rSlash - r/Entitledparents Stepdad Beat My Pregnant Mom, So I Beat Him With A Baseball Bat

Episode Date: February 28, 2021

r/Entitledparents In today's story, OP has an absolutely disgusting stepdad who likes to get drunk and then beat on women. One today, OP can't stand by any longer and grabs his baseball bat. Just as stepdad goes to beat on his mom, he slams his stepdad in the knee and then starts wailing on him until the police show up. After he's been beaten to a pulp, the stepdad is hauled off to jail. If you like this content, subscribe for more daily Reddit stories! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 These side marios all you can eat is all you can munch a soup salad and garlic home Welcome to our slash a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit today Subreddit is our slash entitled parents where OPs max an entitled father with a baseball bat our next reddit poses from Raven Holt This story is about my wife's parents and their retirement plan. A key detail here is that for years, her parents have been pressuring us to buy a house with extra rooms. I didn't know why until not too long ago. So last year, my wife explained to me that our parents were retiring early to enjoy life. They're around 50. They sold their house and most of their belongings. They decided to spend most of their summers in a camper, so far so good. But here's the kicker. The basis of
Starting point is 00:00:50 their plan is that they plan on living with their kids for the rest of the year when the camping grounds are closed. The grounds closed in September, so this means they need somewhere to go for the remaining 8 months of the year. Now I should mention that they only have two children, my wife and her sister. This is their plan until the day they die. All their money is going into seeing the world and camping, nothing else. And if they ever get sick and can't travel anymore, you got it. It's now our responsibility because they'll have no money for a special care home or nurse by then. I told my wife that I am not okay with this. We have a child, and I'm looking forward to the day when we're done raising
Starting point is 00:01:30 him and we can do the things that we want. To me, living with our parents, seeing them every day, every meal watching TV with us is a nightmare scenario. I do like them, so that's not the issue. I just don't want to be burned by an older couple that I would essentially be responsible to feed in house. Thankfully, my wife totally agreed with me that it's a garbage idea. We have our own life to live. They don't show it much, but I can tell they're offended and feel rejected. But honestly, it was a terrible idea, and when I get to be that age, I won't have a luxury
Starting point is 00:02:04 of living off my kid and I certainly would feel like a piece of garbage if I expected that of him. And no, you're not going to munch off of me to make me probably have to work until I'm 75. So my question to you is, am I the butthole? I feel like if I'm going to work my butt off, I want to enjoy my free time. I don't want to take care of an older couple that decided they should just quit their responsibilities and pawn them off to one of their kids who are just starting off their
Starting point is 00:02:29 married lives. My wife's sister is okay with this, and her parents spent all of winter and spring over at her place with no issues. Personally, I feel this is gross entitlement. Seriously, of course I would take care of my parents if they fell sick or fell on hard times, but who just decides to live off of other people just because? O.P., it would be a different situation if they were too broke to afford living on their own, but that's not the case at all. They had a comfortable financial situation, and they decided to blow all their money on travel and force you to pick up the pieces. Our next
Starting point is 00:03:04 reddit post is from Fickless Pickle. So to start things off, my wife, who I'll call Emily, was always a bit entitled. Because she'd grown up with wealthy parents and truly was one of those, keep me in a lifestyle which I'd become accustomed to, types. I accepted that because I knew it was her parents that made her that way and that these learned behaviors could be unlearned just by existing in real life, and she truly had a wonderful side. She could be generous and loving, and truly cared about the people she allowed into her life.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I think this also played into her entitled parent status, though, because she expected others to be as generous as she could be, and she was fiercely and blindly protective of her children. Unable to see how she or they were in the wrong until after the fact, when it had been explained to her in excruciating detail, all this to say she had a big disconnect between how she thought people should behave
Starting point is 00:03:55 versus what was actually appropriate and realistic from strangers. With that picture painted, here's what happened. We were at Tesco's with my youngest daughter who has mild autism and struggles to understand social situations. You may also know that people with autism have a distorted sense of self and can be very self-centered.
