rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars + r/Entitledparents "Pay Me $$$ Or I'll DRINK YOUR BLOOD!"

Episode Date: June 17, 2019

This is the podcast version of the following 2 episodes: r/Choosingbeggars "Pay Me $$$ Or I'll DRINK YOUR BLOOD!" r/Entitledparents "Pedos Need Love Too!"... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 To support sustainable food production, BHP is building one of the world's most sustainable cottage mines in Canada. Essential resources responsibly produced. It's happening now at BHP, a future resources company. Welcome to our slash Choosing Beggars, where OP has a spooky encounter with a Choosing Beggar Vampire. So, our next post, and hold on to your butts because it's quite an epic ordeal. Our next red-opposed comes from DJ Skate.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Hey, can I have a free board? We don't usually do that, but we have some 8.5s that we can give away. Actually, I skate an 8. We don't have any eights, just 8.5. But you said I can have it. Yes, if you want the 8.5, you can have it. Actually, I said I wanted an eight. We can get you an eight for 40 bucks plus shipping. Actually, you said it would be free.
Starting point is 00:01:01 No, we can give you an 8.5 free. Also, you'd probably still need to pay shipping. Actually, you'll send me an 8 for free. You'll pay shipping too. No. Actually, you meant to say yes. I don't want to get my lawyers involved. A lawyer would cost more than just buying a board. Actually, you have to pay for the court fees too when we win. Look, I'm done trying. You can't have 8.5 either.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Actually, I can. And actually, OP posted an update. To whom it may concern. It has recently been made clear to me that your company promised my son a free board, and then retracted that promise. I understand that Blank acted out of line in requesting something other than 8.5 board you offered him.
Starting point is 00:01:57 That was wrong of him, and after speaking to him he is willing to accept the 8.5 instead of the 8 he desperately wanted. Also, I want to apologize on behalf of Blank for threatening to sue you. He is an 11-year-old child. He does not have the resources. Don't worry, he will not be suing you. Let me know how we can proceed in getting my son the free board he deserves. Thank you. Hi Blank, I do not remember promising your son a free board. Do you have any evidence
Starting point is 00:02:31 that someone in our company may have offered this to him? Hello, yes, I do. There is this conversation between your company and Blank on Instagram. His username is Blank. I am sure you can find it on your end as well. As you can see, he was clearly told he could have an 8.5 for free. Please let me know how I can receive this board for my son. He is a good kid. He deserves it. Thank you. Ah, yes, that kid. Sorry, we will not be providing a free board for him under any circumstances. You can buy one for a full price directly from our website if you want one. They're 40 bucks plus shipping. Of course, shipping is free if you buy more
Starting point is 00:03:18 than $50 in merchandise. I really think he deserves the free board you promised him. Not giving Blanca free board would be fraud, and I would hate to report your company as fraud you lent. Also, think about how many people Blanca will get your product in front of when you give it to him. You will be making so much money from all the new sales he brings in. When you think about it like that, you should be being him to ride your board. Thanks. No, we are not giving him a free skate board under any circumstances. This behavior cannot
Starting point is 00:03:58 be rewarded. As a company, we expect better from the skate community than the way your son spoke to us. Wow, you're being such an effing butthole. He is a child that made a mistake, and now you are refusing to give him what he is rightly owed. Please forward this to your supervisor. We are going to get you fired. Also we're still going to report fraud even if you give us a board to teach you a lesson. Unless of course you give us something else in addition to a free board. Perhaps a hat. Thank you. Report us as fraud then.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I don't care. I'm not giving you any free gear. We will not be responding further to your emails. Also, I own the company. Eat my Fajango little jerk boy. Thanks. And then, actually, OP actually posted a third update, actually. At you. Answer me, you piece of garbage. Thanks. Whatever. I'm reporting you as fraud right now. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Actually, Blank, we've decided to send a free board. Please just send us an address. We will even throw in a hat just for the misunderstanding. I am so sorry we were rude to you. I hope you will forgive us. And then OP posts a picture of what they actually sent to this choosing becker. And it is an incredibly scuffed up and damaged skateboard that's been snapped in half. This doesn't look like an 8.0 board.
