rSlash - r/F-YouKaren She Hit an Ambulance & Got Arrested!

Episode Date: September 20, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Business notifications getting out of hand, buried under an avalanche of customer emails, texts, and social media messages? Keep your edge with Thrive Small Business software and never miss a message again. Thrive offers one solution to communicate, market, and run your business, but simply, small businesses run better on Thrive. Get Command Center for free today at That's THR-Y-D dotca. Terms and conditions apply free plans have limited functionality. Welcome to our slash FU Karen where a Karen intentionally hits
Starting point is 00:00:34 an ambulance with her car. Our next reddit post is from psychological bid. I'm an EMT in a somewhat busy area. In the not too distant past, my ambulance was dispatched to a vehicle accident in the middle of the night. We roll up and yep, it's a pretty bad one. Car versus deer. The car ended up off the road, threw a ditch, and wrapped around a tree. The patient was still trapped inside the car, and the fire department was working to extricate. Due to the layout of the scene, the ambulance was pulling blocking duty on the road. My partner heads up to the accident to start rendering some on-scene care, and I hop into the back of the ambulance to start preparing for the inevitable sh** show that this patient
Starting point is 00:01:15 is going to be. As I'm getting my gear laid out, I hear a horn start blaring right behind my truck. Enter Karen. So it's not uncommon to be on a scene and then have someone roll up with a completely different emergency. I hop out of the side door of my truck, walk around, and Karen's car is literally bumper to bumper
Starting point is 00:01:36 with the back of my rig. I need to get through. Move, Karen yells at me. I very politely inform this person that we are not going to move, that this is a dangerous accident seen with injured people. I offer to help her get turned around. Big mistake. Karen goes into a literal screaming fit about how we have to move because we're blocking the road, which is kind of the point. And how she pays my salary, even though she doesn't, I work
Starting point is 00:02:02 for a private company. At this point, I'm a little less polite, and I tell her that she needs to back her vehicle up because she's blocking my ability to work. At this point, things get stupid. Rather than being an adult and finding a different route, this oxygen thief pulls forward even more. She's not only bumper to bumper, she hit my ambulance and has the most smug grin ever. Enter my friend, the state trooper. He's been watching this cavalcade of idiocy from the sidelines.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And as soon as Karen hits the ambulance, he springs into action. Karen basically gets snatched out of her car and put in handcuffs, screaming all the while. Karen's gone, but her car isn't, and her car is still blocking the rear doors to my rig. Did you know that six firefighters can bodily lift a Ford Focus completely off the ground and relocate it? I witnessed that that day. It was great! Thus ends my Karen's story, and good news, the accident victim survived, granted with more than a few broken bones. Karen discovered that interfering with emergency services is a felony in my state. Also, the Fire Department got to flex their muscles.
Starting point is 00:03:12 On this next post, someone has a co-exist sticker on their car, and someone tapes this note to their car. Out of respect for the Christian community, I requested the cross be left out of this sticker slash message because our belief to not support it. And so our cross is being mistreated in this. Thank you for the understanding. With love, the Christian community. Jesus loves you. Posted to next door, which is a neighborhood app. Disrespecting vegan radius. Last night at around 6.30 pm, we spotted our neighbors in their backyard barbecuing what looked like raw flesh.
Starting point is 00:03:52 We're vegan. We've had in-depth discussion with our neighbors about veganism and the importance of a vegan community and the importance of living in a meat-free radius. Not only was it disturbing to watch, but the scent walked it into our house minutes after, to each their own, but I'm feeling unsure about what to do next. How would you respond to this? I would love to spark a discussion. On this next post, Karen books a table at a restaurant in a French-speaking country and gives this review. Review One Star.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I tried to book a table for my daughter's birthday party. Unfriendly service, they refused to speak a language other than French, and they weren't willing to offer any special treatment for my daughter on her special day. Absolute disappointment. Review One Star. Worst experience in a restaurant ever. After driving up from Oaklayer and flying in from Los Angeles, we were thrilled to go to Blank to see the sights on Mother's Day, only to have our Sunday ruined by the
Starting point is 00:04:54 rudest bartender. Shortly after we receded, a bald bartender took our drink order and we asked about the drinking rules for my daughter who turned 21 in a month. He acted as if I just slapped him in the face. He then served my 48-year-old sister a drink and she let my daughter have a sip just to test the flavor of the fruits. I was about to taste the drink as well when the bartender stomped over, ripped the drink from my hand and told us we had to leave. He kicked three ladies out on Mother's Day. We were about to spend $150 on their very limited menu. He was aggressive and rude and absolutely over the top. We will never enter this establishment again. Come on lady, if they had to choose between
Starting point is 00:05:39 $150 or a liquor license, the liquor license always wins. School is starting again, and that means that we once again need a nanny. Please read all of these requirements. You need to have a master's degree. You need to have a master's degree or higher so that our five-year-old and seven-year-old will be intellectually challenged. I have a feeling this woman's family is indeed intellectually challenged. And no, your Bachelor of English doesn't mean that you're smart. Sorry! You must be between 24 to 28 years of age to keep up with the activity level of our kiddos.
