rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars Renting Out My USED Bathroom for $400/month

Episode Date: March 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-Slash Choosing Beggars, where a woman is renting out her used bathroom. Hey everyone, this is Dabney, aka R-Slash. And before I get into today's episode, I just want to say that I have started a brand new YouTube channel. So if you like my content and you want to see more, or if you just want to support me, then go to the description to find the link to my new channel. I'm experimenting with a new type of content that I've never done before, where I'm actually going to be on camera, so I would really, really appreciate it if you could check out my new channel, drop a like, subscribe, and let me know what you think.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Anyways, onto today's episode. This is an ad that I saw when I opened up Craigslist to look at Reynolds in the Ashland area. Yeah, it's pretty crazy. I've never experienced anything like this post. I have a huge bathroom. I'm a female in my mid-60s and I'm looking for a roommate. Times are tight and I need some extra money.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I'm willing to rent out my bathroom in my one bedroom home. My bathroom is large. You can easily put a twin-air mattress in there. I only ask that when I need to use the bathroom, you and the air mattress are not in it. I do ask that when you're here, you can find yourself to the bathroom. I don't feel comfortable with a stranger walking around in my living room. You may have a guest over as long as you both stay in the bathroom as well. This might seem a bit odd, but please remember, they're rent as 400 bucks and the bathroom is large.
Starting point is 00:01:28 So I'm laughing at this post, I mean obviously because it's insane. But this lady wants to kick you out of the room that you're paying for so she can drop steamy shits. Then, because she's not comfortable with you being in her house, you have to get locked back into the bathroom where she just dropped a hot one. That seems like a crime against humanity or something. You're really gonna lock people in there with your dumps? Then down in the comments we have this post from patch 5. No deal.
Starting point is 00:01:56 If I'm paying rent, you can either poop under my watchful gaze or you can take your business to the kitchen sink. Additionally, I'll be removing the toilet seat, my room, my rules. Honestly, I don't even disagree with this poster. If you're paying for the bathroom and if you want to watch that 60-year-old lady drop one, then that's your right as far as I'm concerned. Hey, what's up? I'm creating a creative group full of designers that are working towards one goal.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I need designers that want to join the team to design YSL records tour merch. Cool how much are you willing to pay per design and what do you need designed? So we can do it two different ways. You can join us and you get a percentage of sales or we pay based on your work. I only work flat rates. Okay cool. I'm looking for people who want exposures so no graphic designer is gonna work for exposure buddy. That's just not how the world works. If we do this collection for young thug then we'll never have to worry about money. Then money's gonna come. Trust me I'm locked in with management. You're not gonna find any professional graphic designer who will do free high-quality work for you. Exposure does not pay the bills.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Are you just some kid? I offer a flat rate service. If you're so confident that the finished product will generate tons of revenue, then pay me up front and reap in your riches. But I don't understand why you won't take a risk in the moment. I don't have any time to waste for the perfect moment. No one's gonna work for free, pal. Tough luck. I highly doubt that your group is gonna make it big when you don't pay them low. You're working even that creative.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Honestly, I would just use you to run Photoshop and make what I tell you to make. If my work isn't even hard to do, then why don't you do it yourself, lo? Everyone's gonna get paid after we release their product. Plus, we have contract work for them, so they're gonna be making money. I have zero proof that any of the work that I do for you will ever be compensated. You can't build an empire with just you. You also can't build an empire without paying your workers. Then... You also can't build an empire without paying your workers. Then the choosing beggars start sending pictures to OP of people holding like wads of cash, but they're just like stock images that were taken from Google image search.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I really do make money. If you really make money, then why aren't you paying your designers? I pay them, they just could pay after we make money more on. Yeah, I don't believe you. That's why you don't have anything. Uh-huh, sure bud. I can show you more money. You're broke. Show me a thousand dollars. Lowl, I bet you can't. Sounds like you're the one who's broke. You're the one who won't pay me, LMAO. No boy, your work sucks. Good luck finding free labor because you'll need it, bro. Stop what you're doing, piece dude. You're designed suck. Show me $1,000 then. Show me, you can't. You're a bum. This is too funny.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Leave me alone, huh? You're the one who keeps responding to the chat. If you can't show me a thousand dollars, then just stop. Leave me alone. I don't talk to Bums. Okay. See ya. You have stupid designs. Dude, why are you still here?
Starting point is 00:05:17 I thought you wanted to be left alone. I said bye twice. Stop. Leave me alone. Okay. Bye-bye. You broke, boy. And by the way, I kind of like that one design of yours with the cans. I can't lie. That's such a weird callout. Like, I'm not trying to flex on you guys or anything, but I've got, you know, a decent amount of money in the bank. I definitely have over a thousand dollars, but if someone said, show me a thousand dollars, I bet you can't. My answer would be, true, you're right, I can't. Who walks around with a thousand dollars cash, man? Unless
Starting point is 00:05:49 you're planning on hiring like, five strippers? Why do you need a thousand dollars cash in 2022? I can't even remember the last time I actually handed someone paper bills, instead of paying with card or Venmo or whatever. Good morning, wedding photographer needed. I am a local model, and I'm getting married. I'm looking for a photographer, and I figured why not collaborate with some of the amazing photographers right here. You can keep and use all the photos.
