rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars "Trade My Cheap House for your Expensive House!"

Episode Date: April 28, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash-choosing beggars, where someone wants to trade their small house for your big house. Posted to Facebook. This is a long shot. Admins, please delete if inappropriate. We own a two-bit room unit in Willoughby. We love our location and suburb. Our girls go to Willoughby Public and Willoughby Girls High. We're looking for more space for the next few years.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Ideally a four-bit room, but we're happy with the three-bedroom. We're also building our home in the mountains. Our financial advisor told us that we shouldn't rent. I'm just wondering if there's anyone here who's looking to downsize, and if they'd consider a house swap. You live in our smaller house for a few years, and we live in your bigger house. We'll continue to pay for our smaller house for a few years and we live in your bigger house. We'll continue to pay for our smaller house. If anyone's interested, please DM me. Done in the comments, I'm gonna read this post from a username fail.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Hey everyone, this is a long shot. I have a moderately sized bank account, but I'd really like to expand that in the coming years. Is anybody willing to swap bank accounts with me? I would take over your bank account and you would take over mine. I'll continue to put money into my account at the same rate and you'll do the same for your account. If anyone's interested, please DM me. Post it to Facebook. I'm looking for strong IT professionals experience in the blockchain who can help me with this side hustle that I'm working on. 1. This will be outside of the core working hours, so factor in your band with energy and time.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Your weekends will be mine. I said ambitious goals for myself, and likewise for you. 2. This will be unpaid. Not because I can't pay you, but I want folks who think that I can add a lot of value to them and want to work with me in spite of commercial gain. I'm generous and I'm fair, so you can trust that I'll take good care of you. Three, I'm not promising this, but this could be an opportunity for you to enter my company at the ground level. Your attitude, consistency, and hard work while you're not being compensated
Starting point is 00:02:06 will give me the information I need to make a decision. And of course, you get to see if you can work with me. I am not easy to work with. I'll challenge you, which is how you'll grow. For, you'll have access to all of our user conversations plus notes plus subsequent calls, which will help you dramatically grow your understanding of the space in the process. Think of it like a shadow leadership role. I pride myself on investing in people and this is something that I'll never disappoint you on. You'll learn how to lead rather than being given marching orders. 5. I only work with hungry people,
Starting point is 00:02:45 so you'll obviously have a short screening assignment. Six, if I believe in you, invest in you, and work with you, then you'll have me for life as a mentor, especially in your hardest time. I like how at least this guy understands that he only works with hungry people, because if he doesn't pay his workers, then naturally, his workers will be hungry, won't they?
Starting point is 00:03:08 This guy's argument is literally, be my work slave and I'll treat you horribly as things, and maybe, just maybe, you'll learn something from me. And I won't pay you, but trust me, if you work hard enough, I might. On this next post, OP is giving away TV and TV stand for free, and a choosing beggar asked if they can deliver it. OP replies, not for free. So I'm not entitled to a free TV because I don't drive shaking my head. And I've got to be charged delivery for something that's free shaking my head.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I'm not driving an hour one way to give you something for free. It's not my fault that you can't f'ing drive, you f'ing loser. I'll throw it out before I deliver it for free. Yeah, seeing all these posts of choosing beggars asking people to deliver stuff for free was already bad enough. But now that gas prices are like seven, eight bucks a gallon, It's like, you're, you nuts? Are you crazy? Hi, I saw that you're selling a PlayStation 4. Could you give it to me for free?
Starting point is 00:04:12 It's my son's birthday tomorrow. Are you just going to f'ing ignore me? Sorry, no can do. If you're willing to pay the $254, I'm willing to happily sell it to you. If you man, it's a kid's birthday and you're just trying to make a few dollars. I'm a single mother, do you really think that I can afford that garbage? Well, yes, considering that you just posted a picture of a new half-sleeved tattoo,
Starting point is 00:04:37 which usually costs more than 250 bucks. You're a selfish B word. Never text me again. I wasn't planning on doing so. Tell your kid I wished him the best of luck. Hey, hello, man. I know who I'm talking to. I'm responding to your ad for the free hamster cage. That's me, so when can you come pick it up?