Starting point is 00:04:12 My daughter collects funcope hops and is currently obsessed with Harry Potter. She won the Luna Love Good with the Lion Headdress one and every time we went into Tesco, she would run to the Toilet to see if they had it. So we arrive at Tescos and she would run to the toil aisle to see if they had it. So we arrive at Tesco's and she runs straight to the toil. We follow behind at a distance to allow her time to browse without us looking over her shoulder. She was out of sight for longer than a minute and we heard her scream. We both ran over in a panic and we found my daughter trying to pry the funcopop out of another young girl's hands. The other young girl is in a wheelchair and clearly has severe learning difficulties. I know that you'll judge my daughter here. pride the fun copop out of another young girl's hands. The other young girl is in a wheelchair
Starting point is 00:04:45 and clearly has severe learning difficulties. I know that you'll judge my daughter here, but please keep in mind that she is autism and learning disabilities herself. The girl in the wheelchair is trying to hold the fun copop out of reach and her mom is saying to the side of her trying to get between my daughter and hers without touching my daughter. It was a trying task. My wife stomps over and immediately starts in on the mother. Don't you dare touch my daughter! The other mother, with the patience of a saint, looks at my wife and says, I'm not, I'm trying to stop her hurting my daughter.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I get a bit annoyed at this because my daughter has never been violent to anyone. But I could see why she would make this assumption given what was happening. My wife did not see this. She instantly started shouting, how dare you! What do you think she is? Some kind of monster? She would never hurt an R word person, she just wants the fun copop. If you would just give it to her, she would leave you alone.
Starting point is 00:05:42 She looked at the girl and said, give it to her now! The other mom instantly stepped into my wife's face and very calmly warned her that if she calls her daughter that again, she will beat the stuffing out of her. My wife looked at me for help, but I just stood there. The truth is, I was about to intervene on behalf of the other mother. I was so full of rage at my wife that she would call another child the R word given our own daughter's issues, and how upset my daughter had gotten when she had been called that exact word in the past. I knew right then that this woman that I had chosen to marry was a vile human being. They argued back and forth for a little bit with no real resolution. Meanwhile, I picked up my daughter to try to stop her from grabbing
Starting point is 00:06:24 the young girl's funcope op. Their argument was pretty mundane with the usual things you'd expect. The mother explained that she didn't have to give up the toy because her daughter had picked it up first. We later found out that there were plenty of other Luna-loved good funcope hops on the shelf. It wasn't even the only one left.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And my wife had the audacity to tell this woman that my daughter needed it because she has autism and her daughter didn't. At this point, I got fed up and intervened. I cut my wife off and apologized profusely to the mother and offered to buy her the toy. She not so politely, but also understandably declined. As the other mother left, my wife began screaming at me about how I should have defended her. I explained to my wife that I would have nothing to say to her until we got to the car. I noticed the remaining Luna love good pops and let my daughter choose another. My wife followed me around trying to engage me in conversation, but I ignored her for the most part,
Starting point is 00:07:19 and I reiterated that I had no intention of speaking to her. I had never been so disgusted by anyone in my life. And the idea that this woman was the mother of my child made me feel sick. I later explained to her why she was wrong and she began to get it, but the damage had been done. I couldn't be with someone who would use that word to describe someone who had an even worse than our own daughter. We ended up divorcing over something else weeks later, but in the back of my mind at that moment, that was the beginning of the end. Man, that story is depressing OP. I think one of the biggest problems that someone can have is just a complete lack of empathy. Unfortunately, it sounds like your
Starting point is 00:08:00 ex-wife just doesn't have an empathetic bone in her body. I mean, maybe she shows empathy for people in her family, but that's the whole point of empathy. It's universal. If you can't show empathy to strangers, then you're just a selfish douchebag. Enjoy the classic taste of the holidays at Tim's, with the new non-alcoholic Bailey's flavored holiday menu. Whether you're hanging holiday lights or driving up to your folks, you can enjoy your Tim's and Bailey's anytime, anywhere, at participating restaurants in Canada. This episode is brought to you by RBC Student Banking.
