rSlash - r/Entitledparents She Called The Cops Because I Wouldn't Give Her My House!

Episode Date: June 17, 2021

r/Entitledparents OP is nice enough to let his mother move into his house, which has a separate attached apartment. The mother moves in, and instantly starts treating the house as if it belongs to her. She uses OP's kitchen, living room, and constantly disrespects his boundaries. He eventually decides to put locks on the door attaching the house to the apartment, so his mother responds by calling the cops. She tells the police that her son locked her out of her house. The audacity of some people! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from a cross-reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash entitled Parents, where an entitled mother expects someone to quit to be their full-time slave nanny. Our next reddit post is from Amrath. My sister-in-law, that is my brother's wife, is a real piece of work. She's high maintenance and demanding to the extreme. She'll demand things from my parents. When they say no, she gets mad, refuses to talk to them, and then takes that out of my brother until he calls on my parents to ask him to apologize because she's making his life a living hell.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Years ago, when my brother and my sister-in-law had their first kid, my parents were allated to have their first grandchild. My sister-in-law's mom isn't in the picture, so my mom was very attentive to my sister-in-law. She helped her shop for the baby, she was a support of shoulder to cry on, even offering advice and insight into pregnancy, labor, and birth. My sister-in-law lavished in the attention and things were golden. Until my sister-in-law went back to work, I was at my parents house visiting when the phone rings. My dad answers. He listens for a few minutes and then simply says, I am not getting in the middle of them. Talk to your mother.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Then he handed the phone to my mom. My mom listened for a bit and then said, well I'm sorry but I'm just not okay with her plan. I'm not going to apologize and I'm not going to quit my job. That's the end of it. And she hung up. Of course I had to demand details. My sister-in-law was going back to her job and she called my mom up to discuss child care. She told my mom about the daycare she had checked out how expensive they all were and what a struggle it was going to be. But then my sister-in-law had a brilliant idea.
Starting point is 00:01:43 My mom should just become a full-time nanny for my niece. Of course, she would have to quit her job, but since she's only five years from retirement, it was no big deal. My mom graciously informed my sister-in-law that while she loves watching my niece, she wasn't gonna quit her job. Kewa Hissie fit. The only other person who could babysit for my sister-in-law was my 90-year-old grandma, but she could only watch my niece at her house because she's 90 and doesn't drive.
Starting point is 00:02:13 And my grandma already has too many pets, three of which used to be my sister-in-laws until she dumped them on my grandma. They carry so expensive, why don't you want to spend quality time with your granddaughter? My mom suggested that maybe my sister-in-law should find a cheaper daycare. No, Montessori Daycare's are the absolute best. My mom pointed out that she had never even heard of Montessori Daycare, so there's no way that her child care would be the same as Montessori Childcare. My mom suggested that my sister-in-law go back to work part-time, then daycare would only
Starting point is 00:02:47 have to be part-time and thus cheaper. No, if I want to stay on track for my retirement goals, then I have to go back to work full-time. My mom just ran out of advice and finally said, Well then, I think you're going to need to just lower your standards or find another option because I am not quitting my job and that's final. Then my mom hung up on her. My mom was not happy at how hard I was laughing. And of course, a few years later when I had my kid, I jokingly asked my mom how close she
Starting point is 00:03:16 was to retirement because I needed a free nanny. Oh my god, the hypocrisy here. Apparently it's okay for OP's mom to quit early and ruin her retirement, but it's not okay for the sister-in-law to quit early because it'll mess up her retirement. Down in the comments, we have this story from Ivan Havishum, which isn't exactly related, but it's too good not to share. OP is your sister-in-law, my ex? My ex insisted that we should get married and she pushed me to propose. When I explained that I wasn't ready yet, she bought her own ring, bought a dress,
Starting point is 00:03:51 planned a wedding, and told me the date. We broke up a few days later, and she threatened suicide. Now she's married to a guy who was once my best friend and they had a kid. And then amazingly OP replied, oh my god, I know that my sister-in-law picked her ring far in advance of the proposal. She also purchased three separate wedding dresses. Then she booked a golf course venue and a pricey caterer only to decide that she didn't want to be in the spotlight. In the end, they got married on their back deck
Starting point is 00:04:21 with only my parents, her dad, and her grandma present and had a backyard party that night. She lost the deposits on everything because she started booking things without thinking them through. Our next credit post is from Frosty Cacaman. For a while now, my parents have been pretty big fans of breaking our stuff to discipline us if we misbehaved. But as time went on, their discipline didn't affect me because I just become used to it. I wouldn't show them a reaction like they wanted, so they would resort to taking or breaking my belongings.
