rSlash - r/Entitledparents Angry Karen Finds Reddit Post About Her

Episode Date: August 5, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:08 Previously on rSlash 1:30 Apologies 5:20 Update 1 9:07 Update after vacation Previous episode - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Craving a delicious and comforting holiday meal, but don't feel like cooking? Swiss Shally's got you covered with their iconic festive special. Enjoy their famous quarter chicken dinner. Now with cranberry sauce, stuffing, linda chocolates, plus a scratch and wind card where everyone's a winner. Download the Swiss Shally app to place an order for delivery today. Visit for contest details, while supplies last. Welcome to R-slash-entitled parents, where an entitled caring discovers a Reddit post written
Starting point is 00:00:35 about them and all hell breaks loose. Our next Reddit post comes from No Ride Throwaway, and this is an update to an ongoing saga that was originally posted to R-slash and My The Butthole. As a quick refresher, OP is a 23 year old guy, and every single time he goes on a family vacation, he gets stuck babysitting his sister's three triplets. The family kind of justifies it because OP's parents always pay for OP's room, so he feels obligated to repay them essentially, but on this upcoming family vacation Opie is like, screw it.
Starting point is 00:01:09 This time I'm gonna drive myself and I'm gonna pay for my own hotel room. That way, no one can pressure me into babysitting my sister's triplets for the entire vacation. Predictably, Opie's parents give him a flat for it and his sister absolutely blows up, complaining that it's so hard to be a mother of triplets and she just needs a break. To try to address the drama, OP shows the post to his family and everyone in the comments is dumping on the parents and the sister. So the parents switch sides, support OP and start trashing on the sister. And as a result, the entire vacation gets canceled.
Starting point is 00:01:46 If you wanna hear the original story, I'll post the link to that video in the description. Okay, so now that that's out of the way, let's get into the updates. On OP's next post, he adds a ton of backstory, which I'm gonna skip because it's kind of redundant and get to the new information. My sister tried to call me to complain while I was at work,
Starting point is 00:02:04 but my phone was on silent until my lunch break, so all she could do was leave messages and texts. But she was persistent and managed to get through to me when I was eating my lunch. The gist of the conversation was that my post had taken our parents away from her side, and now they were mad at her. In the ensuing argument between them, my parents canceled the entire vacation. Yeah, they later acknowledged that they passed the blame out of embarrassment and have fully accepted fault. They told me no excuses could excuse the fact that they made me their
Starting point is 00:02:35 go-to-free babysitter when I wasn't even living at home anymore. They did try to backtrack a little by pointing out that they never charged me rent while I was in college. But I reminded them that kids don't ask to be born, and I was doing my hardest to make my own way. Then I pointed out that my father had the same kind of advantage from his parents. They let him live at home for free while he was in college. That basically ended any argument my parents had left. When my sister called me at lunch, I presented the facts to her. Then she showed her true colors. She implied that I have no life, and that my free time on weekend should be spent helping her because she's tired and unable to even go out without bringing
Starting point is 00:03:16 her kids with her unless someone's watching them. She's a stay-at-home mom with a husband who makes a decent salary. They live in a pretty decent house that's owned, not rented. And to be frank, my nephews are NOT my responsibility. My family just forced them on me and expected it to stay that way. My sister angrily hung up on me, but I recorded the call and played it to my parents later. They were furious. They basically went to war with my sister. My sister dug in her heels and blamed me.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Then she doubled down in her belief that my life should circle around hers. I told her that that was the most narcissistic and entitled thing that she's ever said to me. It took days, but her husband finally stepped in and forced her to apologize to me. I had never, but her husband finally stepped in and forced her to apologize to me. I had never seen her cow like that by anyone, but she was on the verge of crying. She ended up admitting to me that the reason why I was the go-to babysitter was because my
Starting point is 00:04:16 sister didn't trust strangers. It was never about the money. Or was it? As a quick reminder, O.P. sister never paid O.P. to be a babysitter. Actually, my brother-in-law thought that my sister was paying me for my time watching her kids after I moved out of my parents' house. But she didn't even give me gas money! She just gave me cash that was enough to order pizza for both myself and the kids. Then she pocketed the rest. My sister has been short-changing me for months.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Her husband blew up at her when this came out during her half-astapology. And she was forced to pay me what she owed me and cash entirely from her own savings, which she looked very upset about. Then my brother-in-law apologized to me for his own inaction and letting my sister walk all over me. And he promised that they would get a normal babysitter from now on. Yeah, this will hurt them a bit financially, but on the bright side, my sister will be getting date nights back. Then the next day, we had a family meeting.
