rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars "GIVE ME $500,000 NOW!!!"

Episode Date: April 6, 2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash choosing beggars, where OP is looking for a free $500,000. Anyone, anyone want to give a free 500k? This next post was posted to Reddit, though I'm not sure what the subreddit is. Are there any big philanthropic donors who will donate $500,000 to help start up a new local business in Blink? I know it's impossible slash a long shot, but maybe someone's out there. Someone replies, donating is vastly different than investing. Someone else says, well, imagine asking Reddit
Starting point is 00:00:36 if anyone in Blank has a cool half million to give to a stranger for a random business. Another person replies, you're looking for an angel investor. Google that with blank, and maybe there are groups out there that you can apply to. I'd love an actual donation, but I agree that an investor is more likely.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I'll look into it, thanks. Man, I keep finding myself agreeing with these choosing beggars. Getting a 500K donation would be great. On this next Reddit post, a choosing beggar was posting in a local subreddit because they were hungry and they couldn't afford food. A kindhearted person replied, do you like soup, stew, or chili?
Starting point is 00:01:14 I can double my lunch prep this week. I can't do soy or shellfish. Let me know what sort of food you like and I'll think of something. O.P. replies, not to be rude, but I've got a sensitive stomach, so I'm not sure if I'd eat that. I was hoping to see if someone would help pay for a meal. Maybe something like pizza, or I don't know. Sorry, it's just an erectile dysfunction thing. Thank you, though.
Starting point is 00:01:38 What? This guy has to eat pizza because his... his dong doesn't work? Oh, eating disorder! Oh, eating disorder! Oh, eating disorder! Okay, okay, I'm dumb. I gotcha, okay, our sash is dumb, I get it. I don't wanna criticize anyone out there
Starting point is 00:01:52 with eating disorders. I know they're like real problems for people, but I'm struggling to imagine what kind of eating disorder someone would have where they could eat pizza, but they couldn't eat soup, stew, or chili. Soup is like the easiest dish to digest on planet Earth, but they need pizza? Maybe this is that guy from that post a couple of days ago of the guy who would only eat pizza for
Starting point is 00:02:15 like 10,000 days in a row. Oh, it could be. This next post is an email that OP got from the voice UK. You know, the voice is in like the show where they sang and there's like a chair that turns around or something, I don't know, I don't really watch it. Hi team, I hope you're well. I'm contacting you from ITV's The Voice UK. We're almost at the end of series 12 of The Voice UK and we're due to rap filming with our coaches. Will I am and Marie, Oli Murs and Sir Tom Jones. The reason I'm reaching out to you today is because I'm looking to source some great products that we can provide at our wrap party. Your amazing push-up cake pops would be
Starting point is 00:02:55 the perfect addition that the party attended by all our talent and team. Unfortunately, we at ITV are unable to offer anything monetary or otherwise in return for your product. The great news, however, is that this unique opportunity will give your product exposure to our highly influential coaches and presenter in the studios, as well as our contestants on the show, all of whom are incredibly talented. Thank you for taking the time to read this request. Please feel free to get in touch.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Should you have any other questions or queries? ITV, net worth? How do I look this up? ITV is a British media company, and last year in 2022, they made 435 million pounds. Wow, who knew cake pops were so expensive that 435 million pounds still can't afford them. I think the best way to handle this OP is to just agree, be like,
Starting point is 00:03:53 yes, this is an amazing opportunity. I'd like to provide the desserts for the entire event and then just don't do it. Because what are they going to do? Not hire you? All right, on this next post, I guess OP is selling a house because that's the only thing I could think of that's worth almost $300,000, but the choosing beggar texts. How much is it to buy? The price is $299,000. Could we give $200 a month for it? Till we get it paid for, we have a one month old baby.
Starting point is 00:04:24 It kind of sounds like they're offering the baby as part of a down payment, but I did the math on this, and $200 a month for a house that costs $300,000 will take $125 years to pay off. OP will be dead and buried in the ground, and this choosing beggar will still owe him like half the house. Posted to Facebook, my mother is looking for a lady to clean her home. This is a one time only event. Consider it a very big job because there's lots to be done.
