rSlash - r/Idontworkherelady Stupid Karen Doesn't Realize She's Arguing With A Cop!

Episode Date: April 22, 2021

r/Idontworkherelady In today's episode, an angry Karen at a mall restaurant argues with a restaurant worker about them not having the correct sauce. OP, a police officer, overhears the commotion and a...pproaches to get the woman to calm down. This dumb woman assumes that OP is a security guard and just screams louder and louder, until eventually OP has to arrest the Karen and drag her off to booking! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 These side marios all you can eat is all you can munch a soup salad and garlic home Welcome to our slash a podcast where we the best post from across Reddit today Sobrita is our slash. I don't work here lady where a Karen gets arrested our next reddit posted from sign kitchen a Bit of context my wife is deaf, but I can hear. We communicate primarily in Sign Language, especially when we're out of the house since masks can make lip reading impossible. Last night we went to our local liquor store
Starting point is 00:00:33 to pick up a fancy bottle of Scotch to celebrate some good fortune in our lives. While the manager is grabbing the bottle from above the fancy Scotch case, we're standing off to the side and having a little sign conversation. A group of six people consisting of three couples walks up. They're probably all in their mid-60s.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Their ringleader walks up to me and parks his cart in front of me. Chilled whites? I stopped my sign conversation, turned around and said, huh? Where are the chilled whites? I was still trying to get my bearings and figure out what the hell he was talking about. Uh, do you guys have chilled white wine? I have no idea, dude. Do you think that I work here? Oh, I just saw you gesturing like you worked here. I'm using sign language with my deaf life.
Starting point is 00:01:21 This guy didn't even apologize. He just stood there stunned for a few seconds, then slunk off with the other one's trailing. The last couple sobs, and the lady turns to us, and in perfect fluent sign language says, I'm really sorry about that. It turns out that she was a deaf educator for a while. We had a pleasant little chat where I explained that it was fine, I'm used to being mistaken as a manager. Just not when I'm with my wife since most people are terrified to approach a signing couple. So yeah, I'm simultaneously ashamed and honored to finally have a story to post on our slash I don't work here lady. Our next way to post is from POS, more like piece of s. I work as a point of sale technician. My job is essentially driving around with a truck full of touch screens and receipt printers
Starting point is 00:02:06 doing service calls at grocery stores, restaurants, cafes, retail stores, etc. I service pretty much any company that doesn't have its own dedicated tech team. Many times each day I'm confused for staff, and it's completely understandable since I'm usually behind a counter somewhere messing around with a computer. I do what I can to avoid customer contact. I dress in all black, I don't wear a name tag, I carry tools with me, I avoid eye contact, and I get in and out as quickly as possible. This works most of the time, but otherwise, I have no problem explicitly telling people, hey sorry, I don't actually work here. But they can help you over on the other till.
Starting point is 00:02:44 My job is literally R-Slash I don't work here lady the movie. Anyway, so today I had a call at a grocery store because one of the till stop working. This story begins with me at the point where I've completely unplugged the register and pulled it out of its compartment. I pop up from under the counter and I see some lady unloading her card onto the conveyor belt. She was looking at her phone. I give her a little wave and I say, oh hey, this lane is actually closed, sorry for the inconvenience. But she just continues unloading her cards. I point at the register closed sign that was
Starting point is 00:03:16 directly in front of her slowly growing pile of groceries. She gives me a little hand wave, shoe gesture and rolls her eyes but continues unloading. I make a show of slamming the computer down in front of her. I unscrew the case, pop it open, and start removing computer parts. She's done unloading her card, and she's looking antsy as she watches me. By the time I have things plugged back in and turn the computer on, she's off her phone. What's taking so long? I told you this lane was closed, you should try another lane.
Starting point is 00:03:47 I've already unloaded my card, I'm not waiting in line again, as if she waited in line to begin with. Well, this is going to take me at least 45 more minutes. You're welcome to wait it out. This is ridiculous, where is your manager? In his office in another city, I don't work here, I'm just fixing the computer. This is gonna take a while. She stands around for a good 10 minutes while I'm in selling drivers until a manager walks by and she flags them down. She tells the manager about how rude I was
Starting point is 00:04:17 being and how I was making her wait. I said, hey, I told her the lane was closed. The manager said, how much longer will this take? Maybe half an hour? Okay, well, I told her the lane was closed. The manager said, how much longer will this take? Maybe half an hour? Okay, well I'll be happy to help you over the customer service desk. Finally, some service. She loads her card up and walks over to the customer service desk with this smug look on her face. Like, lady, you didn't win anything.
