rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars Seeking Babysitter + Love-slave. Pay: $5/hour

Episode Date: November 17, 2021

r/Choosingbeggars In today's episode, OP is a young babysitter looking for work. She interviews with a Karen who seems to imply that she wants OP to join her in the bedroom. Karen intentionally lied t...o OP about how much money she was going to make. It turns out that the babysitting job includes cleaning, childcare, and "satisfying" Karen in the bedroom for a measly $5 per hour. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash Choosing Beggars, where a mother is looking for a full-time babysitter slash three-sem partner for her husband. Our next Reddit post is from Snitch Witchery. At my work, we have a candy drawer for when you need a sugary made afternoon pick me up. Everyone takes turns to bring stuff in. There's no official schedule or roster. You just dump whatever you bring in the drawer and everyone raids it if they need a snack. While out shopping the other day, I found a bag of individually wrapped chocolates, so I grabbed it to add to the candy drawer. I was honestly pretty excited about them. They were a European brand that I didn't recognize, but they were all
Starting point is 00:00:39 really good flavors like raspberry, pistachio, hazelnut, Dark Chocolate, and Orange. They all had a really high percentage of cocoa, and I tend to prefer European chocolates to American ones. Well, I tossed them in the candy drawer and thought nothing of it, until I went to make myself tea around midday, and I overheard a couple of my co-workers talking. Ugh, who brought in this generic awful chocolate? Right? It's name, brand or nothing. Don't fob your cheap stuff off on us.
Starting point is 00:01:07 When I checked at the end of the day, maybe two had been taken. The kicker, before I tossed in the chocolates, the candy door contained nothing, but a handful of smarties and half melted Tootsie rolls. Enjoy your stale name, brand, gunk, buttholes. My chocolates will be accompanying me to board game night, where there'll be much more appreciated.
Starting point is 00:01:26 On this next post, OP is a door dash driver and he gets this message from the person he's delivering to. Greetings. Please try to make sure that when they put the fries in the bag that they're not all over the place when you arrive, that would be very helpful. And it'd be perfect if you have a warming bag because fries get cold very quickly. That's why they're the first thing that people eat when they get their order in house. I hate to ask you this, but if you could stay there a little bit longer because I want a fresh order of fries cooked for this delivery order, rather than the ones that are sitting under a heat lamp for the past two hours. Lady, if your fries are cold by the time they arrive, maybe it's because your door
Starting point is 00:02:08 dash driver is spinning all of his time reading your page long text messages instead of bringing you your fries. Also, my wife and I ordered a door dash a whole lot and I've noticed that pretty much every single time now, they put a sticker over the bag so that door dash drivers can't like tamper with the food or take food and just to give people a sense that like the food is untouched from the delivery. So how is OP even supposed to like check the fries and make sure they're arranged correctly without breaking the seal? Because I've never done door dash driving, but my assumption is that by the time the driver even gets there, like nine times out of ten, the bag is just sitting there waiting for them that they don't have to really wait around. So does this doesn't really seem
Starting point is 00:02:49 viable or likely at all? Anyways, as you might expect, OP replied down in the comments and said that this choosing beggar tipped him a whopping $2. Okay, this gets weirder. OP continues down in the comments that apparently there's more to this story than he originally posted. After sending this, the Choosing Beggar sends OP a picture of her dog, I guess, which is just like a little white dog. And she says, thanks for that, but I'm sure you don't have a lot of control over the situation when you arrive.
Starting point is 00:03:20 And that they already have it in the bag for you to snatch and grab. I'll just hope for the best. As a driver, I can't really make those suggestions for the restaurant. You need to call them to request something like this. And most of the time, the bag will already be done, especially in McDonald's, and I do have a warming bag. Well, let's just hope that they take into consideration that it's a pickup order, and they may need to pack it a little bit differently than if it was picking up in my car taking it home. I'm sure everything will be fine,
Starting point is 00:03:49 so no worries on my side. I'm located at the corner of Blank where there's an intersection with a traffic light. My building may have a red zone available in their front for easy delivery on their front corner if someone's not trusting their luck parking there. There's no parking meter there, so people shouldn't be parking their car there. But it looks like you're almost here, so remember the door code is 5982. My little guard dog is obviously in control. Bravo to both of you! Then the Choosing Beggar sends yet another picture of her dog to this door dash driver. Do you have any interest in doing some dog walking assignments? It pays cash.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Dude, I'm working. Stop sending me pictures, please. She really wouldn't be a lot of trouble. Okay, sorry for that. Thanks again for this speedy delivery. Okay, like I said before, my wife and I order a ton of door dash. We probably do it at least three times a week every single week. It's kind of like the one thing that we spend a lot of money on. So we get literally
Starting point is 00:04:50 hundreds of food deliveries to our house every year. And I'm not exaggerating when I say that this woman in this single exchange has texted more individual words to their DoorDasher than my wife and I have collectively across all of our door dash orders. Very rarely we'll have to call the door dash driver because there'll be some problem or confusion and we'll have to resolve it with them. So my assumption is that most people are like me, they just don't send long essays to their door dash driver because why do they need all this unnecessary information? But is this common? Is this a thing that like people do with their door dash drivers? Like, hi there, here's a picture of my puppy. Would you like to walk in for me? What? Lady, I'm just here to pick up a bag, drive it to your place, and drop it off.
