rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars I Need a Free House & Free Food for Life! Thanks 😊

Episode Date: July 30, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Business notifications getting out of hand, buried under an avalanche of customer emails, texts, and social media messages, keep your edge with Thrive Small Business software and never miss a message again. Thrive offers one solution to communicate, market, and run your business. Put simply, small businesses run better on Thrive. Get Command Center for free today at That's Terms and conditions apply. Free plans have limited functionality. Welcome to our slash-choosing beggars where a Karen is looking for a free place to live forever. Post it in next door. I am an artist and I have a small baby son. We live in blank and I'm looking to find a home that wants us. We want a nice place to live that safe and free of charge. With loyal and family like people to live with, I would also like
Starting point is 00:00:55 food provided. I'm a vegan and so is my son. We're very kind and gentle and we don't like aggressive, mean, or manipulative types of people. We're clean and organized and have good taste and try very hard. We're looking for something long term that's beautiful, preferably top floor, not underneath anyone, and clean. No dirty animals that aren't well taken care of. We do love animals and want to be around some of them, but we seek a permanent place where there's a barrier between us and the outer world where abuse exists. We're friendly, easygoing, honest, and willing to do gardening, light home improvement,
Starting point is 00:01:36 tutoring, gardening, shopping, and cooking as long as it's vegan only. I can offer art lessons or artwork as a gift. No money grabbers, no neon demon. What? Huh? Neon demon. What the hell is that? Neon demon is a thriller horror movie? Huh?
Starting point is 00:01:57 Is that a typo? It falls in a spiring model in Los Angeles whose beauty and youth generate intense fascination and jealousy within the fashion industry. Okay, I have no idea what this person's talking about. Is she implying that she's so gorgeous that it's gonna, that she doesn't want someone to become jealous and obsessive over her because she's just so beautiful that, oh, honestly, my beauty is such a curse. No way, that can't be real. I have to be misinterpreting this. We need protection and safety and a good life full of fun and enrichment for a good future for my son. I'm open to different types of situations, but nothing weird. We want our own space and privacy respected. Not open to being a live-in girlfriend or a slave.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Romance is great and hopefully in my future, but I want a good green family to be with to grow with that we can trust. We don't have any pets, but we would like to have some fish. Please email our message me if you have a place to check out and send pictures. Thank you. Okay, so I'm trying to think of what place would accept a single woman with a child for free room and board and food and the only thing you can do there is garden and have fish. I think there's two options realistically. One is a psychopath serial killer who is going to lock you up in his basement and you know, I guess that counts as free room and board, right? You just can't leave, but hey, it's free. The second is a cult. We're like, you live out in the country, and you grow your own food, and they do that obviously because they want to keep you separated from society, because the cult master is going to like, you know, do weird sex stuff to you.
Starting point is 00:03:36 So look, lady, I guess what I'm trying to say is, either way, if you're trying to get free room and board, you're probably going to have to do weird sex stuff. Can you give me more details about the price? You can find pricing info at What's the price for an all-day wedding? $2,000. What consists of all day is that from 6 a.m. to midnight?
Starting point is 00:03:58 That price buys you 10 hours. You can find all the package details at the website that I provided along with the tour. So does this include decorators? That's correct. We have a two-day package for $2,800 to get five hours a night before. Or you can add $100 per hour extra on the day of. Thank you for the information, but I'll look for another venue because this isn't enough time for us. I'll write a review. This is not the place to be recommended for a wedding.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Excuse me? Thanks. My friend recommended me this place, but I don't think it'll work. I live out of state. Why would you write a negative review about my business when you haven't even been inside of it? It's beautiful, but the price, $2,800 is a good price,
Starting point is 00:04:44 but we have no time to decorate and live in our moments. Yeah, but you can add as much time as you want. A hundred dollars for each additional hour? Yeah, I understand that it's not a fit for you. I just don't understand why you would take the time to review my business poorly to others. No worries, thank you for checking with us. Have a great weekend.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Down in the comments, we have this story from Happy Me. I have a friend who owns a tiny four-table restaurant that's very popular. The website explicitly states that you must have a reservation to eat there. People who walk in and are turned away routinely leave one-star reviews because they could need there. I don't understand why people who have never patronized a business are even allowed to leave reviews. You know, honestly, in content creation, I run into people like this, you know, pretty
Starting point is 00:05:33 regularly, people who just troll in the comments or leave bad reviews or dislike every video. And for me, I think the way that I've kind of like rationalized them in my brain and like as a way to like cope with them and just understand that I'm going to encounter these people is to think of them almost like horror movie villains are like horror movie monsters There's no rhyme or reason no logic no way to understand no way to reason with them They're just gonna show up in your life and make everything worse for a while until eventually they leave You know like when I go to my podcast and I see that I get a one star review from someone and they give some stupid reason like, oh, I didn't like this episode one star.