Starting point is 00:04:52 They would always use the same phrase. There isn't democracy in this household. It's a dictatorship, and you do what we tell you when we tell you. So many times I wanted to say every single country that tried a dictatorship has failed. But I'm just trying to get this whole situation over with and not be called a moron by my dad, a lull. So my brother and I got into an argument that was completely unrelated to my PS4. My mom got mad and said, since you guys always want to argue, I'm throwing your PlayStation 4 away. My brother and I were obviously so mad at each other, but then I realized what she said,
Starting point is 00:05:28 and I asked why is she throwing out the PS4 that I paid for? My mom went on to say, this is my house, and you'll do what I say. And this PS4 is a demon. And then she literally threw my PS4 about 5 feet into the air and onto the grass. I was just in disbelief that she broke my PS4 over a fight that had nothing to do with my PS4. So I bought another PS4, and obviously I lost trust in my family.
Starting point is 00:05:56 So instead of buying a new PS4, I bought a used one for $180. The first thing my mom said to me when I got the PS4 inside the house was, I can break this one just like the others. I was annoyed so I responded, I'll just break your TV then and she laughed it off. Obviously I wasn't going to break the TV because I don't like getting beat by my dad lol. Fast forward a couple of months and I get in an argument with my mom because I said that I would do a chore right after this match. And for some reason, my mom unplugged my PS4, grabbed a bat, and in front of the neighbors broke my PS4.
Starting point is 00:06:33 She believes that I'm emotionally attached to the PS4 and it's a demon, but I'm not attached to it at all. I'm just annoyed that my money's been wasted again. When it was over, I said, if you're gonna make me watch, at least do it inside without the neighbors watching. My mom once again said, You do what I say when I say. You should be thankful for all this.
Starting point is 00:06:55 At this point, my payback was simple to just stop communicating. I started becoming a lot quieter and just not telling them my thoughts and just overall being a quiet kid. Eventually I bought another PS4 for cheap and I kid you not, I got that same. I'll break that one also. I've still got this PS4 and I haven't been using it at all with my mom inside the house, which clearly shows that I don't trust her at all. My mom realized this and asked, why aren't you playing? And I happily responded, because you might break it. I didn't look at her face because I was on my phone, but I heard her leave my room. Which actually felt great to finally let them
Starting point is 00:07:34 know that I don't trust them at all with my belongings. If my new PS4 gets broken, I'll make sure to update this form. But as for now, I'm grounded from using my PS4, which is new. They grounded me because I was watching TV during class. OP, I hate to say this, but I do actually think that you should stop buying PS4s. Not because I agree with your mom, but because you have to save every single penny you can get your hands on so you can move out as soon as possible. OP, you may not be aware of this because often when someone is being abused, they're not aware that it's abused because they just see it as normal.
Starting point is 00:08:10 But make no mistake here, you are absolutely being abused by your parents. Your father has no business laying hands on you, and your mother is literally stealing from you. OP, let me give you a few tips. Step 1, get a bank account in your name and your name only. Step 2. Freeze your credit, because a lot of parents will take out loans in their kids' names. Step 3.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Start collecting all of your important documents now, like Social Security Card, Passport, Tax Documents, etc. I know this advice probably seems silly, but trust me. Based on how your parents sound, when you turn 18, you're gonna really wish you'd followed my advice. Our next reddit post is from Lady in Black. So my grandma gave me this cookbook that's been passed down four generations in my family, making me the fifth person to have it. She gave it to me when I got a house and started university 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:09:01 My aunt was in the same room when my grandma gave it to me. My one cousin was jealous because she thought that she deserved it because I didn't spend as much time with my grandma living so far away. If Hitler, Stalin, and Martha Stewart had a threesome, my aunt is the product. She's the most emotionally abusive person I've ever met, and she hates my mom for finding real love and remarrying after she got divorced. She expected my mom to never even date again like her. Well, in December, my grandma passed away on my birthday. She was my idol and role model, and she loved me, and I loved her so dearly.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I was the last person that she remembered before her Alzheimer's took over completely. Well, not even three days later, I found out my auntie is looking for my cookbook, and she demanded to have it so she could make copies for the entire family. My oldest cousin thinks that it's her birthright, and my other girl cousin just had a baby, so she thinks that she deserves it so she can pass it down to her little girl because I can't have kids. I'm having a history hack to me next month. I've told them all to f off.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Grandma gave me this book 10 years ago before she got sick, before I got sick, not that that matters. She gave it to me, and I don't have to give it over to anyone for any reason. Not even roommates were allowed to touch this book. None of them are speaking to me now, and I'm really effing mad. I'm so disappointed over their entitled feelings and throwing it at me that I can't have kids. I turned 27 the day that my grandma died. I want to have kids. I just can't medically have them. No one is getting this book. She gave it to me, and she was the only person to ever accept me as family. I miss
Starting point is 00:10:45 my grandma. I wish that I understood the meaning of family, because when I hear people talk about family, it sounds bizarre to me, and I just want to feel those good feelings myself. OP, the fact that you're aunt wanted the original book so she could make copies is a huge red flag. If she wanted copies, then she could just ask you to make copies. But the fact that she wants you to get rid of the originals so she can make copies suggests that if you gave her that book, you would never see it again. I think you made the right call to shut her down. Our next reddit post is from thrown in deep water. At the beginning of lockdown here in Germany, my mother came to me, saying that I should let her live with me in my house because, wait for it, I am your mother!