Starting point is 00:06:20 We'll make it a trade for print kind of shoot for a wedding portfolio. Food, drinking, and dancing will obviously be free and included for you. We can discuss compensation for driving and lodging in such two. I'm very easy-going, low-maintenance, and I'm open to all photography styles. Please reach out if you're interested in collaborating and working together. Working together? We and working together. Working together? What do you mean working together? So this was posted on Facebook, and people were absolutely ripping this model to shreds.
Starting point is 00:06:53 The Facebook comments read, LOL, this is the funniest thing I've seen all day. I literally read every comment. I'm thankful to my fellow photographer standing united and strong. Wow, the entitlement of this post and all your responses, I'm secondhand embarrassed. Holy shit. Oh, cursing, classy. You could have just said, thank you, but I'm not interested.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Sorry, did I say that I was interested? Loll, it's embarrassing that you judge people for cursing, and you're still so unable to take feedback even after all the constructive criticism from 99% of the responses here. It's truly unfortunate that you seemingly will never be able to see the entitlement that you walk around with for being a classically beautiful blonde girl, which, by the way, also doesn't make you a professional model. I'm just shocked at how much you've gaslit everyone in the comments for not being collaborative and creative.
Starting point is 00:07:48 When you're the one who's being incredibly disrespectful and asking for free labor while masking it as a charitable opportunity, big yikes. Good luck. Um, then don't do it. I don't need a professional photographer here. I'm just looking for someone who wants to party, likes to take photos, maybe use some of them for their portfolio. I don't need a professional photographer here. I'm just looking for someone who wants to party, likes to take photos, maybe use some of them for their portfolio. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:09 If this isn't you then, okay. Well, this isn't some extravagant wedding. It's very low key. I didn't realize that so many people were gonna be triggered on here. Then give your iPad to your bridesmaid or aunt or uncle or cousin and call it a day then. Don't come on here expecting someone to say yes for free, because I hate to break it to you,
Starting point is 00:08:30 but exposure doesn't pay the bills. Do y'all not have jobs or just had nothing better to do today? This is a great place for artists to collaborate and help each other out with projects and career building, and boring, yucky people like yourselves have no place on this page. Everybody has to start somewhere. I've already had a few people reach out wanting to build up their portfolios and collab. So thanks for sharing my posts, but I'm gonna go in a different direction because I'm not interested. Bless you! Are you trying to get a wedding photographer to provide you service plus photos
Starting point is 00:09:08 for eight full hours for absolutely zero dollars? So, they're typically called trade for print shoots, both the model and the photographer benefits. Plus, travel, lodging, food, etc. will obviously be included. I'm a low maintenance person. Low, it's more of catching a few photos to remember the day. My goal is for everyone to have a good time, including
Starting point is 00:09:31 the photographer. I find the best shots that I've done are the ones where it's more of a fun and candid environment anyways. I know what a trade for print shoot is. I've been a photographer for years. Usually, it's for portfolio building for both parties and the shoots are like 30 minutes to an hour. Not a whole entire eight hour wedding. Don't you understand? She's helping y'all. In the giving back spirit, you'll get free dancing too. She's so charitable.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yes, it's called helping each other. That's what real artists do. Boo, especially some of the amazing ones I've met on this page. Guess they'll let anybody join now. So I just put something together about this post that doesn't make sense, which is she said that she's a professional model. But you'd think that if you're a professional model for years, then you would have like professional contacts of photographers and like people in the industry who are you know more than happy to do your favor or can give you like a friends and family discount. But the fact that she doesn't have any photographer friends tells me that either she's just lying about being a model which is my guess. Or she's such an entitled choosing beggar that
Starting point is 00:10:40 she burned all those bridges and she has no photographer friends left anymore. Today's episode is sponsored by Coinbase. My second biggest regret is not starting my YouTube channel sooner. My biggest regret is not getting into Bitcoin back when it was like $1. I remember back when Bitcoin was super new, I was interested in it and I thought about buying some, but I lost interest because I didn't know what to do and it felt a little overwhelming. I really wish that I could have used a site like Coinbase back then.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Coinbase is a website that makes it super easy to buy cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Interested in getting into the crypto game yourself, then check out Coinbase. For a limited time, new users can get $10 in free Bitcoin when you sign up today at slash r-slash podcast. Sign up at slash r-slash podcast for $10 in free Bitcoin. This offers for a limited time only, so be sure to sign up today. That's slash r-slash podcast. podcast posted to Facebook in search of two computer monitors and a very good noise canceling headset. Please be able to provide proof that the equipment works before commenting or messaging me.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I needed ASAP things in advance. Then someone reacts with a laughing emoji. What's funny? Huh, this just seems pretty demanding for free stuff, Lull. We must post proof that a free item works, and noise-canceling headphones aren't cheap at all. If I'm too demanding for you, then you're not a qualified candidate to help. I'm transitioning into working from home, and I'll do what I need to do for my three
