rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars Seeking Full-Time Employee - Pay: $1/hour!

Episode Date: November 9, 2021

r/Choosingbeggars Are you looking for a job? Well boy do I have the perfect job for you! If you're college educated, you have the amazing opportunity to watch FOUR young boys for the incredible rate o...f $1 per hour! You'll have to pay for your own meals and transportation, of course. That's only fair! LOL, good luck lady. If anybody is willing to watch your kids for $1/hour, they're definitely not the type of person you'd want hanging out with your kids. Get 10% off your first month at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from a cross-reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash Choosing Beggars, where someone wants to hire a full-time nanny for $1 an hour. I'm buying a vintage McDonald's playground from up near La Trobe, and I would like a licensed contractor to install it on my vast acreage, kind of like a theme park I'd be starting. I'm located roughly 5 kilometers off the highway on a 1.5 acre lot, which is just massive. I need someone to bring concrete, do curbing, bring in bark and sand, maybe also gravel, and then run their excavator to repair and install the playground. I make decent money, so I have enough for the materials. I would just like to barter for the
Starting point is 00:00:41 labor. I was thinking, once the playground slash theme park is up and running, you could bring your kids a last Sunday of every month for a year's compensation. If your day falls on a major holiday, then that visit is voided because I'm just too busy for substitution days. We have free-range chicken and quail, so we can provide a bunch of egg sandwiches. We're thinking like $4 per sandwich or maybe $5 with cheese like McDonald's. Or, interior me out here choosing bigger. Let's just think about this. Or, a licensed contractor could just take their kids and McDonald's where they could buy egg and cheese sandwiches and play on the playgrounds for free.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Well, obviously the sandwiches wouldn't be free. You'd have to pay like $4 or $5 for those, but the play equipment would be free And how are you gonna say? Uh-huh, I make decent money on my massive property, but I don't have enough money to pay you And this dude's bragging about his massive 1.5 acre lot dude a 1.5 acre lot isn't even all that big and this play equipment Man, if you're listening to this story and not watching, this play equipment looks like something out of five nights of Freddy's. It is horrific. It is twisted metal and faded paint, and I feel like I'm getting tetanus just by looking at this thing. Seeking a babysitter to come to my home on an ongoing basis Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. You must be a church-goer, conservative,
Starting point is 00:02:06 female-only, over 21, non-smoker, non-drinker, pass a drug test, pass a criminal background check, and have three references. You must be a high school graduate, and I prefer that you're in are went to college for an elementary education. You'd be caring for a six-month-old, two-year-old, three-year-old, and five-year-old, all boys. Paying $75 per week, non-negotiable. $75 a week! Yo, what? 6am to 7pm. That's a, is that a 13-hour shift? 13 hours, times five days, is 65 hours of work a week. 65 hours for $75 a week? 75 dollars divided by 65 hours is one dollar and 15 cents to take care of one two three four all boys four boys. Okay yeah and and you've got to be a high school graduate. And you have to preferably be in college,
Starting point is 00:03:10 or the way I should say it, collage, not college, because this person doesn't know how to spell college for elementary education. You can't drink, you can't smoke, you have to be a church girl, you have to be a woman, you have to be conservative, blah, blah, blah, blah, like whoa, lady, calm down.
Starting point is 00:03:23 You know, thinking about it this breaks down to just a little over one quarter per child per hour imagine honestly taking care of a kid for 25 cents an hour wow it's like $75 per week lady I wouldn't even take this job for $75 a day so I just typed in on Google how much to undocumented nannies make per hour. And according to the New York Times, researchers found that domestic workers who were illegal immigrants earned considerably less than those who were American-born or naturalized citizens. Nannies who were citizens had a median pay of 12.50 an hour while illegal immigrants
Starting point is 00:04:02 earned $9.86 an hour. So you could literally be waiting at the border and an illegal immigrant runs across the border and is immediately looking for work and that illegal immigrant will make more money than whoever OP hires for this impossible job that will never get filled. Man, that's wild. This is wild. This person is detached from reality floating in space. On this next post, this is a comment to a Reddit thread and someone replies, it's a tactical bikini.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Add it, holy f*****, this blew up. To**, guys, I was having a bad day but getting 250 upvotes within a few hours is huge. Thank you all so much. P.S. keep the upvotes coming in, fellas! Let's see if we can get to 100,000 upvotes by days in! Also, can somebody give my comment gold please? Thank you!
