rSlash - r/Entitledparents Insane Mother Robs an Ambulance!

Episode Date: June 19, 2020

r/Entitledparents In today's story, an incredibly entitled woman screams at two paramedics because their parked ambulance in her way. Keep in mind that she can park someplace else, but she decides tha...t she wants THIS parking space and is going to scream at the ambulance workers until they leave. When they refuse to listen to her, she goes into the back of the ambulance and steals supplies! The cops catch her red-handed. If you like this podcast and want to see more, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content. πŸ”” Subscribe: πŸ’¬ Discord: 🎧 Podcast: βš“ Send me a voice message: πŸ“Έ Instagram: β™ͺ TikTok: πŸ›’ Merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Your business has grown fast, from opening your first location to planning an expansion in no time. And with your business platinum card from American Express, you can access spending power and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor is here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum Welcome to r slash a podcast where I read the best posts from across reddit today's subreddit is r slash and title parents and Next award from our sponsors our next reddit post is from coconut boot and the is, it may be the day before you get married, I know we divorced 27 years ago, but tonight is the night I get your father back.
Starting point is 00:00:51 As the title says, my parents divorced 27 years before this happened. It's always been civil on my dad's side of things. He'd lost custody of us three kids and never said a bad word against our mom. My mom, however, blamed every negative thing in her life on him and or my stepmother. I moved to England from Australia and ended up marrying the man I moved for. Coming from Australia,
Starting point is 00:01:13 my whole ginormous family was coming, excluding the woman who was now my ex stepmother. Shalays were booked, everyone was happy and excited. With my whole family coming, brothers, sister, their partners and children, aunts, uncles, etc. We'd all agreed to book in the same place and have a bit of a holiday in Family Reunion. This place happens to have its own little pub run by two friends of ours. We spent the week sightseeing, doing wedding prep and playing in the snow.
Starting point is 00:01:38 A novelty for Australians, the first and likely last time they'll see it. The night before the wedding, we all decide to have a meal to bar. The whole place is practically booked out with our group, so our mate running the place is quite happy. We all eat, drink, and be merry. Stories are told, laughs are had. Many at my expense, as I had been vehemently anti-marriage as a child. My whole aim in life as a child was to be a math teacher in the army.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Poor me, not only am I terrible at math, but I also hate being told what to do. So this room was always going to fail. Given that we were all heading to the wedding venue the next day, most of us retired at a reasonable hour. My husband to be and I merely hiccuped our way to our shallay, singing land down under with my sister and her fiance who were in the chalet next to us. And now we lay me down to sleep, and dang it, who the eff is calling me at this time? It's about 4 hours later. Two in the morning, my mate from the pub is calling and said we should probably come down
Starting point is 00:02:37 there. I shove coats and boots on over my pajamas and set off. I get there and there's my dad, doing his best to avoid my mom, who has decided that this is the moment. What moment you ask? This is the moment she and my father get back together and all the wrongs in her life are righted. She was drunker than that feral pig who broke into a campsite, drank three six packs of beer and tried to fight a cow. This is a true story. Google it. Dad didn't want to leave her at the bar alone,
Starting point is 00:03:08 but he also didn't want to walk her back to her Shelly and have her get the wrong idea, so he'd ask my mate to call me. I try and unwind her arms from him and she shrinks at me. Dad takes the opportunity to run away and I'm left with her. It's only about a hundred meters to her Shelly, so I start to walk her home. She starts crying and telling me the following. Your father still loves me, I know it! Mom, can you just stop and think about what you're saying?
Starting point is 00:03:35 It's been so long since I met a man like your father. He satisfied me more than anyone I'd been with. He's got a... Seriously, no thanks. You can stop. Ha ha ha ha. Willie that just makes me trample. I hold her shoulders, look her in her very drunk eyes, and tell her that I do not need to know about her passionate, hugging life with my dad, ever.
Starting point is 00:04:01 She burst into tears and told me that I ruined it all. I ask her to explain. Apparently, my wedding was going to be the catalyst for their getting back together and she was going to get this to me for my wedding present. Having two united parents to hold my hand and walk me down the aisle. She then started shouting that it all would have worked and I had to ruin it by showing up just when she was making her move. I sigh. I sigh again. I sigh once more for good measure and then ask her if she could please, just for the week, keep her stuff together nice and calm. I remind her that I'm getting married and that I didn't really want to be standing
Starting point is 00:04:41 ankle deep in the snow at two in the morning listening to her talk about manipulating my dad into passionately hugging with her. Readers, she toddlerled me. She sat in the snow, crying, and refused to move until I told her that she could get back together with my father. So, I left her there. I believe the snow worked its wonders on her burning loins because she didn't bother my dad again about getting back together. Tragically, it didn't stop her general entitlement. She still made her best effort at the wedding to attention-seek and cause drama. Our next Reddit post is from Opetator Bless me. This isn't my story but my wife's.