Starting point is 00:06:11 I mean, that sucks because it brings down my review and I've got this impulse to like, uh, who is this guy? But really, that'd be like some creepy ghost crawls out of your TV and you're like, oh, how dare you interrupt my TV and scare me. Let me explain to you why you're wrong about this. Nah, man, the best thing to do is just avoid, walk away, disengage entirely. I mean, it sucks to have actual real-life carons leave bad reviews on my podcast because they think that I'm giving Karen a bad name. But, you know, what can you do? Well, actually,
Starting point is 00:06:41 what you can do is go to my podcast and leave a 5 star review. I would hugely appreciate that, actually, because you can counter all those one star reviews that Karen's leave. Hi! Is there anyone who's musical or in a band who wants to get a good opportunity? We're having a wedding party, and we're looking for people to do the music for the night. We've been quoted silly money from the bands that we've called. They're making so much money from just playing a few songs that it's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:07:09 This is hard times for us all, and we can't afford much. It'll be a good opportunity for a band or singer to perform and get themselves seen and make some free publicity. There will be food and drink for you for free, and even Muse did free gigs before they were famous. I bet that local bands would earn some money if they were willing to do a few gigs for free. So if you're a proper musician who actually loves music, then please get in touch.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Serious people only please, no negative comments please. I like how she actually acknowledges that this is a hard time for everyone, and so her expected response for this being a hard time for everyone is demanding free unpaid labor. Our next reddit post is from RevVixen. I went to the library to just read and relax in the air conditioning. As I walked out, a woman asked if I had five bucks for a bus fare. I looked in my bag, and all I had was two dollars, but it was cash so I gave it to her and I said, I'm so sorry, that's all the cash that I have. She said thanks so I walked over to my car and got in.
Starting point is 00:08:12 As I'm setting up my GPS, she comes over and starts banging on my window and is scared the bejesus out of me. But still, I asked her, can I help you, hun? She was furious with me and starts yelling and slamming my windows saying, I asked for $5. This isn't $5. And I kept telling her that was literally all the cash that I had. Then she starts to yell at me that I need to give her free rides all day now since I had the audacity to give her less than $5.
Starting point is 00:08:43 We went back and forth with her saying, you are gonna drive me and me saying, that is absolutely not gonna happen. Then she said, I am your elder. You are going to wait for me to get my stuff and you will drive me to such and such. So she finally took her hands off my car and I waited till she was like 10 feet away
Starting point is 00:09:03 and I backed up my car and got the hell out of there. Down in the comments we had this funny story from Gomer Snurd. I had a beggar come up to me and asked me for $25 for a cup of coffee. I told him you can get a cup of coffee for like two to three dollars. He said, yeah, but I'm a big tipper. On this next post, the Choosing Beger is a dice creator, and they're trying to offer a D&D content creator free dice in exchange for a promotion. Sorry if I didn't explain properly. We're interested in providing you with merchant dice that would sell for over $300 at retail in addition to the discount code.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Hope this helps. Apologies, but maybe I'm the one who should have clarified. I understood the implication of the arrangement, we're simply not interested in pursuing an affiliate sponsorship of that nature. Thank you. I don't know if I understand here. I deal with much bigger people than you, and they're usually happy to be offered such an arrangement. I think that maybe you don't completely get what we're trying to do here. Surely your cast and viewers would enjoy our merchandise and giving it away costs us money, is that not a value to you? I'm unable to speak to the motives of others,
Starting point is 00:10:17 bigger or smaller. However, I cannot pay my cast with dice and as much as I'm sure our viewers might love the opportunity to purchase dice at a 10% discount, I have very much doubt that it would translate to anything inherently beneficial to me or my team. I thank you again for your time and politely decline the offer. Have a good day. You are clearly not cut out to make it as a creator. Best of luck to you, enjoy the limited time that you have left.
Starting point is 00:10:45 I had a potential babysitting client who turned down my request for $30 a day and would only do it for 20. And when I told this grown man no, he started yelling that he can't afford it and that I'm a teenager who doesn't need the money. His kid by the way is 3 years old. I work for this guy from 8 to 5 on a good day. Also, I'm worth more than that because I'm first date in CPR certified because my mother works in the medical field and she made me learn those skills. This guy expects a teenager to cook, clean up after, change, and put to bid a 3 year old at $3 an hour. These beggars be choosing. Well, actually, $20 a day at those hours comes out to $2.22 an hour to care for a 3-year-old toddler.
