his place and work for free? Not only is it unpaid labor, but he's clearly a terrible boss. So why not just stay home and play Minecraft all day? Selling refrigerator for $100.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Will you take $60? No. F you then. Crime a river. No thank you. Girl, at least I don't have to draw on my eyebrows. The F. At least I have a fridge. Opie, that's cold.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Unlike this guy's food. Shopped Amazon for last minutes. Crit deals for everyone on your list. If store moment, if store dad. Even for your sister and your brother Chad Ah shoot, we didn't realize you were supposed to get a gift for our dog, walker guy We almost forgot about our dentist, Dr. Kurt We didn't expect to get a gift from her
Starting point is 00:08:15 Or our cousin like to get his name He got us something nice, better as it per case For last minute deals on gifts for people, you forgot to get past the free shipping at Amazon It's a great place to go. Internship posting. Time commitment 10 to 12 hours per week. Salary unpaid. Description. Prosper Georgetown is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to harness the power of a living wage to drive prosperity for workers, local businesses, and the overall economy of Georgetown. As our marketing intern working with Prosper Georgetown board members, you'll manage our online presence in digital marketing efforts to build awareness about Prosper and our mission.
Starting point is 00:09:11 So, to be clear, this organization wants to hire an unpaid worker for a nonprofit that's trying to fight for a living wage. Down in the comments, we have this post from our Freight Ice. A friend of mine worked at a food bank and earned so little money that she qualified to use the food bank and then beneath that another story from ambitious shine. I worked at a place that once a year paid us to go to a corporate seminar where they talked to us about how low wage workers couldn't make enough to survive on. Then they passed out donation slips that would be deducted weekly from our paychecks. We were low wage workers being asked to donate to
Starting point is 00:09:50 low wage workers. On this next post, OP went on a few dates with this girl and he picked her up every time and paid for everything, including zoo tickets in a high-end restaurant. Then, after their third day where he asked her to pay for a sandwich, she sent him this. Yeah, I see what your limit is. My ex paid for everything for four years straight. I'm not gonna get with the guy worth in my ex. I can do better than that. Done in the comments, I love this reply from external ad. Bro, just pay for both sandwiches and eat them both. What's so hard? Please help me. Hello, I'm a need of some help. So I need someone to review my 175,000
Starting point is 00:10:34 word manuscript. I'm a newbie, it's my first time writing anything, and honestly I'm hoping to make it into one of those ten parts series like Harry Potter. I'm not good at editing, so I'll need someone to edit it for me. So I don't like traditional publishing, they won't recognize the greatness of my work and probably deny me for its length. So that's not negotiable. As such, I'll need someone to do the cover art, marketing, promotion, be my agent, and preferably they'll all be the same person.
Starting point is 00:11:03 I'm a little tight on money, so I'll need to keep all the royalties you'll understand. Please, please, please DM me if you're interested. I can't figure out what's more delusional here. The fact that this person expects someone to just work for free, or that they think that they'll actually get royalties. Our next reddit post is from Razora. For context, I do volunteer work at a pet shop in a vet. We live in a very rural area. We quite often give dogs treats, and on occasion we'll give away cans of food for free if they're getting close to their cell by date. This morning, a lady came in with a very large doggo, and he was a sweetest guy ever. He was a Burmese mountain dog, and quite a big
Starting point is 00:11:44 one. Both the woman and the dog were covered in mud and the dog seemed to be very tired. We let the dogs sit down and have a few chewy snacks while the lady looked around the shop at some of the cute animals. The dog seemed pretty hungry and I assume they had been on a long walk and he wanted a break so we offered the lady some hot chocolate and told her that she's welcome to stay inside in the warm for as long as she wants. She asked if we could give her dogs some proper food because he would still be hungry on his way home with just snacks.
Starting point is 00:12:11 But she doesn't have any money on her. He's a big dog and apparently they've walked five miles, so sure, we don't mind. It's easy to assume that you're going for a short walk and they get carried away, so I try not to judge you for bringing her own lunch for them. Things happen, thank you for gotten. The dog shouldn't have to be hungry all afternoon because of that. I go get a can of our own store brand dog food forum, and just as I'm about to open it, she stops me and asks if we have any pedigree or Ims.
Starting point is 00:12:39 We do, but those costs more than our store brand stuff, so we don't just give them away for free. I tell her the price of those cans, and she seems grumpy, but she accepts the cheaper can. Her dog is very happy and doesn't seem to care that it's not the fancier stuff. Naturally, because she's a choosing beggar, she then takes an entire handful of treats from the jar too. That's fine, whatever. Then, she proceeds to go into her car which is parked right outside. A few hours later, just before I left work for the day, I saw her coming back in, now clean and mud-free, and I overheard her talking with my colleague about getting
Starting point is 00:13:15 the price of a store brand can deduct it from a more expensive can. She didn't seem like the kind of person who was in any financial difficulty. She was wearing a rather expensive brand of hiking gear, and her car was a pretty nice one. She clearly had enough money to be feeding her own dog. It's not a particularly dramatic story, but it's still pretty eye-rollworthy. Feed your own pets people, and if someone does you a favor, don't keep pushing them for freebies and discounts. Selling Samsung AKG BL5 Smart Speaker.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Will you take 50 pounds? It's for my dying grandma. No. Money ain't everything. Yeah, I know. 80 pounds. That's my grandma's pension for the whole week. Tell her to look for a cheaper speaker then.
Starting point is 00:14:01 So obviously this kid is just lying to get a better deal in the speaker. But can you imagine that actually being her dying wish? Little Timmy. Come closer. I'm going to die soon. But before I go, my one and only hope in the world is to get a Samsung AKG BL5 smart speaker. Here's 80 pounds. Our next credit post is from Misery. I'm moving out of state, so I'm selling almost everything. My wife and I posted our first garage sale online and we had a decent turnout with garage sales,
Starting point is 00:14:38 not everything sells, and we had to cancel the last two days because of an emergency. So we still had 75% of our stuff. On Monday, a guy rings our doorbell and says, I miss the garage sale. Can I see what you have? Maybe I'll take something. I specifically remember him saying take something because I thought to myself, no, you'll buy something.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I had time to kill, so I opened the garage door and it was all set up. He pokes around and says, yeah, yeah, there's really no value here. So I'll just take it off your hands so you don't have to get a dumpster. What? I tell him that I'm having another garage sale since I first was interrupted by an emergency. He says, okay, I'll give you 50 bucks for everything, but you gotta help me load. It was at that point that my lousy day kicked in, and I very unpolitely said, dude, you gotta get the F out of here.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I'm not giving you anything. He then pointed at my vintage fishtail Coca-Cola science ahead of price tag of 200 bucks on it and asked, two bucks? My response was, for you, $500, now get the F out of here. As he slunk away, he says something like, have fun filling a dumpster with all that trash. I'm not filling anything. The local team center will come and take it for free to fill their second-hand store. I can understand wanting to get a deal, but this type of stuff is just so over the top. Down in the comments,
Starting point is 00:16:01 we have this story from Sophie Mommy. I had a brand new, unopened box with a tube of desitant, which is for diaper rash. Keep in mind that this was fact resealed, never used, and it's worth about 3-4 bucks. I was selling it at my garage sale with a 50 cent price tag. This lady actually walked up, picked it up, and tossed a dime on the table. I nixed that sale immediately. That was our slash choosing beggars and if you like this content check out my patreon where I publish extra episodes. Also be sure to follow this podcast because I put out
Starting point is 00:16:33 new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. Little Timmy. Oh, I actually made myself cough there. Oh, excuse me, sorry Nathan.

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