rSlash - r/Entitledparents My Family Hates My Parents for Ruining My Life

Episode Date: November 24, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash entitled Parents, where two terrible parents destroyed the lives of both their children. Our next reddit post is from Blacksheet Beeboy. I'm 18 years old this year, and fairly recently, on my own from my parents. I have a sister about 10 years younger than me. She was an unplanned pregnancy and nearly didn't make it to term. I don't know many of the details of how rough my mother's second pregnancy was, since I was never told much. But I do know that it was so hard on her body that my mother could no longer have kids after my sister was born. She was in and out of the hospital repeatedly that year. My mother almost didn't survive the birth, either. It made her and my father latch onto my little sister because she could have potentially never been born, and ever since then I felt like
Starting point is 00:00:51 I was just the other kid in the house, except for when they needed me as a free babysitter. The level of favoritism my parents showed my sister long term has made me believe that they were genuinely sick in the head for not noticing exactly what it was doing to me. And now it's rebounding on them, which I'll explain here. Starting with my 11th birthday, my parents wanted me to let my sister blow out my candles because she was 2 years old, and she cried at the side of a birthday cake that wasn't hers. I didn't want to do it, but my parents forced me to do it. They
Starting point is 00:01:25 relit the candles for me to do it again after her. But by then, the moment felt completely ruined. The same thing happened the next year, and the year after that, and so on and so forth. They just kept forcing it until it became the norm. My sister had to have presents on my birthdays as well. I never got any on hers either. And when I asked why, they just told me that I'm a boy and boys don't need to worry about it as much. I know that I was a kid, but did they really think that was a smart thing to say? And also, my parents would always choose a place that my sister would like to be at more than me on my own birthday.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Eventually, it became more like my sister was getting two birthdays a year, and I got none. Beyond this, my parents made their entire lives revolve around my sister. If there's something I wanted to do, my sister had to want to do it too. Otherwise, it was V-tode unless I could do it alone. I learned to just lock myself in my room and play my video games because they didn't seem to bother me there. Unless my sister wanted to come running into a noemi, hence why I put a lock on the door.
Starting point is 00:02:36 My parents wanted me to remove it, but I freaked out because I was an angry teenager who was tired of being intruded on at any given time. My sister came running in more than once when I had no clothes on, and my parents were upset at me for being naked in my own room. When I pointed out how ludicrous that was, they withdrew their objection and just let me keep the lock on the door. My sister developed quite the princess complex because of how she was being spoiled on a daily basis. She was
Starting point is 00:03:05 very demanding. So I stayed away from her as much as I feasibly could. I used whatever excuse I could to not have to deal with her, even if I had to make stuff up just to have time to myself. My parents hired a teenage girl babysitter and I got more personal time. Then the babysitter quit because my sister wouldn't listen to her. And my parents tried to avoid paying the babysitter and I got more personal time. Then the babysitter quit because my sister wouldn't listen to her, and my parents tried to avoid paying the babysitter by saying that she did a bad job. The girl got some other people involved, and my parents finally paid her what they owed her. Then they hired another girl to babysit on the regular. This one stayed, but my parents still made it clear that I was to be watching my sister any day that I had
Starting point is 00:03:45 free. So I went out of my way to make sure that I was busy at my part-time job whenever I could. My sister treated me as her personal butler and ordered me around. She even had a stupid nickname for me that she wouldn't stop using. Just hearing that nickname makes my blood boil. And if I didn't give her everything she wanted, she'd cry and call her parents. Then, I'd be in trouble for mistreating her. Me and my parents had many massive arguments because of this.
Starting point is 00:04:14 And after I refused to yield anymore, my relationship with my parents devolved into barely any word spoken between us for some time. And yet, during my high school graduation, they had the nerve to brag to other parents that they were the reason that I worked so hard. Well, they weren't wrong, but the reason they were thinking of was not the one that actually happened. I worked hard just biting my time for when I'd be free. But my parents acted like they'd done so much.
