rSlash - r/Entitledparents Stupid Parents Get Their Kid Stuck in an Antique Vase!

Episode Date: May 20, 2021

r/Entitledparents You ever go to a store and see parents who let their misbehaved kid just run around and do whatever he wants? Well, the parents in today's story definitely regret letting their kid r...un wild. The dumb kid manages to get stuck in a vase owned by the store, so they have to shatter the vase to get him out. Naturally, the parents blame the store and refuse to pay, but the store is well within their rights to force these entitled parents to fork over money for the broken vase! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is just the beginning. Stream the complete Dutton Legacy, 1883, 1923, and all seasons of Yellowstone. I love Montana, but I'm doing this far family. Paramount Plus, the streaming home of Yellowstone. Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from a cross-reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash entitled Parents, where a couple of parents learn the hard way that, if you break it, you buy it. Our next reddit posted from Doggo of Borth.
Starting point is 00:00:28 A child, maybe about seven years old, got stuck in a very large, very expensive base today. My boss was on the store floor and he explained the policy about breaking to the kid's parents. But he's a child! My boss just shrugged and pointed to the policy poster. He pointed out the cameras that caught them lifting their child into said expensive vase, you know, for funsies. The stuck child then began to panic. I came out of the back of the store to a broken vase and the parents threatening to sue.
Starting point is 00:01:00 My boss threatened to call the cops, so the parents paid for the vase and took their un-injured child away, thankfully. Basically, don't put your kids in expensive bases. I feel like they should go without saying. Down in the comments, I'm going to read this post from Hank Fincherstein. They put their tot in a pot, then fought a lot, got tot, and bought the pot. It cost a lot. Our next word it post is from your Royal Panteness.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Background, I'm an adult figure skater and I practice in a big group of other adults. We have skaters ranging from beginners up to former elite skaters. Due to COVID, the public ranked that we usually skate in as closed, and occasionally we rent out a private rank for an hour to skate. It's a lot more expensive than our ordinary practice, but you do what you have to. Also, it's incredibly hard to get these time slots since demand is high. Luckily, ice skating is a corona safe sport, so no worries there. We're a group of 8 people in a huge ice rank, and we change outside, so everything's
Starting point is 00:01:58 correct by our laws. A few months ago, we rented the private ice rank and arrived at our time slot. Since we had to change outside, we couldn't see what was happening inside. When we went inside, we found about 10 parents and something like 15 to 20 kids, all aged 3 to 6 years old. One of the moms approached me with a worried expression. Are you the ones who rented the ice? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:21 You see, we were just informed that we booked the wrong day. Apparently we booked next week this time, but we're here today. I'm sorry to hear that. What a bummer. She looks at me in another skater who had just come in behind me. Is it just a two of you? No, we're a whole group. Can't we split the eyes half and half?
Starting point is 00:02:41 Uh, no. We're not here to joysgate. We're seriously practicing. As a quick side note, this is something that we can't budge on. First and foremost, it's incredibly dangerous. If I run into your kid, it's gonna hurt badly, and I risk hurting myself too. But I mean, it's your kid. Do you want their face sliced up? I would never ever let my own kids on the ice during a serious practice. Secondly, we rent the ice-grink to be able to practice freely.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Using only half the rank makes it impossible to practice your program. Thirdly, kids tend to drag a lot of mud onto the ice, and dirt and mud is a big no-no for skates. It'll wear out your skates really quickly, and then you have to pay to have them re-sharp ends. Now, I'll admit, I kind of felt sorry for them. We all screw up sometimes and it sucks. It can't be fun to reschedule an event like this and I get that.
Starting point is 00:03:32 But what happened next is what makes the story entitled. The mom walks off to the other parents while saying, I guess you could come next week at that su-chu. Then she goes up to the kids, points at us and says loudly, These people don't want you to skate, they win it all for themselves. She said this in a super accusatory tone, like we were personally responsible for her mistake. I ignore her and step onto the ice together with the other skater. This commotion already causes a few minutes of our short time on the ice.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I see one more person from our group entered the ring and the entitled mother speaks to her too. I can't hear what they're saying though. My friend later confirmed to me that the entitled mother tried the same trick on her. Guilting her into letting them share the ice and then asking if the kids could at least walk out on the ice to touch it. Since all the kids are wearing muddy shoes, my friend declines. The rest of her group arrives and we start warming up. Half a minute later, the entitled mother opens the gate and lets two of her kids run straight onto the ice. I waive at her to get them back off the ice and she purposefully waits before she tells them to come back. Only they don't listen. She just lets them slide around as much as they want. Eventually, she has to walk out with her muddy shoes to pick them up. She doesn't say sorry or anything.
Starting point is 00:04:45 It's not the worst entitlement, but it still boils my blood. Especially how she tried to blame us in front of the kids. Well not a problem OP because you can make up your time in the ice next week. Just show up next week during her time slot in her ass her and her kids. Seems fair right? On this next post OP is is a 17-year-old girl. This is a conversation between her and her entitled aunt, and her entitled aunt has a 19-year-old girl. My aunt said,
Starting point is 00:05:12 I saw that you got your nails done. You can get your nails done, but those are too long because my daughter gets long nails. I actually did these nails myself, and I can have them whatever length I like. Where'd you get them money to get your nails done anyway? Selling your nudes online? I wouldn't run that past you, honey. Uh, no, I've been selling my art. I'm very appreciative of my fans who buy my art. Maybe if your daughter stops copying art, she could sell her own.
