rSlash - r/Maliciouscompliance "Ma'am, You Can't Wear That Here" "OK!" *Strips*

Episode Date: October 11, 2020

r/Maliciouscompliance What happens when a sexist judge tells a lady lawyer that she can't wear pants in a courtroom? Malicious compliance, of course! The judge simply takes off her pants and treats he...r long coat as a makeshift dress. Be careful when you make demands of lawyers, because their whole job is malicious compliance! If you like this video, subscribe to my channel for more daily Reddit content! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So you think you know sports? Points vet is the sportsbook for you, because we've got the features for true competitors, like live, same-game parliers. Use your sportsmarts to make picks live on the players and teams you're watching, and qualified vets can use our early cashout feature, so you could take your winnings to play live blackjack
Starting point is 00:00:20 on the same points vet app, the platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do. Bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino. Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash Milicious Compliance,
Starting point is 00:00:37 where a student sends her teacher to the principal's office. Our next reddit posted some green DM. One of my law school professors was a public defender in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, before he came to my school. He told me a story about a particularly uptight, rude, sexist, male judge, and a fiery female public defender who did exactly what he asked. Court begins. The attorney walks in, wearing a conservative pantsuit that wouldn't be out of place in any
Starting point is 00:01:02 courtroom in America. The judge, an old man, raises his voice, points his finger at the attorney and says, Do not come back into my courtroom and tell your properly dressed. Women do not wear pants in my courtroom." The attorney doesn't respond. She simply walks out of the courtroom. A few minutes later, she returns, wearing her suit jacket and that's it. You see, her jacket was cut long, so by itself,
Starting point is 00:01:29 it fell to a little bit above her knees. She simply walked into the restroom, took off her pants and came back to court. That judge never enforced the women can't wear pants requirement in his courtroom again. And down in the comments, we have this story from Finn Dork. A former coworker of mine had a daughter who had a bad habit of writing on her walls. One day she got so fed up with her daughter that in a rage she promised to break every single one of her daughter's grounds if she ever drew on the walls of a room
Starting point is 00:01:58 again. 45 very quiet minutes later, which should have been a red flag right there. She found that her daughter had written on every surface of her room except the walls. Bid, bid frame, mattress, nightstand, dresser, windows, sheets, night light, bid side light, lampshade, carpet, vent, toys, books, everything. That little girl grew up to be an attorney. Our next reddit post is from more input. For background, I work in mental health and substance use services. I've worked in my job for a long time now. My boss is never available for help and hardly on site. Recently, my boss got a new manager above her who was not impressed with her work ethic. But then lockdown happened and he got distracted and she went straight back
Starting point is 00:02:45 to her old ways. My boss will often ask me to do her work for her to save her coming in, which I've never minded doing up until recently. I had a meeting with my boss after an incident at work where someone tried to assault me. I told my boss I didn't feel supported by her after it had happened as she wasn't present and didn't manage it well afterwards. In the middle of the meeting my boss says, perhaps you want to consider some easier work in a different department.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I said, what's why? Well, you do take on a lot of extra work that you don't need to do. A lot of this work is the manager's job. Maybe you need to learn to say no to taking on all this work. I asked if there was something wrong with my standard of work, if she had concerns, etc. And she says no. Three months down the line, four of the team leave and they get new people in. Oh, O.P. can you train the new starters on their first day?
Starting point is 00:03:37 Sorry boss, that's a manager's job. Can you complete fire risk assessment? Sorry boss, that's a manager's job. After a while she stops asking me things, then one day she's working from home. I'm pretty sure she's been telling her manager that she's on site through lockdown, but then an incident happens with the residents and emergency services are called. I call my boss and explain to her what's happened. Opie, can you please do follow up with the commissioning body, staff, and residents involved?
Starting point is 00:04:04 And write the reports and send it directly to me, please? Sorry boss, you need to come and manage this. I'm not a manager, that's not my job. Just this once, please. I refused to manage the incident. It turns out that she was visiting a friend who lived on the coast while she was meant to be on the site. Someone accidentally let it slip to her manager when he called in the incident and there was no one to manage it.
