rSlash - r/F-youkaren "How can I Make my Boyfriend Abandon his Child?"

Episode Date: April 26, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash FU Karen, where a Karen tries to figure out how to permanently get rid of her five-year-old stepdaughter. Posted to Relationship Rules, I want my fiance to get rid of his five-year-old daughter! Hello, Relationship Rules, please keep me anonymous, I need some advice from your followers. My 32-year-old fiance has a five-year-old daughter. Her mother passed away when she was giving birth to her. He's been raising her ever since he lost his wife, with the help of his family, of course. I'm now in the picture, and we're going to get married in 2023, and I'm 6 months pregnant with his son. I am NOT the stepmother type, so I know that I won't treat his daughter the same way that
Starting point is 00:00:44 I'll treat our son. To be quite honest, she annoys me. She looks exactly like her mother, so she constantly reminds my fiancee of his dead wife, and she's very attached to her daddy, which makes me afraid that my son won't be able to bond with his father because of her. Basically, I want to tell my fiance to get rid of her. She can live with her grandparents or we can find her a nice couple that wants to adopt a child. I don't know how to approach the situation, but I need to find a way to convince my fiance to get rid of her. I'm not a bad person. I'm just trying to look out for my son and make sure that
Starting point is 00:01:20 he'll get all of his father's attention that he deserves. Please help! This next post, I think I might have read it somewhere in my thousands of R-slash videos, but it's so good, it's such a legendary post that I'm gonna read it anyways just because everyone deserves to hear it. Dear every cashier in America, the proper response to thank you is you're welcome, not no problem. And you're supposed to think me, then someone replies, actually, the you're welcome slash no problem issue is simply linguistics misunderstanding. Older people tend to say you're welcome. Younger people tend to say no problem.
Starting point is 00:01:59 This is because for older people, the act of helping are assisting someone is seen as a task that's not expected of them. But is them doing extra? So it's saying, I accept your thanks because I know that I deserve it. No problem, however, is used because younger people feel not only that helping or assisting someone is a given and expected, but also that it should be stressed that your need for help was no burden to them, even if it was. Basically, older people think that help is a gift that you give, and younger people think help is an expectation required of them.
Starting point is 00:02:33 When I first read this post, I realized that I was in the no-problem camp, and I never really like stopped to think, why do I say no problem instead of you're welcome? And saying you're welcome feels so uncomfortable to me because it feels transactional. It's like we're exchanging favors in this kind of like, I don't know how to say it, just sort of like cold and in personal way. And the no problem approach feels more natural. Like this guy's right, to me, when I say no problem,
Starting point is 00:03:02 when I give someone help, it feels like I'm expected to help, to be a good person, and I want to let them know that, hey, it's not a big deal, I'm just doing what I'm supposed to be doing, it's no problem. So I'm curious if other people, especially younger people, like if you are just doing some random thing and you help someone out, and they say, thank you, if you say you're welcome, does that give you a little bit of like, oh, like that doesn't feel good. I would much, much rather say no problem because it makes me feel like, you know, it's not a big G. I'm just being a nice guy, but if I say you're welcome, it makes me feel kind of
Starting point is 00:03:35 kind of entitled, I guess like I'm yeah, like I'm owed the thank you, but I'm not owed the thank you. I don't know. Do other people feel this way? Do you say no problem? And can you say you're welcome with like a completely straight face and not be weird about it when you do a stranger a favor? Kind of curious about this actually. Next Reddit post is from Pickin and Grinning. Today, I was the Karen. So after several years, I finally pulled the plug and canceled my Comcast account. They were surprisingly easy over the phone But I had to return my equipment. No big deal. There's a story just a few miles from my house I had about a half hour free time today
Starting point is 00:04:12 So I rolled into the store to drop off my router and cable box in between some appointments Hi, I just need to drop off this stuff. The Comcast employee said, okay, can I get your phone number? There's an hour wait. All I need you to do is take this box from me. I have to wait an hour for you to take this box from my hands. Yeah, other people were here first. I had a bunch of stuff going on today, so I wasn't able to wait an hour for them to take my box. I said, I can't wait here. We can text you in an hour and you can come back. I can't. You want me to come back in an hour to just hand over the equipment? It takes one minute. You want me to wait an hour for that?
