rSlash - r/Maliciouscompliance Karen Thinks She's the Neighborhood Cop

Episode Date: July 12, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:07 Sick 1:28 Comment 1:33 Table for 8 4:15 Tests 6:18 Slow down 8:34 Comment 8:38 Child support 10:17 Comment story 11:01 Bad boss 12:43 Expensive tip Learn more about your ad choices. Vi...sit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's fall and you can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get a maple tree on Uber Eats, but maple syrup and maple lattes? Yes, we can deliver that. Uber Eats. Get almost, almost anything. Order now.
Starting point is 00:00:12 Product availability may vary by region. See you after details. Welcome to our slash malicious compliance. Where OP pukes all over his boss? Our next reddit post is from any ad. So I used to work as a waiter, and anyone who was or is a waiter knows that when you call an ill, they never believe you. They always
Starting point is 00:00:31 think that you're pulling a sickie. Anyways, one day I was throwing up loads throughout the night, so I had to call in sick at 10 a.m. that morning. 10 a.m. comes and I'm feeling awful, so I call up in my manager answers. He starts calling me a liar saying that I'm screwing him over, questioning me about what I ate, and then when I said that I hadn't eaten any chicken, he said that I must be lying because why else would I be sick. Anyways, long story short, he threatens to make my job hell if I don't come in, so screw it, I went in. We were hosting a big table event, and my manager and I were out front presenting the
Starting point is 00:01:10 food to the table. It was a fancy restaurant. I had to leave halfway through because I fell ill, and my manager, when he got back, forced me to go see him in the office. I said that I needed to stay by the toilet, but he said no, I had to come, so effort, I went. He sits me down and starts lecturing me. After about a minute, my nausea gets really bad, so I lean over and throw up all over him. He looks horrified and I get in home. Love this comment from Coder Joe. He played chicken with you and lost.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Our next Reddit post is from Rumpel teaser. About a year back, I worked in a family restaurant. It was a Saturday night and we were pretty busy with all tables reserved, but everything was under control. I was hosting and we had a family of eight due for a birthday. As I was making my way back to my station, a group of eight people walked in.
Starting point is 00:02:05 The exchange went as follows. The big idiot leading the eight people said, Table for eight. No problem, sir. Do you have a reservation? No, I don't think so. Okay, well, I'm very sorry, but we're fully booked for tonight. But I can take a reservation for another night, if you wish. No, if I wanted to eat here another night, I would have come here another night. I understand, sir. I do apologize. I'm afraid that all of our tables are reserved for the night, but you're more than welcome to take a seat at the bar, if you like.
Starting point is 00:02:37 What about that table over there? He pointed to the birthday table. That's got eight seats. We'll just sit there. I'm sorry, but that table is reserved for another family. They're do here any minute. If you wait at the bar, we have a 30 minute policy, so if the family doesn't turn up, you can take their table. Well, none of those empty tables have reserved signs on them, so how are we meant to know? Can't you just
Starting point is 00:03:00 push two of those tables together for us? The big idiot in spots my manager walking past and grabs her arm to speak to her. Excuse me, there's a table over there that we'd like to sit at, but this girl here won't let us sit there. We traveled half an hour to get here and I am not happy. They don't have any signs on there that say reserve, so I don't understand. My manager, without missing a single beat, says, I'm sorry about that, sir. Please wait a second while I sort this out.
Starting point is 00:03:29 It won't be long. The big idiot is looking pretty pleased with himself at this point. He puffs at his chest and gives me the smuggest look that he's probably given anyone. Until he spots my manager walking out, with a little reserve signs in her hand. She walks over to my station, checks the reservations, walks over to each empty table, and places a reserve sign on each one. Then walks back over to the station. I'm sorry our system confused you, sir.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I've now rectified it. I see that we have a free table tomorrow evening at the same time if you'd like to come back then. The big idiot had a hilarious expression on his face and said that he would sit at the bar and wait to see if the table cancels. Then as they walk away, the birthday table of eight walks in. The big idiot hops and beckons his family to leave, at which point my manager calls over. If you'd like that table for tomorrow, please give us a call.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Have a nice evening! Oh, sweet, sweet karma. Our next reddit post is from Miss Siege. Several years ago, in the wake of separating from my husband, I applied for temporary assistance for needy families, which provides $300 a month for a certain number of months of those who qualify. I was also applying for SNAP benefits, WIC, and childcare assistance, which has a six month waiting list. My now ex-husband was a real piece of work. He went to prison almost immediately after I left. We have three kids together, ages six, four, and two. I was a stay-at-home mom and tell this point. When I applied to the assistance programs in my area, these assistance
Starting point is 00:05:04 programs required that I go to the workforce center in my area, these assistance programs required that I go to the Workforce Center and apply for jobs there. They made me an appointment and I went in with my three kids, files and paperwork, and they asked me to come in the next day for like three hours to do some aptitude tests on the computer. I said, three hours? Tomorrow? I won't be able to get a babysitter on such short notice.
