rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars "Pay Me $1,000 to Work Here"

Episode Date: May 27, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash Choosing Veggers, where you have to pay a thousand dollars for the honor of working. Job posting for a volunteer opportunity. We're looking for a passionate, hardworking dog loving person to join our team here at Doggy Daycare. As a volunteer, you'll be assisting our daycare staff with their daily duties. These include managing and supervising the dogs and providing excellent care, provide regular enrichment to keep the dogs active and engaged, keeping the daycare clean and tidy and removing urine and dog waste immediately with mobs and poo bags. You must be able to work in a challenging, demanding and fast-paced environment. You need to be confident around dogs of all sizes,
Starting point is 00:00:42 be able to think on your feet and stay calm under pressure. You must be a committed team player and have a positive can to attitude. You must be reliable, hardworking, and trustworthy, and be able to listen carefully and follow instructions. This role is very demanding and requires a high energy, a good level of fitness, and knowledge of dog safety. Ah yes, everyone's dream job, making zero dollars an hour picking up dog shit so someone else
Starting point is 00:01:11 can get rich. Keep in mind this is a private dog care facility, not the public pound, so this is private and someone's making a profit here. Just not the person who's working this job. Posted to R-slash in my the butthole. Am I the butthole for asking my coworker to help me move for free? My coworker has a huge pickup truck, and me and my partner are trying to cut costs where we can with moving. I asked him if he minded helping us move in late June. He lives about 25 minutes from where I live,
Starting point is 00:01:41 so I told him I'd comp him gas and said that I would pay in pizza and beer. He got annoyed with me and said, uh, I get paid in money, not pizza. I was so confused by this because what's the point of paying someone to help us move when we could just pay professional movers? Anytime someone I know through work or school or my friend to vast with help moving, I've never been expected to be paid in cash. I've always expected, at most, to get food or drinks. Last summer, my co-workers helped me move my boyfriend to his current place and we paid in pizza and soda and no one batted an
Starting point is 00:02:14 eye. Two of those friends slash co-workers are even helping us move again. So am I the butthole? Man, this right here is why I never have and never will own a truck. Because as soon as you buy a truck, everyone wants to use it or get your help or hey, do me a favor and it's like, nah, go buy your own truck. If I need a truck, I'll just go rent a U-Haul. Our next reddit post is from Deleted. A former neighbor recently reconnected with my parents. They hadn't seen each other for about 20 years.
Starting point is 00:02:43 She found my mom on Facebook. She asked if my parents would like to go to dinner with her and her new husband. She explained that she had two buy one meal get one meal free coupons for a local restaurant. The restaurant was known for being a little pricey, but knowing that one of my parents' meals would be free made it seem okay. When it came time for the check, the waitress asked how they would like to split the bill. The former neighbor presented the two coupons and proudly stated that her and her husband were eating free. The waitress then pointed out that the free meal had to be of equal or lesser value.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Both of my parents' meals were about 30 bucks each, while the other two meals were over $40 each. To this, the former neighbor just said, that's fine, and handed over her coupons. The waitress returned with the bill for the two higher priced meals with my parents' meals removed by the coupons. My dad then asked, shall we split the spill in half?
Starting point is 00:03:38 The neighbor replied, no, our meals were covered by the coupons. My parents attempted to politely explain that they were now having to pay more than if my parents came on their own and ordered the same thing. The neighbor didn't follow that logic, but then the neighbor's new husband added that neither of them brought any money. My dad reluctantly paid the bill. The neighbor said as they were leaving, this was fine, we should do it again.
Starting point is 00:04:05 My dad just said, no, and then both my parents walked away. Posted a Facebook, hello everyone, I'm currently looking for someone to dig a hole that's four foot deep and three feet wide. Also, to dig two trenches that are 41 feet long, two feet deep and one foot wide. The trenches need to be sloped as well. I'm willing to $200 for this entire job. Please DM me, I'm located near Blank. Thanks. All right, for anyone who hasn't had to dig like an actual hole with a shovel before, this is a backbreaking amount of work. Actually, here we go. Down in the comments, this is exactly the post I'm looking for. Average Eat provides some context. Owner of a utility excavation company here.