Starting point is 00:05:17 We all gathered up at my parents' house and everything was laid bare. People made apologies all around and whatnot. Then my parents reinstated the family vacation. And yes, I still plan to drive myself and pay for my own hotel. I'll even try to stay in a completely different hotel if my sister tries to revert me to child care. And I've told them this. She's promised me that won't happen. If I don't update you guys again after the vacation in a month or so, then you'll know everything is fine. Then OP posted an update. Having a family that knows about your
Starting point is 00:05:52 Reddit account has its disadvantages. Yesterday, my sister called me after I got off work to ask me if the comments were still coming in. She said that she can't bear the negativity of looking at them herself because the commons are also hurtful towards her. So I was brutally honest. At least 10 commons are still coming in daily and most of them more or less are saying the same things about her. She started crying and demanding I delete my reddit posts. But I refused and told her she can cry to anyone she wants. The reddit posts stay up because they and told her she can cry to anyone she wants. The reddit posts stay up because they're my assurance that she won't try to treat me
Starting point is 00:06:29 like garbage anymore. After all, she literally felt like my life should revolve around her. She didn't pay me for the babysitting money she was supposed to and pocketed for herself, and she forced me to be the constant babysitter on last year's family vacation. So I pretty much had no fun the entire time. Is it really any wonder that people are having so much hate for her when she treated me like that? Then when I mentioned the post have already spread
Starting point is 00:06:55 to other websites because I was asked a couple of time to let an article be written about my situation and there were some videos that read the post as well. My sister shrieked hearing that and hung up. Well OP, you know, let's not forget the podcast. There's also a podcast out there reading this post. My parents then called me begging me to take the post down. I refused stating that I only did this because they didn't stick up for me. This would have never happened if they had told my sister to treat me like an equal and not a servant. I'm not her butler, babysitter or handyman, I'm a freaking brother, a grown man.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Wouldn't they get tired of this too if they were in my shoes? My parents agreed, but still begged me to take the post down. I refused and said that I'll keep making more if they don't start sticking up for me more whenever my sister comes crying to them. Let my sister clean up her own messes. All of their enabling led her to do this. They can either step out of my way or keep trying to enable my sister, but I assured them that the latter would end badly for them. The only way that this posting on Reddit will stop is if the drama stops. I've kept things anonymous, and I've got a right to vent my very valid frustrations. Well,
Starting point is 00:08:11 that got my mother to start crying. My father just went silent, and I said tears don't move me anymore. They know what it'll take to end this, and that's to stop enabling my sister. Well, my sister called me again to yell at me that our parents have told her that they aren't dealing with this anymore and to figure it out herself. Oh, and they told her to be nicer to me too. I just pictured her eyes twitching
Starting point is 00:08:34 as she internally screamed after hearing that. Be nice to my kid brother. What does that mean? Do I look it up on Google? Yeah, I was that sarcastic to her. It left her crying when I hung up. My brother-in-law called me later to get my side of the story. He's mad that I'm still making Reddit pose and made his wife cry, but I explained everything
Starting point is 00:08:57 to him and he said that he would have another talk with my sister. I'm hoping this drama finally ends here, but the family vacation is still on for late June. I've already booked my room and put in for a day off work so that we can all leave on Friday. My room is also not near the ones my parents, sister, brother-in-law, and nephews will be using. In fact, it's not even on the same floor. And when we get to the coast, when it's not a family activity, I'm gonna to go where I want to go and do what I want to do. You can bet that I'm going to tour those art galleries, pick out on local food, and just enjoy being carefree for a change.
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Starting point is 00:10:05 Points vet is the sports book for you, because we've got the features for true competitors, like live, same-game parliƩs. Use your sportsmarts to make picks live on the players and teams you're watching, and qualified vets can use our early cashout feature, so you could take your winnings to play live blackjack on the same points vet app, the platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do, bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino. And then OP posted an update. Well, the family vacation is over. Some things both good and bad when as expected. Good in that my parents didn't enable my sister trying to make me babysit.
Starting point is 00:10:48 And yes, she did try. But bad in that my sister tried to find out which room I was in. But she failed and that got her in trouble with her husband again. Firstly, I made sure to tell the hotel in advance that they were not to give out any of my information to anyone who asked, except for the police. They assured me over the phone that they wouldn't tell a soul. Then on the day of the vacation, I left earlier in the morning than the rest of the family. I knew that they wouldn't be able to get moving as a group until the earliest of 10am,
Starting point is 00:11:20 so I left at 9am. I sent out a group text to the family, letting them know that I started my three hour drive My parents were upset because they'd planned a family brunch on the way I pointed out that I was never made aware of these brunch plans So the brunch was canceled in favor of fast food. I arrived at the hotel early a bit too early for check-in I told the desk staff that I was there to make sure that they didn't give my parents or my sister any of my information. They claimed they don't do that, but I told them that I know that sometimes it still happens, so I'm just covering my own butts.
