rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars Help Wanted: Full-Time FEMALE Slave

Episode Date: February 25, 2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So you think you know sports? Points vet is the sportsbook for you, because we've got the features for true competitors. Like live, same-game parliades. Use your sportsmarts to make picks live on the players and teams you're watching. And qualified vets can use our early cashout feature. So you could take your winnings to play live blackjack
Starting point is 00:00:20 on the same points vet app. The platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do. Bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino. Welcome to R-Slash Choosing Beggars, where a poster on Reddit reveals that she's a full-blown Karen.
Starting point is 00:00:36 On this next post, OP shares his login information on some kind of studying app with his friend, a Choosing Beggar. Hey, did you change the password? Hey, yeah, it keeps me logging out, actually. I could not log in last night. It said some other devices were currently using this account. Oh, yeah, I logged in on my friend's phone as well. She's preparing for the exam as well.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Oh, okay. So what's the password? I'll be using the study materials during my leave this week, so maybe next week I can let you use my bookshelf app. Sorry. How am I supposed to study then? There's a telegram group where you can get the older editions of the e-books. It's the same thing. Also, you can find the official study material in your registration portal.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Why don't you use those materials and let me have the prep class mats? This is not justified. You let me use it for two weeks and now suddenly you want to study specifically from the prep books? Well, for starters, I paid $450 for these study materials and videos. Secondly, you said that you just want to look over the materials to decide that if you like the materials or not. Most importantly, you shared the password with probably more than 6 people and committed screenshot violations on the website. Founny face emoji. You or your friends have also made markdown comments on the study materials that are just
Starting point is 00:01:59 plain wrong. Dude, there's no need to mansplain here. What? You probably get triple my salary. You don't have to be a dick about sharing a password. I'm single living with my family. I had a breakup just a month back. It's not easy, you know, to afford 450 bucks in a jiffy. Sorry, what? We do the same work on different teams. You're a year senior to me as well, so I don't know how my paycheck is triple yours. Sorry for your trouble, but I won't be sharing the password anymore to you or your friends. Well, of course.
Starting point is 00:02:36 No point explaining to a misogynistic person who loves the man's plane, because helping someone is so uncool, right? You're not going to pass the exam anyways, even after 20 attempts. Then the choosing beggar tries to call OP twice, but OP doesn't answer. Just f off! Can't even help a person in need! You bloody misogynistic pig! Then OP block the contact.
Starting point is 00:03:00 And down in the comments, OP said, Never in my life have I blocked so many numbers in the span of 24 hours. And OP shares a screenshot of like, gosh, it must be 15 different phone numbers that OP is blocked. I guess this choosing Beger probably used some sort of app to generate phone numbers and just spam him over and over and over trying to get the study materials. Our next Reddit post comes from R-slashamay The Bad Guy.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Am I the bad guy for wanting my son's classmate to draw him too because she drew the entire class? I'm a 41-year-old woman and I have two sons. This post is about my older son, who's 14. Recently, they took a class photo. One of the girls in his class likes drawing and decided to use the photo as a reference to draw. She drew the entire class except for like four to five people. She even drew the teachers. My son showed me the drawing on his phone and said that he was upset that he wasn't there, but said that he didn't mind it.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I got upset that she didn't draw my son, so I decided to message her parents. I told them their daughter drew the entire class except my son. Her parents apologized and said they'll ask their daughter why. Two days later, my son didn't get any apology or drawing from this girl. I decided to message her parents again, and it turns out they never told her anything about it. I got mad, so I decided instead of messaging the parents, I would message the girl. Ooh, yikes! Yikes!
Starting point is 00:04:26 As soon as I messaged her asking why she didn't draw my son, she said that it took too long and she didn't have enough room. After she said that, she blocked me. I got even more frustrated, so I told my son to text her. Oh jeez. He said that he didn't want to and that it would be embarrassing to ask for a drawing since she was probably mad at me. I said that was BS and I went to their school the next day.
Starting point is 00:04:51 I found the girl and asked her why she blocked me. Yo, what? I might have been the bad guy here. She didn't respond. She just looked me in the eyes. She seemed uninterested, so I got mad and demanded her to draw my son. My son saw me and called me insane.