Starting point is 00:12:22 babies, have a blessed life. And by the way, it's rude to laugh at others. You've accomplished nothing by doing so. Winky emoji. Gotcha, you do you. I just think it's pretty ridiculous to make demands when asking for free stuff. Lowl, have a blessed day. Yes, I'm willing to do anything for my three babies,
Starting point is 00:12:44 except pay a reasonable amount of money for products. Our next reddit post is from Lord Starfish. So, I posted a listing on a local community page on Facebook asking people knew where I could get some coffee cups of a certain design. I included a picture of the ones that I had so as to show what I was looking for. The pictures show three cups of different colors stacked on top of each other. Then I suddenly got a DM. Can I buy a cup of the blue one? Uh, that wasn't a sales listing. It was a, where can I buy more of these post? So if I can't buy one, can I buy two of the blue ones? First of all, I only have one of each color. Second of all, they aren't for sale. Okay, I'll take a blue and a yellow one for $23. This is like the meme of the guy from SpongeBob
Starting point is 00:13:29 trying to give the wallet back to Patrick. Also OP, I don't think this is a choosing beggar, just a regular run of the mill idiot. Our next Reddit post is from Fungal Feast. I don't carry a lot of cash on me. I was going to Walmart and I saw a man with a sign. I gave him a dollar and told him, hey, when I was going to Walmart and I saw a man with a sign. I gave him a dollar and told him, hey, when I was homeless in this state, getting food stamps was really easy. And
Starting point is 00:13:50 here's how you do it as a homeless person. When I was leaving the store, I was out of cash, but I had a box of cupcakes. So I gave a cupcake to a hungry man. As I was driving off, there was a couple on the corner with a sign that said, hungry. I gave them two more cupcakes and I said, hey man, I don't know y'all's story, but I'm just saying it was really easy for me to get food stamps in this state. Here's how you do it. The lady starts talking trash to me and I said, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. And she said, you really effing did, so eff you. But like, how the eff are you gonna be sitting on the corner
Starting point is 00:14:27 asking for food if you don't wanna listen to people's effing advice? I've been down on my luck sitting on the corner asking for help and I'll listen to any damn thing anyone wants to say to me if they're gonna be giving me a free effing handout and what's even worse about this is that she looked like a Karen. She was all made up too. I know I'm not supposed to judge anyone based on appearance.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I don't know her story, but sometimes a bitch is just a bitch. F. Her. I want my cupcakes back. Down in the comments, we had this story from Fishingworth. I saw a woman with a little girl, and the woman was holding a sign talking about how she had to feed her kid. We were in a plaza with a grocery store, so I told her that I'd meet her at the checkout and pay for some groceries. Nope, she wanted cash. I didn't have any cash, and she suggested me getting cash back when I was done shopping. I just told her no, and I saw her staring me down when I walked back to my car with my groceries. I heard for the little girl sitting there watching
Starting point is 00:15:30 all this. Our next reddit posted from a bossry. I had this friend, a 31-year-old woman, who all called P, who always asked for money. I did the stupidest thing and landed her some cash, and she took far more than we had agreed on paying. She also never paid me for services that I did for her, which also we agreed she would pay, but she never paid me back. So last year I had enough and told her no. She insisted and our friendship died there. I had no contact with her, but my boyfriend occasionally plays video games online with
Starting point is 00:16:04 her husband and a group of friends. One of those friends, Adam, is living abroad and he's visiting for 10 days. They kept talking about getting everyone together. Adam is a very dear friend of mine, so I would sacrifice dealing with Pete for a night to see him since he has 10 days to visit every friend and family member. They wanted to meet today, but Adam had to quarantine until his COVID test came back clean. So, Piener husband texts us to see
Starting point is 00:16:30 when me and my boyfriend will be coming out tonight. I said we're not coming since Adam can't make it and I have to work the next day anyways. My boyfriend's phone rings, and it's their kid on speaker phone talking all excited and asking when we're going to get there. This woman had the audacity to tell her kid right then and there that since we're not going and since we're not bringing food, then they're not gonna eat dinner tonight and they hung up. Let me tell ya, I just lost it. I called her right back and told her among a bunch of other impolite things that if she
Starting point is 00:17:04 ever used her kids again as emotional blackmail for money or food, I would call child services since those kids have two sets of grandparents who are financially stable. And it's not my fault nor the kids fault that they don't know how to handle money without burning it on stupid things. She then got angry that I was angry and she said it was a joke. I feel livid. Opie, I really feel like you should call child services anyways, because making your own child not eat a meal as a way to guilt trip other people into giving you money and food
Starting point is 00:17:37 is literal child abuse. That was our slash choosing beggars, and if you like this content, check out my second YouTube channel by clicking the link in the description. That was our slash Choosing Beggars, and if you like this content, check out my second YouTube channel by clicking the link in the description.

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