rSlash - r/Entitledparents My Friend's Dad Stole My Panties! 😱

Episode Date: August 5, 2020

r/Entitledparents Today's episode is completely shocking! OP is a teenage girl who goes to her friend's house to spend the night. Her friend's dad acts really weird, but she doesn't think about it too... much. Eventually, she wakes up in the middle of the night to discover that her friend's dad is searching through her bag of clothes and actually stole her underwear! To make things even worse, they learn that he has a whole collection of underwear! WTF? If you like this podcast and want to see more, follow my podcast for more daily Reddit content! 🔔 Subscribe: 💬 Discord: 🎧 Podcast: ⚓ Send me a voice message: 📸 Instagram: ♪ TikTok: 🛒 Merch: 🎁 Patreon: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're flying to meet with a new supplier to keep your business growing. And with the business platinum card from American Express, you can earn $820 in new value and more, which includes a $200 travel credit toward your flight. Now, boarding business class. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Welcome to R-slash, a podcast where I read the best post from a cross-reddit. Today's subreddit is R-slash entitled Parents. Our next reddit posted from M-NUN. When I was about 15, I attended a very religious Baptist school. It was crazy. So at 15, I really wanted to die my hair. My mother had always died her hair, and I was excited about trying something other than the dishwasher brown I had. I begged and begged, and my mom finally said okay as long as it was semi-permanent. I desperately wanted red, so off to Walmart we went. We found a foam moose that said it lasted two weeks. The box says Auburn, sweet, unnatural color. The
Starting point is 00:01:11 school handbook says no dying your hair on natural colors because of God or something. So we dye my hair and when it comes out, it is red. Like fire hydrant, little mermaid, cherry popsicle red. But it looks great, lit AF. I'm thrilled. But I'm nervous to ask my mom if she thinks it'll be okay, and if I'll get in trouble. She works as a teaching assistant at the school, and so she says she doesn't think it'll be a problem, and we head to school the next day. Also on this day, we're doing a volunteer data stack wood for an old man. Welcome to New England. I get to school and once inside the hat comes off. It's a very
Starting point is 00:01:50 small school. The entire high school is about 30 people and 5 teachers. I get loads of compliments from the teachers too and all as well. But not for entitled kid. She's got a face like a shrunken sphincter and she's been glaring at me all morning. I hate this goody-touchy-shoes-be-word anyway, so I ignore her. Well entitled kid's mom is the receptionist for the school, and she doesn't like me either. About 11 a.m., I get hauled out of class and into the principal's office. Already I'm humiliated and I'm not sure what's going on. I get there to entitled mother and the principal glaring at me.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Entitled mother claims that I was bragging to everyone that I didn't have to follow the rules and knows because her entitled kid told her. And that I thought I wouldn't get in trouble because my mom works at the school. To clarify, my mom is a second grade teacher's assistant and I'm in high school. Also, I had said nothing to anyone. I've never, ever been in trouble. Straight A student, teachers love me. I'm a huge frickin nerd.
Starting point is 00:02:56 The principal decides that Karen, which is her actual name, is definitely telling the truth. They say that I don't reflect godly values with my sinners hair and I'm not allowed to go help stack an old man's firewood because I don't represent Christ with my sinner hair. I leave the office sobbing and my old teacher catches me and asks what the heck is going on. I sob and explain and then head off to the empty room that I'm meant to sit in alone the whole afternoon while all my friends go off together to volunteer. On the way, I pass Entiled Kid an Entitled Mother talking and Entitled Kid smirks at me. But my old teacher has other plans. She's legit the best woman ever.
Starting point is 00:03:36 She goes to find my mom knowing this whole thing is BS. My mom loses her freaking mind. And the room I'm in is next door to the principal's office. It shares a wall. I can hear her yelling. She goes up one side and down the other saying she doesn't know what entitled mother's problem is, but if they had half a brain, they'd know that Karen likes to stir stuff up. And I'm legit a 15 year old who has zero history of causing trouble.