Starting point is 00:05:41 So then my aunt and her kid called my dad and the conversation went like this. Hello? Are you aware that O.P. is selling her nudes online? How could you be alright with this? She's a minor. My dad just laughed and said, you're actually insane. No, it's true, she does, she sells them on Snapchat. I said, but my parents follow me on Snapchat. My dad said, all right, well, this is pointless. I'm not going to feed your BS, then he hung up. My entitled aunt texted me.
Starting point is 00:06:12 You can't sell your art anymore because now that you can't sell your nudes, no one will buy it. Our next bread of pokes is from Morgan. My ex-husband isn't actually my ex-husband. We've been separated for nine years now, but we've never actually signed papers for numerous reasons, financial being the biggest one. We've co-parented our son well for those years, and for the past eight years we've included my boyfriend in the process. We've been doing quite well at this, and the three of us have established a pretty good relationship.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Two years ago, however, my ex got a new girlfriend. Her and I do not get along. mainly because she doesn't like me. And no, I'm not just saying this because I'm biased. I've always encouraged my son to respect her and try to get along with her, but my son cannot stand her or her two daughters. I don't mind her youngest daughter, she's hyper and bounces off the wall, but she's eight so that's to be expected. The oldest one, however, who's 11, the same age as my son, she's… well, she's a B word. She actively ridicules and belittles her little sister, my son, and
Starting point is 00:07:17 my daughter, who's 6. She's rude to me, my ex-assided the family, and even my ex. This girl is absolutely out of control. So anyways, last week in my son was at his father's place. However, my ex and his girlfriend had been invited to an adult party. My ex and I were discussing when he dropped my son off on Wednesday, and he mentioned that it might be easier if we switched weekends around. But he wasn't sure if he could find a babysitter for the two girls, so he had to wait and see. I was fine with that, and told him to just keep me informed. Later that night his girlfriend sent me a message saying that since I was taking my
Starting point is 00:07:50 son for the weekend I could just take the two girls and keep them for the weekend too. Before I could even respond to this she added that she would send over extra clothes and some money so we could get pizza. I told her that I would not be taking her girls. That I wasn't just taking my son for the weekend, he lives with me, and that his father and I were just switching weekends around. And I certainly wasn't taking care of her kids for the weekend. She sent a message back saying that it was very rude of me to not take her girls, since she took my son every other weekend. Before I could respond,
Starting point is 00:08:22 she again sent over another message saying that she's sent over 15 bucks for pizza. I told her that she didn't take my son on the weekends, that my son spent the weekends with his father and reiterated again that I wouldn't be taking her girls. She responded by asking what I was doing that I couldn't take the girls. I told her we weren't doing anything, we were just going to have a nice relaxing weekend. She asked why I would ruin her and my ex's weekend by not taking the girls. At this point, I was annoyed and told her that I didn't like her oldest daughter, that she was a brat, and that she wasn't allowed in my home outside of emergency situations.
Starting point is 00:08:57 She responded by saying that I was an awful person, a terrible mother, and I didn't deserve to have kids because I clearly didn't understand parents who just need a break. I ended up blocking her, but like, come on. Childhood vaccines have been around for decades and are safe and proven to help protect children against 14 preventable diseases. Learn more at slash childhood vaccines, a message from the government of Canada. Metrolinx and cross links are reminding everyone to be careful, as Eglinton Cross-Town LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Remember to follow all traffic signals, be careful along our tracks, and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. Our next way to post it from Daxdenblake, I'm the executive assistant to the CEO of a pretty big fashion brand. My job has some perks, like I get a lot of free clothes. Mainly, I'll get free clothes when I go to a big event with my boss. It just wouldn't look very good if I was wearing clothes from another designer. But on top of that, my boss also gives me defective clothes.
Starting point is 00:10:12 That is, clothing that came out wrong or is imperfect or not up to my boss's standards. Now for some reason, this makes people think that I'm stuck up, and I swear that I'm not. And I really appreciate that my boss does this because there was a time when I had very little money and I couldn't afford to buy food, let alone cheap or expensive clothing. Well, one day, my boss mentions that one of the wedding dresses that she made had a defect because of a train which ordered that it was supposed to be. She asked if I knew anyone who could use one and I did.
Starting point is 00:10:42 My best friend of five years had gotten engaged a few months before. My boss gave the wedding dress to me and I gave it to my friend. This friend has been there for me since I was 20, and she took me in and helped me find my path out of a very dark situation. I'd love her more than anything in the world. Here's where things get messy. My friend made a post thinking me and my boss and my family saw the post, and I started a stream of calls and messages from my family. To be clear, I do not have a good relationship with my family.