Starting point is 00:05:10 He told me that I'm overreacting. I told him not to take any BS like this from other people and ask the girl to draw him again. She told me to give her money if I wanted to draw. I told her that she was stupid and that it took her a day to make a drawing of like 30 people. She just asked me to leave and that she wasn't interested in drawing my son.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I got furious and left. Before I left, I heard my son apologizing to the girl because I was acting like a complete psychopath. I called my husband and explained this to him. He said that I was immature to handle the situation like this and that it was her decision whether to draw him. Am I the bad guy? Opie, are you the bad guy for literally bullying a 14 year old girl while you're a what a 41 year old woman? Yes, why are you bullying children? Stalking? Is it also stalking?ing and bullying children? This feels a this feels illegal. This has to be illegal, right?
Starting point is 00:06:09 Down in the comments people are saying like, oh my god This woman is so unhinged this can't be real and immediately just to prove how messed up the world is Someone adds a link to a news article that says mom facing charges after being accused of catfishing and harassing her own daughter. So yeah, if people are crazy enough to harass and bully their own daughter, then certainly there are people crazy enough to harass and bully other people's daughters. Anyways, since this was posted to R slash am I the bad guy, I'm gonna give OP 4 out of 5 bad guys because you're bullying children. Please stop bullying children. What is wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:06:47 Hiring a foreign-made slash cook. Hello. I am a 24-year-old male homeowner who has a very busy work schedule and doesn't have time to clean or cook after work. I already tried going down this stay-at-home girlfriend route, but I can't find one that knows how to cook and clean. American women. Ugh. So I'm looking to hire a foreign maid slash housekeeper slash cook for a one-year term, renewable, and pay them a fair wage. Fair for a foreign worker of $100 per week for about 20 to 25 hours of work. I'll provide free housing and free food. I don't want to use an agency because they charge ridiculous fees. Finding a person isn't the problem. I have a few that want to do this position. $100 a week that comes up to $5,200 a year. To be this guy's live
Starting point is 00:07:39 in, do I have to say it? We all know what this is, right? It's a passionate hugging slave. Down in the comments, Agreeable ad says exactly what I was thinking. I also have a feeling there might be a race fetish to this. 100% man. I would bet my entire YouTube channel that this guy is some neck-bearded in-sell who's fantasizing about some submissive Asian girlfriend
Starting point is 00:08:03 who will pick up his dirty underwear and give him daily pleasure sessions. Our next Reddit post is from Lazarus. I found a barber shop that's literally a one minute walk from my house. I can make an appointment online, walk in for say a 10 30 AM haircut, and be home at 10.55 AM. It's cash only, 20 bucks. Every time I go in, I would get the lady 20 bucks for a haircut and 5 bucks for a tip. I would almost always have exact change. One time, I didn't have exact change, so I gave her a 20 and a 10 and asked her for 5 bucks change and she said, oh, okay, then look down and then back up at me and said, you said you don't need change, right?
Starting point is 00:08:44 No, 55 back please. Oh, yesterday I go back in for a haircut and I see the price is going up to $23. No big deal, the price of everything is going up. That's life. So I gave her $30 and asked for $2 back so she can still get a $5 tip. Before giving me the money back, she says,
Starting point is 00:09:04 you see we raised our prices, right? Yeah. Oh, then she gives me back the $2. Unless tipping 20 to 25% on a 20-minute $20 haircut is cheap of me, I don't know. But she sure did not seem happy with that tip. Down in the comments, we have this story from Miss Frizzle. I took my eight-year-old son to sports clips and his haircut was $13. The screen had a how much tip screen and
Starting point is 00:09:31 the cheapest option was $7. The highest option was $11. You had to click on Custom Tip to enter anything less, including not leaving a tip, which wasn't an option on the screen. We were in and out in 10 minutes, and you won a 50% tip. Man, I feel like tipping culture is kind of getting out of control in America. Not only are expectations for tips going up, but also tips are moving into more and more industries, it feels like constantly. Like, I was at a food place earlier where they had a self-serve thing where you get the food yourself, you pay for yourself yourself, and there's a tip option like, who am I tipping? I'm doing all the work."