Starting point is 00:04:55 And then, this comment has a staggering 307 upvotes. Then three different people reply, I wish I could take my award back after that edit. Bro, that edit saga literally depressed me. That edit was worse than all of 2020. Man, people who beg for upfotes on Reddit are absolutely pathetic. By the way, if you're enjoying this video,
Starting point is 00:05:20 make sure to absolutely smash that like button, obliterate it into existence for the YouTube algorithm. Let's see if we can get this video to 100,000 likes, guys. I would really appreciate it. Job posting to LinkedIn. Seeking a full stack developer skilled and react, React admin, post-scree-squill, monodb and Python to internet inception, and be part of a high-speed team,
Starting point is 00:05:43 building a world-first type of website. The role will focus on development of our content management system which is based on React Admin. This opportunity is unpaid, available immediately, and can be filled in a part-time or full-time capacity. This will be a great opportunity to collaborate with our team members in North America, Europe, and Asia. Come join us! Ah, yes, the world of computer engineers, where everyone is begging for a job and everyone is grossly underpaid, so they would be thrilled to get an unpaid internship. So the last I heard, there's more unfilled jobs for computer engineers than there are actual computer engineers to fill them. So not only is it one of the
Starting point is 00:06:22 most highly paid fields in the world, but also there's a labor shortage in this field right now. And the part about working part time or full time, you mean I don't have to work part time for free, I can work full time for free. Wow! I've got a buddy who code, so I sent this post to him to ask him how much is a reasonable salary for this job. And he says that he would guess 70 to $80,000 minimum. He said that's just for a starting position too, but for someone who's actually experienced, it'd be a lot higher. Today's podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. My podcast platform has this neat little graph that shows me my listener demographics, so I can see that most of my viewers are
Starting point is 00:07:01 male. That's why I'm thrilled that BetterHelp is sponsoring today's episode, because mental health among men is honestly a real problem. This statistic is crazy to me. Men make up 38% of talking therapy referrals, yet 78% of suicides are males. That means that the people who need the help the most are getting the least amount of help. Also 6 million men per year suffer from depression, and most of these cases are undiagnosed. That's why I recommend BetterHelp. That's BetterHELP. BetterHelp will match you to a licensed professional therapist who can help you address your mental
Starting point is 00:07:36 health needs. BetterHelp is not a crisis line or self-help. It's professional therapy done securely online. I've got a special offer for our slash listeners. Get 10% off your first month at slash slash. That's the symbol slash followed by the word slash. On this next post, OP is trying to sell his Jeep online and some dude messages him trying to buy just the top of the Jeep. You can ask for $6,000 for a Jeep if you're not willing to part with a $500 top, especially when you ask specifically to not ask. So now I'm offering only $250 for the top of your Jeep, Cheers! Down in the comments we have this story from Penny of the Nerds. We were selling a car,
Starting point is 00:08:20 an entire car, as you do. Some guy went in specific parts out of it. I, again, offered him the parts that came with the purchase of the entire car for the full sales price. He says, put, I just want to come get the parts out. I'll offer you 250 bucks. Sure, come take all the parts that literally make my car run. I'll just be over here with a non-running car that I can't sell and that needs to be towed because you think that I'm dumb enough to take 250 bucks.
