rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars Men Have to Pay Me $350 Per Date!

Episode Date: September 25, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash Choosing Beggars, where Karen's wedding gets ruined. Our next reddit post is from La Patisserie de Paris. Hi, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the account that I specifically created to tell the stories of Choosing Beggars and Karen's that I encounter through my work. And trust me, it's a lot. For some context, I recently opened a small pickup bakery in Paris. There's no physical store that customers can access, just to pick up point to come and get their orders. And I keep meeting absolute lunatics!
Starting point is 00:00:31 For this baptism of fire, we'll start with the absolute first choosing Begurian countered. We'll call her Haley and her husband Jojo. It's 7.30 a.m. We've only been open for a few days and I get a call. We stated everywhere that we're not open until 8, but what the hell, I'm awake, so I take the call. Do you make wedding cakes? Uh, first off, bonjour Madame, and second, yes, we do make wedding cakes. In France, saying bonjour is like a sign of respect, and not saying bonjour or bon suarte people is seen as particularly rude. Anyways.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Perfect! You see, I'm getting married this Friday. And for context, it was Monday. And I have a really specific cake in mind. Would you be able to do that? I mean, I need a basic description, but sure, I can fit you in. Since I just opened, I barely had any clients and I had a lot of time, so why not? So, I went a three-tier cake with white buttercream on the outside and with a bouquet
Starting point is 00:01:30 of flowers scattered all over. Sure, our cakes usually started 22 centimeters tall. Do you want the tiers to be made of three or four cakes and what flavor? I went four tiers, and all vanilla, your most expensive one. I went attasted, but I went it filled with Nutella. Nutella buttercream? No, just plain Nutella, and really filled with nothing else. I'll have to use some kind of buttercream to make like a damn so the Nutella doesn't fall off the sides.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Ugh, fine. But only the smallest amount, because I don't really like butter. How much will it be? So to sum up, a four-tier cake each tier made with four cakes. All vanilla, filled with Nutella buttercream and plain Nutella. White frosting on the outside with fresh flowers. Is that all? Yes, and I wanted to really have a boho chic fluorovib, so how much? Hang on, just crunching some numbers. Be quick! Well, altogether that'll be about 150 euros if the flowers are all supposed to be fresh
Starting point is 00:02:31 flowers. I don't advise that you go with realistic edible flowers. They're handmade and a pain to make. It would probably double the price. Now if you agree, I would love to proceed with a Zoom meeting later, where we would go more in-depth in things and make a perfect sketch of your cake. I was met with silence. Then a big loud sob.
Starting point is 00:02:53 You're trying to ruin my wedding! Excuse me? That is way too much! Your prices are scandalous. Madam, if 150 euros is too much for you, we can downsize. We can knock off a tear, or you can choose a regular cake from the website, and I can touch it up for you. There are many cakes on our website that cost just 35 euros. Eight inches too. I don't want a regular cake. I want something fancy.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Maybe a piece of montée of cream puffs? I can add flowers to that. But I want cake! Uh, maybe the same, but with cupcakes? Cupcakes, like an f'ing plebeian? I will not compromise on my wedding day. Well, I wish you luck then. It won't be easy finding that cake for less than 150 euros. My prices mostly ingredient costs, and my margins are very slim. Well, at the local supermarket, they would make it for me for 50 euros. 50?
Starting point is 00:03:54 Really? Yes, so would you lower your price? Well, I don't understand why we're continuing this conversation. Just go there then. I heard some kind of noise, then heard sobbing in the distance. Then I heard her husband. Hello? Who is this?
