rSlash - r/Entitledparents "GIVE ME YOUR NEWBORN!"

Episode Date: September 7, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:08 Evil stepmother 3:04 Brother screws up 5:24 Brothers reddit post 5:50 Dads friend 9:43 Wedding doesn't count 12:21 Parking spot 14:07 Magnolia tree Visit today get 10% off your first month Go to and use code 50rslash for 50% off plus free shipping! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's fall and you can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get a maple tree on Uber Eats, but maple syrup and maple lattes? Yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats. Get almost, almost anything. Order now.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Product availability may vary by region. See you after details. Welcome to our Sash-Entitled Parents, where a woman expects OP to just give up her baby. Our next Reddit post is from a shamed leg. For background, I'm a 27 year old woman, and I live in Italy with Marco, my 37 year old Italian fiance, as well as our 5 month old daughter, Willow. I moved to Italy after graduating medical school where I met Marco, and now I'm a resident in one of the hospitals. My father
Starting point is 00:00:41 is a terrible dad. He left my mom and me and he's been very inconsistent. He married Tammy when I was young and she has never liked me and she's also never been able to have kids. So when I gave birth, my mom's side of the family came over to visit, meet Willow and look after both of us. I got no support from dad or Tammy. But two weeks ago, my dad and Tammy just turned up unannounced claiming to be in the area on holiday and they wanted to meet Willow. Willow was getting a bit hungry, so I grabbed a cover and let her latch onto me. Tammy said that the breastfeeding would have to stop soon. I was confused and asked her
Starting point is 00:01:20 why, and she said that it couldn't be kept up when Willow was with them. Now I'm even more confused, and I ask her, what are you talking about? Tammy shows me photos of a baby room and says that we should split custody of Willow and not to worry because she has everything set up already. I just stare at her, but she continues. She claims that the age gap between myself and Marco is unhealthy for a child to grow up with, saying that it was obvious I needed help and she was happy to help, and mostly saying that I was obviously more interested in working than staying home with my babies, so I should
Starting point is 00:01:59 just let her have Willow. But that obviously she wasn't able to breastfeed, so I would have to stop breastfeeding now. I told her you can't be serious to think that I'm giving you my baby and she tells me to calm down. She says, I'm not asking for full custody, but I could provide a much calmer and staveler home and you could always visit. After all, it's what I deserve. Marco pushed everyone out and made sure that Willow and I were all right. Since then, I have been really weirded out.
Starting point is 00:02:34 And I've been getting texts from my father saying that I need to let Tammy prove herself as a good caregiver, and Tammy has been sending loads of photos of the nursery she's made. And just to be super clear, I live in Italy, but Tammy lives in England. They literally flew from England to Italy to get my baby. Man, trying to take someone's baby while that baby is literally physically latched onto a mother is crazy enough as it is.
Starting point is 00:03:02 But to have the audacity to say that the baby would be better off with them, when OP's dad literally abandoned OP when OP was a kid, like what? He already had a chance to prove that he could be a good father and he failed miserably, so why should he get a second chance? Our next reddit post is from Thuroughway. I'm a 24 year old man and I wasn't even going to make a post about this, but my brother, Turk, who's 25, made four posts about it, so I thought that I'd share my side of the story. For context, my fiance Maria is 24, and my ex is Jyn.
Starting point is 00:03:35 A little over five years ago, my brother started dating Maria, my now fiance. Three months after they started dating, they set me up with her now ex-best friend, Jin. The four of us did a lot together since the girls were best friends. Turk and Maria dated for a year, and Jin and I dated for nine months. At the end of our relationship, I came home early and found Turk and Jin passionately hugging in my bed. After I processed the situation, I called Maria because I wanted to know if I could stay at her place. She came over and we confronted Turk and Jinn. The two of them dumped the two of us, and I found out two days later they started dating each other. It broke me. I came home to find
Starting point is 00:04:18 my brother passionately hugging my girlfriend only for him to then run off with her. I had to move back in with my parents. It was infuriating because my parents kept talking about how happy Turk and Gin were. Throughout the next couple of months, Maria and I started talking. We were two people in similar, awful situations, and we found some comfort in each other. Four months after we got dumped, Maria and I officially started dating. Six months after we got dumped, Turk found out that Jin was cheating on him and she left for the other guy.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Maria would get the occasional message from Turk trying to reconnect, but she ignored him. Anyway, Maria and I are engaged in getting married in September. My parents were invited until my mom called me and threatened to not come if I didn't invite Turk. I told her not to bother coming regardless. In my mother's eyes, Turk can do no wrong. When he screwed and started dating my ex, I told my parents everything he did, and my mom tried defending him.
