rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars WHY WONT EMPLOYEES WORK FOR FREE???

Episode Date: September 20, 2020

r/Choosingbeggars WHat's wrong with the younger generation of workers? Why won't employees work for free?! You should be hungry and willing to work for experience, because that's how you build a stron...g work ethic! At least, that's what this boomer choosing beggar believes. Dude, if you want people to work for you, then PAY THEM! If you like this episode, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content! 🔔 Subscribe: 💬 Discord: 🎧 Podcast: ⚓ Send me a voice message: 📸 Instagram: ♪ TikTok: 🛒 Merch: 🎁 Patreon: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This NBA season make every three-pointer alley-oop and buzzer-beater even more exciting with fan-dual. Download the app today to see why we're North America's number one sports book. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario, Camlin Tom call 1865-312600 or visit connectcentario.c.a. Welcome to R-Slasch, a podcast where I read the best post from a cross-read it. Today's sub-read it is R-Slasch using beggars. On this next post, Opie came home to this note taped to their front door. I was taking peppers from your garden because sharing is caring and it was way too spicy. Please
Starting point is 00:00:36 grow a mild pepper or I'll report you for cultivating illegal plants. And down in the comments, wanderlust writes this, I think you should grow ghost chillies and label them mild chillies. Blank is looking for a car. Can anyone give me a ride downtown tomorrow? I need a ride to an appointment at 10, so pick me up at 9 and drive me home around 11. I could probably do it, I've got some shopping to do downtown. If you pay for parking, I'll drive. Um, thanks, I guess, but why should I pay for parking for your car? I think the only
Starting point is 00:01:09 suitable response to this is, sure, no problem. Enjoy your walk. This next Twitter post comes from a published and very successful author. I just spoke with my agent. A new US History magazine asked if I would be prepared to research and write a 5,000-word piece on the rise of Mussolini. My agent said yes and gave them the cost for this. He was told I was being greedy and I should support new media. I've posted before about this expectation in so much of the media for work to be done for free because other people are starting out. I did however enjoy my agents reply to them. I get 15% of what he gets, so that's a no.
Starting point is 00:01:49 On this next post, this is apparently taking place in a pretty small community where some of OP's friends go to church with a choosing beggar so they all know each other. Hi, I saw that you posted on Marketplace. I thought, why not get a cute portrait? Oh, yeah, I'm open for commissions. What do you have in mind? I would like a traditional painting, a big one, something like 48 by 60 inches. Wow, that's big. I'm not sure if I even have a canvas that big. It would also take me a long time to do, maybe three weeks? A portrait of what though, of yourself? No, I would like one of my dog and a mariachi outfits.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Okay, for that size I can do it for 300 bucks. I would need to go buy a canvas that size and I'm giving you a discount for my time. Doesn't seem like much of a discount to me. You're not a professional, you don't need to charge hourly. Well, I'm trying to make a career out of this and I need to charge based on my experience, cost of supplies in my time. I'm honestly charging you less than minimum wage based on what material costs. Then, OP includes a link to a 48x60 inch canvas for $110.
Starting point is 00:02:57 This is the price of a canvas at size, and that doesn't include the price of paints. Not to be mean, but you're wasting your time by wanting to be an artist. No wonder you were sleeping in your car. That's what you get for choosing a worthless career. If you joined our church, we would pray for you. We would illuminate your future with our prayers. Tell you what, do a painting for our church and we'll pray for you.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I know you did a painting about a year ago for our sister, Blank. a painting about a year ago for our sister, Blank. Why can't you do one for us and get saved while you can? Are you asking me to do a painting for free? Not free. You know, each member pays 20% of their paycheck to the church each month. This will be kind of like your initiation to our great community. I think you really need it. You're being punished because you keep projecting Jesus into your life. You need salvation and a new meaning to life. You are and will always be a starving artist. Look at you now. Do you
Starting point is 00:03:57 want this forever? If art isn't as valuable as you say, how come you sold blanks painting that you only paid like $30 for for $12,000? You bullied her into painting it for your church. If art was that worthless, why did you pocket that much money? I'm not joining your cult. I don't need to give explanations to a nine church member. You had no idea what you're talking about. Right, you've never had to work in your life.
