rSlash - r/Maliciouscompliance "I don't take orders from GIRLS!" "OK, then you're fired"

Episode Date: July 5, 2020

r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP is a young woman working for her grandfather's company. A new male hire comes in, and OP has to train the new employee on safety regulations. For some reas...on, the guy flips out when OP starts the training and screams that he doesn't take orders from little girls. Hey dude, maybe it's not a good idea to scream at the company owner's granddaughter. When the CEO found out, he let his daughter fire the guy! Instant karma! If you like this podcast and you want to see more, follow my podcast for daily Reddit content! 🔔 Subscribe:  💬 Discord:  🎧 Podcast:  ⚓ Send me a voice message:  📸 Instagram:  ♪ TikTok:  🛒 Merch:  🎁 Patreon: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Your business has grown fast, from opening your first location to planning an expansion in no time. And with your business platinum card from American Express, you can access spending power and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor is here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum Welcome to our slash a podcast where I read the best posts from across Reddit today's subreddit is our slash malicious compliance and next a word from our sponsors our next Reddit posts is from just add the slash this happened when I was 15 post from just at the slash. This happened when I was 15. My mom was, let's be real, she probably still is, a mentally, emotionally, and physically abusive narcissist. Some highlights
Starting point is 00:00:52 are when she was teaching my twin sister and I to read at the age of four or so. It was around 2am and my sister was having trouble learning, so my mother's solution was to beat her with a sandal every time she got a flash guard wrong. The same thing happened when my mother had me transcribe an essay she had written to my handwriting when I was seven. Every time I started a letter from the wrong position, like starting a capital M from the bottom line, she would beat me with one of her Berk and stocks. This too happened later at night, so when I got too delirious from the exhaustion and
Starting point is 00:01:24 pain, she would drag me by the neck and literally throw me into a cold shower to wake me up so we would more easily continue the waking nightmare. When I was 13, I told her I wanted to live with my dad, they're divorced, and she told me she didn't care what I did after I turned 18. I later figured out that this was because the child support stopped at age 18. I later figured out that this was because the child support stopped at age 18. Anywho, fast forward to age 15. Our relationship was understandably strained. We had had guests and she liked to use guests as a way of controlling our behavior through shame. It's easier to be an angsty teenager when your grown up friends from church aren't watching and
Starting point is 00:02:01 judging everything you do. This makes it easier for her to pretend to be a firm but loving mother all while slipping in sideways comments like velvet daggers. Well, I decided I wasn't going to subject myself to the whole thing and spent the day outside in the woods nearby. We lived in the mountains and at the time it was less than a hundred feet from the house. When I saw a guest sit left I went to go back inside. My mother, perhaps unhappy at being denied a day long emotional abuse routine, told me I wasn't welcome, and that I should leave. My 15-year-old
Starting point is 00:02:32 brain heard her words and knew that she only meant for a little while, but it also recognized that it failed to specify any time frame at all. So I hiked a couple of miles to her friend's house and asked if I could spend a couple days there. When my friend's dad found out that I was there and why he was pissed and said I could stay as long as I needed. I didn't go home that evening or the next. My mom became concerned and contacted law enforcement to report me missing. This is a big deal for several reasons. We lived in the mountains on a national park so it was a very real possibility that I had been attacked by a wild animal. Become injured while hiking, drowned, or been kidnapped. Nobody knew of my mother's abusive tendencies
Starting point is 00:03:14 or the squalor and neglect my sister and I lived in. Most importantly, the law enforcement was the local park rangers which she worked with daily. Law enforcement immediately contacted my dad side of the family to see if I turned up there or contacted them. They promptly freaked the F out and came to my house with lawyers on standby. Law enforcement then hired dogs to track my scent and then everyone freaked out because the dogs tracked me to a nearby river where my trail died because the dogs couldn't pick up my scent anymore. Over the next couple of days, there were people going in and out of my house, rangers, lawyers, my family, etc. And several noticed the overpowering scent of cleaning chemicals, but only a lawyer considered why a clean house would wreak of chemicals. And regarding this section, OP later added an edit
Starting point is 00:04:01 regarding the chemicals. The house was normally trashed. My mother kept an untrained dog and the carpet was soaked with dog feces and urine. The few times we had guests, we would have to crawl around the dog's potty spot and clean it up and make the house smell good. My mom freaked out when she realized that Rangers and CPS might come around. She did a deep clean at the house before reporting me missing because she couldn't afford to have them realize what they were walking on.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Law enforcement started to canvas the nearby woods and neighborhood. My friend's dad came to me and asked if there was somewhere else I could stay. He told me that he wouldn't kick me out, but didn't want to have to lie to the police or let the dogs on his property. My friend and I figured we would just go camping
Starting point is 00:04:43 for a week or so, but instead, I looked at my dad's side of the family and called and they picked me up right away. Understandably, everyone had questions. When I told them what was happening, the lawyers horrified, pounced. A judge issued an emergency change of custody and prevented her from gaining custody until she underwent a psychopath and therapy, which my mother would never allow. The rangers equally horrified, and therapy, which my mother would never allow. The rangers equally horrified, completely shunned my mother, and she eventually lost her job.
