rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars My Boss Fired Me, Then Begged Me For Money!

Episode Date: December 28, 2020

r/Choosingbeggars What kind of selfish, clueless jerk do you have to be to fire your employee, and then send that employee a Facebook message begging them to give you money? A choosing beggar, of! And if you're wondering why the choosing beggar wants free money, it's because she's trying to save her failing business, LOL! Lady, your employees stop caring about your business the second you fire them! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make every moment a little more magical this season with a Starbucks red cup in your hands. Wrap yourself in the warmth of one of our familiar faves, like a peppermint mocha or a caramel brule latte. Find your festive with the Starbucks app. Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best posts from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash using beggars where a boss fires an employee and then contacts that employee asking for money. One of my students lost their house due to a tornado last week. They lost all their animals and my student is absolutely distraught that they lost their cat.
Starting point is 00:00:36 As their teacher, I wanted to buy the macadas as a surprise Christmas present. I asked my principal about it and she thought it was a good idea. It turns out the principal ended up telling the family, and now the family wants a $1,000 pure bread cat. I don't have that kind of money, and I don't believe in shopping for pets either. What should I do about this? I'm absolutely infuriated that she did that. Would it be wrong of me to go ahead and go to the Humane Society and adopt a cat like
Starting point is 00:01:03 I was originally planning to do? Man, I feel sorry for the kid here. The kid loses their beloved pet and they're probably not getting a new one because their douchebag parents become greedy over a cat. Though what's even stranger about this to me is why would you buy a pet for a family that lost their home? And theoretically the family is probably in financial straits because you know the tornado at all. So why would you give to pet to a family that's in an unstable position?
Starting point is 00:01:31 That's not really helpful for the family or the cat for that matter. Hey, I know it's last minute, but would you be able to make a wedding cake by noon on Sunday? I can possibly put something in by Sunday, but it's going to depend on what you're interested in getting. Then this choosing begger sends the baker a picture of a cake, and I swear, this thing has to be as tall as a person. It's got... geez, one, two, three, four, five tiers, and the five-tier cake is sitting on top of what looks like six smaller cakes. Something like this, but not too big. I'm only expecting 300 people. LOL. Oh wow. I'm sorry. That's going to be impossible to fit in on such a short
Starting point is 00:02:12 notice. Okay, I understand. Are you sure? On TV, they can play bigger cakes in this in a short time. Are you a beginner? Have a good night. Down in the comments, I'm going to read this post from PM your birthday suit. It might be the bride's first wedding, but it is not the baker's first gig. Yeah, clearly, this baker didn't even try to negotiate or ask more questions or anything. The second is choosing Beger expected a person's size cake in like one day, they're like nope, I'm out. Before you go out to buy that pizza, steers, or chicken, etc. First, think about your friend who has a child and check if they don't need that money.
Starting point is 00:02:55 If not, then you can go out. Down in the comments, I'm going to read this post from the Lowery24. Or, or hear me out, here's a thought. I spend my money on what I want and you spend your money on taking care of your kids as you're their parent and your responsibility, not mine. I don't need your permission to do what I want with my own money just because you have kids and you can't afford it. Posts to R-slash in my The Butthole.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Would I be a butthole for kicking my friend out of my room? So I live on campus in colleges the first year, and my friend can't afford accommodation so he sleeps on my floor. The thing is, I have no privacy and I'm starting to find it annoying. He also cooks and destroys the kitchen and told the other lads that it's not his kitchen so he doesn't need to clean it up. I'm thinking of kicking him out. No hard feelings are anything, but I'm paying $6,000 a year for accommodation and I'd like my privacy.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Am I the butthole? OP, the only way that you become the butthole in the situation is if you don't kick this guy out. Just cut that dead weight out of your life. On this next post, OP's boss fired him because he got sick and then their business went under, and his former boss actually sent him a go-fun me-type thing to donate to the business. Message from an honest to God, Karen, your friends on Facebook. If you can help by donating or sharing, that would be amazing. Thank you, and we hope to see, and then the message cuts off. Not gonna lie Karen, I have no money. Opie should have added in all caps because you fired
Starting point is 00:04:32 me. And then down in the comments, hopeful Acres really takes the cake. I have a friend who is fired because she was spending too much time with her family instead of focusing on her job. My friend was taking her mom to chemo treatments, which her boss knew about and approved. Five years later, that boss sent her a cancer fundraiser link. We were all stunned! Sounds about right for every manager in existence. Rules for thee, not for me. I just stopped to get gas at QT and this homeless man asked me for some cash. I didn't have any on me, but I asked if he wanted something from the store and he said
Starting point is 00:05:10 water. So I bought him a gallon of water, a gatorade, and a pizza. When I gave it to him he said, thanks, but no doughnut? Down in the comments, we have this story from Flora Love. I was at a gas station and this guy said that he ran out of gas and he wouldn't know if I could spare him some money. I gave him about two bucks and coins and told him this is all the cash I have. Here you go. He gave me a dirty look and said, you can get cash back inside. LMEO never again. And then we have a similar story from Don't Open New Tabs. I was approached by a man in the parking lot of them all on my way in.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I must have been about 16 at the time. He told me this story about how his parents had been in a serious car accident that same day, and he just needed bus fare to get down to the city a couple hours away to see them. He said he was desperate. I was too young and naive to ask myself any of the obvious questions about the situation, so I gave him some money. Ten bucks I think. Just a couple of days later, I was back at them all.