Starting point is 00:05:18 My relationship with my parents isn't the greatest, but it was somewhat decent. After I uninvited my parents, Turk blew up my phone trying to get a hold of me. This is the first time he's even tried reaching out to me in four years. Okay, so OP provides the link to his brother's post and the guy deleted the post, but the title of the post is, am I wrong for accidentally getting my parents
Starting point is 00:05:43 uninvited for my brother's wedding? Dude, you accidentally went balls deep into your brother's girlfriend? Okay, we're definitely getting a sense of what Turk is really like here, because the fact that he considers that an accident shows that he takes no responsibility for any of his mistakes. Opie, you made the right call cutting off your brother and the rest of your family. Our next reddit post is from Call Me Des danova. Years ago, my dad met Harold through mutual friends and they headed off. I was 18 in and college when I met him and we never had a close relationship. However, he always seemed to think of himself as a family friend and was extremely infantilizing
Starting point is 00:06:20 and condescending towards me. Every time I saw him, I tried to tell myself that it wasn't that bad, only for him to prove me wrong less than a minute later. Harold would disrespect my boundaries, saying things like, you're not 19, you're a baby. While I was talking to other people and patronized me, my education or my hobbies whenever he had the chance, he always noticed that he annoyed me
Starting point is 00:06:43 to which he would playfully ask if I hated him. I always said no, but only for my father's sake. The final straw came the day that Harold interrupted a barbecue to say, I really like you, even though you're an impolite brat. I was 20 years old. I'd been quiet all day working on a paper during the barbecue, but I replied patiently and politely whenever anyone addressed me. And even if that hadn't been the case, I knew that he didn't have the right to talk to me like that. After that, I started making an
Starting point is 00:07:14 effort to avoid any events that I knew he'd be attending. Yesterday was my father's girlfriend's birthday. They threw a small lunch party at my dad's apartment, I went there with my fiance and our six-month-old son. Harold was there. I hadn't seen him in months, but he still talked to me as if I was a dumb child. Never mind that I'm engaged, a mother, and 26! I spent the whole party ignoring his helpful advice about me being too young to get married or be a mom. It helped that most of the other guests seemed to disagree with him. My baby spent most of the afternoon sleeping in the bassinet in my old room.
Starting point is 00:07:49 My baby woke up hungry, so I went to breastfeed him and excused myself from the party for a while. I returned to jokes and comments all from Harold about how I was probably struggling if my son managed to leech me away for so long. He went on to interrupt a conversation I was having with another of my dad's friends to question pretty much everything about my parenting, and to make more comments about my age. I couldn't take it anymore after he asked if I thought about giving my baby up for adoption? Yo, what? I got my son and told my fiance we were leaving. We said goodbye to everyone except Harold. When we got to the door, Harold came to ask me if we were leaving.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I tried to make an excuse, but he kept trying to make us stay. After a small back and forth, he jokingly asked if I hated him. And this time I said, yes, I do. Can we go now? He didn't say anything and we left. On the way home, my fiance said that he was proud of me. My father called me this morning to say the opposite and we had a small fight, but ultimately he decided to drop the subject. I'm sure this isn't over, but if it keeps going, it won't be because of me. Man, I don't even know what this guy's talking about. Too young to be a mom at 26.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Isn't that actually literally the average age average age of mom at birth? In 2011, the average mom was 25 and a half at the birth of her first child. So yeah, OP is literally perfectly average here. Oh, my mistake. In 2021, the average age is 27, so OP is just one year younger. Still, this guy's just idiotic. Also OP posted a pretty long update which I'm not gonna read. The just of it is that OP told her dad about the adoption comment, but weirdly OP's father is kind of siding with Harold and OP decides to just cut Harold out of her life and she's even considering cutting her
Starting point is 00:09:42 father out of her life, which is fair to be honest. It's really weird to me that he would defend his friend like that. According to Harold, this guy's daughter is unfit to be a mother and he decides to keep being friends with him. Why? Your business has grown fast. From opening your first location to planning an expansion in no time. And with your business platinum card from American Express, you can access spending power and
Starting point is 00:10:10 payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor is here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply if it is at slash business platinum. Enjoy the classic taste of the holidays at Tim's with the new non-alcoholic Bailey's flavored holiday menu whether you're hanging holiday lights or driving up to your folks you can enjoy your Tim's and Bailey's anytime anywhere at participating restaurants in Canada. Our next red opposes from annual zucchini it's so unreal to me that a person has this much audacity, but apparently my sister
Starting point is 00:10:49 does. I'm a 28-year-old woman, and I met my soon-to-be wife Noah, who's 35 when she moved to my country for work. She was freshly divorced, but she has a little girl, Lena, who's five. Lena is the sweetest, and it's been wonderful getting to know her. Noah divorced her husband after realizing she was gay, and her husband ran for the hills, stating that he didn't want anything to do with her or Lena in case she passed it on. Whatever the F, that means. I proposed to Noah 10 months ago because I knew that she'd be
