rSlash - r/Entitledparents Karen Thinks Music Causes Covid 🙄

Episode Date: December 5, 2021

r/Entitledparents Apparently, a couple of scientists used Covid's DNA to compose a song, which OP shared with one of his friends. The friends entitled mom was stupid enough to believe that Covid can b...e transmitted through music. So, she calls up OP to scream at him and his mother for raising such an irresponsible child. OP, I'm surprised you didn't cough at the Karen over the phone. Maybe that would've scared her off! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-slash, a podcast where I read the best posts from a cross-reddit. Today's subreddit is R-slash entitled Parents, where an entitled family steals from a child. Or next Reddit posts it from the pizza kid. Back story, my brother and his friend wanted to go ice skating. My mom told me to watch over him to make sure he doesn't get hurt, so I did. After a few minutes of watching my brother and his friend, I spot a father with his kid out of the corner of my eye, looking at me. I get uncomfortable, so I decide to wave at them. After a few minutes, the father whispers something to the kid's ear, and then he walks up to
Starting point is 00:00:34 me. Excuse me, do you know how bad of a crime this is? What? Stalking someone, especially children, is bad. Uhhh, I'm not stalking them. Yeah, right. For context, I'm 17, but people tell me I look 19, so I guess he thought that I was a grown man.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I'll call the police. The entitled dad then walks up to my brother and his friend and says, excuse me, do you know this man? And he gestures to me. My brother's friend actually has Tourette, so this makes him really nervous and he starts ticking. My brother says, course I do, he's to me. My brother's friend actually has Tourette, so this makes him really nervous and he starts ticking. My brother says, of course I do, he's my brother.
Starting point is 00:01:09 If that's what he told you to say, he's lying. My brother's friend says, What the hell? If you're trying to kidnap us, it's not gonna work. Are you sure you know this man? You're an idiot. The entitled Dad's kid suddenly walks over. Stay out of this. Mom's waiting. Give me a damn minute. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Seriously, mister, stop it. Perverts like you should be burning in hell. My brother's friend had a verbal tick and said, F*** you! What did you say? She has Tourette's, okay? I mean, every word of it too. My brother said, I can see why. Yeah, that's just my brother being himself
Starting point is 00:01:47 I don't know what smorets is, but it's a stupid excuse Some random passerby noticed a commotion and said excuse me. I overheard the commotion and couldn't help it see if I could be of assistance Yeah, you can this creep is planning to molest these kids. Do you have any evidence of that? Yeah, I saw him go up to these kids. He's my effing brother." The passerby said, so these kids are your siblings? I say, yeah, but the girls my brother's friend.
Starting point is 00:02:15 The passerby said, sir, if they all say that they know each other, then they probably do. I'm gonna have to call the police on you if you continue. Apparently, the entitled dad took the threat seriously because he left and glared at me. I said things in the passerby said don't mention it. My brother also said things and after that we left. I'm gonna be honest I'm afraid that
Starting point is 00:02:37 inevitably in my future at some point I'm gonna have encounters like these. Because my wife is Chinese and we have a kid, so our kid obviously is half white, half Asian. So it's possible that when my kid gets older, she will look like me, but she will very obviously look like, you know, a biracial person. So I'm really concerned that if I go out with my daughter by myself, then there's gonna be tons and tons of people who see me with a little Asian girl and just assume that we have nothing to do with each other And I'm gonna get the cops called on me. So I'm hoping it doesn't happen obviously, but you know Once my kid gets to the age of like going out to the park then I might have entitled Karen stories to share with you guys I know for a fact that a lot of fathers run into trouble when they take their kid out on their own without the mother And I have to imagine that with a biracial kid, it's even worse. Our next reddit post that a lot of fathers run into trouble when they take their kid out on their own without the mother,
Starting point is 00:03:25 and I have to imagine that with a biracial kid, it's even worse. Our next reddit post is from deleted. I'm writing this at midnight while trying hard not to have a mental breakdown. Today was my 16th birthday. Now, unlike other kids, I ask for nothing other than a day to watch movies, no studying, just having fun. This is all I wanted because of COVID in online classes. My mother didn't like that at all. My morning began by listening to her usual, get up you lazy f*****, you're a failure. She didn't even care that it was my birthday. I asked her if she knows about my birthday and she said, yeah, I know about it, so what?
Starting point is 00:04:03 I decided to binge watch my favorite film series, John Wick. I was on chapter two when my mom started coming into the living room every 10 minutes to say, so you're not gonna study? Good luck ruining your life. And telling me how hard she's working to provide for the family. A few minutes after chapter three began,
Starting point is 00:04:21 I left the living room at a frustration. Then around 130, my nice aunt came to our house with a cake. My mother put on a good parent act. After I cut the cake and my aunt left our house, my mom started ranting again to my dad and me. My dad couldn't say anything because he's not making a good income because of the pandemic. My heart broke during dinner when she verbally abused me the whole time. I left the table without even finishing my dinner. I just went to the bathroom and burst into tears.
