rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars "BUY MY KIDS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS!"

Episode Date: November 1, 2021

r/Choosingbeggars It's November, so you know what that means! It's time for entitled Karens to demand that strangers buy Christmas presents for their kids! What? You don't want to buy presents for kid...s you've never met? What's wrong with you! Are you some kind of monster?! You're going to RUIN THEIR CHRISTMAS! The choosing beggar in today's video asks Facebook to supply free toys for her kids, and she actually gets upset when people try to help her. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-slash, a podcast where I read the best posts from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-slash choosing beggars, where we have probably the most insane job posting that I've ever read. Okay, so this post is so weird, so unusual that part of me wonders if it's not genuine, if it's some sort of like troll post that's making fun of what actual job offering postings are like, but in the off-chance that it is real, I have to read it because it's just so insane. Now hiring, starting salary 75,000 to $100,000 a year, depending on experience. Vegas, California, and Phoenix based workers only. 1. I do not need you.
Starting point is 00:00:42 2. Read number 1 again. 3. I really don not need you. 2. Re-Number 1 again. 3. I really don't need you. 4. 16-18-hour workdays are normal. If you're not okay with that, keep it moving. 5. You must be able to drive a 13-slash 18-speed. 6. Car hauling experience is a plus, but not needed. Power only work is available as well. 7. If your other half is insecure, keep it moving. 8. Remember rule number 1? I have at least two trucks purposely sitting that are always pull trigger ready in the event
Starting point is 00:01:14 that another truck goes down. I'd rather have them sitting than deal with some self-entitled butthole. 9. If anything offended you thus far, you definitely don't belong here. 10. While you're loading, slash unloading, slash driving, so am I. 11. Take care of business, and I will extra take care of you and your family. I'm a father and a provider first. Every trip will be worth the time you're away from your family within reason of the company. If you've made it this far and you're still interested, DM me with your experience and when you can start. Do NOT expect a response if you don't follow these simple instructions, and then opiads more information.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Two to three full-time positions available. I probably left a few things out, not in any rush whatsoever. Go bunga hashtag car hauler cartel hashtag truck life hashtag Peter built hashtag Cummins. Oh and last but not least read it again. Nothing quite says Nothing quite says we really don't need you like offering a $100,000 salary and the guy said that he was looking for three different workers So that means that he's willing to put up $300,000 to hire these people that he clearly doesn't need. Dude, if you don't need them, then why are you willing to pay them over a quarter of a million dollars?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Also, reading down through these comments, apparently truckers are reporting that 16-18-hour workdays are literally illegal due to federal guidelines. So this guy wants you to break the law while treating you like garbage and wants to basically ensure that you never see your family again. Okay, so I'm not a trucker and I don't have like a extensive knowledge of how the trucking industry works. But my very baseline understanding is that these 18 wheelers are insanely expensive. Probably, if I had to guess, I would guess they cost like, actually I can look it up.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I've got the internet. Okay, so an 18-wheeler can cost anywhere between 30k to 200k. So this guy has two or three trucks that are just sitting around doing nothing. And he's put, I don't know, I guess $200,000 into those trucks that are just sitting around doing nothing. And he's put, I don't know, I guess $200,000 into those trucks that are just sitting around. And that's money that he's invested, but isn't generating any return because those trucks actually aren't going out
Starting point is 00:03:33 and delivering payloads, which is how this guy gets paid. So that means that this guy has $200,000 of truck sitting in some, I guess, parking lot somewhere that could be generating money, but in order to keep them fully deployed He would have to treat his employees like basic human beings, but he's not willing to do that Do I have any truckers out there who have a better understanding of what's going on here because I assume that if he just Hired someone to drive those trucks then those trucks will be making an Access of a hundred K a year because that's how you can afford to pay those. He's not doing that. He's choosing not to do that because
Starting point is 00:04:08 he just, he's just, he would rather be an asshole. I can understand if you want to be a jerk sometimes. It's like, okay, you have a right to be a jerk. If that's your progative, then go for it. But to be a jerk at the expense of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, that's just, that's insane, right? I feel like I have to be misunderstanding this because this can't possibly be correct. All I know is that if I spent 200K on a couple of trucks, then I would want people driving those trucks and delivering payloads ASAP. On this next post, OP is an artist, and he drew an original character for the Choosing Beger. Here's your finished artwork. I hope you like it. Oh.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Um, it looks good. Is there something wrong? I was just expecting something different, to be honest. As in, I can make a few changes if you want. I'm not trying to be rude, but this just isn't what I was looking for. Nate, you were the one who suggested this pose for this character. I know, but this just doesn't match what I wanted. It looked better in line art.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Can you draw her in another pose or something? Sure, but it'll be an extra 20 bucks. What? Why? A full body drawing takes me about 7 to 9 hours to make, and I'm cutting the price in half because I'm sad that you were dissatisfied. Okay, but can we do it for $10? I feel like 20 is a lot for what I'm getting.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Go away. Why are you being so rude? Calm down! Bruh, you literally said that you don't find my work worthy. How you think any artist would be fine with this is absolutely mind-boggling. Chill, I guess it can't be helped then. Just tell me the remaining amount. $15. I'll make sure to never recommend you to anyone. Sure, I think that you heard 90 followers would love to hear about it. FU! I logged into Instagram to crowdfund just $600 a day to afford cannabis medication because I'm completely out of rosin. And if you know
