rSlash - r/Entitledparents How I Ruined a Karen's Disney Trip!

Episode Date: April 6, 2020

r/Entitledparents In today's video, an incredibly entitled woman tries to bully and complain her way into a sold-out show. OP does his best to calm her down, but this lady is having none of it!, OP's manager gets involved and uses a clever trick to make the Karen happy... and get unexpected revenge! If you like this video and you want to see more, hit the subscribe button for daily Reddit videos! Watch on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Metrolinx and cross-links are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Cross-town LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals, be careful along our tracks and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. Welcome to our Slash Entitled Parents, where a Karen gets her day ruined at Disney World. So for some background, I work in a retail chain. Most of the time I work behind a till, mostly for 8 hours at a time. Now recently, the government has been cracking down on items
Starting point is 00:00:41 such as knives, cigarettes, and lighters being sold to underage people. In our store, it's company policy to ask for ideas on these items if they look underage. Side note, if it was found out that I had sold an item to an underage person, I would lose my job and have an investigation done by the police, looking at a criminal record if they found reason. I am not losing my job over lighters. I'm still in school and need the money. So, to the entitlement. It was a regular day in the store, the tills
Starting point is 00:01:10 were extremely busy and the store was making big bucks. It was around Christmas. So, a customer had just finished paying and was leaving while I called up the next customer. This typical looking adult wannabe teen girl came up to my till with a few things and set them down on the conveyor belt. I began scanning her things and then I scanned the lighters. The way our system works is that when something is scanned that needs ID, the screen goes right and informs me that the customer needs to produce ID. It even gives you the day they should be born to be of age to buy the item.
Starting point is 00:01:39 So I keep scanning the rest of the items, company policy, in case there's any more ID goods. I get to the end of her items, company policy, in case there's any more ID goods. I get to the end of her items, and then the conversation begins. Excuse me, ma'am. Do you have any ID on you? What do I need ID for? It's for the lighters. They're age restricted. If you have ID with you, I can check it on the system and you can purchase them.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Well, I don't have any ID on me. Can you just let it go? I'm over 18. Context. This woman had so much makeup on that I really couldn't tell what age she was, but to me she didn't look old enough. Sorry ma'am, I need to verify your age to make the purchase. By this stage, my till had a big line and the whole situation was starting to become a scene. This is where it starts to get interesting. I'm over 18, let me take my lighters.
Starting point is 00:02:25 No ID, no lighters. You've already scanned it through, you can't take something out that's already been scanned. Never tell Akashir what they can and can't do. I looked back at my computer, the woman at this point smirks, thinking she's one. I turned the computer around to face her, look her, did in the eyes as I clicked the big red button that says no ID, and the lighter disappeared from the list. Her mouth drops, and her face goes red. I then, in my best retail voice ask, will you be paying cash or card? The woman explodes and shouts at me with a lot of swearing, not even gonna dignify what
Starting point is 00:03:02 she said. One thing she said was, my son will not have any lighters now, I hope you're happy." With that, she left without all her items and her lighters. I told my manager after and he said I was doing my job so I'm not in the wrong. But this is not the end. On my next shift, I get called to the manager's office and I'm told this woman complained to the head office of the retail chain about me Told them I verbally abused her and that she was seriously offended and wants to get the police involved
Starting point is 00:03:31 Turns out the woman was 20 so she could have bought the lighters if she had brought ID My manager tells me all of this smiling but he still has the biggest bomb shell to drop after he received a phone call from head of office, they asked for the CCTV footage. My manager watched over the footage and heard everything, and I mean everything. Her last line before she left was a particular interest. It turned out that this woman did have a son, but her son was most certainly not 18. So to cut a long story short,
Starting point is 00:04:03 this woman is under investigation by the police for child abuse, and it found guilty is looking at jail time. Our next reddit post is from pseudonym. I was working in Disney at the Indiana Jones epic stun spectacular, or epic as it was known to the cast members, and we'd already close the theater for the start of a show. When the theater gets to max capacity, we legally can't put more people in there because of the fire code, etc. This woman barrels up to me, gets within six inches of my face, and waves her paper fast-passed ticket in my face. She demanded to be allowed into the show and
Starting point is 00:04:38 screams that her child, a little boy no more than six years old, needs to see this show, or as day is ruined. She was screaming so loud veins were popping out of the front of her head. I stood there, calm and collected, explaining to her that the theater is full, and we can't let anyone else in. She pushes past me with one arm, holding her child's arm in the other. She marches straight for the ropes that block the entrance, and tries to hoist her son over the rope. Before she gets that far, a manager walks up and puts his hands in the air to try to
Starting point is 00:05:08 contain the situation. He offers to get the kid an ice cream and provide VIP seats to the next show if she calms down and comes back later. After screaming about how rude I was to her, which I wasn't, she accepts the token of kindness. My manager turns to me and asks me how long my shift is today. I told him I was off at 6.30. He nods and he tells the irate woman that he will have me personally escort her to the VIP section down front.