Starting point is 00:04:43 They didn't even ask me about school until parent teacher conferences came up. I graduated with a B and C average. And after my graduation, my parents just took me to some place where my sister would always have more fun than me, even though the trip was supposed to be for me. On my 18th birthday in July though, things really boiled to the surface. Even though it was my 18th birthday, it didn't feel like it was about me at all. I hoped to God that we were going to my favorite restaurant for once. But no, they had the party at the local knockoff Chuckie
Starting point is 00:05:16 Cheese, which is the only place like it nearby us, so it was the de facto celebratory destination whenever anything big was achieved, including my high school graduation. I did say that it was a place my sister would enjoy more than me. I was surrounded by kids half my age having parties. And I was so bored with nothing to do, but eat mediocre pizza, play claw machines, and dated arcade games for tickets of cheaply made prizes that brought me no joy. Then, when it was time for cake, my parents came out with one that was pink with white flowers on it.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Sure, it had my name on it, but it was very obviously not a boy's cake, and there were only ten candles. My parents lit the candles and set it right in front of my sister to blow out. That's when it finally happened. I just had this mental moment of all the pent-up hate mentally flashing before me, and I and set it right in front of my sister to blow out. That's when it finally happened. I just had this mental moment of all the pent-up hate mentally flashing before me, and I just started ugly crying. I, an 18-year-old boy, was crying in front of the whole family.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Everyone was so shocked that time just seemed to freeze. I got up, and all the stuff that I'd been holding in for the past eight years just spilled out like word vomit. The entire family got to be witness to the event. And when it was finally over, I just walked outside to sit by the family car. Several relatives trailed out after me to say they were sorry, and that they didn't know about the pink cake because my parents kept it covered until it was served. I said it didn't matter that they didn't
Starting point is 00:06:45 know. They all sat back and watched as my life was taken over by little mishung shine for the past eight years. I had no real birthdays or celebrations of my own. They were all about her. And then, on the biggest birthday of my life, they all expected me to just smile and nod like always while they handed my sister a cake that was entirely meant for her. When it wasn't even her birthday, some of them started giving me apologies, but they made the excuse that all this time they just thought that I was okay with it because my parents said that I was. I told them I was never okay with it that my parents forced it on me every year and I
Starting point is 00:07:24 just pretended to accept it. I spread my arms out and said, look where we are. Does it look like the place I went in to celebrate my graduation and my 18th birthday? No one even tried to stick up for me all this time. I'm just the other kid while my sister gets everything. I didn't even get to have any of my friends there because my parents stopped letting me invite them long ago and they tried to voice their opinions over my sister getting to
Starting point is 00:07:50 blow out my candles. There's 365 days a year and was it so bad to want just one day that was about me and not her? Instead, I'm treated like a greedy, entitled brat for winning my own birthday. Then, I just went back to ugly crying. My father came outside by that point to yell at me for making such a huge scene. Because my mother was crying too, and my sister was upset because I ruined her moment. And now, everybody in there who saw things that they're bad parents. I ended up yelling
Starting point is 00:08:24 at him that they are bad parents parents and he should know exactly why. Well, after I said that, the rest of the family descended on him like a pack of wolves. Better late than never, I suppose. But I never seen anything like that before. My father was practically backed right up to the restaurant front door. Then most of the crowd flooded back inside with him to have it out with my mother too. My grandparents stayed with me and apologized for having their eyes shut so tight for so long.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I don't know what was said to my parents in the restaurant, but it was roughly a half hour before they came back out. And when they did, they looked incredibly defeated. My mother was still sniffling after crying so hard, and neither of my parents could look me in the eyes. They both awkwardly apologize for what they did. And then they offered to redo the party elsewhere. But that wasn't really enough for the crowd.
Starting point is 00:09:23 One of my uncles went, um, rather loudly. And my parents said they would never make me let my sister blow out my candles again, or give her presents on my birthday, or make any part of it about her. There was another, um, and my parents also apologized for getting a cake that was obviously not even meant for me. They said that they just felt like I wasn't worried about cake anymore at my age. And boy, was that the wrong thing to say? I became furious all over again and yelled at them that my age was irrelevant.