Starting point is 00:06:15 And please plan to have your own housing. Do not assume that you will be staying with us. Yes, we do have an extra room, but the privileges earned not assumed. We need you from 7 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. 7 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. And 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. every weekday, and the pay will be $18 daily. Plan to bring snacks or other food for the kiddos, because our cadmits will be locked during the day while we work. You'll also need to bring educational materials such as workbooks as we do not keep anything like this at home. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Let me just say real quick that as someone who earned a bachelor's degree in English, this is a pretty high-paying job for that degree. Asking for a friend, I love my seven-year-old son's name, Andrew, but I hate the nickname Andy. When we named him Andrew, we agreed to only use a long version and never the nickname. We moved over the summer and somehow he's become Andy in his new school. I made an appointment with a teacher to discuss the situation. She apologized and said that she would call him Andrew.
Starting point is 00:07:24 She said that she would make a class announcement. As you can imagine, this has been totally ineffective. All the kids are still calling him Andy. I made another appointment with the teacher, but she wasn't helpful. She said that Andrew never objects to being called Andy, and sometimes even introduces himself as Andy. To me, this is irrelevant. He is seven years old. I am his mother, and I get to decide what people call him.
Starting point is 00:07:51 She's not willing to correct the other students in the moment when they call him Andy. I would like to take this matter to the principal. My husband feels like I'm overreacting. If we don't get this under control now, he'll be Andy for the rest of his life! Down in the comments, we have a similar story from SporkaDork. My cousin's wife, who was hated by all the cousins and family alike, did the exact same thing with their daughter, Bethany. She ran it on and on about how it's Bethany, not Beth.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Yep, you guessed it. Any time any of us addresses that kid, or sends a card, a Christmas card, or an event to bite, it's to Beth. We all call her Beth to her face. The wife has actually stormed out of family gatherings over it. The funny thing is, the kid doesn't even care. She's fine with Beth. At school, she goes by Beth, and all of her cousins call her Beth too. Our next reddit post is from deleted. I'm an oncologist, meaning that I specialize in cancer and cancer treatments. About 12 years ago, I ran into a Karen.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I diagnosed a patient with a fairly aggressive but treatable form of leukemia. I had taken the patient into my office, and since he was a minor, I had his mom accompany him. I went over treatment details and such, and generally had a good talk to them about what was going on. Now, I was born in Norway, raised by a Nordic pagan mom and dad.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Because of this, I have artwork of meal near hanging in my office. The Karen eventually asked what it was, and I explained it, it's meaning, and why I keep it in my office. Karen did not take very well to this. Her next remark was, Oh, so you're a god hater. How do you suppose my son is going to get through this with an atheist satanic sh** back as a doctor? These are her actual words. I remember it like it was yesterday. For the record, I made absolutely no mention about God or anything.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I calmly explained to her that I had absolutely no hate towards anyone's religion at all, to which she replied. Yes, so I think we're just going to see another doctor. We'd rather have a better opinion than from someone who doesn't give an affabet of someone lives. Throne off? I said that it was probably good to get some second-hand opinions on treatments anyway. Then she stormed her and her son out. She ended up going to a hospital across town to a doctor that I've known for years. That doctor told me his side of the story. She went in and told the doctor her son's diagnosis and that she wanted to discuss treatment options. She said that she didn't like the feel of the first doctor, but she didn't say my name. And that's why she was
Starting point is 00:10:22 looking for a new doctor. After discussing treatment options with her, she said, yeah, that's what the other moron said too. Is there a place to get another opinion on top of some other very aggressive words? That doctor recommended her to me. Further record, I've never had another situation like this since. Apparently, her son told her that he liked me and he wanted to give me a shot. She caved. Through our multiple sessions, she would tell me how she didn't believe that her son was going to make it from a god-hater, and that her son was going to die because of me. This agony went on for months. After a bit under a year, her son was cancer-free. At a five-year check-up, now over 18, he thanked me for everything
Starting point is 00:11:05 that I've done, and he asked me if he could have the artwork that his mom freaked out about. He had apologized many times over her behavior in the past, and was a very fun kid to be around in dark times. He was one of my favorite patients of all time. I said no, but I knew a blacksmith in Norway. I had him hand-forged a meal near necklace, and I gave it to the patient. And as far as I know, he wears it every day. He's training to be an oncologist one day. And I saw his university on social media post a photo of him, with the necklace that I gave hanging off his neck.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Just because someone's a Karen doesn't mean they raised one. Review two stars My husband and I were extremely disappointed in this tour. We didn't come to hear a lecture on how white people treated slaves. We came to get the history of a southern plantation and get a tour of the house and the grounds. The tour guide was so radical about slave treatment that we felt that we were being lectured and bashed about slavery. My ancestors were from Sicily, never owned slaves, and my husbands were German, and none of
Starting point is 00:12:11 his ever owned slaves either. I am by far not a racist or against all Americans having equal rights, but this was my vacation. And now we're crossing all plantation tours off our list. It's just not what we expected. I'll go back to Louisiana and see some real plantations that are so much more enjoyable to tour. Yo what? She wanted to see the history of plantations like...