Starting point is 00:04:50 My father heard me crying, and before going to bed, he consoled me and said, don't worry son, ignore her insult. You have me. Maybe I couldn't give you something this year, but I will next year. That was the best thing that happened to me today, but I'm still broken inside. My friends are asleep, so I posted this here. Ugh, Opie, that's depressing to hear. Your mom is super toxic, and who doesn't treat their own kid well on their own birthday? Our next reddit post is from Sassy Lin. Let me preface the story by saying that my son loves to share.
Starting point is 00:05:25 If he has one piece of candy left and you ask him for it and you say it's your favorite, he'll either give it to you or split it in half so you can have some. He enjoys things much more if he shares them so you can enjoy it too. That's just how he is. Also, we're on a pretty strict budget so he doesn't receive rewards or presents except on special occasions. My son is 6 and we just came home from a parent teacher's conference and we were told that he's doing great, so we stopped at a store on the way home to let him pick out a
Starting point is 00:05:53 toys of reward. He picked out a $40 Iron Man toy. The toy would light up, was about as tall as his knee, and just a cool, fun Iron Man toy. Upon arriving home, he sees two entitled neighbor kids, a brother and just a cool, fun Iron Man toy. Upon arriving home, he sees two entitled Neighbor Kids, a brother and sister playing outside, so he immediately wants to go outside and show them his new toy and play with them. I'm watching them from the window. I see the entitled Little Girl go to her house and come back with one of the Iron Man toys that came from a McDonald's Happy Meal. The entitled Little Girl gave the Happy Meal Iron Man to my son,
Starting point is 00:06:24 grabbed his Iron Man and the two siblings ran back to their house. I ran outside to my son, who was crying. He told me they took his Iron Man and gave him the Happy Meal Iron Man as a trade. I was livid. I marched over to their house and their entitled father came to the door. I explained what happened and I told him that I want my son's toy back. He tried to tell me that my son agreed to the trade that both the toys are Iron Man so what's the difference? Meanwhile, I see
Starting point is 00:06:54 the entitled kids playing behind the father roughly with my son's new toy. After about 15 minutes of arguing with a very sad 6 year old by my side, I finally threatened to call the cops, and the dad tells the kids to give the toy back. They tell him, no, we like this Iron Man better. The entitled dad tells his kids that he'll get them the same Iron Man next week when he gets paid, and the kids say, no! The entitled dad then told me that his kids can keep the toy, but he would give it back after he bought them one. I interrupted him saying, no, they can't keep my son's toy. This was his reward for doing well in school. The entitled little girl then smashed the Iron Man on the floor, breaking its arm.
Starting point is 00:07:35 My son started bawling. The entitled dad and his kids start laughing, and the little girl says, oops, he could have it back now. I took my devastated son home with his broken Iron Man. It's getting late at this point, and I tell my son that I'll take Iron Man to the hospital when he's sleeping so his arm can get fixed. But he has to go to sleep so I can take him. About an hour after my son is asleep, there's a knock on our door.
Starting point is 00:08:00 It's another neighbor. She told me that she saw part of the fight and that the entitled dad had bragged her husband about it. She also tells me that she does daycare for the entitled kids and they often act like that. Our awesome neighbor proceeded to hand me a brand new Iron Man, just like my sons. I think her, but I tell her that I couldn't accept that. She laughed and said that she was putting the cost on the entitled Dad's daycare bill, so actually he was paying for it.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I accept the toy and I invite her in for a glass of wine. Needless to say, Iron Man came out of the hospital looking brand new and my son was ecstatic! He also stopped playing with the entitled kids. Our next reddit posted from Helga Biscuit. I finally get to write about my own encounter. This happened today. I live in a small town in Scotland and I went on my weekly shop to a supermarket. Since the virus hit this country pretty hard, I have to wear a face mask and gloves each
Starting point is 00:08:56 time I go out. I mean, any of us could be a carrier, and there are a lot of older people in this village. While I was waiting, I see this mother with her child. I didn't pay attention to them at first, but eventually the mom spoke up. Excuse me? Sorry, can I help you? Yes, take your bloody mask off. It's not going to help you anyway.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Uh, no, I won't. Have a good day, lady. I proceed to walk away to find another crosswalk. I hate confrontation, and crazy people make me nervous. Don't you think at all about how those masks are scaring the children? My son is terrified of you! Who knows what trauma you've caused? It's also illegal to walk around with a covered face.