Starting point is 00:05:11 She was only allowed to live in the park because she worked there, so she was kicked out of her house. My friends, fathers and trackers remember that the local community in churches and they shunned my mother too. She lost her job, her house, her church, and her friends. All because she told me to leave, and I did.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And down to the comments, OP explains that he completely cut his mom out of his life after this moment. She hasn't even met any of her own grandchildren. And based on this story, I can't say I blame OP for doing that. Our next Reddit post is from Next Flatline. My neighbor's three year old first some reason was always running around barefoot until
Starting point is 00:05:50 2 a.m. and then again from 5 a.m. You could feel the apartment shaking when the kid was stomping and the parents didn't seem to do anything about it. I didn't consider complaining since I grew up in an apartment and I could get used to the noise with time. I was actually happy that I could listen to loud music and the neighbor wouldn't mind since they were also noisy. Well, to my surprise, and a few days I get a very angry building manager telling me that
Starting point is 00:06:14 the neighbor complained I was too noisy. Even though I was careful to never make noise between 9pm and 10am. Of course, I then complained about the stomping and got told that the other apartments also complained about that, but neither he nor the police could do anything about natural noises coming from living in an apartment. Well, from then on, every night and early morning I would play very loud and very dirty adult videos. And whenever I had a guest, I would tell her she could be as noisy as she wanted.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Every time, I could hear the stomping halting right away and after two months, they moved out. Our next reddit post is from Bed of Pillows. Our supervisor introduces a new project management tool to the team. Our team is only three people and we don't need a giant professional software solution. Both of us underlings point this out, but the supervisor insists. We worry about it being a waste of time, and the supervisor says it'll be worth it. We ask for clarification about what exactly do we need to enter into the new tool, and the supervisor says everything. Everything? Absolutely everything you do should be entered and checked off.
Starting point is 00:07:24 My coworker underling gets a gleam in his eye. I understand. So we enter everything into the calendar. Leave home for work, entered, arrive at work, entered, sit down at desk, entered, and so on. And every time we accomplish a task, we log on to the program and market as complete. Coffee, check, write an email, check. And every time we do this, the program automatically sends an email to the supervisor that the task is done. To the supervisor's credit, he took it well and laughed about the overwhelming emails. And it was only a few days later that he dropped the program and we went back to the way it was before.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Hi, I'm Pete Davidson, and if you're like most people, you may be asking yourself, well, hey Pete, are you here to up my hydration game? And I'd be like, hey you, that's exactly right with new smart water alkaline with antioxidant. And you'd be like, okay, cool, but there's no way there's a higher pH, right? And I'd be like, there actually is. And you'd be like, that's rad. I hope there's electrolytes for taste too. And I'd be like, you actually is! And you'd be like, that's rad! I hope there's electrolytes for taste too. And I'd be like, you're not gonna believe this! Elevate how you hydrate. And keep it smart, with smart water alkaline.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Ah! Ah! Why We're North America's Number One Sportsbook. Nineteen plus and physically located in Ontario. Gampling problem call 1-866-531-2600 to visit Our next credit post is from Plithorism. So I used to work for my grandparents on an oil farm in Texas. I was 17, freshly graduated from high school, and I moved from the Midwest to Texas to live with my grandparents and work in the oil farm they worked for doing some easy data entry. The building was essentially a 10 building on the job site where my grandma and I, the only two office workers besides my grandfather who was the foreman, worked.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Basically, when the new hires would come in that had missed the initial hiring round, I was the one who would make sure that all their paperwork was in order and that they had all of their OSHA classes finished. And if any safety training hadn't been done, I would just put in the VHS to confirm on a written copy that they had finished it under my instruction. This went on for two months with no issue until one fateful day. Our regular Florida man, record and all, came in as a new hire and came to my office to finish his new hire paperwork.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Once he was in my office, I found he had no safety training to speak of, and I informed him his next day or two would be spent in my office watching safety videos. All of this was paid, of course. He immediately flew into a rage, screaming about how he wouldn't have some little girl teaching him how to do his job. And again, I was a 17 year old female at the time, I now identify as non-binary, and was only going through company standards and OSHA rules with him. I went to my grandfather who was my boss at the time, obviously very confused and uncomfortable, and unsure of how I should proceed, to which my grandfather said, you want to fire him?