Starting point is 00:04:54 First, I just want a general idea of price estimates. I will not contact anyone immediately. I'm going to watch this post and see all the options before contacting anyone. Use real profiles. I'll be checking them. If your profile is private and I can't see your life and that you're real, that's a red flag. I'll assume you have something to hide. Maybe drugs, maybe theft, maybe a scammer. I have security cameras. I do not play games.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Make a mistake with me and you're going to jail. By the way, this guy's willing to pay 8 bucks an hour. Posted a Facebook. So my subway is hiring and we need three people ASAP. We're severely understaffed. So if anyone is looking for part time or full time text me and I can set you up with an interview. Just leave your name and number for me and I'll get back to you within 24 hours. The sooner I find people, the sooner I can stop doing double shifts. Opening and closing is taking a toll on my sleep, along with the business meetings with HR so please DM me ASAP.
Starting point is 00:06:02 The starting pay is $10. I know it's not much, but it's something. We need reliable people. We don't want people who will make excuses to leave early or be late, and if you're late, I see how many times you're out. And if you slack off, you'll be answering to me or our higher ups.
Starting point is 00:06:19 If you're caught stealing, you're automatically fired. No second chances, not a. And if you're not available on your day off and it continues to be like that, you'll be fired, so pick your battles with me. And if you ever go to the hospital and or call out sick, well, when a doctor's note prior the next day, no excuses, no BS. And if you don't bring a doctor's note, we'll give you one pass, but after that, there will be consequences along with writeups.
Starting point is 00:06:49 If you receive three writeups, you're gone. No butts, no this, that, bye B word, just like that. I don't mean to come off as a B word, but that's just how I do things. And whatever my boss wants, goes. Period. If you don't like how I do stuff or how we do stuff there's the door I'll open it for you too. Thanks! Okay I think I have a feeling for why they're severely understaffed. It started off pretty pretty normal just like hey we need people and then oh
Starting point is 00:07:19 the reason why we're understaffed is because I run this place like I'm the devil incarnate. Hi, just confirming that you're good to start your unpaid trial week on Monday at 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. for stable hand duties. Hi, I didn't realize you would want me to work a full week without pay. What day and time is the trial exactly? Kind regards. Yes, the trial is for you to shadow and learn stable duties for my staff and to teach you and to see if you're suitable to give you an opportunity to see if you like this job. Normally it's Monday to Friday, but it's voluntary. You don't have to, and I understand if
Starting point is 00:07:57 you don't want to. Sorry, am I applying for a job as a stable hand, or are you looking for volunteers? I'm a little confused. I appreciate that I have to learn from your staff, but I job is a stable hand, or are you looking for volunteers? I'm a little confused. I appreciate that I have to learn from your staff, but I've been a stable hand for over four years, and 45 hours unpaid seems somewhat excessive. Okay, no problem. I've got another three juniors to interview and do a trial over the next three weeks for the position, and I'll get back to you after they've done their trial. Wait, this choosing becker has three individuals coming in for a free, unpaid week of work.
Starting point is 00:08:32 So basically this person is just hiring one person a week and then firing them at the end of their trial and so they never have to pay anyone for any day's work ever. I guess it could work? All you need is 52 morons willing to work one week for free a year and bam free labor posted to the Facebook marketplace. I'm looking for a reliable free car any model or make preferably 2016 or better that someone's willing to give away. I have three young children and I'm praying that God blesses me with a car. I trust God because he's faithful in his promises.
Starting point is 00:09:10 The car they have listed on the post is a 2016 Honda Accord and just out of curiosity I look that up and that car is going for $15 to $20,000. So you know, if any of you guys out there have like $15,000 that you don't really need, and you want to just give it away to someone, then don't give it to this person, give it to me! I want $15,000. This next post is a story and heads up and involves the loss of a child slash infant death. This is a story from years ago when I was a funeral director running a new funeral home
Starting point is 00:09:42 single-handedly. My policy has always been to never turn a profit on services for infants and children. My time and facilities, and even embalming supplies are free. I only charge my cost for the casket, earn, etc. But if outside vendors have a fee for something, there's nothing I can do about that. I will bust my butt for no pay if it means I can contribute to the healing process on something so tragic. So I got a call for a stillborn baby, very premature. I'll spare you the details, but let's just say I spent about 12 hours and invented a whole new and bombing technique to make the baby viewable. I was pretty proud of myself, and it felt really satisfying to get these folks that last view of her.