Starting point is 00:05:33 He writes her a ticket voucher for the ice cream and seeds and she fumed off with not even a thank you. My manager turns to me and apologizes on behalf of her. Then he asks me, how many more shows do we have today? I looked at the clock and realized it was after 5pm, and well in the middle of our last show of the day. I looked at my manager as a SLICE smile crept across his face. He had just given an entitled parent a VIP pass to a show that won't happen. The respect I already had for him just skyrocketed through the roof. I was long gone by the time she came back, but I would love to imagine the look on her face
Starting point is 00:06:13 when she came back at 7 for the last show. Kid got nice cream, and mom got mad. It was a win-win. You know, so sometimes on this channel, I like to joke that as someone who reads entitled parents' stories professionally, I'm probably the leading expert on carrots. But it occurs to me that NO that can't possibly be right. The world's leading expert on carrots is probably some guy who's worked at Disney for like
Starting point is 00:06:38 30 years. Our next reddit post is from severe item. Note, this was pre-coronavirus. My parents have a house in the city and I'm home with them due to the pandemic. My house has a very small plot of dirt in front that is fenced in by a large black iron fence. It's very clear this is private property. My grandmother has a green thumb and brought some of her outdoor cacti over to plant in the yard many years ago. They survive every winter and bloom in the summer and they're pretty cool plants. However, their spines and needles are very small and translucent.
Starting point is 00:07:10 It's extremely hard to see them and you can get pricked very easily. I myself have gotten pricked while tidying up the yard and I obviously try to avoid the plants. The needles are also extremely hard to remove from your skin. My mom used to always decorate the garden by placing little models of dinosaurs or animals among the cacti. The kids around the neighborhood all loved it, and often when coming home, I would see some family with a young kid looking at the garden. It was cute, and my family had no issues. Until these entitled parents came along. My mom was in the house on a normal day when she heard some loud noises outside that weren't going away. So she looks outside and sees a group of parents with her kids.
Starting point is 00:07:50 The parents are standing outside and around the iron fence while the kids are in the yard, which is almost completely covered in cacti. They're playing with a toy dinosaur in animals while sitting in the cacti. It's clear the parents assumed the cacti didn't have any needles because they aren't really visible to the human eye. You barely see the needles when they're in your skin. As my mom is looking at them, the parents see her and get their kids out of the yard and leave. Those parents are not going to have any fun, pulling hundreds and hundreds of translucent,
Starting point is 00:08:21 tiny, thin needles from their children's arms, legs, and butts. It's hockey season, and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get a nice rank on Uber Eats. But iced tea, ice cream, or just plain old ice? Yes, we deliver those. Galtenders know, but chicken tenders, yes, because those are groceries, and we deliver those too. Along with your favorite restaurant food, alcohol, and chicken tenders, yes, because those are groceries and we deliver those too. Along with your favorite restaurant food, alcohol and other everyday essentials. Order Uber Eats, no. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See out for details. These side marios all you can eat is all you can munch a soup, salad, and garlic home all. Come on, me, they'm gonna move out of pink! Our next reddit post is from SavvyLay. So let me preface this saying, this is my mom's story, not mine.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I don't know all the details because I know what's a painful memory and I don't want to make a relive it. My mom is the youngest of two girls. She and my dad went to high school together but didn't start dating until they were both in college. It was a chance meeting that they ran into each other in a bar. Cute story. Still happily married and in love, 23 years later. It all started when my mom got engaged. My aunt was so upset because she wasn't engaged first, even though she was older. Throughout all the planning, she was
Starting point is 00:09:41 pounding and kind of cold towards my mom. So the day of the wedding comes, my mom is getting ready with her bridesmaids. She's marrying the guy she's had a crush on since high school, she has her perfect venue, and she's wearing my grandmother's, my great-grandmother's dress. Everything is going absolutely perfect, until my aunt starts crying. My mom tried to comfort her because she's the most selfless woman in the world. Even though she was getting married in mere hours, she was focused on her sister. A little while later, after my aunt ran off, my grandmother pulled my mom aside. Like I said, I don't know every detail, but the conversation went something like this.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Hey, you're really making your sister upset. What did I do? You're way too happy and it's making her upset that she didn't get married before you. Pardon me? Can't you just be a little less happy? My mom was in shock. This was supposed to be the happiest day of her life
Starting point is 00:10:39 and here was her mother telling her to be less happy so her sister didn't get but hurt. My mom's whole life, she was always told to set her accomplishments aside so her sister felt special too. When she was younger, she was told by her parents she would never go to college because she had a hard time in school. Dislexy and ADD before professional help was available. My mom defied all odds and graduated with a master's degree. Can you guess who got all the glory for graduating college? You guessed it, my aunt. And on this day, my mom wasn't having it.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Look mom, I'm sorry that my sister is upset, but today is about me and my husband. We're happy and I'm not going to hide that or pretend I'm not, just so my sister won't be sad. Today is the happiest day of my life and I'm not giving that up for anyone. My grandmother shut up after that. She did give my mother a disapproving look though. I don't even need to have been there to see it. My mom still gets them all the time.