Starting point is 00:06:00 me, that is my only form of cannabis that really lowers my pain, so I absolutely have to have it to provide myself a better quality of life. However, I see that I'm not allowed to survive, nor to quarantine and care for my severely ill family and peace. I have to consistently stay on Instagram and beg to reach my crowd fun goal while I get severely effing bullied. Y'all woke up and chose deep violence and harm on me in the most dehumanizing and deadly ways.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Y'all are truly so vile and anti-black. Dude, I don't think these people are anti-black, I think they're just anti-you. So down in the comments, someone was asking OP a question and OP replied, and I'm discovering now that OP is a woman, not a guy, so sorry for reading it in a dude's voice. But still, when someone asks, have they considered getting a job, OP replies, they claim to be disabled, but also a full-service sex worker. She threatened her followers a while back by saying that she would turn some tricks and
Starting point is 00:07:01 use that money to buy a plane ticket to show up at their door and whoop their butts. So she's willing to make money to physically harm someone who refused to give her money, but unwilling to make money to pay for her own expenses, it's so ridiculous. Also, I've already established on this channel that I'm not into pot culture so I have no frame of reference here, but 600 bucks worth of pot sounds like an absolute boatload of pot, like an absolute boatload of pot. Is it not? Yeah, I'm looking it up and Rossin goes for like 20 to 30 bucks a gram.
Starting point is 00:07:30 So if you're in excruciating physical pain because you need your pot medicine, then why not ask for 20 bucks to get you through the day rather than 600 on this next post to choosing beggar subscribes to Hello Fresh, which basically sends you you a box of a pre-made meal you can cook. I know that a lot of my fans listen to my podcast while they're out running errands. What if I told you that while you're listening to my podcast running errands, you could also be earning money. GetUpsight is an app that lets you get cash back from locations like gas stations and grocery stores. And getUpsight doesn't give you coupons or points. It gives you cold hard cash It's super easy to use just download it to your phone
Starting point is 00:08:10 Checking in an approved location when you make a purchase and bam You could get up to 25 cents per gallon cash back on gas deposited right into your get upside account You can use that cash in Amazon Starbucks or just transfer it into your bank accounts. The average user earns about $150 per year. Imagine making over $100 just by downloading an app. Download the free app, get upside, and use promo code slash to get up to $0.50 cashback per gallon on your first tank. That's promo code slash.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I love all the meals so far. I really do, but come on. Today, I received this complimentary item in my box. Huh? My friend received a beautiful, healthy kale salad mix, and I got a caffeine loaded energy drink in a banged-up can. It went right down the sink. Do better, hello, fresh.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Very disappointed. And then someone replies, wait, you're complaining about something that you got for free? Honestly, I can't say that I disagree. If this woman is so uptight that when she gets a free drink, she has to go to Facebook to type some frothing internet review, then maybe she doesn't need more caffeine. Hey, Jamie. I've seen you write personal songs for couples who are getting married, but I have a bit of a different request.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I run a company called Blank, and we offer horse writing lessons and events for beginners right up to experts who want more challenging expeditions. I wouldn't see if you would be up for writing us a song about what we do, because I think you have such a way with words, and it could be a great way of getting more exposure for the both of us. We don't really have a budget at the moment, but if you post a song to your page, we'd happily share the song all over ours. Let me know your thoughts. Signed Eela.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Hey Eela, I'd be naked if I had any more exposure. Your timing is impeccable. I've seen you offer horse riding lessons, but I have a bit of a different request. I would love to own a horse, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to give up one of your horses, because I think you have such a way of caring for them. I don't have any kind of budget, but maybe if you post a picture of me riding at home, you would have to give me free lessons, because I've never ridden one. Then I could share that on my page and it'd be really great exposure for both of us. Let me know your thoughts.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Signed Jamie. And then, Ela blocked OP. Surprise, surprise. Christmas time is coming up soon and me and my husband are trying so hard to get our daughter Christmas gifts this year. But we can't get that much due to trying to get a house so that we're not a homeless. Does anyone have any free Christmas gifts to give me or know where I can get free Christmas gifts? Anything will help.