Starting point is 00:09:38 People need to be able to identify you. By the way, her little boy didn't seem bothered whatsoever. She tried to argue with me some more walking next to me, but I cut her off. Lady, please keep your distance. Excuse me for living with someone who's in a risk group. I find it more terrifying to lose a loved one. I bet you wouldn't want that to happen to you either. I crossed the road to quickly get rid of her so she can't follow with her spawn. She shouted more angry stuff at me, but I couldn't understand her anymore. I should have been Whittier, but all I could muster was shock that someone would get so angry because of protective gear, but good riddance. Her next reddit post is from
Starting point is 00:10:15 me a worm. The title of this next post is, My mom robbed me of the joy of telling my husband that he's going to be a dad. My mother was a colorful, undiagnosed bipolar person, which makes my upbringing extremely interesting. I definitely describe her as crazy, but nonetheless, she's my mom. I loved her, and we were very close. This takes place shortly after my husband and I were married and started trying to get pregnant. Although we were still young, only 21 and 24, we had just gotten married,
Starting point is 00:10:45 and I was eager to get started with our large family plans. My husband was a little nervous, so we waited a whopping four months before trying. The baby making fun starts, and I, the planner, make an appointment for my OBGYN to get started on prenatals. While waiting for the appointment, my period does not make an appearance. I'm thinking hopefully the doctor will tell us that we're already pregnant. I share this with my mother and she's just as excited as I am. I should note that my husband is a very nonchalant man. It sometimes drives me crazy. I couldn't wait to be able to tell him that I was pregnant so I could see the look on his face.
Starting point is 00:11:22 On Wednesday, the doctor told me that my pregnancy test was negative, but feel free to take another test next week because it was so early in my cycle. She gave me some prenatals and sent me on my way. Bomber. On Friday, I got a call from my mom. I had a dream about fish. Fish, O.P. Fish. Um, okay.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Do you want me to make you some fish? What? No. Don't you know what that means? Uh, you wanna go to make you some fish? What? No. Don't you know what that means? Uh, you want to go to the beach? Stop playing games. It means that somebody is pregnant. Mom, I just took the test, and my doctor said no.
Starting point is 00:11:55 This goes on for a few seconds, and ends with my mother insisting that I come over to her house, which I did. She has several pregnancy tests waiting for me, along with apple juice and bottles of water. I didn't really want to take another pregnancy test. I wanted to wait at least a week before testing again like my doctor suggested. Nope, my mom was having none of it. I reluctantly peed on a stick, and low and behold, it was positive. Before I could even process the results, my mom jumped up dancing, she made up a song and everything. We're having a baby, a baby, a baby, we're having a baby, it's my baby, my grandbaby,
Starting point is 00:12:31 on and on it goes in a different voice or tone each time. Next thing I know, I hear my husband's voice on the speaker phone and she's yelling at the top of her lungs. It's two lines. Huh? What's going on? Two lines, two pink lines. I don't understand what's going on.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Is OP okay? Where's OP? I'm here, everything. What do you mean you're confused? It's two lines. OP? A baby! A baby!
Starting point is 00:13:00 We're having a baby! Huh? OP. I thought it was negative. No, I dreamed about fish. We're having a baby. Huh? O.P., I thought it was negative. No, I dreamed about fish. We're having a baby. That doctor doesn't know anything. Fish?
Starting point is 00:13:11 What? Ugh, why can't you just be excited? She hung up on my husband, then went on a rant about who the hell knows what. I was too busy trying to get my husband back on the phone to explain things. Needless to say, this was not what I had in mind. Not only did I not get to plan a clever way to let him know that he was going to be a dad, I also didn't get to see his face upon hearing the news. Instead, I had to explain my mom's foolishness, which ended with, oh, okay. I never got that moment, even with my other kids. Apparently, my husband is enemy number
Starting point is 00:13:44 one when I'm pregnant, so he knows I'm pregnant before I do. It starts with me doing something ridiculously mean, and he looks at me and says, you're pregnant, and he's right, LOL. Our next Reddit post is from its eye, and I love me. On this next post, OP clarifies this takes place in India. I don't know if you've seen the article, but some scientists converted coronavirus's famous spike protein into music. I thought if that was true, that's so cool, so I should share it with my friend who's Karen's son. The next morning, my mom told me to pick up the phone. This was the conversation I had with my friend's mom, the Karen. Hello?
Starting point is 00:14:20 You c*****er sister f***** son of a b*****! How dare you infect my family! At this point I just woke up and I was still in this weird half asleep phase wondering what sister is she talking about. My mom said, Shut up Karen, don't you dare speak to my son like that. I'll speak. Shut up or I'm hanging up on you. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:14:43 Who is this? OP, I have Miss Karen on conference. What's going on? Who is this? OP, I have miscarried on conference. Did you give her a son coronavirus? What? No. Don't you lie to me. I saw the music that you sent my son. It's coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:14:55 It took me a full minute to realize what she was talking about, and then it hit me. Have you even read the article? Do not talk back to your elders. I explained, basically basically it's a translation of what some scientists did at MIT, but it's not the actual coronavirus. You're not making any sense. You're lying.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Opie's mother, you taught him to lie. What kind of mother are you? That finally broke me, so I said, apparently a better mom than you. Did my friend show this to you or did you open his phone without him knowing again? That is none of your business. I hung up in a medially called my friend. I told him everything and he was really mad.
Starting point is 00:15:36 This is the sixth time this month that his mom has gone through his phone. Her excuse was, I don't want any local harlot to corrupt my son. It's my duty to make my son marry a proper seat girl without any distractions. That was our Slash Entitled Parents, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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