rSlash - r/Idontworkherelady Super Racist Lady Expects Minorities to Serve Her 😰

Episode Date: April 17, 2020

r/Idontworkherelady The woman in this story is absolutely ridiculous! She comes into an Ethiopian restaurant and then starts bossing around OP, assuming OP works there. When OP clarifies that she does...n't work there, the lady laughs and starts criticizing the black workers for being slow. WTF?!? If you enjoyed this video, subscribe for more daily Reddit posts! Watch on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 For your holiday season, real Canadian superstar has more legendary ways to save than any other major grocer. Until December 6th, get a free Jumble Point set when you spend $300 or more. Plus, PC Optimum members can get select PC or no-name cheese at $3.99. Conditions apply to Fly For Details. Welcome to R-Slash. I don't work here, lady. Where the coronavirus starts making Karen's act extra crazy. I'm on the janitorial team that was sanitizing our public school buildings during the cancellations last week. Monday, I arrived for my first day and I was tackling an auditorium.
Starting point is 00:00:30 It was no secret that schools were closed. It was on the news, there were signs on the doors, I think the city even sent a text alert about it to anyone who signed up for municipal notifications. And the school absolutely sent emails. But as I'm beginning to clean with my card and my janitorial uniform, a woman comes in with two kids, five and seven-ish. I say, hi, I'm sorry, the school's closed for the rest of the, and she cussed me off and says, yeah, yeah, I know, I know, but this is the daycare service, right? No, what? No, I'm just a member of the cleaning crew. Well, where's the daycare? There... what? I don't think there is one. We're sanitizing every room today. You could go to
Starting point is 00:01:12 the office and ask, but I didn't see anyone in there. It's really just us. Oh, great. So, you're in charge. I'll be back at 2.15, right? I'm not in charge of anything. You'll need to go to the office or probably go home, actually. I don't think there's any kind of service. What are you talking about? They wouldn't just cancel school without a daycare service for working parents. Where's your boss? My boss is also a janitor. Trust me, they can't help you.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Now, at this point, the kids had begun to run around the gym, which meant I'd have to resanitize whatever they'd touched, so I said more firmly. You need to go. I'm not supposed to let people in here during cleaning. At this point, I wasn't sure if she was messing with me or if she really didn't know. She seemed busy, she had a cell phone in one hand and no hands on the kids. Without looking up, she had a cell phone in one hand and no hands on the kids. Without looking up she says, Well, you should have cleaned before the kids started to arrive, shouldn't you?
Starting point is 00:02:10 I'm starting to wonder if I am the crazy one at this point. There are no kids arriving, I'm cleaning, the school is closed. I know, the school is closed. That's why I'm leaving them in the daycare. And just like that, she was closed. That's why I'm leaving them in the daycare. And just like that, she was off. I was calling after her, hey, excuse me, lady, you can't leave the kids here. I didn't know what to do about it, so I took the kids to my boss and asked what we needed to do. The boss said, so they just left these kids here? Why didn't you tell her the school
Starting point is 00:02:41 was closed? Who doesn't know that by now? I explained that I did tell her and she either was so checked out she didn't understand or she chose to ignore me. So the boss said, this is all way too risky. We can't keep an eye on them and there are dangerous products and who knows why she left them here. We don't need this problem. Better call whoever you call about kids with no one to watch them. Cops? We also had one of the janitors trying to get a name and number off the kids, but they didn't really know. But we have a few undocumented immigrants on the crew, and a couple others who would have just been nervous to have cops buzzing around the workplace.
Starting point is 00:03:19 So we googled it, and ended up calling a child's services hotline. Ultimately, a social worker came and with cops, but they didn't bother anyone though. Just focus on the kids. The cops went through the kids bags and found their last name when a school binder and found a number to call. They got the kids' father, who was I-rate. They had the conversation on speakerphone, so I caught bits and pieces. What do you mean? they're where? Aren't schools closed? And he was there within 10 minutes. I guess he called his wife for an explanation
Starting point is 00:03:49 during that time because she arrived not too soon afterwards. The cops and social worker were lecturing them and the woman was like, I left them with a child care worker in the drop off area and they reiterated there was no daycare and they had no idea what she was talking about. So to that point, I thought, okay, I guess she's just really, really dumb. Then the cops let them go without a warning about understanding where they're leaving their kids and with whom.
Starting point is 00:04:17 But as they were leaving, the woman sneered at my boss. Was it really such a big deal that you had to call the police? So now I wonder whether she was trying to pull a fast one on us or if she was just that stupid. The world may never know, but I still laugh at the story. So down in the comments, almost everyone is saying that she wasn't dumb she was trying to pull a fast one. But if that's true, she was basically trying to trick a total stranger into watching her kid. And anyone who gives away their children to strangers is incredibly stupid.
