rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars "INFLUENCERS SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PAY"

Episode Date: December 3, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash Choosing Beggars, where Karen sends OP an unhinged voicemail and we get to listen to it. On this next post, OP has a photography studio, then a TikToker with half a million followers sends this. Oh my god, I would love to come by and shoot with you. Wow! I would love to collab. We have some killer matching dresses to shoot soon. We would be maybe 20 minutes if that. I can tag y'all and you can use my images too. I have 40,000 fans and 500,000 followers on TikTok. Hey girl, sorry, we can only accept paying clients for all bookings. Thank you though.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Still, we have 15 million likes on TikTok now and 600,000 fans. We would come for 20 minutes, Max. Hey girl, sorry, we really aren't looking for influencers one in free time. This takes time away from paying clients and your numbers aren't helpful for our business. As artists ourselves, we always encourage the community to support each other by doing business professionally. We've known of your work for years, and it's amazing, but as artists, we would never ask for free work from the community. And so, we can't allow others to do that to us, especially with influencers of your
Starting point is 00:01:17 caliber being in such a lucrative career. Knowing that you continuously ask multiple studios for free time is unfortunately disappointing. Well, I'm not trying to be rude in any way. I was seriously excited to help get the word out for you guys. On our TikTok, we get 15 million views, and I had a cute viral video idea to help spread the word for you guys. My lord! You must not know how any of this works. I get paid $10,000 to post on TikTok, and I was offering to shoot there for 20 minutes for free to help you out, and you're being super rude towards me. That's pretty crazy to me.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Wow, I'll make sure to never support you or what you do. Ridiculous. You are out of touch as hell. hilarious. Oh, do you have a 90 yearyear-old person running your account? I see, I see. I went ahead and unfollowed her. Thanks. I'm also letting all of my blogger friends know about how you talk to me. And to never, ever book you or the other studio you run.
Starting point is 00:02:19 We will never refer you, ever. Good going, bye! Then on OP's official business website, the TikTok influencer posts this as a review. Hi Sarah, I think that you've completely misunderstood me and it was really unfair for you to go off on me and be super freaking rude towards me. I was barely asking you if I can come there and promote your studio and do a video
Starting point is 00:02:42 and promote you and tag you in your studio and I would shoot for only 20 minutes. This is never about money, this is about supporting local artists and I loved your studio. And I was so excited to shoot a little bit of content there to share with my fans because I feel like they would love your space. I could understand if I was asking you for hours of time for free to shoot paid work there. That would be ridiculous. And whenever I do collaborate with people who own any peer spaces, I never ever shoot paid
Starting point is 00:03:11 jobs there. If I have a paid job, I'm going to pay to rent a space to shoot it, so it's a tax right off for me. And I would make sure to also tell the owners if it was a paid job so I can also pay them and pay to rent the studio. I'm a really fair person, and I'm a really nice person. And I thought that you were a nice person too and a little bit more hip when it came to marketing and collaborations with other artists.
Starting point is 00:03:36 I barely ask you for 20 minutes to choose something really quick with me and my daughter, who's too. And you go off on me and say that I'm disappointing? You really are not a good business person or marketing person. You could have easily responded that you loved my account and that you would let me know and leave it at that with no bad blood. I'll make sure to never refer your studio to anyone I know. In my photographers, we'll also know how rude you were to me and they will never refer
Starting point is 00:04:03 you as well. Why make an enemy, especially a blogger and especially someone so aligned to what you're doing? Unreal, so dumb! You should really learn some business etiquette in marketing. Because you, or whoever was running that account, acts like a 90 year old person who has no idea how collaborations work in this day and age with bloggers. In fact, for me to promote your studio, you should have been paying me.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Way to make a friend, smart business move. I really hope you weren't the one messaging me on Instagram. Man, it just keeps coming. Okay, apparently that still wasn't enough because then the tiktokers shoots this person an email on their personal accounts. Subject one last word. Unreal! Don't bother writing me back.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I'm gonna block your email. If you wanna make this right, which I highly doubt, you can write such and such. But if you're running your business Instagram account, or if you have anyone else running it, then you should really talk to them. As a business owner, you should really be kind always and deflect. It wouldn't have hurt you to say a kind thing about me and how aligned we are and that you would check and see and just leave it at that. One time I saw a girl take photographs in a 50% space and she was a blogger and I asked