Starting point is 00:04:59 Pick it up. What do you mean? I mean coming to pick it up. I'm not doing that. You said it was free. Yeah, the cage is free, but shipping isn't. That's BS, you piece of garbage inward. Wow, this is the most racist hamster I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:05:17 On this next post, OP sold some shoes on the Facebook marketplace to a choosing beggar. Then, idiotically, the choosing beggar didn't try on the shoes while OP was still there, so after OP drove off, the choosing beggar sends this. Oh, I can't even fit in them. Sorry, can we swap back? Can you come back, please? I thought they were size 9, but my foot can't even fit in them. Can you come back, please? Sorry. Huh? Huh? Hello? Hello? Are you gonna come back?
Starting point is 00:05:50 We're still here. I'm in a hurry. Hello? I'm here with my baby waiting. Can you at least message me back? Oh my god. You are so rude. I want my money back and I'll send you these shoes.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I needed them for a shoot and you told me they were size 9, but these are like size 6. I'm just going to report you for this. How disgusting of you. Still not even going to message me. One, I was driving. I don't know about you, but I don't use my phone while I drive. Two, they are a size 9. I'm a size 9 and they fit me, and the size is printed on
Starting point is 00:06:27 the bottom of the shoe. 3. I would have considered turning around to come back, had you not resorted to insulting me almost immediately after giving me the run around this morning and changing times. However, based on your above messages, I'm now more inclined to say this is YOUR problem. So enjoy your new shoes. They don't work for you than you can sell them. They retail much higher than 50 bucks, so maybe you can turn a profit. I never once insulted you, you're so disrespectful. I said that I'm waiting here with my baby, can you come back please?
Starting point is 00:07:00 Where did I insult you? How rude. You literally called me disgusting, but whatever. Enjoy and take care. Post it to Facebook. I've got the day off tomorrow who's taking me to the game. I can. You got an extra ticket?
Starting point is 00:07:17 Whole nope. Well then, obviously you can't take me then. Well then just get a ticket. That's why I asked who's taking me. So you got my hopes up, thanks. Hello, are you available for an eyelash lift? Hello, yes, may I know who this is? My name's Cara, I saw your post on Blank Lashes.
Starting point is 00:07:37 May I know how much? Last time I did it with you, it was $25. Is the price the same? It's $35 now. Oh, why the price increase? What does it include? That was a promotional deal. Now it's a normal price for a lift intent.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Oh, okay. If I bring my own tent, can you only charge $8? What do you mean? Because goods and services tax is going to increase by 9%, so actually me and my family are trying to cut costs. Well, it's still my time and effort, so sorry, that's not possible. Upwing my own nutrition oil, I understand, can I pay you $8 for your time and effort? Please do a good deed and fix my eyelashes.
Starting point is 00:08:21 What's the best price? $35, No negotiation. Okay, can you throw in freebies? By the way, is this done on a bid or on a chair? Didn't you say you came in here before? Yeah, that was a long time ago. I'm not sure if it changed. That's why the price changed. Is it possible that if I sign a package of 10 sessions, you'll throw in the bid for free?
Starting point is 00:08:44 If yes, I'll arrange a move or two. Do you want my whole house too, Lowell? Sorry, it's just it would be nice because my son soiled my bid. So I thought maybe I could get some freebies. Wait a second, this choosing becker asked for the bid? I'm confused. Just like, hey, can you fix my eyelashes and throw in a free bed while you're at it? What? On this next post, a social media influencer contacts a restaurant. Hello! I wanted to record the food being made and post it on my page. I'll do this in exchange for $100 off the food. I can come in today. The restaurant replies, but you know that we're in Seattle? I'm in Seattle also. I can come today around 430. I'm from Seattle. I have family here. I live in L.A.