Starting point is 00:05:17 She's an EMT and doesn't have Reddit. She shares stories on a group app with friends. Some are so good though, this one really got me at she all over. She said I could share them if I don't reveal locations and names and not mission-specific conditions of patients unless relevant. A call is received in my wife's team heads out. It's a worrying call, not corona-related, but the old lady is sick and has other health issues. She is however very fragile. They called in a little late hoping it would pass on its own to limit exposure if possible.
Starting point is 00:05:47 It didn't pass. It got quite bad to the point that going to the hospital by themselves was no longer an option. We arrive at the house in question, and there's no other option than to double park. The nice neighbor waves us down. Why have went inside and the partner gathered equipment needed? We're now both inside Lady's house, and partner mentioned that there was a car waiting in front of the ambulance and a lady inside was gesturing angrily.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Barely two minutes pass, and a horn starts blaring outside constantly. Nice neighbor can be heard yelling at someone through the noise. Then silence. A car door slams. An unknown high-pitched voice can be heard, but too far away to really understand. It's quiet for a bit. Then the following can be heard at the doorstep. Get out of the way! The nice neighbor says, no, ma'am, what are you doing? You need to move your car. You're blocking in the ambulance.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Well, it should have just parked in a spot then. There's one right there. Now move it, let me in. I have a child in the car. I've been waiting for 10 minutes. Nothing was free when we arrived and we don't care. We part conveniently for us, not you. Meanwhile we're still caring for the sick old lady. Ma'am, you're not getting in. Do not touch me. Let me in.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I need to talk to the ambulance people. There's some more yelling and then my wife's partner says, she is not giving up, I'm calling it a disturbance. The wife of the old lady said, what's her problem? Why does she want to get in my house? I don't know this woman, why does she want inside my house? Do I call the police? My wife is sick, why is she yelling? The old man was getting very anxious about the whole situation.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Since my partner didn't need my help for the current part and keeping the calm was more important, I, the wife, went to the door. What's the problem? The nice neighbor says, well this… Excuse me, you're blocking the entire road. You should move your car. We're on call, please back up and drive around the other side of the square, and I try to head back inside. Um, I'm not the one blocking the road. I have my six-year-old with me. He's frightened and just wants to go home.
Starting point is 00:07:56 The kid who looks to be over ten years old at least is trying to sink through the ground standing next to the car. Well, then, turn your car around and go home. We're not moving our ambulance for you. This person needs help and you need to leave before we call the police. Wow, okay, don't have to be effing rude about it. We're all in this crisis together, you know. Oh, by the way, are those masks for Corona?
Starting point is 00:08:21 Those look like they work well. My partner calls me so I run back inside. I'm not that good at backing up. Could you help me? Hello? The nice neighbor later explained that he helped her back up before hitting back inside to check on his kids. The sick old lady wasn't doing well, so the call was made to take her in as soon as we could safely move her. Why front's out and get the stretcher? The entitled mother was backed into an empty spot at this point. Meanwhile a bus had been standing there parked off to the side for a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:08:49 It couldn't detour like a car could. The driver was just patiently messing about on his phone. The wife hid back inside working on sickle lady. A few minutes later we just got her on the stretcher as we hear the following. What are you doing? Get out of that ambulance! I'm just grabbing something for my son. They said it was okay. The police officer said, get out now. The kid who's crying says, Mom, I don't even want a mask. Let's go home, please.
Starting point is 00:09:16 We walk outside and sure enough, entitled mother was standing in the ambulance, making a mess of everything. Touching equipment without gloves, obviously searching for things. The police officer asked my partner, sir, did you get permission to this woman to enter and take stuff from the ambulance? My partner says, hell no, she's been making a whole scene and has now contaminated our ambulance. My partner meanwhile had already called for a second ambulance as soon as we walked out and saw the entire mother. That luckily arrived fast as lightning.
Starting point is 00:09:48 They ended up having to take sickle lady in. She left 4-5 minutes later than if they weren't delayed. But being stable had seemed less risky to transfer her and their ambulance into way out in the title of mother and used a dirty one. The two public transportation officers were still trying to get her to come out. They're not allowed to touch people, but looked about ready to drag her out by the ears. For your holiday season, Real Canadian Superstore has more legendary ways to save than any other major grocer. Until December 6th, get a free Jumble Point Seta when you spend $300 or more.
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Starting point is 00:10:40 So you could take your winnings to play live blackjack on the same points vet app. The platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do. Bed on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino. If they waited that long to even get her outside, she's fine. Ma'am, that's not your call.
Starting point is 00:10:59 You're blocking the EMTs from performing their jobs. They could at least hand out master to people who don't have any, waiting around for them to finish talking and leave puts us at risk too. Her arguments only became more and more childish, that she had the right of way that there was a parking restriction, etc. The two public transportation officers finally got the woman to come out of the ambulance right before the police arrived, and they are resident titled mother. She went ballistic and started crying and grasping at her kid. The poor kid was bawling his eyes out, scared and confused.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Nice neighbor ended up calling kids dad who came to collect him within minutes. The dad barely said a word, but the kid was crying he didn't want to visit his mom anymore if she kept doing mean things. And dad looked ready to pop her head off her shoulders but kept his cool. I really felt for the poor boy. The case is clear with not only tons of witnesses but also recorded on the ambulance cameras. The public transportation's body cameras and the bus's dash cameras. Opie, do you happen to have access to that footage because I will gladly pay you for it?