Starting point is 00:05:24 They said, well, figure it out, because you can't get assistance without doing this. I said, okay. The next day, I show up on time with my three kids. I sign in and sit in the waiting area. A lady comes in from another part of the building to get me. She calls my name, I raise my hand, and start to gather my kids to proceed with her. She takes one look at us and says, You can't have your kids here. You have to sit here and take these tests.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I said, I told you that I don't have a sitter, but they said, Oh, well, you have to come in here, so I'm here. Okay, no, come with me. We're hitting you child care assistants right now. Do you have a facility in mind with open spots? I think so, but I'll need to call and verify that. Do that right now while I start your paperwork. So I called the daycare, verified the spots, and they offered me a job in the infant room. The lady had me come back the next day after I dropped the kids off a daycare to do the
Starting point is 00:06:20 testing, even though I'd already gotten a job. Also, she accelerated my applications for assistance. That woman was a godsend during a very trying time in my life. Our next reddit post is from Eta Peach. I live in a very quiet suburban neighborhood with lots of active neighbors. Joggers, bikers, dogwalkers, baby strollers, kids playing ball in the streets, etc. The speed limit is 25 mph, but when I see lots of foot traffic on the sidewalks, I bring it down to 15 mph, or even 10 mph if I see a big group of kids playing in the streets. There's this sweet group of kids who play basketball in the middle of the street
Starting point is 00:06:58 eight doors down from my home. When they see cars approaching, they move to the curb and wait for the cars to pass before resuming their game. One day I was driving home from work and I saw the kids out playing, and their mother was on their front lawn talking with another adult. I slowed down to 10 mph and went to the complete opposite side of the street as I crept by. A little while later, she knocked on my door and complained about how fast I was driving, and that I could have harmed her precious children. I said, the speed limit complained about how fast I was driving and that I could have harmed her precious children. I said the speed limit is 25 mph and I was going 10 mph. How much slower do you want me to go?
Starting point is 00:07:33 She said, I don't care. Just slow down or else I'm going to call the police. I have a doorbell camera so I can see you every time you drive by. Okay, crazy lady, whatever you say. The next day, her kids were outside playing in the street again. I slowly approached, came to a full stop, and then I took my foot off the brakes, and let the car crawl ahead at one mile per hour. The kids stared at me all confused as it took an entire minute to pass through their makeshift basketball courts. I continued to do this a few more times until one day the mother came and knocked on my car window as I was crawling by. I
Starting point is 00:08:13 lowered my window and asked if there was a problem. She said, why are you going so slow? Are you stalking my children? I said, no, of course not. You demanded that I slow down so I am. Then I rolled up my window and went on my children. I said, no, of course not. You demanded that I slow down, so I am. Then I rolled up my window and went on my way. She comes banging on my front door again and says, don't get smart with me. Now you're going too slow. I said, are you saying that going 10 miles per hour is okay now? Because if you don't like it, you can call the cops. She huffed, crossed her arms, and stomped off my porch. The top comment from Frosty is, tell her not to walk so fast across your yard.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Metro links and cross links are reminding everyone to be careful, as Eglinton Cross-Town LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, this trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. Your business has grown fast, from opening your first location to planning an expansion in no time. And with your business platinum card from American Express, you can access spending power
Starting point is 00:09:32 and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor is here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply if it slash business platinum. Our next reddit post is from Inji Bange. My ex and I have been at odds for a couple of years now about the custody of our kid. My ex-girlfriend has repeatedly lied to the court, made fake reports to the cops, filed for restraining orders the whole nine yards. None of this has worked. I've been battling it by being consistent and defending myself.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Whenever tactics has been to set her lawyer on me to demand every single penny I make for every little thing, I started a new job back in January which came with a nice pay raise. I told my ex about this and she did nothing. She would have received the increased child support payment following the next tax return anyway, so it wasn't worth bothering over. However, in the most recent conflict we had, her lawyer picked up on my change in circumstances, and demanded that I adjust the child support payable with immediate effect as opposed to the end
Starting point is 00:10:41 of the tax year. I am not legally obligated to do this. However, I comply. Like I said, I'm happy to pay child support if it'll reduce conflict. Now, here's the kicker. I've just received my annual pay raise, 2.1%. Given my ex's stance that I absolutely must inform her of any of my change in circumstances, I sent these details over to her.
