rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars "Give Me Your $5,000 Charizard Card!"

Episode Date: May 26, 2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Holt Renfrew is sharing joy for the holidays with gifts for everyone on your list, and maybe even a special treat for yourself, too. Discover the new collection for Burberry by Daniel Lee. Add some ambiance with Louis V. Home. Give Gorpkora try and Solomon Sneakers, and so much more. Whatever presence you pick, we know they're going to love them. Visit a store today or shop at Welcome to our slash-choosing beggars,
Starting point is 00:00:30 where a Karen expects OP to just hand over a $5,000 foil Charizard Pokemon card because it's her son's birthday. On this next post, OP volunteers at a youth center and they sometimes run Pokemon events. I wanted to thank you for looking after my child. On this next post, OP volunteers at a youth center and they sometimes run Pokemon events. I went into thank you for looking after my child. They had such a nice day. Hi, not a problem.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Your son has always well behaved and gets along with the other kids. He loved the cards you gave him. Thank you. All good. Glad he enjoyed. I hope to see him at the next one. He keeps talking about this one card that you brought in. Do you know which one he's talking about? Yeah, he's probably talking about the Charizard. I told the group about it last time and they asked me to bring it next time, so I brought it to show them.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Then, the Choosing Begris sins OP and eBay link to a Charizard card, so I guess she was shopping for it. This one? Well, it's the same Pokemon, but mine is from the original printing. That's why they were excited to see it. Oh, okay. This one? Yeah, the design is pretty similar. I think that's a reprinted version. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Very confusing. Anyway, my son's birthday is coming up, and he loves your cards so much. Would you consider letting me buy yours for $140 as per the eBay listing? I can pay cash. Ugh, I know it can be a bit confusing to understand why, but the one that I showed is significantly more valuable. Mine is from the original print and has certain features that make it rare. It's also been authenticated by a company that grades the condition and preserves it in
Starting point is 00:02:04 a capsule. I'm sorry, but I don't actually plan on selling it. The kids just really wanted to see it. Okay, so you wouldn't take cash if I pick it up this week? No, it's not for sale. Again, this was just to show the kids because they asked last time. $200? No, it's significantly more expensive. It's not for sale. I don't think I'll ever sell it. Here's an eBay listing for the one I have in the same grade. So for all of you Pokemon-efficient autos out there, the card in question is a first edition,
Starting point is 00:02:36 Shadalus Hollow Charizard, which goes for about $4,000, I think, according to this eBay post. Well, $4,000 is the starting bid, so who knows what the ceiling is. Christ, are you joking? It's cardboard. No, I'm not joking, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:02:53 And yes, but there's a big market for these kinds of cards. That's completely ridiculous. I'm fair price. This is very disappointing as my son looks up to you. I'm honestly not sure what to say. I looked after your kid for free in my own time and I gave him a free card from my own collection. This isn't negotiable, I'm not even selling it.
Starting point is 00:03:15 You can find reprints are different versions for much less online. This is completely ridiculous. I'm frankly disgusted. Quite sad, really, a grown man playing cards with kids. Then, fittingly, OP responds with a shocked Pikachu face. It's quite... oh man. It's quite sad that I spend more time with your son than you do. F off you piece of garbage. You are trash! I am never letting him attend again.
Starting point is 00:03:45 We both know that's not true, Loll. I'm calling the use center and making sure you never work there again. Expect a call from them, you seaworth. I don't work there. I volunteer. I'm real scared. What are you gonna do? Spend a whole day with your son? Oh my god. Stop contacting me. Opie, much like the Charizard card, you must be a fire type because that was a real burn.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Also, saying that it's just cardboard is so stupid. Like, what is the Mona Lisa? Just canvass? What is the David? Just a big rock? It's such a stupid way to belittle an objectively valuable piece of art. I will say honestly, it surprised me that this choosing beggar was trying to buy the card
Starting point is 00:04:31 for like 150 to 200 bucks. So my guess is what happened here is the kid came home and said, mommy, mommy, I want a charizard card. And then she looked it up and saw, oh my God, these cards are like a thousand dollars. Hmm, I wonder if I can do that more on at the Rec Center to sell me the card for two hundred dollars, then I could sell it and make several thousand dollars profits. I think that's probably what was happening here, but you know, I can't prove it so who knows.
