rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars "Why Won't You Give Me $90,000?!"

Episode Date: October 24, 2021

r/Choosingbeggars In today's episode, a choosing beggar wants a door company to hand over $90,000 in free product for "exposure." Yes, you read that correctly: $90,000 in free product. She thinks that... installing the doors on her horse barn will help the company make money by exposing the product to other people. She also tried to argue that the doors should only be worth $10,000, so she should get an $80,000 discount. Lady, WTF??? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-slash, a podcast where I read the best posts from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-slash Choosing Beggars, where free is way too expensive. On this next post, OP is a local graffiti artist who has done several high-profile murals and logos. The Choosing Beggar is a restaurant owner who approached OP to make a mural for the site of the restaurant. Hello Melissa, I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you until now. For this sign, what we're looking for is something that stands out due to the location that it's in.
Starting point is 00:00:29 We were thinking something along the lines of modern graffiti art. At the moment, the sign isn't paid work. However, we can provide the necessary materials, the scaffolding, to ensure that you're safe. We're also looking for local artists to hang pieces in our dining area under consignment. If you're interested, I would like to set up a meeting to look at your portfolio either tomorrow or early next week. The part where this choosing beggar wants to like review OPs portfolio is such a slap in the face because it's like, so I want to make sure that you're good enough to paint, but not good enough to actually pay.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Ew. Also down in the comments of this thread, pretty much half of the post are trying to convince OP to paint. How should I put this? Imagine a forest, but instead of trees, it's male genitalia. Because hey, they're not paying them anyways, so what's the harm? This next post is a conversation on Twitter. I'm annoyed by all the replies where people say that you should move so families can
Starting point is 00:01:27 sit together on planes. To those people I say, parents can plan their flights just like everyone else. If you don't like the seating when buying the tickets, then don't buy the tickets. Get a different flight. So because I chose to procreate, I have to pay an extra 50 bucks of flight to supervise my 3 year old while you get to pay a regular fee and fly in peace. If you're offered a comparable seat, just be a decent person and move. It's not like you're being asked to donate a kidney.
Starting point is 00:01:56 What airline made you pay an extra 50 bucks because you had a kid with you, and what airline let you book a seat for a three year old that wasn't next to you? It was Delta when we traveled this summer. We had four flights total, and we would have had to pay an extra $25 per flight to choose seats we could guarantee that one of us would sit next to our three-year-old. I'm surprised by how many people on this thread realize that many airlines had this policy. Based on the replies, the consensus on Twitter seems to be that parents should have to pay more money than non-parents every time to fly to guarantee they sit with their kids.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And apparently, most people don't realize that major airlines require extra money to bookseize together. But it's not just parents and children. Anyone who wants to sit next to a family member, a friend, or travel companion has to pay more for reserve seating. Looking for childcare. I'm looking for childcare for my one-year-old daughter, preferably in the Mason area. It would be two to four days a week depending on where you're located, money through Friday
Starting point is 00:02:55 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. I'm willing to pay 30 to 40 bucks a day, and here's a picture so we don't get lost. Okay, time to whip out the calculator. 30, it will average it out. 35 bucks divided by 11 hours equals $3.18 per hour. Nice! The Mayas will just post, Seeking Child Predator or Inc. to watch my baby for 11 hours a day.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Thank you. On this next post, OP's friend is competing in a beauty pageant, and anyone can vote for the winner as many times as they want by paying $1 per vote. Anyways, OP's friend asks OP to vote for her. Anything less than $1,600 is a waste of money. Alameo, you want me to vote 1,600 times? Yes, Loll, you're a New York City lawyer, and I'm your friend of over eight years who you wanna marry. I mean, if you would rather sponsor my Gounder photo shoot,
Starting point is 00:03:53 let me know. I mean, if we were already dating or married, then I would drop that in a heartbeat for you. Wow, I cannot believe you. But 1600 dollars, that's like I'm saving up to buy property. That's like not a show of good fate. You could send me money for my gown and photos, I also need some lessons on walking, etc. When have I ever asked you for money in 8 years?
Starting point is 00:04:18 This is an expensive investment. Man, just like the standard choosing beggar stuff is bad enough, but the fact that this woman is manipulating OPs crush on her to try to essentially extort money out of him makes it 10 times worse. Hi. Hello. Okay, one question. Are you an artist? I'm just curious.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Yes. Awesome. Okay, I'm making my upcoming comic book and I only have the writing. Would you please draw the comic panels or just the concept? Sure, but I do charge money. Well, I don't have any money on me. That's unfortunate. I can't do it then.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Why does everything have to require money? Because things take time and effort? I know, but will there be a date when you do something for the people like give back to the community? I'm trying to be successful! Code your local supermarket and ask for free candy, and when they kick you out say try giving to the community and see how that goes. One time I did and they actually gave me free candy, isn't that surprising? Well, I'm trying to be successful too, and I sincerely doubt that they did.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Will both be successful just help me out. I am not going to do free art, and why is that? Because I need money to save for an apartment, and this is my only way of getting an income, and it takes effort and time. Well, what about getting a job? Yeah, this is my job. No, like an in real life job. Huh?
Starting point is 00:05:47 This is my job. It's how I get money. No, an in real life job, like not drawing. Huh? What's the difference? Working? Drawing isn't working? No, it isn't.
Starting point is 00:05:59 It's creativity. That's what it is. But it is a job. It's how I get money. Animation studios are jobs, not just creativity, those people work. Also, what about all the artists who work for games? As I was saying, I have an upcoming comic book.
Starting point is 00:06:16 I am not going to do it for free, and you're not going to convince me too. And why? Because it's my job, I need the money, I'm not gonna waste my time doing free work for someone I don't know. But you get money from strangers online, weird isn't it? Yeah, I do it for the money, I don't do free work. But why?