Starting point is 00:08:48 He got blocked pretty quickly. And beneath that, we had this way from Frank Adam Gave. I had a guy follow me for 5 miles, only to pull into my driveway with me saying that he wanted to buy the body of my car, but not the engine. I told him that I would happily sell him the entire car, but he said that he wanted the price of the engine deducted. I asked him, what the hell am I going to do with just a car engine? And he just shrugged and again tried to buy just the car body. After I removed the engine for him, of course.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Selling a sealed new 2020 MacBook computer for $1,300. Would you take $200? Please, my son has cancer and his dying wishes to play Cyberpunk. This laptop would work perfectly for it. Do I look like the Make a Wish Foundation? I hope your mom dies of cancer, be word. This lady wants her kid to play Cyberpunk on a Mac? Who's gonna tell her? Are you gonna tell her? Should I tell her?
Starting point is 00:09:50 Some would you tell her, right? Lady, I regret to inform you that Cyberpunk doesn't even run on a Mac. It needs Windows. Oh, I didn't realize I would have to pay. I would have thought that with the current stage of your career, you'd be doing this for exposure and to get your name out there. I would have to pay. I would have thought that with the current stage of your career, you'd be doing this for exposure and to get your name out there. Sadly, neither my rent nor bills can be paid in exposure.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I'd be happy to do a song for the price above and time for your wedding. Let me know if I can help further. That's a bit cheeky. In my opinion, you're being unrealistic with pricing and you'll build a name for yourself much quicker by doing these for free or really cheap to get your name out there. You're talented for sure, but I don't see people paying for something like that. The world doesn't owe you a living. Huh, what a coincidence choosing Begger. This person doesn't owe you a personalized song. Selling pre-built PC with 1080 graphics card for $1,650. Hi Benjamin, is this still available?
Starting point is 00:10:47 It is not worth $1650. Yes, it's available. Low, and then the choosing beggar sends OPS screenshot of another computer selling online for $1,200. This one's even better. Cool, then go buy it. Yours is too much LMAO, I'll buy it for $1450. It doesn't even have an SSD or a hard drive.
Starting point is 00:11:07 So what? Low. I'm not stressing about selling off the computer, but it looks like you got nothing better to do. Low. I'll sell you my computer for $9,000. I'm not the one trying to buy a computer here. You must have a sad life trying to flex on someone you don't even know, LMAO. And besides, your PC set up as garbage.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Shut the hell up, you small dick. Aw, did I hurt your feelings? You foreigners have small dicks. Go back where you came from. The title of this next post is, I just want to point out that the last four messages here were written within 15 minutes while I was taking a shower. He blocked me instantly after that last message.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Anyways, the conversation begins. Sure thing, how would you like to pay? Ugh, what about a big thank you instead? Smiley face. I like your work. We don't pay people for this kind of work in my country. I don't know. You don't waste any resources by creating a design.
Starting point is 00:12:04 It'll take you only an hour or two. And you could sacrifice that bit of time for me, couldn't you, smiley face? No, I really can't. I've had multiple clients from Germany, and all of them seem to know that it's normal to get paid for graphic design. Man, please, it's only clicking a mouse, no big deal. I was really nice to you. Please, hello, I'm a customer. Okay, go die. Blocked. Uh, dude, I'm not sure if you fully understand what actually constitutes a customer. Coming up to a business owner and screaming at them to give you
Starting point is 00:12:41 free stuff doesn't make you a customer, it makes you a choosing beggar. Also dude, if it's only clicking a mouse, then do it yourself. Hi there, I'll be moving into a new house this week and I'm in need of all furniture. I need bedding, linen, couches, a dining table, drawers, kitchen utilities, cutlery, and a washing machine if you could kindly gift and deliver it because I have no transportation. But if you have most of what I need, then I guess that I could pay for a truck. Thank you so much, our address is blank. Down in the comments, Riddell says exactly what I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I could use a million dollars to positive directly into my account. Thank you. Or the even better deal would be. I have all this furniture, but I need a house to put it in. Could someone give me a free house, please? That was our slash choosing beggars. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast
Starting point is 00:13:34 because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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