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Starting point is 00:08:51 Conditions apply. In January 31, 2024, complete offer eligibility criteria by March 29, 2024. Choose one of eight eligible charities, up to $500,000 in total contributions. Our next credit post is from Jalgae. I'm a high school student and I recently had to do a science project. The teacher gave us half a year year and most kids just procrastinated. I pulled a couple of late nights trying to finish it. So the science pair rolls around and I set my project up.
Starting point is 00:09:14 I did something to do with aerodynamics and car shapes if you're wondering. I go grab something I left in my mom's car and as I'm walking back, I see some woman reading my project. I didn't really care. I just finished setting up my project and went back to class. At break, I came back and I saw the same woman with someone who I assumed to be her son still standing at my project. It seems sus, but I was too lazy to shoot them off.
Starting point is 00:09:38 So everyone had a designated time slot during the day where you were supposed to be present with your parents and it was posted in the gym. Unfortunately, I had to finish a math test before I could go and my mom and dad both worked too far away to come and help me. When I got there, the judges were talking to the same mom and kid at my project. So, I ran over and the mom was talking to the judges about my project. Except, she was giving all the credit to her lazy son. Basically, she read all of my information on the project, then taught it to her lazy son to regurgitate to the judges. I intervened.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Hey, this is my project, not this entitled Moms in Her Stupid Sons. Who are you? The owner of this project. No, this is my son's project. No, it isn't. Is his name OP? The judges were confused at this point. At this point, the entitled Mother Starts Yelling. My son deserves this more than you. Then he should have done the work. He needs his win for a scholarship. So do I.
Starting point is 00:10:40 The judges try to intervene with the stupid son telling the judges that this was his project. Eventually, a teacher rolls around and points out that the project has my name, not the lazy kid's name. The entitled mother and her lazy son are kicked out and I present my work to the judges. Later, I learned the lazy son had to repeat one class again since it was a benchmark. If anyone was wondering, I got third place, but I think it was just a pity price to be honest. Nah, OP, the real price was being able to shut down a Karen and her lazy son. Our next reddit position baby girl are.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Some context. My job allows you to request time off a month in advance. We always push you to ask further out so they have more time to find coverage. Days requested our first come first serve. We're required to work all holidays, except for things giving and Christmas. Other holidays are usually requested way earlier in the year, so later requests are denied.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Holidays are usually requested at least six months in advance. A few of my coworkers were all discussing their Halloween plans with their kids today. They work on planning about not being able to take their kids out because they'd been scheduled to work in the evening and had been denied their request. The conversation took a turn that I should have expected, but I was surprised regardless. One of the women was significantly more upset than the others and told the group, I requested Halloween off two months ago and they didn't give it to me. I was going to take my kids to a pumpkin patch. They gave the day off to Mike and they didn't give it to me. I was gonna take my kids to a pumpkin patch. They
Starting point is 00:12:06 gave the day off to Mike and he doesn't even have kids. He's gonna go out and get drunk while my kids cry at home. Only moms here should be allowed to take Halloween off. We have kids to take out. All these other women agreed very loudly and kept ranting about other holidays and how it's wrong to not prioritize women with kids over people who just won a party. The most ironic thing from all of this is that I've heard that woman brag about how she only likes being a mom on holidays because she gets a day off. Then she gets pissed off that she doesn't get Halloween off and I have a hunch that it has nothing to do with her kids.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I guess you just don't get to enjoy the holidays if you don't have children. Down in the comments, we have this story from Dancers with Trout. A little bit off topic, but this reminds me of my old boss. It was decades ago, but I still remember it very clearly. I was new to the job, maybe I'd been there a year or so.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Since I hadn't accrued much sick leave, I hadn't taken any time off because I was trying to build up vacation time to use in case I got sick or something. Then one day I wanted to day off, I think to take my wife and kids somewhere. I met with my boss and said, Carla, I'd like to take next Tuesday off because she cut me off mid-sinnons and said, OP, don't ever tell your manager why you want to take some time off. Just ask for it.