Starting point is 00:10:19 Cue my excitement! My grandfather follows me to my office, and I as a 17-year-old, get to fire this grown man sitting in front of me. I start directing him to gather his things and leave as he starts up a huge fit, yelling and cursing at me before he noticed my grandfather standing in the door with his gun holstered on his hip. My grandfather usually kept his gun locked in a safe on the ground or in his truck. I hadn't realized until after he pulled it out just for me. And then, the guy very quietly got up and left. It was the most satisfying moment of my life. I like this response from Starfleet auxilary. To be fair, it was be fired by you or be fired
Starting point is 00:11:03 on by Granddad. I think you made the right career move. Also, your grandpa sounds like an awesome guy. I think most managers in that situation would have fired the guy himself, but the fact that he allowed you to do the firing is so sweet. It's very clear that your grandpa has your back. Our next word it posted from K-Ridge Comics. Back when I was in nursing school, we were supposed to wear black non-porous clothes, toad footwear, with non-skid souls for clinical rotations that weren't crocs. Most of my fellow female students were classic nursing clogs like desksos and senitas. I tried wearing clogs like this in the past and had rolled my ankles too many times to recall, so I decided to not go that route for shoes.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I'm a military spouse, a vet myself, and have a four-mentioned sucky ankles, so my footwear of choice was a pair of black leather tactical combat boots. As a show of support, and to make sure I always look sharp at clinical, my hubby always shined up and agedressed my boots every evening before clinical the next morning. The boots always look professional, they were comfy as hell, I could bump my toes into beds without breaking a toe, and I could wear them all day without having back pain, foot pain, or rolling an ankle. The same could not be said for my classmates, wearing more traditional shoes like clogs. During the first week of my first semester, I had an old school nurse as my clinical instructor. I say old school because she believed female nurses should still be wearing crisp
Starting point is 00:12:29 white uniforms with the stupid starch hats and that her profession lost prestige when we transitioned to scrubs. This instructor got such a bee and her bonnet about my boots and decided that my boots were out of regulation that she threatened to take it up to the director and have me tossed from clinical, thus failing the program. There was nothing in the handbook specifically stating, I couldn't wear boots since it just stated footwear which was black, well maintained, non-skid, and non-porous. Check, check, check, check. Furthermore, the pair of boots that I wore were meant to be worn by EMTs, so they were waterproof, blood-borne
Starting point is 00:13:05 pathogen-resistant, puncture-proof, oil-proof, nonskid, and had reinforced toes. They were just as expensive as dance-go-clogs and could handle lots more abuse. I knew I was in the clear, and so I decided to keep on wearing them. The day after the instructor commented on the inappropriateness of my boots, she did a uniform slash shoe inspection to make sure we were appropriately attired. I, of course, was wearing my nicely polished combat boots. She failed me for the day based on my boots, so I politely objected, stating that my boots fell well within the definitions of acceptable footwear in the handbook. She literally marched me to the director's office like I was a kid caught stealing cookies,
Starting point is 00:13:45 and demanded I get tossed for the boots, failure to follow program rules, and disrespect because I objected to her failing me. The program director, upon further close reading of the program regulations, determined that there was nothing wrong with the boots. They adhered to the standards set forth by the program, and that they were honestly safer than most of the shoes the other students were wearing because they were waterproof, puncture-proof, non-skid, and had reinforced toes. She resented my fail and allowed me back in clinical. After that, I heard not a peep about my boots from any of the faculty for the rest of my program. Fast forward to graduation. I'd been wearing my combat boots since I started, and I had no intention of stopping. Especially since many of the vets that I cared for during clinical always reacted positively