Starting point is 00:05:41 This looks like two 4.0 board. This looks like 2 4.0 boards. Good, we deserve that hat for the stress this hole or a deal has caused us. I like the Joker hat as it is the best hat you carry. Send that hat as well as the 8-size deck. My address is blank. It better be here soon. Thanks. Okay, we've sent it through UPS. The tracking number is blank. I will email you again soon to make sure you got it. Sorry again. It should arrive today. Did you get it? No, not yet. Thanks. I just got the hat and the board. What the actual F, you piece of garbage butthole grunt jerk, Fajango eating stupid F-tard? Stupid F-tard? This nightmare fuel of a hat made my youngest daughter cry.
Starting point is 00:06:38 She's going to need therapy now to get over the trauma. You should never have even made that had to begin with you piece of garbage mother effort. Also, why the F is this board broken? It's not even an eight like you promised. You sent us a broken, wrong-sized board, you fajonco eating little dick due to head. We're going to sue you for all the trauma and all the stress your terrible company has put us through. Don't even bother replying to this email. We don't answer pieces of garbage like you. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Understood. Sorry for the trouble. Please feel free to purchase anything else you may want in the future. Thanks. Please feel free to purchase anything else you may want in the future. Thanks! Actually, part 2. The thanks ending. Did you guys actually enjoy this story? Let me know what you actually think down in the comments.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Thanks! Our next Reddit post is from the cat in the pat. I have a couple acres of wooded property. Over the past winter, I had several maple trees and a few spruce trees fall over. I spent the better part of 8 hours, felling hung trees, then limming and bucking them up. A few of them were pretty massive and I looked everything by hand and wheelbarrow. I posted an ad to a couple local Facebook groups giving away the wood for free. Wood goes for 250 bucks a quarter round here so free is a great deal. It's probably two or three chords. I got about
Starting point is 00:08:13 20 messages right away. I had people wanting me to deliver it. I had people wanting me to split it. I even had one guy call and ask if I could give him birch instead of maple or spruce. I deleted my f-ing ad and I'm going to see if any local charities take firewood. F. Choosing Beggars. Sikonic down in the comments has the perfect reply. You think you can just up and offer people $500 to $750 worth of free goods without throwing in another 4-8 hours of free labor on top of that? What kind of selfish monster are you? Then OP says, I'm sorry. Our next post comes to us via Twitter from Tom Lishman, who is actually an artist. Hello, unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to take this project on due to size and complexity.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Thanks for reaching out though. Thanks, Tom. No problem, but now I gotta curse you so you can't do this to anyone else. I warned you and you played yourself by trying to sacrifice someone for your own selfishness. Your career in anything is now over and you'll have no opportunity going forward. Enjoy heck kid and every moment you hold your grudge and talk bad about those who try to help you while you tried to take from them your pain will be much harder to deal with. You're welcome by the way. It's better you get taken out now than what you'd have to deal with if you continue to be a piece of garbage to the world because you're miserable. I'm nothing like those you tried to walk over. So I hope you think I'm playing a joke on you because that's my favorite part. Now you can go and remain in this memory stuck. You do have an option
Starting point is 00:10:14 to serve me for free in order to get your life back, but we know you're too filled with evil to do so. This too is my favorite part. Enjoy your energy being drained and thank you for choosing evil. It's been a pleasure taking life from you. So apparently vampires are choosing beggars, or whatever this guy thinks he is, a witch? Who knows, man? Actually, I really enjoyed draining your life essence. Thanks! Our next red-a-post is from Yufka. Hey, Blank, I heard from Blank that you baked a cake for your team on his birthday. It's my birthday next week. Can you bake me a cake and bring it to the office? It's FREE RIGHTS. Hi Blank, yes, I baked it for him because in our team, we usually
Starting point is 00:11:13 pull money to buy a cake or someone volunteers to make it for them instead. Are you sure you want me to bake it? I've never spoken to anyone on your side of the office and I don't know if it would make any sense if I came to give it to you and your team. I was gonna buy a cake too, but it's free to ask you to make it, so can you do this cake on Monday bring it to my desk at 2, and I'll just give it to everyone, so it's not awkward for you to talk to my people. It's Ferrera Rochers and Lint Truffles and stuff, but you can just count the costs as my birthday gift, Lull. I can make you box cake or cookies.