Starting point is 00:11:36 After that, the wedding was perfect. My mother still talks about it with stars in her eyes. Now, my mother still has a deal with her garbage sometimes, but she also has my dad and us kids. Two of us are adults now to help stand up for her. She's very happy. And I'm so glad she stood up for herself. There are a few stories like this that I know about, but this one makes me the saddest.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I'm just glad she didn't let it ruin her wedding day. Edit. I told my mom about all the support she got in this post and how many upvotes it has. And she got so happy, joking that she was right at famous and was so overjoyed that everyone was so kind. Well, tell your mom to hold on to her butt because now she's about to be YouTube famous too.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Our next reddit post is from Saber Tutiago. This happened today. I met the movie theater to see onward. I have a service dog, a very large German shepherd. His vests is Navy Camo and made out of my old uniform. Very clear do not pet patches. A kid, like 12 years old, ran at my dog and tried to pet him. I blocked his hand and told him, don't pet him. He asked why and I said, you should never touch dogs you don't know. I tend to say this rather than don't pet him. He asked why and I said you should never touch dogs you don't know. I tend to say this rather than don't touch service dogs because in general you should never pet a dog
Starting point is 00:12:50 you don't know. And effing entitled mommy came screeching out of effing nowhere. Don't tell my child what to do. I told her so raise him better and walked off with my dog while listening to her scream. EFFING HELL! Our next Reddit post is from It's Still My TV. I'm a family long mediator and work at the downtown courthouse. There's no food or drink allowed and the closest store is about a mile away. Despite this, my supervisors allowed me to have my own stash of candy in my office in case of emergencies.
Starting point is 00:13:21 I'm type 1 diabetic and sometimes I need a bit of sugar. It's just a small ziplock bag with M&Ms. Anyway, yesterday morning I was mediating a couple over custody of their 28 year old boys. They all showed up in pajamas and sweats and the parents couldn't be bothered to control their children. The twins were running around the table, standing on the chairs and spinning in them, smearing their hands on the windows, just being disruptive. At one point, they started tugging at their mom and begging for something to eat. It had only been 30 minutes. Where's your vending machine? We don't have one of those, I'm sorry. Well why not? Food isn't allowed in the building, ma'am, but our session is almost over.
Starting point is 00:14:02 She's lying, mom. I saw food in the candy drawer. The other kid lit up when he heard this, ran towards me, knocking over our documents from the table, and pushing my arm out of the way, and opened my candy drawer. It wasn't a candy drawer, by the way. It was just a drawer I kept my stationary supplies and my aminins. I stood up in between the kid and the drawer as he rummaged through it. Completely irritated at this point, I closed the drawer and asked the parents if they wanted to reschedule.
Starting point is 00:14:29 The father says, you almost slammed my boy's hand over some candy. That was a gross over exaggeration, of course. I told them I needed that candy because of my diabetes, to which entitled Mother gave me an incredibly dirty look. If you've got diabetes, you don't need the candy. Just let them have some for Christ's sake. I'm Type 1 Diabetic. I'm sorry, but we're going to need to reschedule.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Entitled Dad started arguing with Entitled Mother about how she always ruins everything, and Entitled Mother responded by doubling down on her stance. She's wanting to kick us out because sugar is like drugs to diabetics. Entitled dad and title mom continue to argue, and as I went to call in for security, kid won stuck his foot out and tried to trip me. Luckily, I didn't fall, but he distracted me just enough for kid to pull open the drawer
Starting point is 00:15:21 and take the bag. The twins started running around, tossing the M&ms at each other, trying to catch it in their mouths while the entire parents continued to yell at each other. I called security, which stopped the entire parents arguing. Are you seriously calling security over candy? I think that was the point I lost to all professionalism. I needed that in case my blood sugar got too low. Now look, it's all over my carpet in your kids' hands. Security came up and the twins tried to bolt out of the room unsuccessfully. Entitled that in security nearly got into a fight before being forced to leave. I took my break
Starting point is 00:15:56 early and got another bag of Eminem's. And if you think the story sounds crazy, potato howitzer has his own story in the comments. I am also a type 1 diabetic. I carry around a bag of about 40 Hershey's kisses. I always get asked by kids if they can have one. Usually, the parents are chill about me saying no due to me needing them for low blood sugar, but this one parent didn't. She legit called security on me for not giving her kids candy that was for me to stay alive if I'm low.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Please, when someone tells you they need something for medical reasons, just effing trust them. That was our Slash Entitled Parents, and if you liked this video and want to see more, hit that subscribe button because I put on new Reddit videos every single day. you

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