Starting point is 00:04:04 Five minutes later, the principal and a f mean Karen are in my classroom to say that while they don't think that my hair is Christlike and I'll need to wear a hat the whole time that I stack wood, I can go on the volunteer day. F.U. Karen and your sphincter goblin. Also, I was the best firewood stacker they had. Our next credit post is from deleted. So, anyway, before we get into the story, my friend's dad was recently divorced, and it turns out that he was a child predator with loads of very illegal pictures on his laptop
Starting point is 00:04:35 and is now in jail. And after that, he had about five restraining orders placed on him. Okay, so how I found out about this was was I was at my friend's birthday sleepover. We were swimming in a pool and we drank some wine coolers, with our mom supervision, which was still illegal. But we didn't get drunk just slightly tipsy. So anyway, my friend's dad has a strict no locked doors policy. Anyway, I decided to take a shower, so I, of course, locked the door.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I was bathing in my friend's bathroom, so I had a locked the door. I was bathing in my friends' bathroom, so I had a bedroom door shut and the bathroom door locked, that makes sense. So I heard my friends' bedroom door open as I shouted, occupied out of the shower. I got no response except the door shutting quickly, which I thought was just one of the other girls walking in and seeing that I was in there. Anyway, I stepped out of the shower, and I stayed in the bathroom while I changed and dried off. All of a sudden, the bedroom door opens again, and when I said occupied, the person didn't stop, and went straight for the bathroom door as they jiggle the handle extremely violently and pound it on the door. I stayed silent as I thought there was someone
Starting point is 00:05:40 in the house trying to get to me. Ten seconds later, I hear her dad's voice yell, open this door right, effing now. I'm already changing the clean clothes at this point, so I slowly open the door. Why the heck is the door locked? He shouted as I apologized, and explained that I was showering, and I wanted privacy, and he said that that's no excuse. I pushed that aside, as I thought he was in a bad mood or something happened and he couldn't do anything because the door was locked. I stuffed my dirty clothes into my bag and I went back to the party and we were all settling down into sleeping bags in the living room which was big enough for all of us. I placed my bag right next to me as I have some valuables in the bag, phone, charger, money, ID, etc.
Starting point is 00:06:25 We watched movies until 4 in the morning, which is when we started to go to sleep. I got a strange feeling about being watched, so I stayed up for another hour on my phone. I fell asleep, and about an hour later I hear rustling next to my head. I opened my eyes to see my friends' dad squatting next to me, rummaging through my bag as he pulled out my dirty bra and Underwear as he stood up. I screamed at the top of my lungs and everyone woke up. My stuff was everywhere and my friends dad quickly dropped my stuff. I screamed, what the ever you doing at him and everyone saw what he did and saw him drop my stuff. He tried to defend himself as his wife came rushing in. I was trying to make sure you didn't have any drugs was the excuse he went with.
Starting point is 00:07:12 For your holiday season, Real Canadian Superstore has more legendary ways to save than any other major grocer. Until December 6th, get a free Jumbo Point Seta when you spend $300 or more. Plus, PC Optimum members can get select PC or no-name cheese at $3.99. Conditions apply to fly for details. These side marios all you can eat is all you can munch a soup, salad, and garlic home loaf. I ran over to the wife and explained what happened as the dad was saying that I'm a lying skank and that I forced him to hold my stuff. The husband went to a different room and I explained to the friend what her dad
Starting point is 00:07:49 did and she told someone else so I guess the rumors spread around. Everyone was panicking and they were all making sure that the man didn't take their bra on panties. Then I heard the husband scream that I was the one who stole their underwear, so I called the cops. And 10 seconds later, I heard the wife scream, and at this point it was just like a taster fee. We all ran over to her to make sure she was alright, and everything started to become chaotic. Girls were crying and panicking because the dad had this area set up with all of the girls' under underwear is with name tags next to them, such as, for example, Cindy's underwear. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Oh my god. So I'm going to be vague about this next sentence because of the YouTube algorithm, but let's just say that the husband had used them. The police arrived, and we explained to them what had happened, and he was taken away. A few months later, I went to court as my parents were pressing charges, and we explained to them what had happened and he was taken away. A few months later I went to court as my parents were pressing charges, and I explained what happened and we won the case. Then, another few months went by and I was talking to that same friend and she said that her parents got a divorce and that her dad was in jail for harassment and images that you're
Starting point is 00:09:01 not allowed to have. Our-slash entitled parents? This is way beyond entitled parents. I feel like I need holy water I dropped after reading this story. O.P., I'm sorry that this happened to you and I'm glad that this loser is in jail where he belongs. Our next reddit post is from someone you know.
Starting point is 00:09:20 A few months before quarantine happened, I got custody of my six-year-old niece and seven-year-old nephew due to the death of their parents. My cousin was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, what people call a psychopath or a sociopath, when he was in prison for assault with a deadly weapon five years ago and had to pay a fine. His diagnosis makes a lot of sense to me because when he was younger, he enjoyed torturing animals and was basically the textbook serial killer in the making.
Starting point is 00:09:50 When we were younger, he put a camera in my bathroom that my twin brother found before I went in there. He tried to smother me and attempted to kill our family dog. My cousin's mother, we'll call her Julia, refused to take the fact that he attempted to kill us seriously, and I was too scared to file a police report after all of this. I was relieved when I found out that he was sent to prison, unlike his mom who was apparently sobbing at the court hearing. My cousin is set to be released in August of this year.