Starting point is 00:11:53 WTF, you're choking right Lull. No, I'm really sorry, but the fact you just want me to make this cake and deliver it to your desk, so you can present it as your own contribution makes no sense to me. Also, I'm going to be kind of busy this weekend dog sitting for blank. I think maybe it's best for you to order a cake so you know it'll be up to your standards or something.
Starting point is 00:12:19 You think I have the money for that? Please, you're my coworker. It's my birthday. I want this cake! Sorry, I really can't. See you tomorrow. I'm going to avoid you in the office from now on and tell everyone how you really are. What year back?
Starting point is 00:12:42 HR might want a word with you soon. Opiea, I definitely think you should take a page out of her book and report this to HR. I think HR would be very interested in one of their employees threatening another employee. Our next reddit post is from Zister. Old garage to be torn down, you are buying the building. 400 cash. I'm not paying anybody. Garage to tear down. 400 dollars cash to me before you start.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Must get down and hauled off in seven days. No excuses why you can't. Not liable for getting hurt on my property. Garage door, electric service, everything goes. You are buying the building and hauling it off. Condition used. Good. And for those who are listening and not watching, this is nowhere close to condition used good. Honestly, this garage looks like one of those murder shacks that the villain in a horror movie drags the 18 year old virgin to that has a bunch of decapitated heads and pig guts strewn about in the basement.
Starting point is 00:14:00 And this guy expects someone to pay him to tear down and haul off his garbage. Sometimes I think choosing beggars seriously have a mental disorder. Our next Reddit post is from Sothegator. Hey, can you send the pics you took of us at Blink? Hey there, which ones did you want? The one on that rock, the hill, the group photo, and all my individual ones. Okay, wait, let me just check out many. So there's a total of 8 photos, 4 of you individually, 3 on the rock, and 1 on the hill.
Starting point is 00:14:32 The Rock Group Photo 2. Hello, where are you? Reply! Hey there, sorry, was eating lunch. Yeah, the Rock Group Photo 2. Also, I have 2 more of you at night. Do you want those? Lol, who eats lunch this early?
Starting point is 00:14:50 Yes, send those two. Can you send it on WhatsApp so that the quality is good? My number is blank. Sure, just pay time me the money. 10 photos at 10 rupees each is 100 rupees. I'll upload them to Google Drive and send you the link so that you can get the full quality photos. Since what's app compresses the images too?
Starting point is 00:15:09 Wait, what? Why do I have to pay for them? They're just photos. You're not printing them out. I clearly remember telling you guys that you'll have to pay for them. I thought you were joking when you said that. And besides, you were joking when you said that. And besides,
Starting point is 00:15:25 you gave the photos you took of Blank to her for free. First of all, I told you twice that you'd have to pay. I don't ask my parents for money. The money I get from this is what I use for my entertainment. Second, Blank is my little sister. Of course I'd give it to her for free. Now are you gonna pay her not? But even I'm like your sister. You're also like my sister. Do you remember 8th grade? When you sat behind me on a test and asked for almost 20 marks worth of answers in the last 10 minutes? And when I said no, you complained to the invigilator saying that I was trying to copy. Do you know how much trouble that got me in? Hey, come on! That was almost two years ago.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Please just send me two of mine at least. Please, I'll tag you or give you credits for it. Please. Oh my god, wow, what an amazing idea! Credits! That's so good! Wait, I'll send you the photos immediately. Then OP sends the photo with her watermark and Comic Sans stretching from one corner to the other. Here you go! What the F? I don't want that ugly watermark. And send it on WhatsApp like I asked you to idiot. Oh, sorry, yeah, I forgot, but you gotta pay for that. Paytime. 10 bucks for photo. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:16:56 You butthole. Send it to me now. It's legally my property. I can file a case against you. I'll tell everyone how sucky your photos are. F-tard, stupid piece of doo-doo, I'll complain, you'll be in trouble. Send it without the watermark and I won't complain. I'm blocking you. I'll tell everyone to unfollow you. And out of curiosity, I looked it up and one US dollar converts to about 70 rupees. OP is literally asking for like $1.25. I don't really know much about the economy in India, so I can't really make a judgement if 100 rupees is a lot of money or what. So if any viewers out there from India, could you shed some light on this? Thanks!