Starting point is 00:11:11 My parents kicked me out when I was 16 after I came out. My sister wasn't much better than my parents. We never actually got along even before I was kicked out. She's a very entitled person who is very selfish. Well, my mom and my sister called me to demand to know why I gave the dress to my friend and not my sister. Apparently, my sister was getting married, and I didn't even know that she was engaged. They berated me, yelling at me about how families should come first. And these are the same people who kicked me out of the house when I turned 16. They even
Starting point is 00:11:44 suggested that I should get the dress back for my friend because family should come first. I told them point blank that that was never going to happen. They started bashing me to extended family, who also started messaging me with insults, and my sister even tried to call my boss to complain, which is just nuts. Man, OP, I honestly can't figure out which is worse. Them getting mad at you over a wedding when they never even told you about the wedding in the first place. Or them expecting free stuff from you after they kicked you out of the house when you were still a minor. If you kick your own child out of their home, then you lose the right to say family comes first.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Our next reddit post is from Panic Nooting. For context, I live in a predominantly Catholic city where most people attend church on a regular basis. I, however, was not raised Catholic or religious, so I kinda stand out a little bit for most people. This all happened about two years ago when I was still in high school. My high school was just down the road from a Tim Hortons, and across the road from that is a pretty large church.
Starting point is 00:12:44 On Sunday, I decided to grab a coffee on my way back to pick up a textbook for one of my classes. It was about noon, so church had just ended, and there was a decently long lineup for the Tim's. I'd been waiting in line for about 5 minutes when a woman walked up to me and started talking to me. It was a pretty normal conversation, but then she asked why she hadn't seen me that morning. I was confused because I'd literally never spoken to this woman before.
Starting point is 00:13:08 She told me that this Tim's belonged to the church, which it didn't actually. I casually explained that I didn't intend to the church that she was talking about. She gave me a confused stare and muttered, oh, before walking away. Skip forward to Tuesday. I was once again at that Tim's getting lunch, when the same lady walks up to me and starts to berate me for being at that Tim's. I thought I told you that this Tim Hortons is for the church only. Yeah, but it's just a Tim Hortons. Anyone can come here. No! This Tim's is not for anyone who doesn't attend the church. But the next Tim's is like 5 kilometers away.
Starting point is 00:13:45 She continues to yell at me in front of everyone in the Tim's. I was actually just going to leave and get lunch at my school, but then she dropped the Karen bomb. If you don't leave right now, I'm going to call the police. I decided at that moment to just stand there and let her call the cops. About 10 minutes later, two officers show up. The Karen tells them that I'm disrespecting her, disrespecting God, and disrespecting the church. I tell them that I'm just a hungry teenager trying to get my lunch. But the
Starting point is 00:14:16 cops take her aside and call both my parents and my school. My awesome vice principal shows up, and he demands to know why he got a call from the cops about one of his students. The officer tells him what's happening, and my vice principal asks if it's true, and I tell him that I was just trying to get some lunch. My vice principal asked the officers what laws I had broken, and they responded with some BS about harassment or something like that. They call my parents, and my mom tells the cops to F-O and that I did nothing wrong. But Karen keeps insisting that I had been harassing her. Then one of the employees chirps in and starts to vouch for me. Eventually the cops leave.
Starting point is 00:14:53 I get my lunch and my VP walks me back to school. I never ran to the lady after that, but I made sure to get lunch from that Tim's as often as I could. Well, I hope that she's wrong because if disrespecting Karen also means that you're disrespecting God, then this channel is basically the anti-Christ. Our next red at postage from Lavender is beautiful. My parents live in another state for me and my older brother. I visited them a few days ago because it was my mother's birthday today. I'm currently still with them. Before coming, I made sure that my older brother, who I am not comfortable with, wasn't coming. He molested me as a kid, and I just started realizing how much damage
Starting point is 00:15:31 he'd caused me after starting therapy. I told my mother about why I wanted to cut him off a few months ago, but she didn't think that it was a big deal. I've managed to not see or talk to my older brother for nearly four months, which is the longest I've ever gone. It's been wonderful. My mom told me that he wasn't coming on her birthday or mother's day, but I found out after I arrived that she lied to me. Apparently, my parents were talking about my older brother coming on mother's day without
Starting point is 00:15:58 me being aware of it. I found out through my other sibling. Today I told my mom that I really don't feel comfortable around my older brother after what he did to me as a kid and I don't wanna see him. My mom started talking about how important Mother's Day is for her and how I should just suck it up because she would suck it up and put a smile on her face
Starting point is 00:16:17 around the vultures that she didn't like if it made her mother happy. The thing is, I really did when it's been Mother's Day with my mom because I know this day is important to her. But being around my older brother is just incredibly triggering and I don't know what to do. OP, you're in Tire Family Sounds Toxic. I can't really speak for the dad because we don't even know if the dad is aware of what
Starting point is 00:16:39 happened, but still, between what your brother did and your mother just brushing it off, I can't imagine that being around your family would be good for your mental health. OP, set your boundaries, communicate your boundaries, and stick to them. That was our Slash Entitled Parents, and if you like this content, check out my Patreon where I publish extra episodes. Also, be sure to follow this podcast because I put on new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. to follow this podcast because I put a new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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