Starting point is 00:13:24 You've accumulated the time off, you're entitled to it, just take it. If you tell me or any other manager why you want to take the time off, you put them in a position of being able to decide whether your needs are important enough. It's not relevant. If you want to take a day off so you can stay home, drink beer and watch cartoons, well's none of my freaking business. So yeah, by all means, take the day off. She was maybe the best boss that I ever had. I agree with Carly here, but I tried that at my last job before I became a professional YouTuber, and they did not like it. But then they fired me and now I'm a pro YouTuber, so all's well that ends well, guess. Our next credit posted from not a JoJo. Some context, I was 11 when this happened and my mom was about 8 months pregnant with
Starting point is 00:14:09 my little brother. Her live-in boyfriend was a massive waste of DNA and usually took his frustrations out on me. When this happened, he thought that I was at my grandmother's because my mom's dietary changes while being pregnant were causing me health problems. But I was over helping her with housework and I'd been playing games for about an hour at the time of the incident. So this douchebag had gotten home at about 8 or 9 pm and he was already in a bad mood
Starting point is 00:14:32 for some reason. My mom went to ask him to stop shouting because the last time the neighbors came over because he was so loud and she didn't want to have to explain that one again. Honestly, I didn't blame her. She was pregnant, her feed her, and she was in the hospital for kidney stones like three days before this happened, so she was tired and frustrated.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Apparently, this douchebag decided that he had to be mad at her and started shouting obscenities at my mother, which led to me grabbing a baseball bat I kept under my bed and sneaking closer to here. Well, right as I got within range, I saw his hand fly up, and I'd seen that gesture before. He was about to hit my pregnant mother. So my first reaction was to swing that bat into his leg as hard as I could.
Starting point is 00:15:17 And when he went down, I hit him maybe three or four more times at full force. Mind you, even though I was a child I was certainly not weak, and I knew to hit him in his knees, and wrist, apparently, I kneeled his left wrist at one point. My mother called my grandma on 9-1-1, which resulted in a cop car and an ambulance. The cops asked what happened as they loaded him into the ambulance, and he tried to say that I assaulted him, unprompted. That's when my grandma came to defend me, and interjected that, one, I have never hit someone without being hit first.
Starting point is 00:15:47 And two, my mom and her boyfriend were constantly fighting. She said they could go ask the neighbors and the neighbors back to her up. When the cops asked why I hit him so hard that I broke at least one knee for sure, I stated, he could hit me and I'd probably hide since he's bigger than me, but he was gonna hit my mom and she's pregnant I didn't want the baby to get hurt so I heard him first and made sure that he wouldn't do it again My mom agreed to press charges for assault, child endangerment, and child abuse The cops were also informed of how he verbally, mentally, and emotionally abused me and my grandma had at least one voice recording of this happening in the past
Starting point is 00:16:24 I wasn't able to go to the trial because I was a child, but luckily my grandma had physical proof of his abuse. Later, I found out that he was only granted weak in visitation at my mom's convenience, and he had to pay child support. A few years later, he got himself arrested for some reason, and he had his visitation rights revoked by the court. So yeah, don't mess with my mom mom and don't mess with my little brother. My family will ruin you.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Nothing was more gratifying than knowing this man can no longer see his only child because he thought he could get away with being an abusive dick. This reminds me of that Dr. Seuss book, Hop on Pop, except instead of hopping on Pop, you're wailing on him with a baseball bat. That was our slash entitled Parents, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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