Starting point is 00:17:47 That was actually our slash-choosing beggars. And if you actually enjoyed this video, I would really appreciate it if you would actually hit that subscribe button. Thanks! We'll be back with more our slash content right after this short break. As the world's population grows, so does the need for resources like potash to support sustainable food production. This is why BHP is building one of the world's most sustainable potash mines in Canada.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Essential resources responsibly produced. This is what BHP has committed to Canada. The future is clear. It's happening now at BHP, a future resources company. To discover how, visit slash BetterFuture. Your business has grown fast, from opening your first location, to planning an expansion in no time. And with your business platinum card from American Express,
Starting point is 00:18:43 you can access spending power and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor is here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply as at Welcome to our Slash Entitled Parents, where an entitled mother argues, pedophiles need love too. Our first Reddit post is from Clareo. So I'm a lifeguard at my local pool, and this happened when I wasn't working. But I got a very detailed recount the next day from another traumatized lifeguard.
Starting point is 00:19:22 So I thought I'd share. A swimmer came up to one of the lifeguards saying, um, I think there's been an accident in one of your toilets. We aren't allowed to leave poolside while on duty, so he radioed for another lifeguard to check it out. And, oh my God. Someone had obviously had an awful case of diarrhea. The cubicle was covered in duty, all up the walls, the floor, on the toilet paper dispenser, and in every crevice available.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Lifeguard 2 quickly closed the toilet and ran for the manager because they had no idea how to even start cleaning it up. This is where the entitled parent comes in. Lifeguard I was watching the pool as he noticed a lady and her kid, maybe 6 years old, walking on the pool side. The most important detail to note here is that the kid has duty dripping down his legs. The conversation when it follows. Excuse me, your son can't come in the pool like that. Oh no, don't worry, I just need to wash him off, then we'll be leaving.
Starting point is 00:20:31 What? I'm just gonna dunk him in, you know, just to get the worst off before he changes. No, you're not. You can use the showers for that. Oh, but this will be so much quicker, and we're here. Plus, the showers for that. Oh, but this will be so much quicker and we're here. Plus the showers are gross. They're not. They get cleaned at least twice a day.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Pull rules say that if you have diarrhea, you aren't allowed to swim. And do you have any idea how unsanitary that is? He'd only be in there for a few seconds. What's the big deal? My son isn't going to get anyone sick! At this point, they argued back and forth. All the while, the kid was dripping duty on the floor and looking like death. After a while, the manager had noticed what was happening and came over.
Starting point is 00:21:22 The situation was explained and the entitled mother tried to plead her case to him. So you see, I should be allowed to wash him here, it's communal water. The manager and a voice that sounded like he was completely overstupid people today. No, leave the pool or I will be forced to ban you. At this point, the lady finally got the message and left. I guess it just sounded more important coming from a grown man rather than a teenage lifeguard. However, in the end, it wasn't really a win for the lifeguards because they had to clean it all up.
Starting point is 00:21:57 One of them threw up because of the smell as well. And by the time she'd left, another toilet mysteriously had another duty on the floor. But whatever, they haven't come back again. The story is as funny as it is disgusting, but I can't stop wondering, how do you get duty on the wall? Was this kid doing handstands?
Starting point is 00:22:23 Our next reddit post is from Broken Nightlight. This literally just happened yesterday. I was at the pool with my auntie and four of my little cousins. At this said pool, there is a big pool, a medium kid sized pool, and a baby pool, all in ground. My aunt was in the baby pool with my two baby cousins, and my two other cousins were in the medium pool. I was alone in the big pool swimming around. Now this pool has a rule that any child under a certain height cannot be in the big pool area. Even under the guidance of an adult, there was some toddler who was running around the pool
Starting point is 00:22:57 age where he tripped on some sunglasses by the side of the pool and fell in. I was the only one who saw him so I quickly swam over and picked the flailing, crying child out of the water. He was sobbing, but I calmed him down and he said, thank you. Seems like a super sweet kid. I wondered where the flippest parents were and why he was left alone in the pool area which he shouldn't even be in. I asked him where his mom was and he showed me a lady who was tanning in a pool chair not even paying attention to her child at all. I told her what happened and the conversation was as follows. He fell in. Yeah, but I saved him. He's
Starting point is 00:23:37 okay. Why is he even... she cut me off. Well, why did you take him out of the pool? Because he was gonna drown? Kids his size can't even be in this pool. He is trying to learn to swim. This would have been a great learning opportunity and you messed it all up! If I didn't do anything, he would have drowned. Why weren't you watching him? He would have been fine if it wasn't for you.