Starting point is 00:04:57 It's just, I've read enough choosing Beger posts to know that the fact that she's willing to offer a hundred fifty dollars off the bat is super, super irregular. That indicates to me that the fact that she's willing to offer $150 off the bat is super, super irregular. That indicates to me that she probably has a pretty good idea that these cars are super valuable, otherwise why would she even begin to offer $150 for it? You know, if you could just buy it for $150 online, then just buy it online for $150. Why argue with someone over the phone? Nah man, she's trying to scam OP. This is a scammer, our slash entitled parent slash scammer. Slash terrible mother who doesn't want to spend time with her kid. Posted to Facebook.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Can someone help my family out? We're in need, my wife and I. We need to come up with about $400 this weekend so that we can attend a blank festival and have a decent time. We live on a tight budget as I haven't been able to find a job in two years. We want to go out and have fun at this annual tradition, but we don't
Starting point is 00:05:51 want to go if we can't afford anything because that would just be depressing. Ideally, I would have $200 for food and souvenirs as would she. We would also need money for an Uber to get there unless someone is willing to drive us. Anything's appreciated, as long as it's over a $25 donation, otherwise it's not worth it due to PayPal taking a cut. DM me from my info, I'll be on the lookout. Man, if someone can't find a job for two years, that would suggest to me that either the guy is super, super picky and like opinionated about where he's gonna work or he's completely unemployable.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I'm guessing based on his sheer audacity, it's the latter. Hi, is the phone still available? Hello, yes it is. I've had quite a few inquiries. Would you take $200? Of course, it's not like it's a 7 month old top of top-of-the-range Samsung worth 900 pounds. This is going to be a gift for my son's 18th birthday. He had a car accident last Christmas and he's been in a wheelchair since then.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Could you give me a discount? I'm really sorry about your son, but the phone is still Samsung's best phone. I would take 850, but it'll need to be tomorrow because I could sell it on eBay for 900. Could you do it for 250 please? It would mean so much to him and he's been so depressed since the accident. As I said, I'm really sorry for your kid but I'm afraid 850 pounds would be the lowest I can take. I've seen the same model for $300. I'll give you 300. Look, hun, if you've seen my same model for $300. I'll give you $300. Look, hun, if you've seen my phone model for $300, then you should definitely get that one and sell it because
Starting point is 00:07:31 the one I'm selling was $1300 when I bought it seven months ago. Your phone is used and you said that you would sell it to me for $200. I know that it's a good model and news, so that's why I'm offering you $300. Oh my God, $850 is the lowest I'll go, sorry. That is a written agreement. If you don't keep up your word, I'll sue you. You don't need to be rude. Low, good luck suing me, and I'm not being rude.
Starting point is 00:07:59 But just so your last message is right about something, F off! Holt Renfrew is sharing joy for the holidays with gifts for everyone on your list. Just so your last message is right about something, ep off! and so much more. Whatever presidency pick, we know they're going to love them. Visit a store today or shop at Metrolinx and Crosslinx are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Crosstown LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, this trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals, be careful along our tracks, and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I hate asking you, but is there any way that you could help me out with the hotel for me and the boys the next few days? I filed for divorce. Wait, what? I mean, yeah, you know I got you, but what? What happened? Girl, I'm just sick of it. My husband is working two jobs and he just never does anything for me.
Starting point is 00:09:20 I have to use box hair dye. Ugh, paint my own nails. Cook every night because we can't afford to go out. I can't tell you the last time I got a new outfit. We canceled the trip to Florida because he said that it was gonna cost too much. The money from his grandpa is gone. I'm tired of being broke Ashley, I can't live like this no more. I need somebody to provide. I'm done being broken miserable.
Starting point is 00:09:47 You are not funny. I'm too tired for this garbage tonight. Just go to bed. This isn't a joke. I'm for real for real leaving, like tonight. What the F do you mean you're not kidding? I love you and we've always been close, but me being me, you know I'm going to straight up call you out on some BS.
Starting point is 00:10:06 You're telling me that you're about to divorce and leave a man that you've been married to for 14 years because you're broke? Because you don't have new shoes or clothes? Because you didn't take a vacation? Because your hair ain't dead and your nails ain't popping? This man ain't beat you, betrayed you, drug you through the mud, but you mad because he's working not one, but two jobs and he's broke. Where do you work at, choosing Beggar? How much money are you putting into this?