Starting point is 00:11:21 too nervous too. It wasn't extravagant. I just asked her over dinner with Lena's blessing. We've agreed that we want to keep it simple and intimate for the wedding. Her first wedding was big and she hated it. So our wedding is just going to be family and close friends. My parents have offered to give us money to help towards it, even though we reassure them that it's not going to be a big affair. But they wanted Lena to get a pretty flower girl dress and they wanted to pay for my dress and whatever Noah wanted to wear.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Probably a suit. Enter my entitled younger sister, Kate, who's 25, who acts like she and her boyfriend are engaged, but he's actually too scared to ask her. She's the golden child, spoiled, and gets whatever she wants. She's made some remarks about Noah already having a child and being a divorcee, but I told her to lose the ignorance. Just because Kate decided to stay in our small hometown and not expand her personality, doesn't mean she can say stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Over dinner last night, Kate started whining about how I didn't eat any money, and she didn't know why we were bothering with the wedding when Noah already had one before. She was angry that Noah suddenly decided that she's gay and she wants to have another go at marriage with a woman. This is something that Noah is insecure about, so I got protective of her. Kate went on to say that she could just reuse her old wedding dress and started cackling. Kate's boyfriend looked embarrassed, and my parents told her to be quiet, but no one said anything else.
Starting point is 00:12:50 My parents have come to me and said that it made sense to them if they gave more money to my sister's wedding fund because this was going to be her first and only wedding, but she's not even engaged yet. And they're totally ignoring the fact that I've never been married. I told them to keep their money because it's not welcome if they were going to shame my wife and stepdaughter. We're perfectly able to fund it on our own. Yeah, OP, good call.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I think your wedding would be better off without your parents' money and without your parents entirely. Our next red-appost is from Najie, no. Our car was stolen in June and then returned to us at the end of July. Our car is being worked on, and my husband is head to tell our neighbor's mother who visits that she can no longer park in our parking spots.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Everything was well and good, until today when I was coming home from some errands. This lady is on our stoop asking for my husband, and if there's a way that he can extend her parking allowance in our spot. She explains that she's moving into the townhouse next to us to help care for her grandkids, and she sees that our car is a lost cause. She said that us losing our car was great, so that now she can park closer to the townhouse and not have to park on the street. I told her our car is going to be ready in October
Starting point is 00:14:05 so you have until then to make arrangements. This woman, who I'm assuming, has no sense of reality, said that the chances of our car ever working is nil and that we should just give her our parking spot. Our townhouses have assigned parking and the guest spots are adjacent. I told her that she has to wait until my husband comes home and talks to him. She literally said that she won't talk to him and she'll just take our spot whenever she wants regardless of whether we get our car working or not. I know it sounds petty, but I'm considering calling a tow truck the next time she parks there. And then O.P. Posts in an update. The neighbor who's the son of this entitled woman, has got involved and
Starting point is 00:14:45 sided with us on this matter. He told his mother to park in the guest parking spots or not come at all. Also, she was lying to me when she said that she was going to move in. My neighbor basically gave me his blessing to call a tow truck if she does it again. Yeah, OP, that seems like the logical solution. Clearly, this entitled Karen is beyond reasoning, so just to her until she learns her lesson. I'm a 40-year-old male and my partner is a 36-year-old male. We were forced to take in my mother and her sister after they were kicked out of their last home. They continually changed our decor, rearranged things, and tossed out what they don't like. Some of our pictures have disappeared. Half of our kitchen
Starting point is 00:15:25 knives were tossed out because you have too many. They tossed out some very expensive sushi knives. My aunt likes to garden, or at least what she calls it. Basically, she cuts everything down to the base so that it can regrow and be healthier. I told her to never again touch my plants, how this isn't their home and their guests. My partner came into the bedroom in tears because they cut down our new magnolia tree. Sure enough, our tree was cut off at the base and shoved in the trash. They denied doing it until I threatened to immediately kick them out. My aunt tried to say that it was a weed, even though it was 6 feet tall, flowering, surrounded
Starting point is 00:16:05 by rocks, and had an orchard tack. Then she tried to say that she knew what it was, but she didn't like where we planted it. I told her that she was paying for a new one, and the next time she destroys something else, they both get tossed out. So now my mom is soaking, and my aunt is piss that she had to shell out 120 bucks for our new tree. I'm currently on the way home, my partner is driving and I'm holding our new black
Starting point is 00:16:30 tool of Magnolia tree. That was our slash entitled parents and if you liked this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. day.

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