Starting point is 00:04:51 Fine. I gave them my phone number. Then I said, can you at least take this stuff? And wouldn't you know it? They took the very equipment that I was there to return. Sorry, but I'm not going to wait an hour for a 30 second transaction. I do stout, and later in the day I called customer support to let the know that I dropped off my equipment, but I couldn't wait an hour for them to print my
Starting point is 00:05:11 receipts. They said perfect, and they marked my equipment as returned. To sum up, F-comcast. Do I have any attorney friends on here that went an easy case and went to get rich with me? The Chevron on Blank Avenue ruined my car and they're refusing to pay for it. I always buy the cheapest gas and I accidentally put diesel in my car because it wasn't clearly marked and it was the least expensive option. My car made it two blocks before it started jerking back and forth causing me to side swipe a car.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I told the police what happened and they still ticketed me and said that I was to blame for the accident, which is absolutely ridiculous. The gas station is to blame for all this. The pumps and gas stations are confusing, especially when you're in a hurry and on a budget. This is their fault, and I want to sue their butts off for the damages they caused, and all the emotional stress I've been under since the accident. This is their fault, and I want to sue their butts off for the damages they caused, and all the emotional stress I've been under since the accident. My life just hasn't been the same since then, and they NEED to pay for that.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Let me know if you're in a journey, and you want in on this. You mean, the diesel pumps with the green handles, that's literally the same in every single gas station I've ever seen in my entire life where they all they all every single one has green handles You mean those diesel pumps Karen? I can see why you'd be confused by the most consistent color coding on planet earth In fact, in fact if you like went to different gas stations and looked for one thing that they all had in common I think that would actually be the only thing that's consistent. Diesel pumps have green handles.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Down in the comments, we have this post from White Face Off Head. I worked at a truck stop about 40 miles outside of the Canadian border when I was in college. It was a busy place for truckers and regular focal like. One side of the station was diesel and the other was regular gas. It was obvious. A dude walked in as I was checking, and the other was regular gas. It was obvious.
Starting point is 00:07:05 A dude walked in as I was checking people out, and he was irate. It turns out he fueled up his gigantic torpus slash motor coach with regular gas. He asked me if I thought it would be okay to drive it anyways. I don't know my guy, I'm a 20 year old woman with little to no mechanical knowledge, but I'm gonna guess that that's probably not a great idea. Well, what should I do now? This is obviously your fault. You let me fill it with gas instead of diesel.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I just paid $100,000 for that vehicle. He screamed at me in front of a store full of people. Well, I didn't even know that you were here. As you can see, I'm kind of busy. You should probably call a tow truck. Eventually, he did indeed call a tow truck. This dude just bought something for $100,000 and didn't even bother to read the instruction manual. Okay, alright dude. Honestly, your car deserves to get ruined. With you, one star. I was in need of flow nayson walked into the store. The reason why I walked into the store was because the doors opened.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I was told the store was closed and they wouldn't serve me. I will never return to the store again. It would have been a one minute transaction at this place sucks. Okay, bye. This letter was posted in, I guess, an apartment building, owners of Stratford Towers. The pandemic is over, and the COVID-19 restrictions are done. As Alberta emerges from a difficult few years, there's increasing evidence that the province's economy is on the verge of taking off. If you're like me, then you bought units in this property for one reason, location, location, location. You may not be aware, but the property along such and such road was once among the most valuable in Canada.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Unfortunately, the pandemic hit two years ago. And rightfully so, some owners rented to people at a rate that just covered the mortgage. I know several landlords who have invested thousands of dollars in renovating their units into luxury condos. The problem is that we have a few irresponsible owners who failed to vet, do the necessary checks, and have allowed so-called undesirables to rent in this complex.
Starting point is 00:09:15 As you may know, when undesirables are allowed into the complex, they attract other undesirables. And before you know it, this once desirable condo location is infested with low-level renters and crime. Basically, the once-valuable stratford towers has lost its luster. To restore stratford towers to being a desirable and valuable property, I challenge all owners to review and re-interview your tenants. If you're like me, then you would like to see the value of this property increase to the equivalent of Downtown Vancouver or Toronto, which it can do. Stratford Towers has an unbelievable potential to sky-rockets.