Starting point is 00:11:04 However, this equates to a roughly $2 a month difference in child support. What this has done, however, has cost her about an hour's worth of time with her lawyer to calculate the difference at roughly $300 an hour. Do you want to guess how long it will take her to recoup that investment? 12 and a half years. Also, down in the comments, we have this stupid story from processed meat. So, for a while, I was dating a girl who had a child, and her baby daddy was a real jerk about child support. From what I remember, support is calculated based on the difference in pay between the two parents. It was a simple
Starting point is 00:11:42 formula the court used. There was no arguing about what the amount should be. My girlfriend got a new job that came with a small raise. This got the baby daddy excited, thinking that he would get to pay less in child support. To get any change in child support, both parties have to share the last few pay stubs and support is recalculated. When he took my girlfriend to court
Starting point is 00:12:02 because of her raise, he failed to realize that he had also gotten a race since the last Calculation so his support payment went up not down. Our next rid of postage from B-Rick I worked as a systems administrator for an IT firm. I got tired of dealing with abusive and angry clients for five years. I got tired of being micromanage and being exploited. I got tired of being talked down to like I was a child anytime the slightest little mistake was made. When my boss learned that I didn't want to tolerate a 3 hour commute to a new location, he spent an hour lecturing me on taking a long hard look at yourself. He said that he
Starting point is 00:12:41 was concerned about my reliability after I refused to spend three hours a day commuting to the new location on top of my workday. If I can't rely on you to work in the other market, then I just don't know if you have much of a future with this company. I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself and gain some perspective. You know what, you're absolutely right. Two weeks later, I found a new job and gave my notice. You know what, you're absolutely right. Two weeks later, I found a new job and gave my notice. He begged me to stay, offered me more money, etc. This went on for days. I said, no thanks. I finally found that perspective you wanted me to find. Boy am I glad I did. A new job with a raise in benefits and no stress.
Starting point is 00:13:25 This is the only advice that you've ever given me a value. Good luck to you. He let me go one week into my notice. I started my new job and I love my new boss and co-workers. It's been over a year and my former boss hired 6 different people to fill my spot, each lasting like 1- two months before they left. Hmm, wonder why that is. Maybe he needs to gain some perspective on how to run a company and treat people. Our next reddit post is from Urika. Nearly 15 years ago, I went to work
Starting point is 00:13:57 for a company. In that job, every month, I traveled to customer sites, did the first pass analysis of our defective products, and got yelled at a lot. It sucked. Also worth mentioning, our branch at the company was too small to use corporate travel, so for every trip I was scouring discount travel sites to find the cheapest flight, hotel, and car. I was ridiculously vigorous in finding the best prices. If the shittiest shitbox car was $32 a day, and the not-so shittie car was $34 a day, I picked the $32 a day car to save the company $2 a day. One fine trip, several months in, was spectacularly awful. Not only did I have a truly terrible car, the hotel was all new depth of yuck.
Starting point is 00:14:43 My shoes stuck to the carpet in my room, and the security flipper thing on the hotel was all new depth of yuck. My shoes stuck to the carpet in my room, and the security flipper thing on the door was plastic. Also, it was in the worst part of town, and I worried about my safety to the point that I ended up pulling the little couch over to block the door and sleeping on the couch. Adding to my misery, I was sick. Normally I would have canceled the trip, but this customer was in an uproar. I made this trek every month, and once during every trip I would eat at the local Outback Steakhouse. It was a known quantity. The people who worked there were great, and it helped me have that connection. On this particular trip, I made my way to the Outback for dinner, and I was clearly sick
Starting point is 00:15:25 and miserable. The people at Outback's stay-couse took care of me. They sat me next to the fireplace, brought me tea, and the kitchen made me chicken noodle soup, even though it wasn't on the menu. I nearly cried I was so grateful. My bill for dinner was less than $10, so I gave them $20. Yeah, it was more than a hundred percent tip, but their kindness kept me going. I got home, did my expense report, and turned it in.
Starting point is 00:15:50 My director called me into his office, and screamed at me about how the corporate policy was 10% tip, and it should never exceed 15% and what was wrong with me for paying them so much. Keep in mind that the total bill was 20 bucks. Well, that conversation broke me. It shattered my loyalty to the company's bottom line. So, from then on, I followed the corporate travel policy exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:16 No more shitbox $32 a day cars. I'm in mid-size or better. No more flying out at 4 a.m. in the center seat. The flights now fit my schedule and I sat where I wanted. No more scary hotels in the worst part of town. Now I'm staying at the nicest executive hotel allowed by the policy. The cost of my trips were double or triple what they had been before, adding up to thousands of dollars a year.
Starting point is 00:16:42 But hey, I never disobeyed their tip policy again. And here's the true irony. Their corporate tip policy actually had verbrids that said exceptional service could be recognized with an additional gratuity, but basically don't make a habit of it. Also the allowable per DM was 50 bucks a day and a receipt was only required if it was over that amount. So the whole tip thing was under my per-dem and it was exceptional service. So what was the problem?
Starting point is 00:17:10 That was our slash malicious compliance and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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