Starting point is 00:04:24 You inherited multiple millions of dollars from your husband, and you're talking about. Right, you've never had to work in your life. You inherited multiple millions of dollars from your husband, and you're trying to get free artwork from someone who actually wants to work hard for a better future. $300 wouldn't make a dent in your bank account. Please stop wasting my time. I'm not joining your cult. I was blessed to have found a rich husband, and blessed to have lived the life I have. You are being punished and will be punished for the rest of your life or rejecting Jesus. I think people like you are better off just disappearing off earth, such a waste of space. You would have better luck becoming a prostitute instead of selling your sucky artwork. I'll
Starting point is 00:05:01 be praying for you to fail. I have powerful connections, I'll send this conversation to all of them. I can't wait to see you coming back for my help. So very Christian of you. Get out of my messages, Satan! I can feel your dark energy. Your paintings are also diabolic. This choosing beggar said that her church needs a piece of art. What do you think the odds are that her church just happens to want a picture of her dog and a mariachi outfit? Also, can we talk about members of this church giving 20% of her income to the church? That seems crazy high.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And then O.P. posted an update. I asked Blank to ask you for a refund. She told me you told her, no, I think you need to come up with the money somehow. Everybody that I've shown the screenshots in your art agrees that it's not worth that much. You have this very dark aura around you and you refuse to get help. Give up on art, you will never be successful. I can still help you if you make the portrait.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Why don't you do one of my cat too and I'll talk to some of my friends and maybe you'll get any commissions from them too. But you can't charge that much. What are you even going to do with $300? Make a donation based or a flat fee of $100 for the size I asked. Being greedy is not going to take you anywhere. You already know what you have to do. You're nuts.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I'm posting this on Reddit. What's Reddit? You do not have my consent to share this conversation. You hear me? Oh, I already looked that side up. You belong there. Full of sinful and weird people like you. I feel sorry.
Starting point is 00:06:42 What are they going to do for you? Look at your posts on Instagram, you barely even have likes. I still don't want you posting this conversation. It will do more damage to your already failed art business. And then OP ignored three back to back calls from this choosing beggar. Answer my calls. I know you're online. So these two posts that OP made got a lot of upvotes, and based on that, I'm guessing that this choosing Beggar saw them. And then OP posted an update. Answer right now! I've spent an hour looking at Reddit and some of the posts on that app are mean. You are going to hell if you let ugly people talk bad about me. I didn't see our conversation and I asked Lucy to look for it and she knows how to look stuff up.
Starting point is 00:07:29 You said that to drive me crazy, didn't you? You will not make any money from selling art, amen. Karma will get you. Hi. Oh, I forgot your soap broke your phone, probably died. Can't charge it. Oh, it must suck being so unlucky. That's what you bring to yourself. Never contact me again, Satan.
Starting point is 00:07:51 You make me feel uncomfortable. I'll see you on the side of the streets asking for money soon. You're not that far from getting there, low. Pastor Blangh said that he won't ever be forgiven for this. That site is full of Satanists, and it's a shame you're involved with those reddit weirdos. Can't expect anything less from you. You are the reason why this country treats people of color so bad.
Starting point is 00:08:15 You have no ambition. No morals. You're empty, just like your bank account. Can't afford phone service, huh? You would if you had given me a good price. Then the choosing beggar tries to call OP and OP ignores it. Can you take me off that weird Reddit page? I don't feel comfortable knowing that a bunch of Satan worshipers might be doing foodoo
Starting point is 00:08:37 on me, only because I offered to pray for you for a little painting. You can't even paint, I was doing you a favor. Can you answer? I would like to talk to you. I don't know why you're mad. You devalue your art yourself. $300 is nothing. If that's what you charge for your artwork, you might as well do it for free. What can you even buy with that? Can you delete your reddit post about me? I don't feel like being judged by a bunch of Reddit weirdo virgins. Then she tries to call the choosing beggar again. Answer, delete it. Your art is ugly and you posting my screenshots anywhere will change
Starting point is 00:09:15 the truth. Jokes on you, lady. You're not only being judged by weird Reddit virgins. Now you're also being judged by weird YouTube virgins. Also, I like how she says that OP doesn't have permission to post these things, but she doesn't see any problem with sharing this conversation with every member of her church, including her pastor. And down in the comments, we have this post from hanging with Epstein. I'm beginning my voodoo satanic ritual on her now.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Would anyone like to join me and make these spells stronger? So if you wanna contribute to this voodoo ritual, let me know what you're doing to make the spell stronger down in the comments. These side marios all you can eat is all you can munch a soup, salad, and garlic homemove.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Mom, me, and I'm moving up in. Childhood vaccines have been around for decades, and are safe and proven to help protect children against 14 preventable diseases. Learn more at slash childhood vaccines. A message from the government of Canada. I need my hair done. I need it tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:10:21 I'm sorry. I actually don't have any openings until the week after next. I might have a spot next week if it opens up, but as for right now, I don't have anything. What about September 1st at 10 o'clock? My roots look awful. I can't wait that long. I need it tomorrow. I can come late if I need to. I really can't. I already work pretty late as it is. I'm sorry. If I could get you in tomorrow, I would.
Starting point is 00:10:47 But I'm already booked back to back. You don't care about your customers enough to work a little late, even though we are wet-paced the bills. I know someone else who could get me in tomorrow and who charges less, but I want to stay with you anyways. So, can I come in tomorrow at seven? I'm sorry, I really am So can I come in tomorrow at 7? I'm sorry, I really am, but I can't do tomorrow. I would be happy to put you on a cancellation list just in case, but I don't have an opening until September 1st.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Would you like to book that appointment? No, I need to come in tomorrow, maybe early Saturday morning. I haven't event this weekend. I have a lot of friends and I would hate to have to tell them that I can no longer recommend you because you can never get me in. Look, I've enjoyed having you in my chair, but I don't appreciate the way you're talking to me, and I think the other silas you know may be a better fit for you. I very rarely have availability with 24 hours notice. I book at least two weeks in advance
Starting point is 00:11:45 usually. I'm sorry, but I wish you the best. Wow, okay, be word. Why does this choosing beggar think that pulling her business is a credible threat when OP already has so much work that you literally can't do it all? I think OP is going to be just fine without your business. This next post is on the longer side, so think OP is going to be just fine without your business. This next post is on the longer side, so I'm not going to do a typical choosing Becker voice, but suffice to say the person talking is a doofus. I held interviews of seven interesting young candidates for a job, which is a $3,000 a month salary with 14 days annual leave.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Applicant A requested not to touch his weekends and whenever possible to work from home instead of working on sites. When I told him that he needs to work on occasional weekends and off time may be given in lieu, he asked for overtime weekend allowance and told me it's the law. Applicant B said that our office is too far for her as she's staying in the east but willing to consider if we can provide transport allowances. Applicant C shared that her last salary was $6,000 a month and was expecting this job to match.