Starting point is 00:06:35 Because it takes time, time that I'm not gonna waste on you anymore. Screw off if you're not gonna pay me. You have a family, your family will provide what you need. And how do you know what my family will give me? Because I was just like you. I'm not gonna do free work, so screw off man. Do it yourself if you think art is just creativity. I tried, I can provide my own needs, someone could do it, provide me with creativity, and
Starting point is 00:07:01 I'll provide you something. Stop messaging me, god damn, I'm not gonna do free art or free creativity, it's my job, I need to afford things. Don't message anyone else this garbage, it's so disrespectful. How am I being disrespectful, you're disrespecting your customer, you are not my customer, you haven't bought anything, if you don't intend to buy anything then you're not a customer You're a beggar just to use your hand and create something for me. No F you Language how come I made you so angry because you're asking for my services for free and I won't do them for free
Starting point is 00:07:39 You're wasting my time. I'm not gonna do free work for you. I don't even know you so stop wasting my time. In the future you'll know me, there's always a process of knowing someone. Screw off, man. This conversation was funny at first, but it's just annoying now. How do you find this funny? I'm gonna post this on r-slash choosing beggars. I can't anymore. You should be ashamed of yourself. I was your soul follower on Twitter. Who are you on Twitter? You said that you're my soul follower, but you're not even in my Discord server.
Starting point is 00:08:12 My Twitter handle is blank. Dude, you just followed me. No I didn't. Yes you did. Screw off LMAO. No I didn't. I've been a fan for a long, long, long time. Yes, you did. I just got the notification. It says your account was creative this
Starting point is 00:08:30 Fing month. I cheered you on since you were born. Do you even know me? Since I was born, LMAO F-Off. You were born in 2002. I was born in 2006. No, no. That was a typo. I meant 2006. Haha, no. F-off. No, I'm your brother. Now then, provide me what I need. What? No, you aren't. My brother is in the room next to me. Yeah, that's me texting you. F-off, you don't know me, and I don't know you. Yes you do, you help me draw. No, I haven't. I was trying to draw, but I failed because of you. Okay. And would you
Starting point is 00:09:13 draw for me? No. Why? I don't want to. Okay, draw one character and then I'll leave you alone. Deal? No. Then I'll keep pushing further. This time more severely. I'm just gonna block you. Blacking me will not escape me. So if you're still listening to this, this is not actually our slash talking. This is your father. Yes, your father in the next room who created this YouTube video and is uploaded to this channel and I am very very disappointed in you that you haven't subscribed or hit the like button yet. What kind of son-slash daughter did I raise?
Starting point is 00:09:51 Okay, so this next one is pretty wild and it comes from a so-called influencer on Instagram who made a post asking people for money. And then after people actually send her money, she posts this. To all of you white, non-black folk who send me less than ten dollars, are you aware that I can see when you doordash every day, go on vacation, or buy a new Tesla? Are you aware that ten dollars is nothing when I need seventy-three hundred dollars? So stop sending pennies and sentangeable, equitable, and transformative mutual aid. I know that most of you can send more, but you choose not to, because your anti-black,
Starting point is 00:10:29 rather than actually broke like myself. Stop playing video games, and just be honest about how much you're unwilling to ensure that black folk can eat, rest, feel safe, survive, and matter. And then later, she posted, I only got back on Instagram to let you know that I still need to crowdfund because y'all refused to allow me to reach my goal. Yet I have to endure immense cast sliding, threats of violence, and just genuine bullying and filth thrown at me. After I messaged all my followers and only made $100 today, when I really need $3,000, I think I might just rethink giving y'all a Patreon
Starting point is 00:11:06 or cannabis classes. Y'all really don't deserve me and I want y'all to really start feeling it like I clearly have to. Wow. Okay. Wow. Imagine... imagine sending someone $5. Like a total stranger. Just some influencer online and they ask for money so you send them $5. And your reward for giving this person free money is they call you a racist. And to punish you for your racism, they threaten to not give a Patreon class or cannabis classes, what is cannabis classes?
Starting point is 00:11:41 Am I too uncool to know what that is? Because I've got no idea what a cannabis class is? Is it a class on how to smoke weed? Because I don't smoke weed and even I know how to smoke weed, you're rolled in paper and then you smoke it. And why should anyone be stressed out about the fact that you're not going to offer a Patreon? Because clearly you're failing at crowdfunding
Starting point is 00:12:06 anyways so what difference is it gonna make? On this next post, OP owns a company that makes garages, barns, things like that. This lady wants about $90,000 worth of doors on a horse barn. She believes it's only worth $10,000 and she says it'll be an advertising showcase for my business. So she says that she should get $80,000 off her total. I hope she loses my number. And if you're like me and you're wondering how on earth could this person be wanting $90,000 worth of doors? OP explains that garage doors are apparently really expensive, so getting like 15 to 20
Starting point is 00:12:42 commercial size garage doors can easily cost that much. Basically, this woman wanted a barn where each and every horse stall had its own individual garage door. But still, an $80,000 discount for advertising? It's like, when was the last time you went to someone's house and you were like, wow, your garage door is just incredible. Where'd you buy that thing? Because I've got to buy a garage door like that for myself? Down in the comments, we have this toy from Fast Walking Short Guy. Horse people are an oblivious breed. They're usually old money. I dated a girl for a year who was a sign of a local horse breeding family.
Starting point is 00:13:19 She didn't get that she was rich, like rich rich. I finally had to point out, babe, your horse is seeming to as worth more than my family earns in a year before she understood it. That was our slash choosing beggars, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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