Starting point is 00:12:07 And to everyone else, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel because if I manage to get my hands on that footage, you're definitely going to want to see it. Our next Reddit post is from Kitty. So for context, I'm 5'2 and like 130 pounds. I'm very small and in no way physically built to restrain or get into a fight with a man twice my size. So background info, I worked in a high school and a low social economic area for a while. Now when you work at a school, you have a database of students' names with basic information
Starting point is 00:12:37 like parent contacts, medical issues, and restricted access notes. Restricted access notes just means that the child is not allowed to be seen by certain people, whether that be due to divorce or something worse. This day was a day like any other, and I was absolutely flat out trying to get work done and deal with phone calls. This dad walks in around third period and takes a seat, seeing that I'm busy. Eventually, I call him over and ask how I can help him. Yes, I'd like to use one of your meeting rooms to speak with my child, please.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I'm sorry, I'll have to check if meeting rooms are available for such things without a staff member present. They weren't allowed, by the way. No, it has to be just me and her. He started to fidget at this point, and I knew something was up now. What was the student's last name, and what was your name? He gave me the names I looked up in the system. The child had a
Starting point is 00:13:25 restricted access for her father who was the man standing in front of me. Obviously, I can't see the detail on the note, but it does state that there's a restraining order against the father. I'm sorry, sir, but no one by that name attends this school. No, I know she does. This is the only high school in this area. Just let me effing talk to her. Again, sir, there's no one by that name here. I can't help you. I'm going to talk to her mother, you bunch of grunts trying to keep me away from my daughter. She's my daughter and I can see her if I effing one too. He called me a few other derogatory terms before leaving the office in a rage. I just ended up sighing and calling the mother to let her know what happened before writing that report of our interaction in case the police
Starting point is 00:14:08 were involved. The mother eventually came to pick up her daughter early. Our next reddit postage from ThetaPie. I hadn't acquaintance I would often go to yoga with. We started going to lunch after our workout, it was fun. We would sit on this amazing balcony and relax and have our lunch while we talked about everything that had gone on that week. The first week, the waiter gave me the bill and without a second thought I just paid it. Normally I do the, I get it this time, you get it next time type of thing. Only issue is, the second time the waitress handed it straight to me again. I look at my friend who starts getting her things ready to go and I again just pay it all those slightly confused
Starting point is 00:14:44 and clearly bothered. Then the third time, before the same thing happened, I asked the waitress the reason I kept getting the full bill from her. I asked her while my dining partner was away. The waitress looked uncomfortable and stated my friend each time told her I was paying. I told the waitress to please split the bill and no such arrangements had been made. My friend returned to the table and ordered another drink and I asked the waitress for my bill so I could be checked out. She brought both their bills and I pulled out my debit card to pay for my part.
Starting point is 00:15:11 I owed 1232, much more manageable for my budget. My friend's bill was 3824, about the average of her last two bills. My friend looked at the waitress confused. Oh no, I'm not paying for that. Put it on her tab. I look at her questioningly. Excuse me? I never agreed to that. You paid the last two times. I know I did. That's why I'm surprised you're not paying for me this time. That's when she said the annoying words, I had kids, you don't, you can afford it. Excuse me? I said this clearly offended. If you can't afford it, why are you consistently ordering three times my bill? The entitled mother looked at me smugly and said,
Starting point is 00:15:57 You know I don't get out this much, I deserve this. I was so frustrated. Yeah, you deserve it, but not on my dime. Also, you go out all the time. She called me selfish and clarified she had no card or money to pay for her part. Her and the server had some words. The waitress said she needed payment from one of us or the police would be called. It was clarified by her that even if I personally tried to leave, the police would be called.
Starting point is 00:16:24 The waitress was super mean to both entitled mother and I, and I was uncomfortable and angry because this had nothing to do with me. I just sat next to this girl. I paid entitled mother's part of the bill and left a note and 0% tip on my receipt. I stopped talking to entitled mother. Entitled mother made it a point to tell everyone in the class that she was so confused and didn't understand what the problem was and that she found me selfish considering it was only $38. I stopped
Starting point is 00:16:53 going to that studio. Which if you ever read this, I hope you choke. The restaurant called an asset that could do anything. I just told them to train staff regarding checkout procedures. It was an odd situation for me. I was uncomfortable, and I feel that threatening police on me for food and drink I didn't order or touch was uncalled for. I never went back. So I've never worked as a waiter, so I'm not exactly sure what the protocol is in this type of situation, but I feel like the waitress definitely didn't make the right decision here.
Starting point is 00:17:21 If there are any servers listening to this who knows what she should have done, then please let me know in the comments because I'm actually kind of curious about this. That was our slash entitled Parents. And if you like this content, then follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcasts every single day.

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