Starting point is 00:10:57 The Salvation Army will help. I heard that they only give out two toys and I just don't want her to have a Christmas with only two toys. Two toys is better than no toys. Thank you for your concern. It's just not worth it. Besides, your kid won't remember it anyways. A hundred percent correct. It's not going to matter at that age. I'm guessing what these two people are referring to right here is that O.P.'s daughter is probably so young that she wouldn't even remember the gifts in the first place, so she's probably like, I don't know, one, two or three. Besides, you're looking for free toys, so how is that not worth it? Your kid is two years old, so two toys won't be remembered or even noticed.
Starting point is 00:11:36 You could just wrap empty boxes, and kids at age will be really happy. I understand, but that's just not how it is in this family. Thank you for commenting, though. I don't even understand how you can make a post asking for help for Christmas, then people tell you what organization will help, and then you deem it not worth it. It sure seems worth it to the hundreds of families they help every year. Okay, so I'm currently recording this episode in October, and before I sat down to record this using Beggar's episode, I thought to myself, hmm October, I wonder how soon it'll be before I start seeing those posts
Starting point is 00:12:10 that are like, will you please give my family free stuff? Otherwise you're gonna ruin my kids Christmas." And apparently the answer is October. It's like when you go to the retail stores and even though you're like neck deep in Halloween season, you go into the stores and you hear that Mariah Carey Christmas song and then Christmas jingle after Christmas jingle and the Christmas decorations start going up and it's like dude, it's October. It's Halloween season and then after Halloween season is Thanksgiving season and then after Thanksgiving season is Christmas season. But no, Mariah Carey and Choosing Beggars cannot be stopped.
Starting point is 00:12:45 They come out as early as October apparently. On this next post, OP is selling a guitar. Is this still available? My husband's birthday is coming up and he would love this! Can you do me a favor, though? Does this favor involve me accepting a lowball offer? No, low. It's his 50th birthday, so it would mean a lot to me
Starting point is 00:13:06 if you could help me out. Oh, okay, sorry if I was being rude. I've gotten some crazy replies to my ad. How can I help you? This guitar is newly perfect, but I know my husband likes the regular woodnecks and not the dark ones like you have. Can you change that for me?
Starting point is 00:13:22 You mean the fretboard? By regular wood. Do you mean a maple fretboard versus a rosewood one? I mean, the neck part should be light and not dark. And then O.P. Senseswoman a picture and asks, you want a guitar that has a neck like the top one and not the bottom one? Yes, exactly. Is it a big deal to change that? It's not too hard to change. I could do it for you, but a new neck would cost about $650. $650, but you could keep the old neck and sell it. To be honest, it's not worth a time, effort, and risk.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Come on, it's for my husband's 50th birthday! Check out a website called Reverb, and you'll probably find exactly what you want there. But I went this one. Just do me a favor. Please, please, please, please. I'd have to sell it to you for around $1,500 and I'm really not sure if I want to take that risk. $1,500? What? It's $1,300 for the guitar and another $650 for the new neck so that would be 1950. If I kept my old neck then I could probably sell it for 450 or so but I've never sold a used neck so I don't really know how much they go for, how quickly they sell, etc. That's a lot of risk for me. Plus I would have to change the neck and set up the guitar. That's time
Starting point is 00:14:40 effort and risk that I really don't want to get into, to be honest. $1,500 is crazy! I'm not paying that much. I'll offer a thousand dollars. You can find a new light neck and keep the dark one. It's an even swap. Keep it simple. Hmm, I'll let it go for $1,200. Take it to long and equate.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Buy a maple neck there, have them change it for you, and then you can sell the old neck yourself. That sounds like a hassle. I know. How much would that cost? I don't know exactly. About 650 for the neck, probably around 75 bucks for the setup, and they'll probably charge you a binge rate for changing the neck.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I'm just guessing, but probably something like 30 bucks or so. The current neck is mint condition, you could try selling it for like 450 to 500 bucks. Your husband might have a better idea of what the market is for next. Again, check Reverb and see what they're selling for. With the guitar, that would be like $1,500, and that's if I can sell the old neck for what you say. I know, that's why I said I'd have to sell it to you for $1,500 if you wanted me to replace the neck for you.
Starting point is 00:15:41 F you! Wow. Wait a minute, good man's 50th birthday, butthole! Again, wow. I feel like the perfect counter to this would be. So, you're telling me that you don't think your husband is worth a time and effort? Wow, what a way to ruin your own husband's 50th birthday. It's like, what's wrong, lady?
Starting point is 00:16:03 Do you think your husband isn't worth the extra hassle? That was our slash Choosing Beggars, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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