Starting point is 00:14:29 to them. Our nursing pinning ceremony, the event where we receive our nursing school pins and our officially recognized nurses has an all white dress code. White uniforms starch white hats, white clothes toad footwear. The word footwear is key. The dress code did not state shoes specifically, and I knew this. The same entitled nersees me in the hall and makes it a point to tell me that I'll have to get some real white nursing shoes to wear
Starting point is 00:14:55 to pinning since I can't obviously wear my black combat boots because we needed to have white footwear. I politely smiled, nodded, said that I'd have white footwear, and went on my merry way. And then, I wore the all white Doc Martin combat boots my infantryman husband brought me as a graduation gift-depending. The instructor stopped me after the ceremony and complimented me on actually getting nursing shoes. At which point, I pulled up the leg of my white scrubs and showed her my boots. The look on her face was priceless. Our next Reddit post is from Vertigo. The company I was working for had a fair number of people that traveled almost exclusively.
Starting point is 00:15:33 So while it was a fairly small company, it may be 100 people on staff, across everyone, I guess we would have about 12 to 15,000 nights in a hotel and over a million flight miles per year. That worked out quite well for everyone because they racked up a lot of rewards with hotels and airlines so their vacations ended up costing them basically nothing. In addition to that, the company policy was that you booked and paid for all your travel and then submitted a request to get reimbursed. So quite a lot of people were also getting insane rewards from their credit card companies
Starting point is 00:16:04 as well. It was considered a perk of the job, even to the point that HR would mention it when recruiting people, and it helped people put up with some of the other BS policies they didn't like. Enter the new controller. Let's call her Karen. Karen decides that the company is losing money and implements a new reimbursement system where everyone gets company cards that they use so the company gets all the credit card rewards. On top of this, they also partner with a travel agency that everyone has to use to book
Starting point is 00:16:31 their flights, hotels, and rental cars. The idea is that since all the money and bookings are now in the company's name, the company gets to keep all the rewards. This is all great for the company, but it sucks for all the employees because this had formally been one of the top perks. It's like each employee gets a several thousand dollar pay decrease. Cue malicious compliance. I expect our CEO was like a lot of CEOs and that he hadn't assisted the book to all of his travel and just into an itinerary, so he knew what flights to get on, where to pick up his rental and what hotel to check into. Similarly, when things don't go his way, he's not one for winning the details. He just
Starting point is 00:17:08 wants it fixed ASAP. So, the admin assistant started following the procedures to the letter. The CEO ends up getting stuck with sucky cars, sucky hotel rooms, and stuck in coach class because the system either has limits on what choices can be made, or wants to use reward points to book, and you can't use those type of rewards for the flight totals, etc. that he's used to. Additionally, when he'd run into problems, he'd call his assistant and she'd tell him that she would have to call the travel agent to see what's wrong. And this would invariably occur outside business hours, so it'd take a day to get an answer. If memory serves, that policy changed last
Starting point is 00:17:45 at all of 30 days before the CEO walked into the controller's office, told her that it sucked and directed that everything should be put back to the way that it was. After that, I know of at least a handful of people that ended up taking the CEO's assistant not for dinner and drinks as a thank you for helping to get things back to normal. That's always the problem with new management. Every time a new manager comes in, they want to change something so they can prove that they're doing something useful and different. When 9 times out of 10, the better solution is, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. That was our slash malicious compliance, and if you like this content, then follow my
Starting point is 00:18:19 podcast because I put out new Reddit podcasts every single day. podcast because I put out new Reddit podcasts every single day.

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