Starting point is 00:09:57 They'd literally given my birthday to my sister and had no good reason as to why and they knew it. Then I said there was no point in redoing the party because it's too damn late. They clearly showed that I mean nothing to them. They grew in eight years of my life until I became an adult. What future birthdays with them could I possibly look forward to? Well, my father started to get angry at me for saying that. but when my entire family yelled at him, he shut up.
Starting point is 00:10:28 My grandfather told him that I'm exactly right, and there's no possible way they can undo the damage done right now. My grandfather said that my parents were awful people who played favorites and treated me like a black sheep ever since my sister was born. And what's more, they were all awful themselves too because they just let it happen. He said that I was owed far more than an apology. I was owed my life back. My mother broke down again and tried to come closer to me while crying my name and apologizing.
Starting point is 00:11:02 But I refused to let her anywhere near me and half my family members blocked her from getting close. I just said that I couldn't take this anymore and started to walk away. One of my aunts chased me down and brought me back. I could hear multiple family members yelling and cussing at my parents over what happened. But I was so upset that I couldn't even feel happy for any bit of justice after all this time. Also, where was my sister when all this was going on? She was still in the restaurant all by herself, eating cake and ripping open presents that were there for
Starting point is 00:11:37 me. And if anyone was wondering, yes, my parents served her some cake after I cried and walked out. You'd think that doing that wouldn't be their primary focus at that moment, but they were called out on it later. My grandparents got me to calm down and sit in their old mini-van while everyone else cleared out of the party. My sister threw a huge tantrum after being caught opening my presence, one of which was a brand new smartphone that she threw against the wall and broke because
Starting point is 00:12:07 she wasn't allowed to keep it. She literally just got a brand new phone on her own birthday a few months earlier. I ended up being so upset that I was ranting that I never wanted to celebrate my birthday again. My grandparents let me stay the night over at their house. When I got back home, I still didn't speak to my parents. My mother just kept crying because I wouldn't talk to her, and my father was as close as I was.
Starting point is 00:12:34 The following weekend, my grandparents convinced me to go out with him to dinner. When we got there, I was surprised to find a whole new party waiting for me. My parents were there, and they had this, don't hate us, smile on their faces almost the entire time. There was a big chocolate cake with 18 candles on it, and there was even a banner with my name. They called it my Happy Belated Birthday Graduation Party because I didn't really get either this year.
Starting point is 00:13:03 I did kind of have to pretend to be happy. One good party doesn't undo eight years of favoritism, or even make a dent, really. And where was my sister? She was sitting at the table with her arms folded and her lip curled because it wasn't all about her like it used to be. And rather than saying happy birthday for me, they just sing an altered version called Happy Day. Then as soon as I blew out the candles, my sister screamed. I mean, an ear bleedingly loud little girl scream. My parents had to rush her out and then bring her back in later looking more upset than ever. She quietly pouted in her seat for the rest of the party.
Starting point is 00:13:46 I did get a new smartphone as well, and my sister got hers taken away, among other things for what she did at the prior party. But the smartphone wasn't all, the whole family had chipped in and gotten me a car. It's just an old white Volvo, but I loved it the moment that I laid eyes on it. My grandfather knows a thing or two about cars and fixed it up himself. I was so happy. But my sister clearly was not, because she let another one of those screams. She started having a massive tantrum and demanding a car too. My mother had to take her into the bathroom and they didn't come out for a while.