Starting point is 00:04:50 This would take one excavator and a crew of two men an entire day to complete. This would require buried utility locations and possible hydro excavation around buried utilities. With absolutely perfect soil conditions, I would estimate this job would cost $2,400. Okay, so I'm kind of curious on this one. I did a little bit of math and the cubic footage of the dirt that they have to remove is 200 square feet. One cubic foot of soil on average
Starting point is 00:05:21 should weigh approximately 80 pounds. So 80 pounds times 200 cubic feet equals 1600 pounds. This can't be right. Did I do my math right on this? 1600 pounds? That's what? Like eight tons? This is like several cars. This weighs like three or four cars. 4000 pounds. This is four cars. This can't be right. Oh, it is. Someone down in the comments says, so basically, you want someone to move three to four tons of dirt for 200 bucks? Oh my god. This person is getting blasted in the Facebook comments. 200 bucks is not nearly enough for a job with that size. Maybe for the first hole, but a 41 foot trench?
Starting point is 00:06:06 That's ridiculous! Kitsum gloves in a shovel and spend 10 minutes striking the ground and then decide how much you'd want to be paid to do that all day long. This job is taking advantage of someone that needs money badly. Someone says, let me know if you find someone. I also need a pool dug by hand for 200 bucks. Our next Reddit post is from the ties the bind. This weekend, I advertised on Facebook marketplace a hot water heater that I had taken out. It was older, but it worked just fine.
Starting point is 00:06:35 I put it up free to a good home. The entire process of trying to give away a hot water heater was an epic saga, but this particular person takes the cake. This conversation took about two hours with lots of other people messaging in between. Is this still available? Yes, it's still available. Great, I really want it. Then 15 minutes pass. I'm desperate.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I paid 30 bucks for when it didn't work, and I really need one. My kids have to wash in cold water. I'm happy to help. When can you come get it? You'll need a vehicle to hold it and someone to help you move it. I don't have a truck. I'm sorry to hear that. If you know someone with a truck, they might be able to help.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I don't know anybody because I just moved here. My ex beat me and I had to get away. It sounds like things haven't gone well for you lately. If you can find someone to help, let me know. Can you bring it to me? I really need it and my kids are gonna get sick. I'm sorry, I don't have a truck. Oh, just put it in your car.
Starting point is 00:07:41 You're only about 15 minutes away from me. If anyone I know has a truck and is willing to drive it to you, I'll let you know. Oh, thank you. And how long will it take you to install it? And can you bring me $30 to pay me back for the one that didn't work? Then a while later I replied, oh, one of the people that said they wanted it earlier are here to get it. I'm sorry about that WTF you said that I could have it tell them they can't have it. It's mine. Hey, are you there? Hey, what's your number in address? I just ignored her, but 15 minutes later I said oh man I just saw your messages. They already left with the water heater. I'm so sorry You butthole you already gave it to me. You need to get me a new one to replace it.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I didn't respond. I just blocked her and deleted the listing. On the plus side, the people who came and got it seemed to be in bad shape themselves, but they showed up, picked it up, took it away, thanked me profusely, and everything was fine. Unfortunately, the ratio of idiots to good folks was painfully high. Down in the comments, we have this post from Fat Ballosme. I listed bunk bids for free. I got the whole, I needed desperately conversation. My kids had no bids, I'm in a custody battle, so I desperately need them.
Starting point is 00:09:03 She said that she had family members with trucks and she would get back to me with the time. I held on to them for her to get a ride. This continued day after day with excuses. I explained after one week that we had received our new beds, so we had to get rid of the old bunk beds as soon as possible, and they were in our way. After three weeks of getting the run around, she stopped responding, so I listed them again. My husband thought that if I listed them for a few bucks,
Starting point is 00:09:31 I might get more activity because at that point we were about to just leave them on the street. I listed them for 15 bucks and immediately got a response from a new person. Within hours, this new person was here to get them. She thanks me and tells me why they're so needed. Apparently, her sister-in-law is in a custody battle. I sold them to the same person that wouldn't pick them up for free. Posted a Facebook. I'm looking for a babysitter ASAP. I'm paying $125 per week.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I'll provide everything that's needed for the child's care. Then beneath that someone asks, what are your hours like? 5 a.m. until 6 p.m. Oh, okay, so 52 cents per hour. Good luck. Man, hold up, you have to be up at 5 a.m. to maybe say this kid. If any job is making me wake up at 5 a.m. Not even wake up at 5 a.m. You get to be at the job at 5 a.m. So wake up at 4.30 a.m. at the latest more likely 4 a.m. Nah man, if I gotta wake up at 4 a.m. then you're paying me way way more than minimum wage. Our next reddit postage from Don't Call Me Baby. I'm a 19 year old woman and I hesitate to call this other girl who's 29 a friend because I really don't know her that well.