Starting point is 00:11:32 A client booked me for a wedding at $3,200. This was a full package with an engagement session, Budwars shots, engagement party or bachelor at party, and full day coverage up to 10 hours. She found someone else who was only charging her 50 bucks for wedding photos and ended up canceling after paying my deposit. She said she understood that her deposit was non-refundable as it says on her ticket and contract. I went to go check out the other photographers' work when she told me the name during cancellation and I could tell that it was someone who was either using a phone or just starting in the industry.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I assumed that since the client had canceled me, that she had already done her research and decided that that was the kind of photo that she wanted, so I didn't say anything. Fast forward to today, a week after her wedding, and she sent me a very long message about how cruel it was that I didn't stop her from switching photographers. How unhappy she was with her wedding photos and how now I owe her a newly wed session to make up for my mistake. I haven't responded to this client yet because I really don't know the proper way to respond to something like this.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I've never had someone message me saying anything like this before. Down in the comments, Chargees puts it best. Porsche now owes me a new Porsche 911 because they didn't warn me that the Kia that I bought wasn't an equivalent vehicle. Yeah, I don't get it, man. If you're getting charged $3,000 for photography and then someone offers 50, you think that some part of your brain would be like, wait, hold on. Is this going to be the same quality as a $3,000 person? Probably not, right?
Starting point is 00:13:09 Our main Reddit post is from main yogurt closet. I was visiting a friend in Santa Monica, California. She's a very outgoing person and very involved in her community. We were walking down the road to get dinner when we were stopped by a guy claiming to be stranded in Santa Monica and he was looking for advice on where to go for help. My friend tells him about a shelter just down the road. He thinks her for her help and then starts on his spiel about needing laundry money if we didn't mind. My friend cuts him off mid-sinnons. Oh, they have free laundry machines at the shelter.
Starting point is 00:13:42 She then goes on into a 10 minute long explanation of the shelter and the surrounding aid that he could pull from. She goes into heavy detail, giving him names of shelter employees she knows who can help him get a bus ticket back home or wherever he needs to go. Places within walking distance that are hiring short-term workers and won't mind if you're from a shelter. She just goes on and on. This guy looked like a deer in headlights.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Finally, she stops talking long enough for him to mumble. Thanks and keep walking. She then looked at me and said, it's always best to kill them with kindness and gave me a wink. Down in the comments we have this post from these Wonttooth. My friend and I had a funny exchange with a guy. He approached us on the street, shirtless, chains around his neck, big combat boots, and a mohawk. He asked my friend for a cigarette and my friend gave it to him.
Starting point is 00:14:32 The guy said thank you, paused for a second, and then said, You know what, some lady gave me this gift card to a steakhouse, but they wouldn't let me in there with the way that I look, so why don't you have it? He holds out this gift card in my friend Takesinen says, wow man, that's really generous. And the guy says, the lady said there's like a hundred bucks on there. So if you want to give me like 50 to 60 bucks, that'd be cool. Without missing a beat, my buddy says,
Starting point is 00:14:58 you know what man, I'm not going to give you any money. What you did was so selfless that I believe the karma will change your life. The guy just stood there for a minute and finally said, there's nothing on the card. Can I just have it back? We were certain that it was a stolen gift card with zero balance and the guy was going around
Starting point is 00:15:18 trying to pretend to be generous yet also wanted to be seen as intimidating. Our next reddit post is from Night Saber. I was having a beer at the bar of a beach resort in the Bahamas. A middle-aged woman comes up to me and taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and she hands me a laminated card. My first thought was, wow, laminated, very nice. And then I read the text.
Starting point is 00:15:41 My name is Cheyenne. I am deaf and I'm looking for sponsors for a hearing aid. At this point, I'm buzzed enough that I feel like helping out, so I grab 20 bucks and hand it to her. She shakes her head, no, and taps lower on the card. Further down the card states, To avoid difficulties, I'm only accepting donations starting at $100. I turn back and say, seriously?
Starting point is 00:16:07 To what she nods, which makes me pretty skeptical that she's actually deaf. So I say, okay, put the money back in my wallet and turn around. She taps me again and points at my wallet nodding. I just tell her no, and she sighs and walks away. Bloody cheeky! Down in the comments, we have this story from Ray's fan. I just tell her no, and she sighs and walks away. Bloody cheeky! Down in the comments, we have this story from Ray's fan. I encountered the same sort of scam operation in Paris.
Starting point is 00:16:31 At first, I thought the guy was collecting signatures to raise awareness for the death in the blind. After I signed, he pointed lower on the page with donation tiers. After refusing, he continued to follow us, until who I can only assume was his supervisor yelled at him to go try the group of tourists entering the plaza, which he immediately heard and responded to before walking away. I don't think they were impaired at all. So scummy.
Starting point is 00:16:56 That was our slash-choosing beggars, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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