rSlash - r/Entitledparents My Brother Wants My House... FOR FREE!

Episode Date: February 9, 2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash entitled parents where two entitled parents ask OP to just give them his house. Our next reddit post is from Camperinomet. I'm a single man in my early 30s. I've got a brother who's 29 and he's already got 4 kids. He had his first at 22 and the second quality year later. Then the third, two years after that and his fourth kid is the most recently born a couple of months ago. His wife and I do not get along because she always likes to try to get a rise out of me by acting superior. Then she turns into an extreme self- victimizing drama queen if I retaliate against her in any way. She can cry in an instant and can put on an extremely convincing show
Starting point is 00:00:42 to get sympathy from just about anyone. My parents and brother absolutely adore her, even though they know exactly how she really is and just don't care. She is very good looking, I'll give her that. But she's just so awful that I could never be attracted to her. She also refuses to get any sort of job, even though she has a college degree and my mother willingly helps with the kids all day. So their finances are entirely dependent on my brother.
Starting point is 00:01:10 This also means that they can't afford to live anywhere but my parents' house. Also privacy is a bit of an issue with all of them under one roof and a three-bit room house that was built in the 60s. Growing up, my younger brother was also the obvious favorite. My brother always got the lion share of everything, unless people called my parents out on it, which did happen a fair bit by other family members. And that's why my parents packed us all up and moved us about 150 miles away from the family. That way, they would only see us during holidays. My brother got physically abusive towards me on a number of occasions, floored it relentlessly
Starting point is 00:01:47 with my first girlfriend to the point that she broke up with me, and laughed at any misfortune I had. And my parents just told me to suck it up whenever I was upset about it. I only got equal treatment when my parents wanted to keep up appearances. I admit, it was rather funny to see the looks on their faces whenever they had to treat me equal to my brother on birthdays or Christmas because other people were there as well. We had relatives who were very nosy and loved gossiping drama. So, my parents did their best to hide what was really going on and threatened to take all of my stuff away if I didn't keep my mouth shut. If anything, it just made my parents celebrate more
Starting point is 00:02:25 when I turned 18 and moved out because it meant they no longer had to provide for me. I wasn't even done with high school yet when I moved out, but couch surfing was far better than living with them. I've been low contact with them ever since leaving home. They didn't even show up for my high school graduation. Okay, to summarize this next paragraph, OP fell on hard times during the pandemic, so since
Starting point is 00:02:48 he loves campers, he ended up buying a used $1,000 camper in great shape. I originally was hoping to be able to live out of the camper at my parents' house, where my brother and his family still reside as well. But when I asked my parents to let me park my camper there for a while, they told me they had a full house and didn't want me there. They said they'd only agree to let me park my camper there if I paid them basically what it would cost to rent an apartment in my area. But I may as well just be living in an apartment with the rent price they were asking. Also, my sister-in-law thought that it was absolutely hilarious
Starting point is 00:03:24 that I had to live in a camper. My brother joined her in pointing at and mocking me while calling me a homeless bum. And then OP goes into this long explanation where he kind of had to just park wherever he could for a while, and eventually his boss let him park his camper behind the place where he worked. Luckily, OP was able to make the down payment on a house. When I was fully settled in the house, I was dumb enough to brag about it on Facebook. My family saw that post, and that's where the drama really starts. After a few weeks, my parents and brother, along with his family, came to visit me, completely unannounced to have a tour of my home. I didn't even give them my address,
Starting point is 00:04:04 so how they found out where I live, I still don't know. Once I opened the door, they practically all shoved their way in like ran-bunked just tourists. Then they just started making themselves at home. They all kept poking around, and my sister-in-law had this creepy smirk that she was repeatedly flashing me. It was only later that I figured out why.
Starting point is 00:04:26 My parents were constantly talking about how I've got so much extra space now, and it's too much space for someone like me who has no wife or kids. My brother kept remarking about how there was more space than our parents' house, and my house was closer to his job, too. Red flags all around, I know. Eventually, my brother asked me to speak privately. Everyone else suddenly left the room and piled out onto the front porch. That's what finally made me realize they'd plan something. My brother Dan said that this house was too much for me alone, and I should let him move in with his family because his wife is pregnant with kid number 4.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Also my house is much closer to his job. He pointed out that I already have the camper so I could just live in that outside while they live in my main house. Also I'd like to point out that Dan never once spoke about offering rent. Mind you he's got a good job and he also started talking about how there would be changes and even curfews for me and that I couldn't just walk into my own home at any time without prior notice. If it weren't my brother, I think the person I was talking to had lost their mind. I tried to speak, but he
Starting point is 00:05:40 kept talking over me as if I had no say in the matter. I've heard of this exact kind of situation in videos online many times, and never once did I actually think that I would encounter it because it's just so ludicrous, but my parents, brother and sister-in-law do all fit the bill for a bunch of narcissistic and titled crazies, so I picked up my phone and said it to start recording. Then I just held on to it. Dan didn't even seem to care or notice that I was recording this and just sat there with his arms waving around while talking about all the reasons of why he needed my house. Then he went from saying that to acting like it was a done deal and trying to reach
Starting point is 00:06:22 out his hands to shake mine. That's when I finally showed my backbone and said, hell no! I said it loud enough that Dan kind of stumbled backwards for a second. Dan got as physically close to me as he could without actually touching me and said that I didn't deserve this house, and that he needed a better place for his family to live. I laughed back in his face and said that was total BS because I worked hard to be able to buy my house. Of course I deserved it. Dan started yelling that I have no wife or kids and I don't need all the space. So I may as well just give it to him. I said I'm not giving you anything. Besides, he never even offered to pay