Starting point is 00:04:52 So it's both. She's a terrible person, and she's an idiot. Our next reddit posted from Amdusiusle years. I was an engineering drugstore slash pharmacy yesterday after work to pick up some sore muscle balm from my back. I'm 9 months pregnant and clearly, heavily pregnant, doing the wattle and all and dressing a suit because my job requires it. Suit jacket on button because LOL haven't been able to close that for about 4 months now.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I'm on the phone with my mom because she and I have a daily ritual of checking in with each other after work each day. I started doing it when she lived alone to make sure she was okay, then just continued doing it when she got a live-in boyfriend. As I'm walking up a random aisle to make my way to the counter to pay, talking to my mom with my cell phone in one hand, and muscle balm in the other, a gentleman blocks me in the aisle and says, where are the razors? Now he's looking right at me, and we're the only two in the aisle,
Starting point is 00:05:45 so I know he's talking to me, but I can't imagine why. I respond with, I'm not sure, pardon me though, I'd like to get by. Dude doesn't move, just stares at me for a minute. It's at this point when I have to ask my mom to hold on because I want all my focus on this dude as I'm beginning to feel unease.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Finally, he says, what do you mean you don't know? I respond with, sir, I just came to get some muscle bomb and would really like to pay for my purchase and leave. Please let me through the aisle. Then he takes another good long look at me and finally says, you don't work here. At this point, I'm just annoyed, tired, and wanting to get on with my life. And my stomach is too big to squeeze past him because he still hasn't moved, so I get kinda snippy.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Sir, I'm 9 months pregnant and wearing a suit and heels while talking on my cell phone. What made you think I work here? He finally just stared at me dumbfounded and stepped to the side a bit, so I waddled as fast as my fat pregnant butt could pass them and booked it to the front cashier. Not super dramatic, but it really took me off my guard because, well, I never thought I'd encounter someone so oblivious. Who knew? Our next reddit position, DTLove.
Starting point is 00:07:04 So this just happened and I'm actually kind of proud of it. A bit of backstory. I stay with my kids during the day and work nights. My husband and I have opposite shifts so we can save on daycare. Because of this, I don't usually go grocery shopping during the week because it can be difficult getting my kids through the store. My daughter sometimes has milked down some big crowds. She doesn't have any sensory issues according to her doctor, we think she just doesn't like the noise or just gets tired
Starting point is 00:07:29 easy and that makes her fussy. I remember that I was supposed to get party supplies for work today because one of the ladies there was going on maternity leave and I had volunteered to help set up a party for her. So, off to the store we all go and everything goes surprisingly well. I'm getting ready to check out at the self-scanner when it happens. I feel it's happened my shoulder followed by the excuse me that we all know in dread. So I turn around. My mistake. You're flying to meet with a new supplier to keep your business growing.
Starting point is 00:08:03 And with the business platinum card from American Express, you can earn $820 in new value and more, which includes a $200 travel credit toward your flight. Now a boarding business class. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply as at slash business platinum. Bed on the NFL with Bandual, official sports put partner of the NFL. Download the app today to see why we're North America's number one sports book. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gamling problem call 1866-531-2600 to visit
Starting point is 00:08:42 Despite the tone used, the lady seemed relatively normal, no care in haircut, until she started talking. Excuse me, this won't scan. I look around and she's definitely talking to me. Now I would normally help, even if someone is rude because why not? However, her tone and pitch was harsh enough that my daughter started cleaning to my arm. My son just doesn't care, lol. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Hello, a little help. I'm just focused on my daughter, rubbing her back because I feel her start to freak out. How this lady thought I could help is beyond me. I don't work there and was dressed like I literally rolled out of bed. Fortunately, the self-checkout attendant shows up and asks what the problem is. This won't scan and this person, she gestures vaguely in my direction, is no help. The lady turns back to me while the attendant tries to ring up the item for her. You're so rude!