Starting point is 00:05:20 her about the space she linked me and I booked it for paid work. I also referred that space to my friend, who's a very famous musician, who booked it as well for her video shoot. It's really dumb to make an enemy of a blogger who was so excited to spread the word about your space on social media for free. The video was about YOUR space! HELLARIOUS! I worked with Pier Space too. They pay me to shoot a different spot, and I was going to pitch your space to them for the next collaboration, and we both would have been paid. DUMM move. I'll also make sure that my famous blogger friends and my famous musician friends know how
Starting point is 00:05:57 Ruju were to me, and never, ever book your space or refer it. Then, oh my god. Then, this choosing beggar DMs OP from her daughter's account. You're saying lies and showing only part of it. You're acting like I asked you for your free space for hours. I was asking you if we could please come for 20 minutes to shoot your space and promote your space for free to our fans. We were excited to meet you and be friends. I went into support local artists and your spreading lies about me. Acting like we asked you for hours of free space to shoot paid jobs there. It's so unfair. You took it all wrong.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Then she posts on our Instagram stories and says, I hate being so misunderstood sometimes. It sucks. I hate how women can sometimes, it sucks. I hate how women can be so mean towards other women. I don't get that. Why can't we be kinder to one another? Man, what an absolute journey this was. And how is she saying that OP is spreading lies and like
Starting point is 00:07:01 spreading misinformation about her? When literally the only thing OP is doing is taking the actual physical words that this choosing beggar wrote and posting them on her TikTok. Also, why did this woman write an entire thesis, an entire book about how wrong OP was when the only thing OP said was like, listen, if you want to book my studio, you got to pay, otherwise I'm not interested. She wasn't even that rude. She was just saying, hey, if you want to book my studio, you got to pay. Otherwise, I'm not interested. She wasn't even that rude.
Starting point is 00:07:25 She was just saying, hey, if you want to support artists, then I actually support them. Don't say that you're supporting them by making TikToks about them. And incredibly amazingly, OP really followed through with this one. Because the Choosing Becker also sent OP some voice mails and OP posted the voice mails. So behold, Karen. For 20 minutes to be serious, I asked to come there for 20 minutes to shoot something with my daughter and that's disappointing for free when I charge a lot of money for postings and we get like 12 million hits on our TikTok and we really well actually with
Starting point is 00:08:02 video here. And that's disappointing. That's crazy. Who runs this account? Are you 90 years old and not know how influencers work? That's hilarious. You guys are really out of touch. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I asked, oh, can I shoot there for 20 minutes with my daughter to do a viral video and support you guys and post you around and people will book your studio because it's colorful and very on brand for me. They will book your studio. And then you go with so disappointed and then you're asking for a collaboration influencers collaborate. Are you 90? Who is this? On this next post OP writes wedding songs for people. Oh, I didn't realize I'd have to pay. I'd have thought that with the current stage of your career, you'd be doing this for exposure and to get your name out there.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Sadly, neither my rent nor my bill can be paid in exposure. I'm happy to do a song for the priceless at above and time for your wedding. Let me know if I can help further. That's a bit cheeky. In my opinion, you're being unrealistic with pricing, and you'll build a name for yourself much quicker by doing these for free or really cheap to get your name out there.
Starting point is 00:09:07 You're talented for sure, but I can't see people paying for something like that. The world doesn't owe you a living. Yeah, and the world doesn't owe you a song, lady. Our next reddit post is from a guzky. Background. I'm on food stamps because I'm disabled. Back in 2017, when I moved into an apartment building in town, I was walking back from a drugstore.