Starting point is 00:10:47 We met through a local group for a hobby that we both had. We hung out a couple of times, texted a bit, but we're not close friends. During one of the times that we were hanging out to work on our hobby, she complained that all of her friends were busy on the day of her actual birthday, but she really wanted to celebrate that day instead of waiting for the weekend or whatever. She sounded so down about it and I felt bad, so I told her I would take her out. It was only a couple of days away and I was on a super tight budget, but another one of our friends from the Hobbit group and I took her out to lunch at a Q Cafe.
Starting point is 00:11:20 We paid for her meal. She gripped about the food the entire time, but I shrugged it off. And afterwards, the three of us went back to my place for some ice cream that I made sure fit all of her dietary restrictions. When I was dishing up the ice cream, she disappeared into my bedroom and shut the door. Our other friends and I were confused, but thought that maybe she was having a wardrobe malfunction or taking a phone call, so we let her be for about 10 minutes before going to check on her. She didn't respond when we knocked on the door, so we let ourselves in and found her sitting
Starting point is 00:11:55 on my bed with her arms crossed with tears streaming down her face. We asked what was wrong, and she said that she was upset that it took us so long to check on her. I was getting pissed at this point, but I wanted to keep the piece, so we simply explained why we didn't immediately run after her. After some grovelling, we got her to come out for ice cream. Before she left, I gave her a small gift that I had sewn by hand. Tight budget, remember?
Starting point is 00:12:22 She didn't even say thank you, she looked it over and said, Eh, I don't like the color, but maybe I can dye it. Needless to say, we didn't speak much after that. Alright, I think I understand why all of our friends were magically busy that day. And like the- The fact that she ran into her bedroom silently to cry on her own for 10 minutes, she's 29 you said, are you sure she's not 9? Post it to Facebook. So, I have a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy a very nice
Starting point is 00:12:52 house. However, it's moving very quickly, and I need deposit money. So, I'm asking my Facebook people for an opinion. Do you think I could get a thousand people to donate 20 bucks to me so I could get $20,000? Please leave a comment. And this comment has three likes. So something tells me he's not gonna hit his target here. Okay, so This next post is someone is posting a job for a freelance project. However, to work this job, just for the privilege of working for them, you have to pay a $1,000 registration fee.
Starting point is 00:13:34 So the employee has to pay the employer a thousand bucks. So based on this, OP reaches out to the employer. Why do you require your artist to pay you first? Will you permit me to explain the reason behind the security fee? Yeah, would this be a contract over We've been failed by clients often, so we came up with this policy. Your security deposit will be refunded alongside with your payment in completion of the project. We just want to be assured that you'll handle the project with care and finish at the agreed date.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Your $1,000 payment would be refunded after the project has been completed. Okay, would this be a contract inside of the Upwork website? No, you and I would sign a contract. So, I can't do this job over a secure site and I have to pay you up front just to work with you.
Starting point is 00:14:26 This seems like a scam. How could I possibly know that you won't just take my fee and run? This is a registered company. I've been screwed by registered companies before. The reason is because Upwork took down our post twice for no reason, and the client we hired was lost. So Upwork would take down your post if you're breaking its rules, which you are by wanting to chat outside of upwork and not using upwork as a site for your contract and payment.
Starting point is 00:14:54 To see the terms that you would have to agree to, refer to this PDF. What are these consequences you mentioned in the contract? You didn't define them. We can sue you for breaching the privacy of the company. Hahahaha. Opie includes their contract. Is this their entire contract? One, this storyline shouldn't be disclosed as disclosure may lead to consequences.
Starting point is 00:15:16 And then some general stuff. Number four, breaking of any policy may have consequences. What on earth? Well, we've been using telegram in WhatsApp as a means of communication since Upwork doesn't agree to our terms hiring clients over there. And we've been using this platform to pay a lot of freelancers that carry out the job, so you have nothing to worry about. Your payment is safe with us, and after completion of the project, the security fee would be
Starting point is 00:15:43 sent to you as well as your payment. Just fill out the form and get back to me. Okay, so now that I understand the context here, for some clarity, the way this contract would work is OP would get paid $8,500 for the completion of the contract. However, it has a $1,000 up front fee. So OP is very reasonable. So yeah, this does sound like a scam. I agree with OP because they could just take the $1,000 in run. I've used websites like Upwork and Fiverr for my job before. So typically the way they work is the client has to deposit the money with Upwork. That way the worker can be assured that the money will actually come through at the end once the project is
Starting point is 00:16:21 complete. So the fact that they don't want to go through upwork is super, super fishy. Honestly, anyone who expects a $1,000 upfront fee for anything is more than likely scamming you. That was our slash-choosing beggars, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. guest episodes every single day.

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