Starting point is 00:10:09 Our next post comes from R-slashamai the bad guy. Am I the bad guy for asking to be paid for six months of constant dog sitting? My sister Alice owns a flat with her husband and they have two dogs. Alice got a job abroad so they're moving there. They don't know what they want to do with the two dogs yet. So their current plan is to move abroad and wait a few months to decide if they even like it there, or if they want to come back home. If they like it there, they'll try to find a way to move the dogs there with them. But if it's not possible, they'll re-home the dogs in our country. I'm 21, still attending university and I live with my mom.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I really want to move out and live alone, but I can't afford it. My sister Alice made me an offer. I can live in their flat for free for six months. No rents, no utilities, but I have to take care of their dogs. I'll have to walk them for hours every day, take them to the vet, etc. My sister said that they'll pay for everything dog related and will pay for doggy daycare for a few days during my exam periods or if I want to get a vacation. I like her offer. Her flat is much closer to my university, but taking care of two dogs is a lot
Starting point is 00:11:17 of work. I think it's reasonable to be one to be paid for the work that I do. If I didn't have to take care of the dogs, I could get a part-time job if I wanted to. So, I feel like I should be reimbursed for that. Alice and her mom says that being allowed to live in her flat for free is already enough, and I'm being unreasonable and money-hungry. When they told me this, I laughed at them, and told my sister she could try to find another dog sitter then, and I know that I'm her best option. Now they're mad at me! Am I the bad guy?
Starting point is 00:11:48 And then OP posted an update. Okay, I screwed up. I really thought that Alice didn't have any other options. My brother just told me that my sister is now talking to our cousin who lives two hours away, but wants to move to our city. They're even talking about possibly making this a long term thing, and my cousin being allowed to stay after the free six months is up for reduced rent,
Starting point is 00:12:11 only having to pay half of their mortgage, which would normally only rent him one room. Ah, that update made my day! Our next reddit post is from Sarifus. Oh god, speaking of weddings, so my mate's niece is getting married. The invite stated that everyone is required to come early to help set up the marquee and decorations. It's $360 per head to be there, and the men are required to then help break the marquee back down. Also no one, especially the women, are allowed to wear overpowering scents because the
Starting point is 00:12:44 bride doesn't want them competing with the flowers she's chosen. No one, especially the women, are allowed to wear overpowering scents because the bride doesn't want them competing with the flowers she's chosen. And no floral colors are allowed because it'll be distracting in photos, and once the cleanup has been done, everyone has to promptly leave. I am NOT kidding you. Yo, 360 bucks to come to your wedding, and I have to do a hard labor? What is this a for profit wedding? Our next reddit post comes from R-slashBangalore. The other day when I was at a pretty crowded
Starting point is 00:13:11 t-shop, I saw a lady and her two kids begging right in front of that t-shop. As I got my t and Simosa, this lady looks at me and does that. I want food signed with her hands and makes a sad face and everything. I literally left my tea there and went and got us a mosa for her to eat. I asked her to take it and eat and she literally said arrogantly, I went tea. I don't need your samosa, buy me tea. Don't talk to me, I have a headache, so just buy me tea. What the f? I went to her kid and tried giving him the Samosa, but the kid was like, I don't want it, buy me mo-mos. Bruh, WTF?
Starting point is 00:13:49 Down in the comments, we have this story from DinoAids. This lady asked me for food once. I told her let's go into the restaurant and pick what you want. She said, no, that place messes me up. I went Popeyes. This other dude was walking by talking on his phone, and right when he was walking past me, he said, wait a second to the person on the phone, and then asked me for money. I said no, and he picked up his conversation again and continued walking. T.C. is wild. On this next post, a choosing beggar gets a $1,000 check from the government. Then she posts on Facebook. Where is my F.E. government check? What the F. will a $1,000 check from the government. Then she posts on Facebook. Where is my F in government check?
Starting point is 00:14:28 What the F will a $1,000 do by me ultra-patted charm and so my squeaky clean butt can stay nice and dry while I'm drowning in tears from F in boredom? Jesus, F in Christ on a bike. The government can keep their loose change. It's time that my friends and family step up to the plate and offer me something that will carry me through this trying time. Please comment your donation amounts and whether you're paying me cash, check, finmo, etc.
Starting point is 00:14:55 No donations lower than $50 for ease of consolidation. Then someone replies, I'll give you $350 cash. Call me at such and such number. Lull, you gave me a strip club's number. Yes, I did. Now you can apply there because that's how much strippers make a night. Go F yourself and shove a chewed wet corn on the cob up your butthole. Ironically, that's one of the requests that you might get from patrons at the strip club. That was our slash-choosing beggars, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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