Starting point is 00:12:49 She's only willing to take a 5% to 10% pay cut during probation and expects to be paid the same after clearing probation. Applicant D requested for a team of junior staff to assist his work because in his previous company, he had assistance to do some of his work. I told him we can't afford it, who are a lean company? His reply? Oh, thank you for your time, I'll skip this interview.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Applicant E asked if the company can give him 21 days annual leave and sit 14 days because that's what his previous company gave him. When I told him that he can take non-pay leave if his leave is not enough, he said he'll reconsider this offer. Applicant F asked for a higher salary, and when told we can only afford $3.6 thousand per month, her response was that she'll take the offer, but would like the termination notice to be shortened to one week instead of one month. She was honest enough to say, I'm taking the job to survive for the time being while I wait for a better opportunity Applicant GS for a guaranteed AWS plus one month minimum VBHP written on the contract because this previous company an MNC did that
Starting point is 00:13:55 Then he gave me a lecture on staff engagement and attracting talent and work-life balance. Good luck to them Hello, we're in a time of economic crisis and a pandemic. I felt I was being interviewed as an employer, not doing my job to interview potential employees. There are jobs available and there are talents for sure, but these young talents are not hungry for a job. Many are not willing to be humble and not willing to suffer. They prefer to work smarter rather than harder, unlike our older generation. I'm prosing a poor workforce, but they make it harder for us to consider employing them. So stop blaming companies for considering non-locals. We did try our best.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Alright, so this choosing beggar says that he did try his best, except for, you know, offering a fair salary, or offering any of the things that these prospective employees actually want to work there. Down in the comments, I'm going to read this post from wanderlust. Lowell, applicant after applicant told him that this job was not worth the salaries and the extra he was offering. In multiple cases, they gave examples where rival companies offered tangible benefits over this job.
Starting point is 00:15:09 His response, well, the young are so lazy and entitled. In times like these, they should beg to work for me. In reality, he just got owned by market-based economics and he's too stupid to realize it. Also, what kind of person believes that you should work harder, not smarter? I've literally never heard of anyone think that working smarter is worse somehow. Hi, um, remember me? Oh, it's been a while. Yeah, yeah, haven't talked to you since high school. I heard that you do art now. Yeah. Glenn told me lowl, remember him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:47 He stalks your Insta. Oh, okay. So, do you do commissions? Um, yeah. Cool, cool. Excuse my French, but can you do adult content? Yeah, what kind? It's for a friend, by the way.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Glenn. Yeah, sure. Anyway, what type? Okay, so I'm just gonna say what's in my head right now. So, you know, like Ari from League of Legends, I want Ari like and then I her butt and tails. Oh, wow. I just went to eat by the way. Yeah, I know a bit weird, can you draw it?
Starting point is 00:16:30 Yeah, I've done worse. How do you want it drawn? Well, make it realistic and hot. Like not just her but me too. Yeah sure, I can do that. That'll be quite expensive. Oh yeah, the payment. How much?
Starting point is 00:16:46 5 bucks seems fair. What's low? Are you joking? Yeah, like you've been drawing for like what? Two years. Come on bro, for Glyn. I don't even know who Glyn is. Fine how much?
Starting point is 00:17:01 At least 50 bucks. Come on, drawing isn't as easy as you think, and I have classes to be in, so this will take up quite a bit of time. Yeah, well, I'm not paying that much for someone with barely any experience. Well, you can find someone else to draw it. Look, I'm trying to bring you people some business. The people I show it to might also commission you. Sigh. Be smart for Fsake. Well, I don't need your $5 or the disgusting people you'll show it to to get commissions. If you want good art, just pay the dang price or look elsewhere you poor person.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Oh really? I'm poor. I don't need an Fing inward to tell me I'm poor. And then the bottom of the screenshot is you've blocked this choosing Beger. So this choosing Beger wants OP to draw a picture of him with a League of Legends character doing carnal acts, but the picture is for Glenn. Can you imagine like you throw a birthday party and your buddy comes and he gives you a gift. And when you unwrap it, it's a picture of him passionately hugging some video game character.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Uh, thanks buddy. That was our slash-choosing beggars, and if you liked this content, then check out my Patreon where I publish extra podcast episodes. Also, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. podcast episodes every single day.

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