Starting point is 00:04:10 Why did you upset my fiance? Oh, hi, mister. I'm the baker from such and such bakery. I was talking to Miss Haley about a wedding cake and… Oh, yes, my apologies. I'm Mr. JoJo, the groom. Did Haley tell you about what she wants? Yes, I gave her a hundred and fifty euro price But apparently that's too much for you
Starting point is 00:04:31 150 that's perfect then in the distance I heard No I heard the guy say to his fiance That's why you threw your phone a hundred and fifty Euros is amazing. Why are you crying? She's ripping me off. My wedding is ruined. OP, would you excuse us a minute? Sure, go on.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I hear them arguing in the distance for a long, long time. Hi, I'm back. Sorry for the wait. Would you still be able to do it? If my future contact is only through you, sure. No, I am the bride. You can't do this to me! Well, it's a no then. Good luck to you, mister. Thank you anyways. I'll be in touch in case she changes her mind. Okay, have a nice day, and I hung up. I'm starting to think that I should add a mental health
Starting point is 00:05:22 tax to wedding cakes. I understand that weddings can be stressful, but come on, a full meltdown for a very reasonable price. The minds of choosing beggars are a true wonderland. So I don't know a whole lot about wedding cakes, but it kind of seems to me that 150 bucks for a wedding cake and less than a week is like a really really good deal. Am I wrong about that? Posted to Facebook. Hi friends! I start my new job Monday, so excited! And I need the community's help to look the part. Since I'm just starting out, I won't have a paycheck for two weeks and I need help with some essentials. Things have been tough lately,
Starting point is 00:06:05 and I'm looking forward to getting back on my feet. Here's my wish list. One, a designer handbag. I will accept either Gucci or Fendi bags. Two, any color, size 6 designer shoe. Must be Jimmy Choo or Luba-Ton only. Three, a new 5K for a 2021 Cadillac Escalade. My battery died in mine.
Starting point is 00:06:28 4. Toilet paper or hand soap. The toilet paper must be 2 ply. 5. The kiddos need new water bottles and nothing cheap please because the other kids will shame them so only yeti or hydroflask. 6. Nespresso coffee Capsules.
Starting point is 00:06:45 No D-Cav, but I do like Flavors. Seven, a ten ounce jar of mayonnaise. I need it for my little one's eczema. Yo, what is this list? The mom... Ha ha ha ha. The mom gets designer handbags and shoes, and her kid gets a...
Starting point is 00:07:02 Ha ha ha ha ha. A jar of mayonnaise? I feel like the, I feel like the power play would be to get a Gucci handbag, empty several jars of mayonnaise into the handbag and give the mom that. And like, how was she calling these essentials? How was Jimmy Chu, Lubaton, and Gucci handbags essentials?
Starting point is 00:07:24 Posted the Facebook. Before you ask me on a day, just know that I'll only agree to lunch or dinner depending on my schedule, and you'll have to provide the following first. $50 for gas. I refuse to ride with you in case I want to leave. $75 to $100 for a babysitter, or you could pay for two more meals. $100 for a Sheen haul. I need to be able to try on a few options for our date.
Starting point is 00:07:51 For those who don't know, Sheen is apparently a clothing brand, so I guess you've got a buy clothes for her to go on the date too? $100 for my toes. No need to worry about my nails since I don't get them done anyways. Yes, you'll be paying for the whole date. No, I will NOT be sleeping with you. And the second date will depend on how well you tip our server. If this is too much, then I'm not for you.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I live my life like this already, and if you can't, then please leave me alone. Ladies, am I missing anything else? So for those who haven't done the math, that's 350 bucks just to get it to show up. And then you still have to pay for the meal on top of that. So I've never employed the services of a prostitute. I don't intend to, so I'm not really like up to date on what prostitute prices are,
Starting point is 00:08:42 but I feel like at this point, you might be better off just hiring your prostitute. Posted to Facebook. Hello fellow moms. Apparently I have to make yet another post needing childcare. I get that we're coming out of COVID after a year and a half of being shut down and not bringing home funds, but that doesn't mean that all of us hardworking parents can afford these ridiculous prices thrown at us. A lot of daycare facilities charge $475 per week. I had my child at the best daycare and I was actually charged that. The reason they're allowed to charge more is because they actually have taxes taken out. Yeah, Uncle Sam, aka the government aka the IRS gets their cuts. Also, factoring
Starting point is 00:09:27 in that they undergo specific schooling requirements that the government oversees and their facilities are under government control, which means they do regular checks for health and safety standards. Now, about me, and why I won't pay a ridiculous charge to have my child watched. I work in a warehouse, busting my butt in a building that's factually proven to be 20 degrees hotter inside than outside on any day. I'm walking over two miles a day and lifting 50 pounds by myself on ladders and such. I'm pulled in 100 different directions, but I can still answer who, what, when, why, and any other type of question there is without giving attitude