Starting point is 00:12:40 Like what history? That doesn't involve slaves, man. That is the history. And how... Like what history that doesn't involve slaves man, that is the history and how And how were they upset that the tour guide was radical against slavery? What is what is the radical position against slavery? I don't like it slavery's bad. Let's let's not have slaves guys Is that is that a radical position or next reddit poses from bad mama? I am so livid We have a neighbor that has a little girl around the same age as my little girl.
Starting point is 00:13:05 They become great friends. Every day, either my daughter would ask to go play with her or she would ask me if my daughter could play. And my neighbor would always say how much they loved having my daughter over and how polite she is and how she's such a good kid. My neighbor made me believe that we were becoming friends and I trusted her with my kids. I also have a toddler son, so I trusted this lady to babysit my kids one day so I could pick up an extra shift.
Starting point is 00:13:30 The next day, child protective services shows up at my door. The date of the complaint was the day that my neighbor babysat. The complaint said that I neglect my kids because they're filthy, and my daughter's hair is messy, so I obviously don't bathe them. The complaint also said that my house is unsafe due to their being trash everywhere. My kids play outside every day because it's summer, my daughter goes over there to swim. So yeah, they're gonna get dirty and her hair's gonna get messy, so WTF? I told the CPS worker, of course my house is gonna be messy.
Starting point is 00:14:04 We actually live here. I have two little kids and I work. The CPS worker did a walkthrough of my house and talked to my daughter. The worker said, could your house be cleaner? Sure, but is it unsafe? No. She even told me that her house gets messy and her kids are older than mine. She made sure that my kids have a safe sleeping area, which they do. She made sure that we have food and running water, which, again,
Starting point is 00:14:29 we do. She heard no concerns from my daughter. She told me they have to keep the case open for 30 days. Then she'll let me know after the 30 days that the case would be closed, which she said is more than likely because she found nothing wrong. Too long didn't read. My care and neighbor called CPS on me for my kids being dirty after playing outside during the summer. Down in the comments, I'm going to read this post from Ellie Greenbells because even though it's not super interesting, I do feel like it's great advice. I'm an attorney who routinely deals with situations like this one.
Starting point is 00:15:01 There are trigger happy people who call CPS in the police because they love the attention. It's a game, it's an abuse of the system, and once they start, they keep doing it. For example, next will be a restraining order against you because she feels threatened or whatever. Just a clear part at all costs, and do not get into any back and forth conversations no matter how much she gaslights you or insane she gets. Make it invisible border and don't make any announcements about not being friends anymore. No drama, no confrontations. Just be permanently busy forever because people like her are dangerous.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Post it to Facebook. We all want to do what's right for our kids. I'm a real mom who doesn't vaccinate. My son is currently two months old. I'm in the hospital with him right now. He's positive for pertussis, and they're telling me that he got it for my unvaccinated daughter.
Starting point is 00:15:58 I've been mom-shamed all day, but I stood my ground on our beliefs. Has anyone else's child got some horrible disease because they don't vaccinate? Please comment. My baby is really suffering, and it's horrible to watch. I need some encouragement that I did the right thing. Man, imagine dying before you're old enough to talk just because your mom believes stupid Facebook memes. What do you do when you go to a restaurant and your waiter is an atheist?
Starting point is 00:16:27 Normally, I would pay without leaving a tip and write a bad review on Google. This past weekend, I decided to be more proactive. I ordered the chicken livers, and with the atheist brought it to the table, I insisted that I had ordered steak. I made that loser take it back to the kitchen and make me a steak. Then I complained to the manager about the atheist and skipped out on the bill. Is that pushments need to be taught that it's not okay to hire atheists? Isn't there something in the Bible about thou shalt not? What does it take things that
Starting point is 00:17:01 don't belong to you? Steel! Steel! That's what it was. That was our slash FU Karen, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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