Starting point is 00:09:28 This lady, a tenant of the same building, stops me and starts giving me this sob story about how her oldest son just died, and he was the one buying her groceries, and she hasn't eaten in three days. Now she looked to be in her early 80s, and while it looked like a stiff breeze could tip her over, she did not look malnourished. Anyways, I did feel bad and I'm a sucker, so I offered a walker to the drugstore, or for her to give me a short shopping list. It's no problem, I think to myself.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I can just eat smaller portions for a month. Clearly, this was a big problem for her. She starts declining my offers, and keeps asking for me to give her my food stamps and my login I say I can go with you, but she says no, I like to be independent, so give me your card I say if you give me a list she says this is the only time that I leave my apartment So give me your card. I say I'm not giving you my card. And she says that she's starving and she needs food and oh, her children are dead. Now I'm a gullible in giving person, but I'm not giving someone who stopped me in the
Starting point is 00:10:35 street. My soul means to afford food every month. She follows me back towards the apartment building, wailing about how she needs food so badly, only to stop following me when we actually get to the parking lot. A week later, a different fellow tenant is meeting us. She made cookies to welcome me in my roommate. She was a nice lady. I mentioned the crazy lady demanding my food stamps card and this tenant without even blinking replies. She tries that with every new tenant. Half the building has restraining orders against her because she demands debit and credit cards from everyone. She hasn't been removed because she's in her 80s and her kids won't talk to her. Neither one of them is dead. I can't imagine what it would have been like growing up under a woman like
Starting point is 00:11:19 that. On this next post, OP is a freelance artist. Hey, I'm interested. I went a full drawing of two anime characters fighting with large katanas. I went the girl's kimono to be torn at the bottom, showing her legs, and her looking angry. And I went the boy to be in full samurai armor, and I went it fast! Oh, alright. Here's my card since you see him interested.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I'm sure you looked already, but all my pricing is on it. Okay, how much? Well, that comes to about 80 bucks. Did you win a background? What? 80 dollars? Yeah, that's how much I charge for a piece that's complex with two characters. No, five dollars. Why do you need 80?
Starting point is 00:12:02 Five is good. Send me a PayPal link. No, I'm sorry, but I don't want to work for $5. A piece that's that complex would take me 2 days, and I try to pay myself by the hour like a normal job. I'm already being paid below minimum wage for my work. You filthy, effing brat! Why the eff do you want that much money for a sucky painting and all that BS?
Starting point is 00:12:26 You're so EFFING entitled. You snowflakes are why America is so EFFING soft these days. Snowflake Brat. Respond. I'm talking to you. I'm not interested in doing any work with you. Bye. What? This guy's argument doesn't even make sense. You snowflakes are why America is so effing soft these days? Bro, OPs just using good old-fashioned capitalism, which is about as American as it gets. This is the free market! This is what America's founding on. What is this guy talking about? Working for free? Oh, I get it. He's talking about that old school America. Circa like, the 1800 1800s when people did work,
Starting point is 00:13:06 but they weren't exactly paid for it. Apartment for sale, furnished, clean, safe basement apartment and family home for $500. Family looking for kind human to live in basement apartment and part-time nanny for $500 a month, plus 16 hours of nanny care per week, plus two date nights per month. Hoping to find the perfect housemate who enjoys kids and kindness, month plus 16 hours of nanny care per week plus two date nights per month.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Hoping to find the perfect housemate who enjoys kids and kindness, we want to trust worthy, responsible, friendly person to be part of our home. We're respectful and easy to communicate with. You'll have your own space and autonomy while feeling like a part of a community and safe. Might be a real fit for a student at one of the nearby universities. The dad's a teacher. The mom is hoping to start back to work as a site director for an afterschool program. Our son is one and a half years old. A adorable, loves cars, once a friend from downstairs
Starting point is 00:13:57 to hang out with while the parents work. Rant is 500 bucks a month, do one the first, and you have to babysit our son from 7 to 9 a.m. and from 1 to 4 p.m. during a nap. Awesome, so they get to be your boss and your landlord. Wait, no, they're not your boss because you're paying them. You're their boss? But they're your landlord? The system's stupid, it makes no sense. On this next post, OPSLing in Xbox 360, three controllers, and a bunch of games for a hundred bucks.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Hi, is this still available? Yeah, it's available. I was wondering if you wanted to buy a mini-fridge. No? Do you want the Xbox? I'll buy the Xbox if you buy the mini-fridge. No. Then I'm not gonna buy the Xbox 360. Sell it to someone else then.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I will. I didn't ask for a fridge. Sorry, I gotta read a hit on this one. On this next post, OP sells drums online. And he's selling a symbol. Those things that make that crashing sound for $85 and a choosing beggar sends back this. Offer, Declined, Counter-Offer, $80. You really want my child, my beautiful baby boy, to go without a crash symbol this Christmas? You make me sick! That was our slash-choosing beggars. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit
Starting point is 00:15:25 podcast episodes every single day.

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