Starting point is 00:24:06 He was just playing around the pool. Well, kids' age can't even be in this part of the pool. What are you talking about? I paid to be here. He can go to whatever pool he wants. Now, there are signs everywhere explaining the rule of hide and children. Apparently, entitled people can't read. I point to one of the rule signs. Well, I never saw that. It wasn't my fault. These lousy lifeguards should have told me the rule. I then reported her to the lifeguard, and she was escorted out of the pool for harassment
Starting point is 00:24:44 and neglect of her child, I guess. I then just went to the medium pool and chilled with my cousins. Other than that, my day was rather fun. Have a nice day, laddies. Q up, dude tapping his head meme. Your kid can't be bad at swimming if he's already drowned. Our next reddit post is from NannyLin62. My neighbors had this weird relative. He was so odd, no one really liked it when he showed up. Even though they couldn't quite figure out why. It became apparent when he was caught and convicted for sexually abusing a little boy. For this, the guy spent several years in jail.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Good. The idiot needed to be there. While this guy was in jail, my neighbors had two adorable kids, first a little girl, then a little boy. Awesome and well behaved kids. So well behaved, it was almost freaky, but then I think my boys might just be part demon. Then the peto gets out of prison. When this happened, my neighbors told me that there was no way they were going to let
Starting point is 00:25:47 this peto near their kids, and I was glad that they thought this way. Responsible parents always good to see. These folks were wonderful parents. About three months later, my husband and I ran into our neighbor's mother, slash mother and law. I was never sure whether I liked this woman or not. I was positive I didn't like her after this meeting. This entitled woman did nothing but complain about our neighbors. Her daughter could have done better, her daughter's husband was a lazy slub, they refused to go to church with her yada yada. I was getting annoyed
Starting point is 00:26:21 with her stupid rambling. These were great neighbors that actually watched their own kids when they came over. Then she started complaining about how they refused to let her nephew, the peto, come to their house. She went on this tirade about how families should stick together and how them not trusting this nephew was just wrong. I stood there in horror as she told us how she had plans to pick up her grandkids and take them to meet her nephew so that he would be given the love and trust of his family which he so desperately needs.
Starting point is 00:26:59 This cow then went on to say that she might even leave them with him for a short time. Just so, you know, he can show everyone how trustworthy he is. The police were stupid to say he couldn't be around kids, and she was going to prove it to them. I actually put my hands in my pockets to keep from just reaching out to slapper. I looked at my husband and saw that he was freaked out too. Here, we both were staring at this woman with horrified looks on her faces, and this cow just kept droning on, not even noticing. She was freaking stupid.
Starting point is 00:27:37 When we got home, my husband walked over to our neighbor's house and told him what his mother-in-law had said. This neighbor wasn't surprised, in the least, and said that he wondered if this would happen. He thanked my husband for the warning and told him not to worry. Later, the neighbor told me what had happened. He said that his mother-in-law had come by a few days later and had wanted to take their kids to church. He told her no. She then asked if she could just have them for the afternoon then.