Starting point is 00:09:40 Are you deaf or something? At this point, I still hadn't said a word to her and the idea hit me. Like a freaking beautiful rainbow wrapped in lightning. I'm not deaf, but me and my kids are learning American Sign Language. I just started doing it so I can ask basic questions and can sign the baby shark song. Don't ask, my kids love it. Smiling the biggest freaking smile I can manage, I start signing. It makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I'm basically saying, how are you? Do you want food? What is your name? I know a little sign. Baby Shark Song, lol. I swear, I never saw someone lose color in their face so fast in my entire life. It was glorious! She got her items paid and practically ran out of there. The attendant
Starting point is 00:10:27 trying her best not to laugh. I turned to the attendant and said cheerfully, have a nice day. She and I shared a good laugh and I went home. PS, my daughter's fine. She probably just got scared. Then we had this comment from Teekwatch down below. My cousin did that once a few years back, however, she doesn't know sign language, so she used Naruto Jitsu hand signs instead. It didn't work. Man that'd be a great trick. A Karen goes to see the manager, and as soon as she starts complaining, there's a big puff of smoke, and the manager is replaced with a log.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Our next reddit post is from Bye-Bye Brain. My grandmother has Alzheimer's, so she often doesn't know where she is or who's with her. I know for a fact that she has no idea who I am. Therefore, I make an effort to call her grandma multiple times in any sitting or activity we participate in. Recently, I noticed she needed her hair and nails done as the color in both those areas was fading her chipped. So I made an appointment with a family member who owns a beauty salon and took her there. Normally, customers are those
Starting point is 00:11:28 waiting for someone sitting in the front area and rarely a company a person they came with inside the actual salon floor. So I understand why assumptions were made, but still, don't mess with my grandmother. I was on the salon floor with my grandmother sitting in a seat in front of her while my cousin colored her hair. I was there to make sure to keep her calm and engaged while her hair and nails were being done. She was telling me the same story she told me 10 times in the last 10 minutes. Bless her heart. When I felt someone behind me.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Now, we were in the farthest corner of the room. Not near a bathroom or wash station, so there was really no reason someone should be behind me. My grandmother stops someone should be behind me. My grandmother stops talking and looks behind me. Grandma, chipper is ever. Hi, are you another grandchild? No, I'm not. And why are you not working? There's a line over there. Me, upon realizing that she's talking to me, say over my shoulder, I don't work here.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Now I can't believe that. You're on the floor, which means you work here. She talks to me condescendingly, and I don't take that sort of tone well. Neither does my grandmother. In a moment of clarity, I watch that bright, chipper smile fall and a glimpse of my brainy at grandmother peek through. I shoot a warning glance at my cousin who is person her lips to keep from laughing prematurely. Well, by your own logic, my dear, you must be a worker. Go get me a new Coke, would you? That's a good honey bunch.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Karen starts sputtering and my grandma laughs. The chipper look returns to her face and she says, Hi, are you one of my grandchildren? As Karen stomps off in her loud high heels, my grandma turns and says, loudly, I guess not. My grandchildren are not... B******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Then we have this story from built by Obama Roll Tide down in the comments. I love your grandma. Bless her heart. Please give her a hug for me. I used to work in my grandma's diner.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I was about 14 at the time, and a guy kept grabbing my butt. My grandmother handed me a hot pot of coffee and a picture of ice water. Told me to act like I was going to dump both in his lap and tell him if he ever put his hands on me again, I would heat him up and cool him off at the same time. He never touched me again. Your grandmother reminds me of mine. Our next Reddit post is from Batcalls. I was working in a college town that had a really amazing diverse food scene. One day, during lunch, I walked over to my favorite Ethiopian restaurant. It was a super relaxed environment inside. They were kind of nestling to a shopping plaza, head dim lighting, and had mismatching dining room tables
Starting point is 00:14:09 and chairs that just kinda made you feel like you were at a cool on-s house. You just knew you were going to have the best meal of your life based on all of that. When you first walk in, there's a beverage cooler directly to the right of you, and a counter with a cash register on the kitchen side and menus on the patron side. Then, the random tables and chairs were kind of haphazardly scattered about. The ladies who worked there knew me in my typical order, so after paying, I hung out and fiddle with my phone on the patron side of the counter. Adding this crucial detail, only because it comes in later, but at the time this other patron, whose white, let's call her dumb girl, enters. I'm the only other non-person of color in the establishment.
Starting point is 00:14:47 A pale pasty ginger. So dumb girl walks in and kind of starts hovering by the beverage cooler looking around. This is more of one of those places you walk in, order at the counter and seat yourself. If there's no one at the counter, then it would make sense to wait around up front to seat yourself and wait. The main waitress had just gone back to the kitchen to get my food, so I was awkwardly standing in front of the menus and kind of just assumed she knew the flow of things here. In dumb girl's defense, I was wearing all black clothes, kind of the typical wardrobe for a waitress. I finally acknowledged her after she started siding and tapping her foot, and asked if I
Starting point is 00:15:24 was blocking her way to the menus. She responded with a very catty. It took you long enough. You're just standing there on your phone ignoring a paying customer. Do you not want my business? I was totally caught off guard and didn't say a word. Just slid over a minute to her. I guess I could understand her being confused, but again, this was by no means a fancy place. Right after she said that, the waitress walked around from the kitchen with my food in a bag and told me to have a nice day. The look on dumb girl's face, which from embarrassment to confusion to annoyance until she finally looked at me responded with,
Starting point is 00:16:01 well yeah, that makes sense. You're not black. Why would someone like you work here? That's what we get for coming to a place like this, right? And then she laughed in that way that why people do sometimes when they're trying to get other why people to agree with them on some sort of racist. It made me uncomfortable and didn't make sense anyway. I just said, I don't know what you mean, and walked out to my car. I ended up asking the main waitress about Dumb Girl the next week. Apparently, Dumb Girl sent her food back twice, saying it was too spicy, and ended up demanding a comped meal.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Needless to say, I never saw Dumb Girl again. I was gonna say that Opie should have named this girl Racist girl instead of dumb girl, but then I read further and found out that she went into an Ethiopian restaurant and complained about the food being too spicy. So yeah, I'd say dumb is a pretty accurate descriptor. That was R-slash, I don't work here lady, and if you liked this video then hit that subscribe button because I put out new Reddit videos every single day. subscribe button because I put out new Reddit videos every single day.

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