Starting point is 00:10:35 Be where it please. You ain't ever love that man if you're gonna walk out on him because he's broke. He's been providing. A house, car, food, your children have clothes and food. I mean WTF vows for better or worse life is hard. It takes two people nowadays You got a damn good husband He's a damn good daddy to those boys and you're gonna vanish because he ain't got no money
Starting point is 00:11:01 Some men are dogs and I feel like some of them are because of women like you. You can bring the boys to me, but I ain't sending you no money. I feel like you deserve to know what broke is. Yo, this woman needs a reality check. What is she expecting? She's got no job, no money, and at least two kids. They didn't say how many kids,
Starting point is 00:11:23 but at least two could be three, four, eighteen, who knows how many kids she's got. And she's expecting to divorce a man of 14 years and then just, I don't know, the next week find some guy who will start paying her bills, paying for her kids, paying for nails and hair and new clothes. As if millionaires just grow on trees, this woman is delusional. Kinda sounds to me like she's the broke one, not the husband. Honestly, this story is really sad. This woman has a really good husband who clearly cares for her and the kids, but because he's not making a little more money, she's gonna
Starting point is 00:11:56 throw away her vows, throw away her family for what? I shot at finding some millionaire man who wants to spoil her. Good luck, lady, I guess, because you're definitely gonna need all the luck you can get. On this next post, OP does Princess Zoom calls, which I think is when a woman dresses up like a Disney princess, you know, like Elsa or Ariel, and then has a phone call with little girls like, hey, happy birthday, it's me Elsa, wishing you a happy birthday. Hey, I saw that you're doing Princess Zoom calls again. Yeah, I am. What's up? I was trying to see if you could do a call with Taylor today for her birthday. I'm available after two. What time works for you? I charge 30 bucks for an hour or 15 bucks for 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Can you do it for free since it's her birthday? No, but I can give you a discount. I can do 10 bucks for 30 minutes. That doesn't work for me. Stop being a B word, it's her birthday. Yeah, never mind, no. Bye. Man, the whole like industry of women dressing up as Disney princesses for girls birthday parties,
Starting point is 00:13:00 if they gave out freebies for little girls birthdays, they would literally never make a penny that has to be at least 99% of the revenue, probably even 100% of the revenue. Unless, I don't know, do 8 year old girls need like a Disney princess pick me up throughout the week? I would like to buy your iPhone 8 Plus 64GB unlocked for $385. Okay, $385 sounds good. How about $350?
Starting point is 00:13:28 I gotta pay for my kid's braces. No, sorry. So you hate kids? No, I need $385 for my kid's braces. Sounds like the response is effectively. So you hate kids? No, just your kid. Selling original Nintendo bundle for $160. Would you take a hundred? I can't take a hundred
Starting point is 00:13:50 dollars, but thank you for the offer. It's okay, I'm a single mom. Cool, that's why I offered a hundred. What does you being a single mom have to do with my Nintendo? Money is super tight for me. Okay, me too. Why do you think I'm selling my Nintendo? Our next reddit post is from March main. I bought four ballet tickets to see Cinderella, and suddenly one of my friends couldn't go. Instead of letting the ticket go to waste, I posted on a local ballet forum that I had one spare ticket that I was offering for free.
Starting point is 00:14:22 The post made it really clear that it was only one ticket, and given how it was only two hours before the show, I was happy to let it go for free. Even though full price, it'd be about 100 pounds. Well, a lady messages me saying that she'd love to have it. We arranged to meet in front of the ballet so I can hand her the ticket before the show, mentioning that she'd be sat next to my group. So I'm waiting out front with my friends, and this lady in her 50s approaches with her husband. She then demands that I give her two tickets. It is really rude to sell only one ticket.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Nobody goes to the ballet alone. I did make it clear that I only had one ticket. Besides, I'm not selling it, I'm literally giving it away. She then points at each person in our group individually and demands that we give up our seat for her husband. It was so bizarre, especially because they were nicely dressed and seemed really posh. We decided to just leave and go inside. She tried to follow us in, claiming that we stole her ticket. Eventually, the Usher's told her to go away, but it was so weird.
Starting point is 00:15:28 That's the last time I tried to be nice by giving away free tickets. So my favorite type of Reddit post is when someone does something wrong and then OP through their genius skill and manipulation of events gets revenge against the wrong door. But the great thing about this story is that this stupid woman got revenge against herself. Because she and her husband got all dressed up, she probably told her husband that they were going to the ballet for free so he's got his hopes all high. Then they came out here and wasted their time, wasted their evening because they're all stupid.
Starting point is 00:15:59 OP didn't even have to do anything to ruin this lady's night. So I gotta say OP, this is masterful, our slash pro revenge content. Accidental, our slash pro revenge, but revenge nonetheless. Okay, gonna go totally off topic here, but I just, a random thing popped into my head from my youth that I'm gonna share. I think it's kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:16:18 I'm in my 30s, so I'm probably a little older than most of the people listening to this. And when I was a kid, VHS videos were a thing. And like blockbuster and movie rentals. And so when I was like 10, and when my little brother was like seven, we would go to the movie rental all the time, probably like once a week. And we had a couple of staples as kids
Starting point is 00:16:36 that we would really, really love. And we would rent them almost every time. Robocop, the Geiver, and Visionaries, Knights of the Magical Lights. But, the Geiver, and visionaries, nights of the magical light. But the one that I just remembered suddenly was there was this movie in the adventure action section that I think was called dinosaur island. And it was basically soft core porn. The plot was like a couple of guys get stranded on an island that had dinosaurs and the island had like Amazonian women in it that were just constantly running around topless.
Starting point is 00:17:10 And I think none of the adults involved actually realize that it was soft core porn because they let 10 year old boys. They let 10 year old boys rented every week. But let me tell you man, as a once 10 yearold boy, there is nothing better to watch than a movie that's just an hour and a half of non-stop dinosaurs and ditties.

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