Starting point is 00:28:04 He told her no again. She was getting mad by this time and asked him why he wasn't letting her have her only grandkids. He told her that he was afraid she would take the kids around cousin petto. The very next thing she said was that my husband and I were lying, that she would never do that. He hadn't brought up our names at all, so when she said that, he knew that she had been planning on doing just that. He told her that he
Starting point is 00:28:32 knew she wasn't going to do that because he wasn't going to let her. She became angry at this and said that she would talk to her daughter about his accusations and left. Later, her daughter told her that she could come by the house anytime she wanted to see the kids. She also told her that anytime she wanted, they would bring the kids to her house for a visit. That is, as long as her nephew the peto wasn't there. But never, ever was she going to be allowed to just take the kids without her or her husband. So she was just going to have to accept it. Her mother angrily told her that God gave her those kids, so therefore God could just
Starting point is 00:29:11 as easily take her kids away. I'm not sure, but that kind of sounded like a threat to me, but who knows. So the mother and law did the only not logical thing and moved her nephew the petto into her house. What followed was this woman moaning and complaining that no one ever visited her anymore and she was no longer welcome to any of her relatives homes. The reality was that she stubbornly insisted that her nephew the petto be invited to, and if not, then she was staying home. I haven't been able to figure that one out at all.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Now the neighbor kids are all grown up. This woman still to this day lives alone with her pet-o-net view and still loudly wonders why no one comes to her house or why she's no longer invited places. This woman is so detached from reality. Why is no one showing sympathy to this pedophile? Pedophiles need love too." Our next reddit post is from Name Nurt77. Earlier today, I went to a birthday party for
Starting point is 00:30:14 my six-year-old daughter's friend from school. The party was being held at Builda Bear, but it wasn't run by the employees. We had cake and pizza in the food court, then went down to Builda Bear to make bears. Then, back to friends house for the rest of the party. The invitation said each kid, about 8 in total, would get to make a bear, and I just assumed they would get to take them home since that is what happened at another build a bear party I went to. Me and my husband even pitched in about 30 bucks as we know these things can get expensive. We get to the store store and the kids go wild getting their animals and accessories. As far as I know, the parents didn't really put a limit, but I made my daughters stick
Starting point is 00:30:52 to just a standard dog with a shirt, which about half the parents did as well. All as well, we leave the store, then friends mom announces that the kids need to give all their animals to her daughter. Cue the upset and angry kids. They all disappointingly handed over their animals, and friend wasn't even being nice about it either. Another little boy didn't want to, and friend ripped it out of his hands. I probably should have said something, but I didn't. The other parents seemed pretty baffled too.
Starting point is 00:31:26 We get back to Frins House, and our kids are watching as the friend plays with all of her new animals. I left with my daughter pretty quickly, and once we got back into the car, she just started bawling. I felt bad, so we went to build a bear and got her a new one. I'm just wondering if this is totally normal and I should have expected this, or am I being an entitled parent? Update, this afternoon at school pick up, me and another parent had a chance to talk
Starting point is 00:31:55 with the mom of the party. It wasn't a long conversation, but I'll do my best to reenact it here. Mom's fake name will, of course, be Karen. Insert awkward small talk here. Mom's fake name will, of course, be Karen. Insert awkward small talk here. I hope the girls enjoyed my daughter's party the other day. I know my daughter had lots of fun. The other mom said, yeah, I was actually wondering about the whole daughter getting all the bears thing.
Starting point is 00:32:21 The kids seemed pretty upset afterwards. Oh yeah, we wanted our daughter to have a special animal decorated by each of her friends. I said, oh, okay, I was just wondering why the kids didn't get to keep their bears. I even pitched in a little bit of money, assuming the bears would go to the kids. Well, I didn't have enough money for each of the guests to make their own. That would get pretty expensive. If you want your money back, I'll see about getting it back to you. I don't really see the problem, though. Okay, well, the kids were forced to give away their new creations. Obviously, they're going
Starting point is 00:32:59 to get upset about it. I also don't see why your daughter needs all these animals. Karen didn't respond and walked away right after, probably offended. What bothers me is she said she didn't have enough money for all these kids to have one, but she did have enough for her daughter to get like eight bears. Just doesn't really make sense. Now, I admit I'm not the most confrontational person, so I probably should have talked to her more about it. Anyways, I guess we sort of worked it out. No one's fighting, so I'm not sure I'm going to have to mention it to her again. Sorry this wasn't the most satisfying ending,
Starting point is 00:33:37 but thanks for all the love and support, it means a lot. I have to wonder if somewhere buried in the dregs of our slashing titled parents. Is there a reddit post that reads, I threw a birthday party for my sweet daughter, and every single parent of kids who were invited demanded that their child gets my daughter's birthday gifts. The nerve of those entitled parents. That was our slashing titled parents, and That was our slash entitled parents. And this is our slash puppy bloopers.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Even under the guidance, my aunt, my aunt was in the baby pool with my two baby cousins. Even under the guidance of an adult. Even under the guy. Even under the dog. Err, err, err. Even under the Talk Even under the guidance of an adult Even under the guidance all right fine. I'll pet you. I'll pet you pooch come here come on up come on pooch
Starting point is 00:34:41 You're so big now. Even... even under... Pooch. Pooch. Oh gosh. Cutie, but dooty. Smooch the poop. I'm gonna eat it. 다 편하게.

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