Starting point is 00:10:00 In order to rid Stratford Towers of the criminal element and undesirables, I advise all owners to increase the rent and take advantage of the decent downtown workers who want to live here. After consulting with several owners, we're going to increase the rent of Arcandos by $500 a month. Stratford rent should be 13-1700 for a 1-bit room unit or 18-2500 for a 2-bit room unit or 18 to 2500 for a two-bit room unit. I truly believe that we can increase the value of our units by 50% and eliminate a lot of our problems this year alone if we follow these simple rules.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Sincerely, a proud owner who is tired of the irresponsible owners. Honestly, the person who wrote this letter makes a good point. Won't somebody please think of the landlords? If the landlords aren't able to turn a profit off of poor working people, then they might have to go get a job. So I went to Google and I typed in Stratford Tower, Alberta. And let's just say this place is not a luxury apartment building.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Also, the apartments have a 1.2 out of 5 star rating on Google reviews. What do these comments say? The owners of the units are a bunch of undesirable low-level owners trying to turn Calgary and DeVancuver and Toronto on some 60-year-old dumpy building. Preview. One star owned and operated by actual trash people. Steer clear if it all possible. Post it to Facebook. I've about had it with society. I'm a highly educated and successful woman.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I'm tall, very beautiful, and I'm wealthy because of the good decisions I've made in life. I resent going to restaurants and having to speak to waitresses, or going to gas stations were a dirty 50 year old man making $8 an hour once to talk about the weather. Let's face it, there are two worlds. My world where everything works and makes sense, and your world where you don't shower and you blinkly stare into space thinking about candy and fireworks. There needs to be special stories and restaurants for the intellectually gifted like myself, so I don't have to go home smelling like cigarettes and malt liquor shaking my head.
Starting point is 00:12:17 The ironic thing is that if she was really as wealthy as she said she is, then she could have a driver fill up her gas tank for her, and she could have private chefs make her meals every day so she doesn't have to wait in a restaurant. But I guess she's really not as successful as she thinks she is. Posted to Facebook. Sorry, I just had to vent. I got woken up to a fire truck running idle across my street, followed by two large utility trucks with flashing lights and a large vacuum truck at about 3 a.m. I couldn't really see well with the rain, but the vacuum truck was making
Starting point is 00:12:50 such loud and awful sounds, as were the two utility truck engines. I have no idea what it was doing there, cleaning out a gutter, someone's house flooded, but I live on a hill! I'm so disgruntled from the noise and the lack of sleep right now. Man, imagine being inconvenienced by someone else's house flooding and then complaining about it online. Post it to Facebook. I will not hesitate to call the police if someone with piercings or tattoos tries to speak to me. I don't care if you're poor and need money. I don't care if you're religious. I don't care if you're poor and need money. I don't care if you're religious.
Starting point is 00:13:25 I don't care if you have children. There is no way that you can be conservative and have a piercing. It's impossible. I'm keeping my children away from you and that's just my opinion. To me, piercings are one of the lowest signs of attention seeking that and tattoos. What makes someone want to mutilate their body for aesthetics is beyond me. People need to love themselves. I would never date someone who would do that. Definitely insecure. Not only that, but good luck getting a job.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Love yourself. Ironic, because I would have thought the lowest form of opinion seeking was posting an angry rant on Facebook about how other people look. Review one star. They kicked us out of the restaurant before we even ate. We arrived at 820 and it took us forever to get our food. Not to mention the service was very rude. The waiter told us to never come back." Reply from the owner.
Starting point is 00:14:26 I feel that you omitted some parts of this story, so I'll clarify. We explained our last seating slash last call policy, and we explained our closing time. Your party had been here multiple times before. You always over-order meats, and we end up trashing everything. Even after last call, you kept ordering more meats as you always do. We dropped off your check at 920, which is reasonable because we close at 930. You asked if you could take 20 plates of meat plus vegetables plus leftover soup with you because we close at 930. We are in all you can eat restaurant. We don't offer takeouts. You proceeded to get angry with our closing time, which we just explained to you before
Starting point is 00:15:09 we seated you, and you demanded that we stay open late just for you. You and your party badmouthed our servers in Chinese, assuming that we wouldn't understand. We feel that we acted appropriately towards you and your party. We are different from other restaurants. We respect our servers, and we expect our customers to do the same. To the person writing this review for the party that acted disrespectfully,
Starting point is 00:15:33 you can feel free to contact our restaurant to discuss the matter further. As for the party that was here, you are not welcome anymore. That was our slash FU Karen, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes
Starting point is 00:15:45 not welcome anymore. That was our Slash FU Karen and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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