Starting point is 00:05:35 What are you talking about with pictures of your dog? Our next reddit post is from Isabella. There's some context needed for this story. My brother is very tall, like 6'5 tall. Whenever he and I go back east for vacation, we get aisle seats in comfort plus for that oh so necessary few extra inches of legroom. It's the only seat that he can fit in. We boarded fairly early and settled in very quickly. As the boarding process continued, a woman approached my husband and asked him to switch seats with her. She explained that she wanted to sit next to her husband, who was in the seat next to
Starting point is 00:06:07 my brother, but she ended up being seated a few rows back. He says yes and goes back to her seat. He quickly realizes that she failed to mention that she was seated in economy, which poses a huge problem because he can't fit there. He comes back and very kindly explains the problem and also explains that he paid extra for comfort plus for a reason. Her face completely changes color and anger as she starts lecturing him on how unfair it is that he won't give up his seat. He stands there unwavering until she goes back to the seat that she did pay for and he sits back down comfortably in his own seat.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I'm out. What the hell to him? And he just laughs and shrugs. She never asked for a flight attendant for help in being seated next to her husband. I finally realized that they probably planned to buy only one comfort plus seat and then rely on the kindness of strangers for a free upgrade. Man, if she really, really cared about sitting next to her husband, then her husband could have offered to trade seats with whoever was sitting next to her, because that person probably would have been delighted to get a free, comfort plus upgrade. But no, they don't want that.
Starting point is 00:07:13 They want to sit in the nice, free, extra legroom spaces that someone else pays for. Our next Reddit post is from Flaming Depression. I was fresh out of high school and getting tired working one part time and two casual jobs, so I interviewed with a friend of a friend to be a caretaker for her kids. The interview went well, if not slightly creepy. Karen kept saying how pretty both her and her husband thought that I was and how this arrangement goes well, then we could look into you moving in with us. That might have been innocent, but it didn't seem like
Starting point is 00:07:45 it. She went on this long tirade about how her past daycare was abusive for not beating her child when he threw a tantrum, and he refused to eat the lunch a daycare provided him. But she later admitted to me that her son was given snacks throughout the day, so… Anyways, then the caring described with the job entailed. I would work 40-48 hours a week. I had to take to 48 hours a week. I had to take their kids, a male toddler and a female baby, somewhere exciting every day, but she said, don't take them to the same old park every day.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I was the clean, go shopping, prepare food for her kids throughout the day, and cook them supper at least twice a week. She said she doesn't want that frozen garbage, and it would be amazing if I could come home to a home cooked meal that I didn't have to cook, wink wink! After the interview I went home, only to realize that in all the chaos I never asked how much I was going to be paid. So I messaged her and she replied, how does $11 per hour sound? I was excited! Even though the job seemed like a lot of hard work and paid a little less than my other jobs, I got way more hours. So I accepted.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Later we were talking about what day I would start, and she said, We'll start you off on the agreed upon $1100 per month. If after one month you're doing a good job, we can change it to $1200. Wait, what? I messaged her immediately. Huh? You told me I'd be making $11 per hour. That is ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:09:09 That's more than I pay a daycare. I never said that. I then sent her a screenshot where she literally said $11 per hour. Whoops, I must have hit the punctuation wrong. I meant $1100 per month. But why didn't you clarify that it was per month? Because you didn't ask? She then tried negotiating payments.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Well, we could probably pay $1200 right now, but that would mean no raise for quite some time. After that, I told her that I was not going to do it because I would legit be making like five bucks an hour. She then left me four voicemails saying that I was being very selfish, unprofessional, and I should have brought this up sooner. I then just ghosted her. I then heard from the friend that introduced me to Karen that she was forced to go back into her old daycare. Also, keep in mind that these people were very well off. Too long didn't read. Karen made me think that I was going to make minimum wage. Then said, it was a typo. You're going to make five bucks an hour.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Also, I might have ended up in a threesome. Okay, so this lady expected to hire a live-in nanny slash housekeeper slash personal chef, slash threesome mistress for less money than she was spending on a daycare. Okay. Okay, make sense. Down in the comments, we have this story from Meggie. I had almost the exact same situation happen when I was around 18 years old. The mom said she was paying, quote, 250 per week. So I jumped on that.