Starting point is 00:11:53 When they're dealing with my mother and my sister and three potentially crying boys trying to guilt-trip them at the desk, they had better not yield. Also, I want to know if my sister tried anything. They awkwardly promised me that no one would get access to my room. So I decided to go out and get something to eat. I came back more than an hour later, and there was my parents' car and my brother-in-law's big SUV. I went to the desk to check in and make sure the lobby was clear, and it was. Then I asked the clerk if my family had asked about me and where
Starting point is 00:12:25 I was staying at the hotel, and yes, they did. Fortunately, the clerk refused to tell them. My sister had apparently tried to push it, but her husband shut her up. I checked in, went to my room, and called my folks. I didn't mention that I knew what they tried to do with the clerk, and they conveniently didn't mention it either. Then we met up as a family to go tour around. At one point my sister asked me to watch her kids for a moment, to which I replied, hell no, because I knew exactly what she was doing. She would pretend to be gone for just a moment and then would be gone for an hour. I called her out and her husband told her to stop trying to make me watch the kids.
Starting point is 00:13:05 What did my sister do? She just started crying on the spot that she needs a break. Her husband scolded her that he was also tired, but he wasn't complaining. My mother gave me a nasty look. So I went right up to her and said that if she even tries to think that I should be watching these kids, I would walk away from this family vacation right now. It is not my job, and I'm sick and tired of her and my sister acting like it is. Well, that made my mother start crying too. And then she just started repeating the words, you're right, you're right, you're right over and over again.
Starting point is 00:13:42 This is another old tactic of hers. She tries to look pathetic to guilt trip me. But I just told her that, yeah, I am right and to just let it go before walking away. Neither my mother nor my sister tried anything else for the rest of the day. When we got back to the hotel after dinner, my family were all crowding the elevator. I didn't get in with them. They asked why, and I said that I would wait for the next one. My sister glared at me because she knew exactly what I was doing. I just sat in the lobby watching YouTube on my phone for 15 minutes, then took
Starting point is 00:14:14 the elevator up. I was on a different floor and on the other end of the hotel. I had a splint at night, and the next morning we all went out for breakfast. I made sure that they left first. I was the last one out, just like I was the last one in the night before. Breakfast went fine. I told my family my plans for the day, and my mother tried to bring up plans to go to the aquarium and a couple of other places. I said I'd meet them up for those events, but the rest of the day was mine until the family dinner.
Starting point is 00:14:42 They accepted this, and that day went fine too. Back at the hotel that evening though, my sister caught me leaving my room. She must have been stalking my entire floor looking for me. I went back to my room to chill for a bit before dinner because I was tired from walking so much. My sister was just down the hall when I left my room to meet them for dinner. She tried to corner me, saying that I had ruined the family vacation for her because now it wasn't hardly any different from her than being at home because she still had to wrangle her kids. I called BS because my parents were helping out a lot. Then I told her that I'm sick of this song and dance of being her scapegoat and it's already over. So leave me the hell alone and get on with
Starting point is 00:15:23 your own life. Then I started walking off with her yelling, hey, I'm trying to talk to you! I told her that I didn't care and I was going to dinner. She followed me to the elevator and we both said nothing to each other. I didn't stay silent. I told my parents and my brother-in-law that my sister had stalked me to find my hotel room. My sister was scolded like a child. She had a pity party. I told her to stop milking it and grow up. The old days when she could force her will on me were over. Then I walked out of the lobby to my car. This time I was the first one to show up to dinner. When everyone else arrived, my sister looked depressed. But not a single thing was said
Starting point is 00:16:05 about what happened before, and that was just fine with me. My sister were framed for making eye contact with me for the entire evening, and this time I didn't care about writing in an elevator with the rest of them. I told them bluntly that unless it was an emergency, no one was to come knocking on my door. That I had a do not disturb sign on my door for a reason. On the final day, everything went swimmingly. Neither my sister nor my mother bothered me at all. They'd fully surrendered at this point.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yeah, during the whole vacation, I did play with my nephew's son. I'm not a complete jerk. I didn't stonewall them. I kept up being the fun uncle, just not the babysitter uncle. The kids didn't even seem to care. They just wanted to play. I even bought each one of them one of those little baggies of crystals and polished stones to take home as a souvenir. There was a bit of mild drama between my sister and her husband, but that was just some of their small disagreements that I didn't bother to pay attention to. All
Starting point is 00:17:03 in all, I'd call the vacation a win because it finally hit home for my mother and sister that the old way they did things involving me is over, and now I have my own life. OP, I'm so proud of you, I'm so happy for you. Finally, we had justice for the victim of an entitled parent. I can't believe that she spent, I would have to guess hours of her vacation, just standing around in multiple floors of a hotel, hoping to spot you at a certain location.
Starting point is 00:17:33 That's obsessive stalker behavior. Lady, just move on. Just enjoy your vacation with your family. That was our slash entitled parents. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.
Starting point is 00:17:43 That was our Slash Entitled Parents, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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