Starting point is 00:09:34 So thanks for your offer, but I don't think this collaboration will work for us. Then apparently the influencer went to the restaurant and gave a bad review, then since screenshots of their Instagram story to the restaurant to taunt them. Worst dumplings ever! Such a floral taste to these! Blah! Their tarot dumplings taste like butts! Okay, so, apparently, there was a news article about this, and it took place in St. Louis
Starting point is 00:10:03 not Seattle, my bad, I thought STL was short for Seattle, what do I know. And apparently, the influencer had about 200,000 followers, and after the backlash that emerged from this news article, and this like going kind of viral, the influencer had to actually private their Instagram page because of this. So, whoops, maybe you shouldn't extort local businesses for free food. Also, like another 100% sure on this business, literally like illegal extortion because if the influencer is a professional business and the restaurant is also a successful business, and the influencer says, do this or else, isn't that extortion? Am I wrong about that?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Our next Reddit post is from Haya Synth So, I resigned for my job back in November, giving the one month required notice. As part of my job, I occupy certain positions for clients and some of these require the regulators approval for any replacement. That can sometimes take a while, so I agreed to remain on for about three to four weeks after my last day at the company. I was doing it without any benefit or pay. I also pointed out to them that I would be busy at my new job and I might not be available for signatures so they should replace me ASAP. Despite this, they took their sweet time to replace me. Around two weeks after my last day, I got a call from my former employer saying they need my signature in wet ink on a document that was urgent. My new job
Starting point is 00:11:25 was in the same area as the old one, but we were working from home. I was going into the office the next day, so I agreed that I would drop by to sign the documents. Unfortunately, someone tested positive for COVID at my office, so the office had to shut down, so I couldn't drop by. My former employer checked with a relevant department department and they said that I lived quite far from the office so they can't arrange for a dispatch person to drive there and a taxi would cost too much. I live about 30 to 40 minutes away. They requested that, during my lunch time, I drive there to sign the document or I meet
Starting point is 00:11:59 them halfway. I was very annoyed by this and basically told them, you need the document, not me, and I'm not even getting paid for this. I also said that I don't even work there anymore, so I'm just doing them a favor. And if it's too costly for them to send someone to my place, then that's their problem. But why should I spend my time in my gas for their benefits? They eventually sent someone over to get the document signed. I never realized that people could be like this. I'm reading out the tiny house slash meditation cottage on our property. You can use it for
Starting point is 00:12:33 a dwelling if you like or as a studio slash art space. If you use it as a place to lay your head, I'll be asking for $600 a month. If you're going to be using it as a studio or art space, it'll be $400 a month. We eventually want to make our property like a tiny village, in preparation for us building a real village. We would prefer to rent individuals in our age group, and unfortunately, it's situated in a space that won't be easily accessible if you have any physical disabilities. Ideally, whomever would be coming in would be somebody willing to help develop the property
Starting point is 00:13:02 and make it prettier and more functional. I'll also give you a little plot of land to grow stuff on. Also, it needs a paint job and you can paint it whatever color you want and I'll help you. If not, then I'll paint it when I get a chance, but as most of us know, I'm as busy as can be. Then, the choosing beggar includes a picture of the property. And for those of you who are listening and not watching, this is straight up a shit. It is literally one single room that doesn't have a sink, has a single light bulb, and it has some kind of like toilet slash closet combo.
Starting point is 00:13:36 So I guess they're thinking that you can sit on the toilet for your morning dump and then pick out your clothes while you're at it. I'm honestly not exaggerating when I say that like a prison cell looks more comfortable than this because at least a prison cell has a sink. What are you supposed to do just like flush and then wash your hands in the fresh toilet water? There's no shower, there's nothing. That was our slash-choosing beggars and if you liked this content be sure to follow my
Starting point is 00:14:02 podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. beggers and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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