Starting point is 00:10:28 The family got about 30, very touching seconds to grieve over the body of their child before the father's mom starts in on an embarrassing choosing beggar routine. The grandmother wanted to know why the casket was so plain, and I explained that that's what the parents chose. Well, you should have given them a free upgrade, they just lost a baby. The dress they brought in was for a three-month-old infant, not a 32-week preterm,
Starting point is 00:10:54 so I had to do some alterations to the dress to make it work. Where are the sparkly ruffles? I chose that dress for the sparkly ruffles. The grandmother was shrieking as though I had put the kid in their headless. She was sobbing. I just wanted to see my grandbaby in the dress I bought her. And let me take a quick pause here. I wasn't sure if I wanted to read this post because it's really sensitive and I don't know if I want to make fun of someone who's clearly mourning, but I read ahead so like
Starting point is 00:11:24 I know how this story goes. And this is more than just mourning behavior. This is absolutely choosing back her behavior. So I do think we can definitely give this grandmother some leeway because she lost her granddaughter, but still what happens next is pretty bad. So after consulting with the parents of the lost child, they just said, give her whatever she wants. I took the casket into the back and added the ruffles that I cut off the dress into this really sweet little nest of toll and lace that I bought from home.
Starting point is 00:11:53 That way, she wouldn't look so small and lonely in a casket that was far too large for her. The grandmother sniffed and said, I suppose that would do, but what about the flowers? She should have lilies, not these cheap roses. I had come in an hour early to create a casket spray that was the right size, with roses and ferns and floral foam that I bought with my own money. It wasn't expensive, just pink roses, but it was lovely and to scale. We go to the cemetery.
Starting point is 00:12:24 This particular cemetery had a section for infants and they didn't charge for the plots, but you would have to pay their crew to dig the grave and set up the tent and chairs and all that. The parents of the lost child said they were too broke for all that, so I had been at the cemetery the evening before digging a tiny grave. Where's the chairs? Where's the awning? Is our baby just not important enough to treat her burial with even a little respect?
Starting point is 00:12:50 More shrieking, more sobbing from the grandmother. I just apologized and kept my tone even. Doing my best to pacifier until finally it was over and they left. The parents both hugged me and thanked me and called me an angel and apologized for his mom. About a month later, I hear the grandma wrote to our state licensing board to complain about how I'd promised her son a free headstone to make up for all of my screw-ups and I'd never delivered. Obviously, I said no such thing. The board is used to dealing with loonies, so nothing came of it. But what a way to say thanks for thousands of dollars in donated services. Okay, so again, just
Starting point is 00:13:30 to kind of defend myself in this post, I totally understand and acknowledge that anyone can grieve in any way. It's not really right for us to sit in judgment of a woman who's lashing out at people because she lost her grandbaby, so I can give the grandmother a pass for that. But then to try to come back a month later and try to take away OP's license after he donates a thousand dollars in free goods and services is cold. That's ice cold. And to make matters worse, like, yeah, the grandmother does have a right to grieve, but the parents are even in a bigger position to grieve.
Starting point is 00:14:05 And in the midst of dealing with bearing their own child, they also have to deal with this choosing beggar woman. Like come on, lady, you can't put your toxic personality aside for just one day and let your kids mourn their child. Man, I've read a lot of stories, a lot of stories, but this grandmother showcased a level of heartlessness that I very rarely see. OP, I don't know if you're listening to this, but I think what you're doing is super commendable.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Donating your time and money and expertise to parents who are grieving the loss of their child is incredible, OP. That was our slash-shoesieing beggars, and if you like this content, be sure to follow incredible OP. That was our slash-choosing beggars and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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