Starting point is 00:11:27 Well, I let my mom move into my granny apartment. It has a separate entrance and it has one bedroom, one bathroom, a kitchen-slash dining room, and a living room. She did sleep in the bedroom of that apartment, but she used my main kitchen to cook her meals, but she refused to cook shared meals. Also, she used my living room to watch TV, basically acting as if she owned my house. And whenever I complained, she would say, I am your mother! It all came to a head when I was working on a computer in the living room. There was a lull while the system was doing its thing, so I went to the kitchen to Brutti and have a snack.
Starting point is 00:12:02 During this time, my mother went to the living room to watch TV. I'd been listening to music, so she started pulling power plugs in an attempt to shut off the music. But one of the first plugs she pulled was, of course, the computer that I'd been working on. When I came back from the kitchen, she rejected any fault for it.
Starting point is 00:12:20 According to her, it was clearly my fault because she had to shut off the music to watch TV. And why would she feel entitled to shut off music in my house? Well, because I am your mother! I countered, and my mother is a guest in my house, so until you behave like a guest, you better go to your apartment. My mother didn't like being treated like that one bit. After she went to her apartment, I went to the hardware store to buy new locks. Up until then, my main house and her granny apartment were connected to a door that didn't have a lock.
Starting point is 00:12:53 So I installed a lock and then the phone call started. My mom started calling my siblings to get them to take her in and after they refused, my brother called to warn me that my mother was up to something. So a few days later while running errands, I got a call from the hardware store that I'd gone to to buy new locks. They told me the police had called them to send someone to open up my house. It turns out my mother called the police for help because my son has locked me out of
Starting point is 00:13:20 my house. When I arrived home and the officers confronted me, I simply told them to try our key on the back door. Obviously, they hadn't tried that. Then they wanted proof that I was the actual owner of the house. Oddly enough, I couldn't find the copies to my deed anywhere. So I called my attorney and he sent one of his partners with new copies. He also brought eviction papers telling me to consider it. I simply asked for a pen. A couple of days later, my mother moved in with my brother. The cops are pressing charges against my mom for falsely reporting a crime.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Every single person in my family has called me to take back the charges. Tell the police that it's all just a misunderstanding, or at least put in a good word for her. Why? Because she's your mother, of course. Our next reddit post is from paceup. Oh my god, I can't believe this just happened. I can't post pictures, but I'm going to post a conversation. This is a text exchange that I copied and pasted right from my text.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I'm 17 and my entitled cousin is 19, or both females. I posted a picture of my drawing on Instagram, then it was automatically reported for fraud. Then the following exchange happened. My entitled cousin said, Are you effing serious? What? You know that I draw. So do thousands of other people entitled cousin.
Starting point is 00:14:41 You can only paint. I'm the only person in the family that can draw animated or digital. What? Okay, listen, this is getting stupid. You got what you wanted and I deleted my TikTok. You can't attack me just because I also draw. I'm gonna tell my mom because she isn't that you should be an artist either. My mom says that I'm the only artist in the family.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I'm gonna tell my mom. Um, you're 19? Then my entitled aunt texted me. Oh, P, this is your aunt. I think this is really getting out of hand. My entitled child is really upset. I won't tell your parents as long as you agree to not sell that drawing. You can't ruin my entitled daughter's chances of becoming an artist. Please just take this into consideration, she's older than you. Therefore, she chose to be an artist before you did. You'll have to be in second place.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I'm sorry, but that's just how social context works. What said is that I know that my cousin actually had to have her mom text me because she doesn't even know what half of those words mean. Well, this has been a nice conversation. I'll be letting my parents know about this interaction. O.P., you cannot sell your art of animated characters because that's what my child does. How dare you draw a stitch.
Starting point is 00:16:02 You can't make drawings of my kids' favorite Disney character and sell them because if you sell them you'll have to give the money to my child. You do NOT have the right to take business away from my child because she deserves it more than you do. Entitled on I made a poster. I can sell it if I want to and no I do not have to give the money to your daughter. I'm gonna sell the drawing for about 20 bucks and you won't see a single red cent.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Please leave me alone and I'll be telling my parents about this. I will sue you because that money belongs to my child. Not you because you stole her art. I just stopped responding. What the hell, the entitlement is real. God help me. Just FYI, I don't actually plan on selling this art because of Disney's rights. And then OP's cousin found out about this post and replied to OP.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Did you sell it? Because you owe me the money from it. You are so spoiled. You don't deserve to have that money. You can't even draw. God, you're such a pain because you have absolutely no right to take that money away from me. Then she blocked me. OP, if you're genuinely not planning on selling that art, then just tell your cousin to go ahead and sell her version. And then, once your cousin posts a product online for sale, contact Disney and let them know about copyright infringement. Because Disney can,
Starting point is 00:17:25 and absolutely will sue over things like that. The mouse does not mess around when it comes to copyright infringement. That was our slash entitled parents, and if you like this podcast, you can support my podcast for $4.99 a month, which unlocks extra episodes. Also, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put on your Reddit podcast episodes every single day. Also, be sure to follow my podcast because I put on your Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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