Starting point is 00:10:05 at any given moment? And I also catch hell for other people's screw-ups because that's part of my job. I have to drive one hour, one way to get to my job for my home. Despite most companies paying $3 more for my specific job title, I actually like my company and my co-workers even though I make $17 per hour. I privately pay for everything, meaning no government assistance, no funch from baby daddy and no funch from my family. Gas prices, enough said. Okay, I gotta take a quick pause here and say that this post is way longer than I thought
Starting point is 00:10:38 it would be, so I just can't maintain my care and voice for this long, so we'll switch over to my normal voice so I don't strain myself. So unless Big Brother, aka the government has legal control over what you do in your home concerning kids, then you have not earned that ridiculous price tag. Now that I gave out my two cents, here's the other part of me. I'm a mostly easygoing single parent of a beautiful, easygoing, hardly fussy eight-month-old girl. I work as an inventory specialist, aka Material Handler, aka Shipping Receiving Clerk, aka Inventory Clerk for a Fortune 500 company in the East End of Blank. I'm a cat-friendly household with one foster, a Pharaoh colony mama turned into
Starting point is 00:11:25 my fur baby, and a foster who's available for adoption. PME for details have interested. I've done this parenting thing solo, meaning no funds, no physical assistance from anyone. And I've been successful at it until I went on extensive medical leave under my paid for private health insurance that I received short-term disability at 60% pay rates. My time off work was exclusively about my daughter and her health needs. I have yet to get started on my own health needs because, again, Uncle Sam and his ridiculous prices.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I don't go out and party nor hang out with my friends nor blow my money on anything for myself. My money goes to bills, debt payoffs, and then, mostly to get my child everything she needs, with a few ones that are preused items, and of course, the necessities for my cats. I have plans to get back into college to get a diploma or certificate to better myself in life for my child, so eventually, two years from now, I'll be able to hopefully afford more because I'll make a lot more money. As for what I'm looking for, is someone who's been in my shoes, who has rode the struggle
Starting point is 00:12:32 bus, who has humbled to be a caregiver for my child. That way, I can go work my butt off for corporate America to make someone else rich. I'm looking for someone who will appreciate the extra income that I can provide them each week. But I'm willing to do cash payments if you sign receipts showing that you were indeed paid in full. I can afford approximately $100 to $130 weekly. I'm looking for someone reliable, consistent, compassionate, and empathetic. I do require you to be fully vaccinated against COVID, plus all regular vaccines required in childhood and the flu vaccine, or you're going to wear a mask and non-latex gloves at all times. No exceptions.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I don't have much of a preference in my home or yours, as long as there's cameras installed in case of a serious injury. In the event of an accident, I want someone who is CPR slash AED certified or someone who can administer proper immediate treatment. Once treatment has been administered, you're to understand that you are to notify me immediately. No exceptions. Please comment or message me if you've read this post, agree, and fully comprehend this post.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Thank you for your time. Jeez, this lady is talking about the struggle Bus, reading this post put me on the Struggle Bus. And if you're wondering about the math, this comes out to $3 per hour. Also, OP was kind enough to include some screenshots of what people were saying to the original Facebook post. I'm a single mom too. Not many people can afford to provide childcare for you for $3 an hour before taxes and with no benefits unless they're watching a lot of kids at once. We're all just trying to survive out here. Then they can go work for a real job like I do and be law-abiding citizens and pay taxes. Bye-bye, which. Maybe try asking some college kids? $400 a month isn't enough for
Starting point is 00:14:26 anyone providing care. There's a reason that daycare is charged what they do. Yeah, and I'm pretty sure I posted that. Yet again, I will not pay ridiculous prices for someone not being a law abiding citizen. Bye bye, witch. What are you even on about with law abiding citizen? You won't pay ridiculous prices, but expect people to watch your kid for a ridiculous price? Okay, I'll be honest though, I didn't read your novel. I'm offering cash, little Miss Mouth, or trying to find ways to not report their income.
Starting point is 00:14:59 So politely take your two cents and shove it, because you had no business running your mouth on a clearly explained novel. Clearly, you're ignorant and arrogant. Now, goodbye. Oh, right. Actually, I didn't know that the first read through because this post is so unhinged and the writing is so awful. I did devote like 90% of my brain power to just understanding the sentences that I was reading so I could read them in like a somewhat comprehensible manner. But she's actually also looking for someone who will take cash as a way to avoid paying taxes. So, she doesn't just want a cheap person to watch her kid, she wants a cheap person to
Starting point is 00:15:36 illegally watch her kid. That was our slash-choosing beggars, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day

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