Starting point is 00:10:19 His mother, Julia, and several other family members have been refusing to let him into their homes because of his history. His mother has been begging my twin brother and me to reconsider our stance. She apparently found me on social media after I cut her out of my life for different reasons not pertaining to my cousin. When making our decision, my twin brother and I took into account the fact that he slipped a camera into my bathroom, the fact that he tried to kill me when we were children, and the fact that my twin and I are now sharing a room with my niece and nephew in the other
Starting point is 00:10:49 room. I am sure that this man will become a serial killer later in life because of the path he's taking. My mom, brother, and several other family members are on my twin and I side. However, several other family members are calling us cruel and want us to just let him stay on the couch until he can get his footing. However, for the safety of myself, my niece and my nephew and my twin brother, we're a firm no. I could not agree more with this top comment from Brianna Warner. Tell those other family members that if it's no big deal, then they can take them in. Our next Reddit post is from Ingrid and the water.
Starting point is 00:11:22 And on this next post, Opie clarifies that in their country, it's normal to live with your parents until you get married. At the time of this story, I, a 24-year-old female, was riding a career high. I was working for a famous screenwriter in my country and we were doing projects for Netflix and Amazon. I put writing my book on hold for this. Before anyone asks, both shows went into development hell and will not be released internationally in any case. My parents and I were moving to a fancy apartment building that has its own cafe. You can't access the cafe unless you're a resident or have been given a pass. I was in there one day, getting coffee and chatting with some other residents while waiting
Starting point is 00:12:00 for some things to be delivered. A nice couple was telling me about how much I was going to like living there and how nice everyone in the building was, when in-walk, entitled dead, and entitled kid. A neat-year-old girl. A cold wind blew in, and my steaming cup of coffee turned tepid. In titled dead, who I've never seen before, points at me and says, OP, you're that famous writer. I arrived under this accusation as I was in no way famous, and had no idea who this lunatic pointing at me was. The couple backed away, and entitled kid runs at me and hugs my legs. Throne off balance, I dropped coffee onto my foot,
Starting point is 00:12:42 which turned back, discultding the moment it touched my foot. Howling in pain, I hobbled to a sofa and sat down while the staff scrambled to get me some ice. Entitled kid had a death grip on me, and I had to pry her off. The nice couple was handing me napkins when Entitled dad plowed through them and pointed at me again. Opie, you look just like your mom. I met her in the lobby, and she told me you're a writer and that you were here. This is my child.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Entitled kid was now setting her backpack down next to me. I'm sorry, I have no idea who you are. I'm Mr. Douchebag, so since you're a writer, you can do Entitled kid's homework for her. And give me your number so I can set up a time for you to give her English lessons every day. This is about when I thought I was having a stroke. I'm a teacher now. Is this kid opening a textbook? I think you have the wrong person. I don't teach. I know, but you can start now. It's our duty to teach the youth. So,
Starting point is 00:13:43 I'll just pick and title kid up in an hour, okay? I actually have to run. I'll get your number from your mom. And he walked out, leaving me with this loud, belligerent girl who insisted on going through my purse. She then proceeded to shove her homework at me and demand that I do it while she played on her iPad. Spinning with pain and confusion,
Starting point is 00:14:05 I pride my purse away from Entitled Kid who immediately began to scream. I hobbled out of there, went saying while Entitled Kid stayed inside and demanded that the staff gave her cookies. I made it to the lobby where Entitled Dad was terrorizing others. He looks at me and apparently loses what was left of his fragile mind. What are you doing here? I told you to finish entitled kids homework. Did you leave her alone in the cafe? Yeah, that's not my job.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And yes, I did. I need to get something on my foot. You can go get her. Entitled dad proceeds to bar my way to the elevator and demands that I wait until he gets entitled kids so we can all go up to my apartment and I can do our homework there. This is where I kind of lost it. I yelled for security and they came running. Took one look at me leaning against the wall and pain and escorted me to the elevator.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Entitled Dad was yelling at me the whole time saying he would be up there soon. So here's where it gets worse. In the elevator, security informed me that he was a realtor and not a resident. He would not be allowed up to my apartment after what I told them. Upstairs, my parents were horrified and my mother apologized for telling anyone what I did. Apparently, he told her and some others that he was a resident. And title dead cornered her in the lobby later and demanded my number. She gave him a piece of her mind and said that he would be in trouble if he or his kid
Starting point is 00:15:33 ever approached me again. He backed down, but told her I should be more understanding because Opie is old enough to get married and have her own children. Who stays unmarried at 24? She had him escorted off of the premises. He's now banned entry for harassing residents. In title kids stole what she thought were minstrel my purse. They were herbal accidents.
Starting point is 00:15:56 That was our slash entitled parents and if you like this content then be sure to follow my podcast because I put a new Reddit post every single day. Be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit posts every single day.

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