Starting point is 00:06:07 On my way in, I was approached by none other than that same mother-eifer. I stood there, as he told me the exact same story about how his parents had just been in a serious car accident and blah, blah, blah. He had no idea that he'd already told me the story once before. And this time, I told him to screw off. I told my dad what had happened, thinking that I discovered the world's first instance of a person lying. He laughed and told me what a dope I was.
Starting point is 00:06:33 This would become a recurring theme for me until I was about 30. And then beneath that, another story from Lime Green Zombie Dog. I was approached by the same woman every time I went to a particular gas station all hurried and out of breath, wanting money for a car that ran out of gas just down the road. The first couple of times I just tell her sorry before declining, but on like the third time I said, man woman, enough already! Selling PlayStation 5
Starting point is 00:07:00 I'm selling a PlayStation 5 with receipt, brand new and unopened. I purchased it for my cell phone release date from GameStop, but I haven't opened it yet, as I also had a series X on release date, and there's nothing I want to play exclusive wise yet on the PS5. I'm not interested in swaps or offers. I will not be meeting anyone outside of my home. I will not be taking dodgy payments, which includes PayPal. You'll come to my home which has cameras
Starting point is 00:07:25 and pay-by bank transfer. I'll break the seal and open the top of the box for you to see inside from a reasonable social distance. If no one wants it, I'm very happy to keep it. I'm not desperate for cash, your broken screen Samsung phone, your monkey bite with broken ignition, or older generation consoles and swaps. No saving, stupid comments and questions will be ignored. Thank you. This dude's trying to sell a PS5 around Christmas time, so he's obviously had his fair share of choosing beggars. But at the same time, this dude's probably just a scalper who's marking up the PS5 by
Starting point is 00:07:59 like 300%. This NHL season, get more excitement out of every slap shot with fan duel North America's number one sportsbook. You can bet on everything from the money line to over-unders to which player will net the first goal. Make your picks and assemble a same game parlay with fan duel sportsbook, home of the SGP, plus with fan duels quick payout you can get paid faster than a breakaway. Make every moment more with fan duel, official partner of the NHL.
Starting point is 00:08:24 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gamlin' Problem Call 1866-531-2600 or visit Business notifications out of hand, Thrive Command Center keeps your customer emails, texts, and social messages all in one place so you never miss a message. Small business runs better on Thrive. Get it free today at Thrive, THRYV.CA. Terms and conditions apply. Free plans have limited functionality.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Selling your song in my film, $399.60. We'll put your song in the film blank and either the beginning credits or the closing credits. Criteria, the song must have music and lyrics. We must have written permission from you to use the song. The song must fit the genre and mood of the film. This will be determined by our composer. Included items, I am DB Credit. That's the exact opposite of how this is supposed to work. This is like driving into the McDonald's drive-through and be like, yes, I'd like a burger please, and for the low, low price of $5 I will eat your burger.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Well, what do you mean it's a bad deal? That's 60% off what I normally offer. Usually I charge $12 to eat someone else's burger. This next post is a conversation between Opie and her neighbor. Hey, chick, can I borrow your Hulu account again? I did something and I erased it. Do you happen to have the $15 that we agreed on for the internet because it's been a while since we talked about it? I will Thursday. It's cool. I'll just watch my videos. I'll pay you Thursday the $15 I owe you. Sounds good thanks. No problem. I'm not gonna guarantee
Starting point is 00:10:06 I'll have it because I have a very sick dog and I've gotta take him to the bed tomorrow. So I don't know what's gonna happen but he's going to come first. I'm sorry if I have it I'll pay you. Oh and just to let you know I haven't had a TV much. It's been in the pawn shop. I just browse and the other day I just got my new TV set up, but it's okay, I'll still pay you $15. Yep, times are hard, I understand, hence needing the $15. Yeah, well, I didn't use it that much. But you'll get paid if I have the money after I take my dog to the bed, because my dog's a little bit more important than the internet that I didn't use.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I don't know why you have to do this, but it is what it is. I'll get you your $15. You know, I don't understand anything, and I guess I never will. I guess I need to start writing down everything I give somebody from now on on clothes, food, and everything else. I guess instead of giving it away, I need to try to sell it to them. I'm doing what now? Choosing beggar, look at everything you texted. You're overreacting because I'm asking for money that you agreed upon.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I never asked for food and clothes from you to use my internet. We agreed on money. Since you changed your password, I'm not going to pay you the $15. Thank you and goodbye. But you know what, I'm done. Have a good one. You ain't getting to me and you ain't gonna piss me off. See ya. Oh honey, I knew that you weren't going to keep your word the second that you started overreacting last night. Oh, but honey, you don't know me at all. I was going to pay you, but you know what? I'm having my own internet hooked up on Wednesday, so it don't matter. You want to be that way, OP? No, I won't pay you. I wasn't overreacting at all. I was concerned