Starting point is 00:14:24 My father just went back to looking defeated. My sister had effectively ruined their attempt at trying to look good in front of the whole family. Multiple family members also had strong words for my parents that my sister was acting that way because they raised her to be a princess, spoiled brat. I obviously started driving the car around right away. But only days later, my sister actually vandalized the car by taking a hammer and breaking two of the side windows and cracking the windshield to the point the car was undrivable. Hold on,
Starting point is 00:14:58 I gotta stop. How old was this sister? Wasn't she 10? Am I remembering that incorrectly? How old was this sister? 10 years younger than me. She's eight? She's eight years old and she vandalized the car because she didn't get a car at the age of eight. My parents managed to stop her before she did any more damage. But she screamed bloody murder when they grabbed her
Starting point is 00:15:19 and took the hammer away. Then she tried to bite them. Oh, everyone was furious with my sister. Especially my grandparents because my grandfather had put so much work into that car, and my sister ruined it while having a massive tantrum. My parents had spoiled my sister so badly that she couldn't mentally comprehend that I could have something that she couldn't. Several other family members laid into my parents about how they were setting my sister up for failure by making her an entitled
Starting point is 00:15:50 brat that expects the world to be given to her, and that she was going to have a terrible adult life because my parents won't just put their feet down and teach her some respect. Well, my sister's actions did not go unpunished. My sister was grounded for the rest of the summer, and starting the new school year, she was sent to boarding school. My mother cried like a baby about it too, but my father had to be adamant that it was the only way to start undoing the damage they'd done. Yes, they fully acknowledged their at fault here. It was kind of hard for them not to, since no one sided with them at all.
Starting point is 00:16:28 My sister is absolutely miserable at boarding school. She hates the clothes, she hates the rules, and she's been lying almost constantly. But with cameras almost everywhere now, she's not getting away with any of it. Our parents tried to visit her a few times, but she just screamed at them for putting her in that place. From what I hear, this may be her school life until she's 18 years old. My parents did pay to fix my car. They had an auto-glass company replace the windows in windshield, and it looks just like
Starting point is 00:17:02 it did before. In August, my grandfather said that if I was interested, he found me a job working for a friend, but it was 40 miles away, so I would have to move out of my parents house unless I wanted that commute. I was all for moving, finding my first apartment wasn't so easy, and I had to get approved for a credit card just to get accepted for a studio, but I got it! I've been living in my new studio since September.
Starting point is 00:17:30 My parents keep trying to contact me, but I rarely speak to them. Anytime that we do speak, I feel awkward and uncomfortable. My grandfather suggested that they simply don't want to acknowledge how badly they failed as parents. And trying to get me to forgive them will make them feel better about themselves, or something like that. But I am not going to forgive them, not anytime soon. I'm finally happy and away from them. Now they've got nothing. They don't have me or my sister.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And my parents had to start taking more hours at work because boarding school for my sister is not cheap. Nor, I imagine, was the party they had to throw for me or the repairs to my car. Empty house, angry relatives, and the only thing they have left is their work. Sounds like an incredible misery to me. I don't take delight in their misery, but it is the result of their own actions after all. So, okay, when I click this post, this is a long, long post.
Starting point is 00:18:34 And the title is, my parents made every single birthday about my sister for the last 8 years, and I'm like, oh my god, this is like 20 pages. Is this just going to be some angsty teenager complaining about his parents the whole time? But I am so glad that I read it. Man, what a story! The neglectful parents, the favoritism, the golden child, the scapegoat, the angry relatives, utterly crushing their ego and embarrassing them in public. The tempered tendrums, the 18-year-old hitting a car with a hammer. Oh my god, at age 8, I was imagining in my head that she was like 13 or 14 or like maybe 16 at the time of that story because I would kind of expect that level of violence from like a 15 year old, especially if she was old enough to have a car.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I can understand her being really upset about that. But age 8, she's smashing a car with a hammer. Yo, this girl is completely out of control. My daughter is not even two, so I don't have a lot of experience with like eight-year-olds, but my assumption would have been that an eight-year-old kid is like young enough that you could reverse a lot of the damage that they had done with boarding school. But based on what they've described about how she reacted to boarding school, I'm not sure if that's the case.
Starting point is 00:19:46 It sounds like at least some of the damage they've done is permanent, and that doesn't just apply to the sister either. Clearly, these parents have nuked their relationship with OP, and now they don't have either kid. OP, you have disgusting parents. And while it is a huge relief that your other relatives had your back at the end, I really wish they had stuck up for you 10 years ago. That was our Slash Entitled Parents, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.
Starting point is 00:20:15 you

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