Starting point is 00:04:28 He asked me to deal with the incident. I explained I couldn't and that my boss had reported me for taking on too much work. A full investigation had been launched into our conduct and her ability to do her job. The manager now talks to me directly and supervises me. He's helping me apply for a promotion. Meanwhile, my boss is on leave, pending an investigation. OP, please give us an update to this story. We're all dying to know if you get your old boss's job.
Starting point is 00:04:55 That would be sweet, karmic justice. Our next Reddit post is from Rook 218. Back in high school, around 2010, I used to work the closing shifts at a Dunkin' Donuts on Sunday nights. Per company policy, I could box up two dozen donuts to bring home with me before throwing the rest out. One doesn't want with my dad to work in the morning, one came with me to school, specifically my Spanish class, which was a pretty small
Starting point is 00:05:19 and tightly knit group. This tends to happen when a lot of course work as practicing conversations with each other. This practice of bringing donuts every Monday sparked an idea in one of my classmates' heads, and since it's so nice to have donuts once a week, we should do a weekly snack day where everyone can bring something in. They decided this would be on Thursday, and I said I'd just continue bringing in donuts every week on Monday as my contribution. Everyone was okay with this, except for Anne. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:05:47 This snack day was Thursday. And if you aren't going to bring in a snack on Thursday, then you are not welcome to participate. I was pretty pissed, but what can you do? It's only one snack one time. Then I got to thinking about it. I was only required to bring a snack, not something sweet or delicious or even palatable, as long as it was edible, then it counted.
Starting point is 00:06:09 My next closing shift, I grabbed an extra empty dozen box. I went to the store on Wednesday night and got a five pound bag of potatoes. I washed them and put them right in the box and dropped off the box early in the morning to my Spanish classroom, so nobody would get wise to the actual contents. Apparently, the earlier classes had seen the box sitting up on a shelf and it told our class that we had donuts. Everyone was excited. I brought
Starting point is 00:06:33 them up and put them on top of the projector, trying my best not to betray the extra heft. They all scurried up excitedly and, and herself, was the one to open the box. Her blank expression turned to raw frustration. "'You were supposed to bring a snack today,' she protested. "'I did,' I said, walking up to the box and grabbing a potato. "'Biting into it while making direct eye contact with her. You don't have to have any if you don't want. Everyone shuffled back to their deaths, and tried desperately to grasp a new argument out of thin air, but it wasn't coming.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I finished my potato triumphantly and brought the rest home for my mom after school. The box was checked, and she couldn't try to exclude me from the weekly snack day anymore. Everyone else in the class who thought that she was a bit over the top thought that the antick was hilarious, after they got over the initial disappointment. Is anyone else imagining OP standing up in the middle of the classroom slowly eating a raw potato while locking eyes with Ann? And everyone is just sitting there silently awkward while listening to that heavy crunch, crunch, crunch of a raw uncooked potato.
Starting point is 00:07:43 You know, it actually occurs to me. I don't even know what sound a potato makes when you bite into it raw. I think it's a crunch, right? Personally, I don't know because I've never been provoked into eating a raw potato despite one of my evil classmates. Childhood vaccines have been around for decades and are safe and proven to help protect children against 14 preventable diseases. Learn more at slash childhood vaccines. A message from the government of Canada. Our next Reddit post is from Lepper Lepper. Many years ago when I was still in school, I was having issues in one of my classes.
Starting point is 00:08:50 The boy who was sitting behind me kept trying to undo my bra. I got fed up and asked if I could move to another seat. The teacher refused to let me even after I explained why. He said, boys will be boys, so just ignore it. Then he told me that if I didn't sit down and do my work, I would have to go to the head teacher and explain exactly why I was being disruptive. I stayed standing and was sent out. I went to the head office and explained everything, just like the teacher wanted me to.