Starting point is 00:11:57 about my dog. I wasn't concerned about your effing internet at all. And I say that sitting here with a smile on my face. With old OP gun, I'm back in my medicine, I'm all good and see ya. I win sweat at OP, I would gladly pay $15 and never have to speak to that person again. I have a really dumb question. I'm creating a game with RPG Maker and I've put dealers out to find artists and musicians willing to work on it with me. And they all keep trying to charge me money.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Is this normal? Like I make it very clear that this is a passion project that I'm working on for no profit and they still went $60 for 16-bit artwork. Like I'm looking for collaborators and people are treating me like I'm an active game developer with a budget. Does this happen to people who make mods too? You're right OP, it is a really dumb question. BBC News headline, a rule change means that more gay and bisexual men can give blood.
Starting point is 00:12:56 I hope we'll have the option to choose. I have to know if the blood I'm getting is coming from them or not. And then the reply under that. That choosing Beger is a moron, and I created this account just to say that. Down in the comments, we have this post from Cassad-Bate. I went in for a blood transfusion, and I came out with fashion sense and a fondness for Broadway musicals. Imagine this guy gets in like a car accident or something, and he's just hemorrhaging
Starting point is 00:13:23 blood. And they wheel him into the operating room and go to give him blood. But this guy grabs the doctor's arm and says, wait, is it gay blood? For context on this next post, OP is a dog rumor. Hey Amber, this is Choosing Beggar from Blank. Your manager gave me your number. She told me you were out for hand surgery and were recovering, but you weren't returning to work. I'm sorry to hear that you had to have a surgery, but my dog, Dermot, really needs you.
Starting point is 00:13:53 If you could find a safe place somewhere between my house and yours, I know you live pretty far away from me. I would love to get Dermot an appointment with you tomorrow. Please, say yes. Hi, Choosing Becker. Yes, my manager is correct. With the dog grooming place closing, there's no point for me to return from my recovery period, and I found a work from home job in blank. I've signed an agreement with my business that I won't groom outside of her business within a certain radius from her location.
Starting point is 00:14:21 This is a very standard procedure within the business and this unfortunately includes the areas around you and most of the surrounding and in-between areas. They've agreed to allow me to take the van to these areas, but this includes their business's price point, which I know may be a little difficult for some since mobile grooming prices are a bit higher due to travel expenses and the convenience of a grooming van coming to your home. I usually only pay $35 for Dermott. I don't want to pay any more than that. Just don't tell her you're grooming him.
Starting point is 00:14:50 I won't tell if you don't. I'm sorry choosing Begger. Dermott is a little difficult in this salon and usually needs to be muscled for the majority of the groom. I can't find a place to take care of him within the next 24 hours. And the strain that grooming him will put on my hand, which still has stitches, will likely land me in the hospital. I cannot, for my health and safety and for Germans comfort, throw something together to get
Starting point is 00:15:13 an embezz tomorrow. So, that's a no then? Yes, it's a no. I'm sorry, choosing Beggar. Your inability to grasp how important the healing process is for such an important and work-related surgery has led me to believe that my services are not fit for your needs. I believe it may be best if you find a new groomer for Dermott. Wow, okay.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Well, that's seriously inappropriate and unprofessional. I hope you get an infection. Merry, effing Christmas. Down in the comments, I'm going to read this post from Furber. It takes a special kind of entitled Fruit Loop to Say. I know you just had surgery, but my dog really needs a haircut. And then, Ella, mini-bean adds, My undisciplined dog needs a haircut. And then, not sure, but okay, adds. My undisciplined dog needs a haircut tomorrow. Oh, and I won't come all the way to you.
Starting point is 00:16:09 If you could find a makeshift grooming station, that'd be great. And then, waiting for death, how about you ads? My undisciplined dog needs a haircut tomorrow for a discount. That was our slash-tusing beggars, and if you liked this content, check out my Patreon where I publish episodes that were banned from YouTube. Red Discount!

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