Starting point is 00:07:01 me rent, so if I let him move in, then I'd still be covering the entire mortgage on my own house without even being able to live there. Then Dan told me that he shouldn't have to pay rent because his family comes first, and our parents said that I was going to do this, and that I will. I yelled, as if their word is law or something, I told Dan that they didn't have the right or the power to give my house to him. And as if their word is law or something, I told Dan that they didn't have the right or the power to give my house to him. Then right on cue, my parents and sister-in-law barged back in through the front door and
Starting point is 00:07:32 surrounded me to try to force me to agree. Business notifications getting out of hand, buried under an avalanche of customer emails, texts, and social media messages, keep your edge with Thrive Small Business Off-Dware and never miss a message again. Thrive offers one solution to communicate, market, and run your business, but simply small businesses run better on Thrive. Get Command Center for free today at That's THR-Y-V-DOT-C-A. In terms and conditions apply, free plans have limited functionality. There was a lot of fighting, but to sum it up, it boiled down to, just do it for Dan. I told them they do not have a say in my life or my house, and to get out before I call
Starting point is 00:08:17 the cops. My sister-in-law was the loudest, screaming at me about how she was pregnant again, and I can't do this to her. I said that I did nothing to her. She just assumed that she could take and take from me like I would just allow it. I had no obligation to her or her family. Then I called to her a stuck-up beward who never had any respect for me. So I don't care what she thinks or how many kids she has. I have no sympathy for her. She's not going to be living in my house. Well, that made her angry enough to attack me.
Starting point is 00:08:49 She got in one good hit on my face and tried to do more, but my brother held her back kicking and screaming. She kept demanding that he let her go so she could scratch my eyes out. The phone I was holding recorded pretty much everything. So I held up my phone and said that I was going to call the cops if they didn't leave right away. My parents told Dan they were leaving. Then my mother said that I had one week to come to my senses.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I told her that I wouldn't be and to not come back. Then I told my sister-in-law about the phone recording, and that if she tries anything, I'll press charges for assault. She screamed at me and then stormed out loudly crying with her face in her hands. My mother was the last person out the door and said that I had better do this for Dan and my sister-in-law. I told her that I wouldn't be. OP, I would be shocked if that's the last that you hear from them about this.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I strongly recommend that you invest in cameras. Inside your home, outside your home, pretty much everywhere. These people are so entitled that I wouldn't be surprised if you just come home from work one day and they've all just moved in. And then when you call the cop, they're like, Officer, OP is just mad at us, but we've been paying rent here for months. Also, what's really surprising to me about this story is
Starting point is 00:10:05 why can't your brother just buy his own house? And like, yeah, I understand that he's got four kids and having four kids is expensive, but he's also living rent free at his parent's house. OP also said he has a good job, which would imply to me that he's making more money than OP is. So if the brother's making more money than OP and isn't spending money on rent, then it shouldn't be easier for him to afford a down payment than it is for OP. I mean, my guess is they probably all just blow their money on stupid stuff because they're all a bunch of morons, honestly. Our next Reddit post is from Big Z. It's supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year,
Starting point is 00:10:41 but for me and my family, it was ruined by my brother's wife, the entire mother of this story who's 34. My wife and I have always had a strained relationship with my sister-in-law due to her tendency to be controlling and demanding. Not just with us, but with our entire family. It's caused a lot of tension and discomfort in the past. We had a family Christmas gathering where we organized a gift exchange for the kids. My 7 year old son was over the moon when he received a brand new Nintendo Switch as a gift. He was so excited to play it. But the entitled Mother saw the gift and immediately decided that her child, an 8 year old kid,
Starting point is 00:11:20 deserved the console more than my son, stating that she couldn't afford to buy such an expensive gift for her kid during the holiday season. My sister-in-law then tried to take the Nintendo Switch away from my son right in front of the Christmas tree, even though it was clearly labeled with my son's name. She was insisting and causing a scene, accusing me of being a bad parent, and because she wasn't able to afford to buy such a nice gift for her son, then we should give him one instead. Despite the attempts of other family members to reason with her and make her understand that her actions were wrong, she refused to listen and kept trying to take the gift away from my son. My son began crying and screaming, but she just didn't care.
Starting point is 00:12:02 This all happened in the space of about two minutes before the entitled mother stormed off, screaming about how everyone hates her and she's better off without us. It was a terrible experience, watching my son's excitement turn into disappointment and tears. The entitled behavior of my sister-in-law,
Starting point is 00:12:20 not only ruined the gift opening moment, but the entire Christmas gathering for all of us. Family members expressed their disappointment and disapproval of her actions, but she didn't care and it seemed like all that mattered to her was getting what she wanted, no matter the cost. Her actions only served to further damage the already strained relationship between her and our family, proving that her selfish behavior knows no bounds, and that she can't even keep her entitlement in check during the holiday season.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Our entire family has completely severed ties with her since Christmas, and despite her trying to reach out to apologize, I just can't justify having her as part of our life anymore. Our relationship was never great to begin with, and to me this was the final straw. My son will always remember this Christmas as the one where his aunt tried to steal his gift. Hmm, seems kind of strange to me that she tried to reach out and like reconcile and make things up with you guys because she said it herself. She's better off without you. Okay, we agree. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! That was our slash entitled Parents. And if you like this content,
Starting point is 00:13:28 be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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