Starting point is 00:04:42 There were other open registers this whole time. You literally just wasted your own time arguing with me. Then you did the exact thing that you were complaining about, which was having to move registers while feeling proud of yourself. Down in the comments we have a similar story from Budgie Bomb. This reminds me of the time that our popcorn machine caught on fire. We had to call the company that made the machine and they sent someone to fix it. The repair guy is literally inside the entire f-ing popcorn machine. Like his entire body, he's standing inside the popcorn machine
Starting point is 00:05:15 like he's on display. So I'm on the register with this guy behind me literally standing inside the popcorn machine and someone comes up to me and orders popcorn. Then when I said that I don't have any popcorn, she said that I was lying. She sat there and called me a lying popcorn grunt. At this point, the repair guy knocks on the window of the machine, and pops his head out and asks her what the hell her problem is. The guy said, it's broken, I'm literally inside of the popcorn machine. Are you stupid? That guy will be my hero until the day I die. Our next wedded post is from Acceptable Ear. A few years ago, I was a police officer
Starting point is 00:05:55 hearing good ol' England. I moved from a team that dealt with action-packed emergency calls, speeding around in an old Ford Focus and dealing with interesting things. Over to, working in a team that supported a large shopping complex. In this new team, we would deal with much more mundane things, like shoplifting and anti-social behavior. My uniform was a white shirt with a black tie, and if I was out and about, I would have a Kevlar best over top of that, and also one of those big pointy hats. If I was on break though, I just put my normal jacket on to cover my shoulder number, so to a casual observer, I was just a bloke and a white shirt with a black tie.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I had just finished dealing with the paperwork from a shoplifting case, and I had a hand-gring for a sandwich. I took off my vest in my hat, but I kept my tool belt, which included my pepper spray, cuffs, and my metal stick. I popped on a plain black jacket, and I'd been treated out into the shopping complex in search of a foot long. We almost forgot about it that the structure occurred. We didn't expect to get a gift from her. Or our cousin like to get his name. He got us something nice, better reciprocate. The last minute deals on gifts of people You forgot to get past the pre-shipping at Amazon.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Yes, it's just the beginning. Stream the complete Dutton legacy, 1883, 1923, and all seasons of Yellowstone. I love Montana, but I'm doing this far family. Paramount Plus, I'm a real fan of the Cleat-Dutton Legacy, 1883, 1923, and all seasons of Yellowstone. I love Montana, but I'm doing this far family. Paramount Plus, the streaming home of Yellowstone. I grabbed a sandwich and sat down at a table to chow down.
Starting point is 00:07:35 No less than five minutes later, I noticed a woman trying to buy a sandwich. Now, due to her wild arm gestures, I skillfully deduced that she was not happy. That's not a crime, so back to my sandwich I went. That is, until she started raising her voice and then slammed her hands on the counter. I threw away the remainder of my sandwich and walked over to see what the commotion was. Now I'm a really well-known face in the shopping center, and I enjoy my foot-long sandwiches, so the staff immediately recognized me and they relax a little which really irritated this woman. I quickly realized that they didn't have an ingredient that she wanted and she
Starting point is 00:08:10 was refusing to take no for an answer. I said, is everything alright here? The woman turns and eyes me over. Now I was in my early 20s at the time so she mistook me for a security guard. For Fsake, I don't need security. This little turd won't make my F's sandwich. Okay, first off, you have to stop swearing. Second, I'm a level up from security. This woman did not like that. Oh, piss off, I just want my sandwich.
Starting point is 00:08:39 She ignores me and goes back to banging her hand on the counter and gesturing wildly at the team behind the register. I say, you have to stop that. She turns on me and goes back to banging her hand on the counter and gesturing wildly at the team behind the register. I say, you have to stop that. She turns on me again. I said piss off. I know the management here, so f off back to standing around outside Devon Hams or I'll get you sacked.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I don't care. I'm warning you that you have to stop swearing or it's a public order offense. Or what? I just want my f-ing sandwich, not some jumped up plastic policeman interfering, so f-off. Stop swearing, you're causing a scene, and stop hitting that counter all at the rest you. Do not f-ing tell me what to do, you big bollocks. You're just a wannabe cop, you can't arrest me. Now go get your boss.