Starting point is 00:10:39 At the end of a very long first week, 48 hours total, I got to check for $120. Karen said, you agreed to $250. Uh, yeah, and this is only $120. That's the correct amount for the time you worked. 48 hours times $2.50. Oh hell no. Those kids were monsters, and the mom was almost always home, expecting me to take care of the kids and wait on her hand and foot. I never went back. I got a couple of whiny messages which I ignored.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Also, last but not least, I'm not a young woman, so I can only imagine here, but if I were a young girl and I were advertising for like a babysitting slash nanny job, and during the interview, the wife was like, my husband thinks you're so hot. Then I think that would be my cue to GTFO. So I'm an artist, and someone messaged me saying that they absolutely loved my artwork, and they wanted me to illustrate an entire children's book for them. I gave them a quote of 150 bucks to do the entire book, and they promptly replied that my artwork is way overpriced, and they weren't going to pay an illustrator that much. Well, good luck
Starting point is 00:11:50 with your book, lady. So, for some context here, I actually looked into hiring an artist to make a kids book, because I was thinking about making a kids book for my young daughter, and the price to hire an illustrator for an entire children's book is close to about a thousand to fifteen hundred bucks, so this price is a steal. I'll be in the market for a nanny, not just a babysitter in the upcoming couple of weeks. I have a one-year-old boy and three-month-old girl. I work from home from eight to five, and I'll be leaving for my second job as soon as I clock out at home. Hours will be roughly one PM to eight PM. I need someone leaving for my second job as soon as I clock out at home. Hours will be roughly 1 pm to 8 pm.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I need someone interactive with my son. He wants someone to play with him. No, I don't expect constant play. I need lighthouse work done, sweeping dishes, mopping, etc. My husband will be home anywhere between 6 to 7 pm each night. Pay is $40 per day, 3 to 4 days a week. I'm looking to do interviews and learn about people soon. Please DM me if you're truly reliable and interested. And then someone asks, so, $6 an hour? For babysitting and lighthouse work,
Starting point is 00:12:59 yes. Especially with me and my husband being here for like 95% of the time, are you interested? Man, it's so weird because I've read so many of these posts of Karen's expecting people to come watch their kids for like one dollar an hour, or less than one dollar an hour, that at this point I'm so jaded that $6 per hour seems like a good deal, but it's not, I'm just so used to all these people who think that like, people will come watch their snot nose kids for next to nothing. And how is her and her husband being home during this a selling point? That just means that in addition to working for next to nothing, you also have to be under the constant supervision of two bosses. On this next post, OP is selling a gecko.
Starting point is 00:13:41 I've researched so much. Will you take 25 bucks for everything? I'll come get it ASAP. Uh, no, thank you. I'll take 45 dollars for everything if you can answer some basic questions about taking care of it. I can, but I'm not interested anymore. Well, okay, thanks. I hate rude people.
Starting point is 00:14:01 What you're effing mouth next time, and maybe you won't lose a sale because I would have paid full price more on, learn some manners. OP really made the right call here. If this guy got this triggered over basically nothing, then I don't know if this guy is super suited to be taking care of another animal. On this next post, OP is trying to sell a hoodie online. Hi, I have a question. Are you able to send me a hoodie in the mail because my husband is high-risk. He had triple bypass surgery and he's out of a job due to medical issues and money is very tight right now for us. My husband is a first responder and he's on permanent disability right now. I'll post a good review. Also, my wedding anniversary is October 31st.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Man, disabled and jobless and it's her wedding anniversary. I'm surprised that she didn't just say that she has triplets and each of her kids has a worse form of cancer than the last. In fact, they have mega cancer, where if one gets cancer, they all get cancer, and if one dies, they all die.

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