Starting point is 00:09:26 She was slamming her hands on this kneesguard with each word. And up to that point, I think that I've been patient enough, so I unzip my jacket to reveal that I am, in fact, a uniform police constable. Her eyes widen as she sees the handcuffs on my belt. I'm arresting you under section five of the Public Order Act. This arrest is necessary to prevent injury to others and damage to property. You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defense, etc. Now, I had no intention of cuffing her. I was twice her size so it wasn't necessary. Instead, I just teared her to a table and sat her down as I called for a car to come pick us up. After another 30 minutes of her refusing to believe that she'd done anything wrong, I
Starting point is 00:10:06 eventually gave her a penalty notice. So all of that's wearing about that stupid sandwich ended up costing her 80 bucks. Our next reddit post is from Chiara. For context, I'm originally from a small town in southern Italy, but I study foreign languages in a big city. During summer holidays I go back home, and I occasionally work in different supermarkets giving out free samples of new products. I work for an agency not for the supermarkets so I rarely work in the same place enough to know where things are. So in summer 2019 I was minding my own business giving out
Starting point is 00:10:37 free samples of mozzarella. This guy comes up to me and asks in English. Where are the chips? He talked very slowly, but we rarely get any foreign tourists, so I assume that most people he spoke to didn't know English very well. I didn't know where the chips were, so I tried to tell him that I didn't work here. Sorry, I don't. He cut me off, thinking that I was about to say I don't speak English. He turned to his wife and said something along the lines of, Jesus, do these people even go to school? Then he turned to me and I think that he started describing chips with his hands. At this point, I was starting to get really annoyed. First of all, you're in Italy talking to an Italian in English, being outraged, that I don't
Starting point is 00:11:20 speak your language. Second, I do speak English, but you cut me off before I could answer. I looked at him and said, sir, I know what chips are. I just don't know where they're located specifically in this store. As you can see from my attire in my badge, I am not employed by the supermarket. I work for an independent agency. Oh, and I did go to school. I can actually speak five languages. How many can you speak? His face turned red. He mumbled something and left. I hope he never found the chips. Down in the comments, we have a similar story from prudent damage. A white American friend of my family moved to Japan. He taught English as a foreign language. He eventually married
Starting point is 00:12:02 a Japanese woman and started his own school. One day, he was visiting a small town on business and he couldn't find an address. So, he approached a policeman and in fluent Japanese-assam for directions. The policemen, politely and in Japanese, told him that he was sorry he couldn't help him because he didn't speak English. And then, we have another story from wandering dev. Good. People who go to other countries and expect the locals to speak English are ignorant. My favorite example was that one time, I, a U.S. citizen and native English speaker,
Starting point is 00:12:35 was in Spain standing in line to check in at the airport. A Dutch family was in front of me and the dad and I started chatting in English. All was well until he started going on a rant about how ignorant Spaniards are for the lack of education because no one speaks English, and how his vacation in Spain was ruined because no one speaks English. He went on for ages and clearly expected me to agree with him. I just stared at him blankly and then turned around and started chatting in Spanish with a Spanish couple behind me. I just heard this story from my wife who got back from Home Depot. Also quick background, my wife is a New Zealand expat with a fairly strong Maori bloodline.
Starting point is 00:13:11 To the casual Texans, she might look like she's from South of the border. Hearing her speak, the average person might think that she had an Australian or maybe a British English accent. Being from New Zealand, she also has zero inhibitions about using colorful language as needed. So anyways, my wife is loading four bags of mulch onto a cart. An entitled woman appeared and said,
Starting point is 00:13:34 I need you to load some of those onto my cart. My wife said, I don't work here. I don't care, you people do this all the time. What people? Immigrants? Then my wife said, F off. They don't care, you people do this all the time. What people? Immigrants? Then my wife said, F. Off. The entitled Woman Reels and Gasp.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I could have you fired. My wife didn't stick around, she just hit it off with her trolley of mulch, paid and hit it home. No drama. That was our slash, I don't work here lady, and if you like this content, check out my Patreon where I publish extra episodes. Also be sure to follow this podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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