Starting point is 00:09:20 This head teacher had only started at the school a few months before, and an implemented a policy we're interfering with another's clothing was not tolerated. This was because many of the girls complained that the boys were messing with their bras and sometimes even their underwear. The head teacher was very unhappy, especially about the boys will be boys bid and she asked her to be back to the class and told me to sit wherever I wanted. She then asked the teacher and the boy to come out with her. The teacher came back in about 15 minutes later and apologized to me.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I think the head teacher made him because he didn't seem happy about it, and he completely ignored me every class for about a fortnight. The boy didn't come back into class, and in the afternoon assembly everyone had found out that he had been suspended for three days for what he did. It was probably a little unsamely how satisfied I was with that in result. I never heard that teacher send anyone to the head teacher again. The phrase boys will be boys are meant for situations where like two boys are throwing hot dogs at each other in their backyard. Not for normalizing sexual harassment. Our next Reddit post is from Clintosaurus Rex. About 10 years ago, my girlfriend and I
Starting point is 00:10:29 moved from the area where we went to college to an apartment near where we planned to start our careers. I say it was an apartment, but it was really the basement of a house that the landlord had a walled off to create two apartments to rent. The place was kind of sucky, but the rent was cheap for the area and we were close to work. Everything was fine for a few months, but the only parking force was on the street out front. The couple that rented the upstairs apartment had rights to the garage and driveway. They paid more than we did.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Suddenly, my car got a couple of BS tickets for parking on the street, and my girlfriend's car got side-swiped in a hit-and-run. This had to stop, so we emailed the landlord which was a preferred former communication to ask if there was anywhere safe for us to park. She replies, park anywhere you want. We noticed that the ups and air neighbors usually avoided the driveway to park in the front yard. They were horribly lazy, so we figured that would be a good spot for us too.
Starting point is 00:11:21 We parked in the front yard for the rest of the year. We figured that would be the end of it. We finished our lease, left the place in better shape than we found it, and requested our $1500 security deposit back. After a couple of weeks, we got a check for $700? What the F? Since there was no explanation, we asked the landlord for one, and she replied that the deducted amount was to resound the lawn, claiming that parking on it had damaged it. Now, I was the one who got the grass at the house while we stayed there. So I was well aware that the lawn was more weeds and bald spots than grass. Picture the African Savannah in mid-summer.
Starting point is 00:11:56 No one had ever lifted a finger to landscape any part of the property. But the landlord wanted to sell the house once at least as we're up, and she figured she could get the renters to pay for a nice new lawn. I complained to the landlord wanted to sell the house once the leases were up and she figured she could get the renters to pay for a nice new lawn. I complained to the landlord. She didn't care. I put in a complaint to the local housing department. They didn't care. I threatened to take her to court. She didn't care. So that's what I did. I took her to small claims court. I had never sued anyone before, so I was going in prepared. I took pictures of the entire front yard. The area that we supposedly damaged was actually one of the best patches of grass, though it did have a small rut that my tires made when the yard was muddy in the summer.
Starting point is 00:12:36 I got testimonials from our upstairs and across the street neighbors. Most importantly, I printed out the email where the landlord told us to park anywhere. We were su for $1800 to cover court costs and as both missing a day of work on top of the full security deposit. In mediation, we said we would settle for $1400, but she must have thought that she was in the right because she refused to offer a penny more than the original $700 check, which we never cashed. When we got in front of the judge, it was pretty clear that she had no evidence, hadn't prepared anything, and just assumed that us kids would fall on our faces. We did not. We put everything we had in front of the judge and made our claim. He was impressed. He stopped us when we showed him the email to ask the landlord. Did
Starting point is 00:13:20 you really tell them to park wherever they wanted? When she said, yes, the judge replied, then what are we even talking about? And that was that. Judgment in full for us, and that Karen had to pay to resod her own lawn. Next time you tell someone to park wherever you want, you'd better mean it. Or at least don't try to screw someone over when they comply with what you said. Our next reply is from Mr. Pepper. About a decade ago when I was fresh out of high school, I got a summer job working at a lakeside boat rental and bait and tackle shop. My boss, Joe, inherited the shop from his father
Starting point is 00:13:53 and took a massive amount of pride in keeping the family business going. Still, he wasn't one to give him to BS and clearly took it personally when a customer complained about anything to do with a shop that he loved so much. Our Lake was a pretty popular trophy fishing destination due to how large and local Mac and all trout got. Boss Man went into a reward people who planned a head by never charging summer pricing,
Starting point is 00:14:16 approximately $150 more per day on reservations. Naturally, this resulted in our boats getting booked out weeks in advance. The catch was that we did require a completely refundable $100 security deposit. We said in case of damages, but it was mostly to guarantee they returned the boat. Of course, every year, many people took issue with this policy. In three years, I saw this happen dozens of times, and Bosshead is malicious compliance down to an exact science. When a customer would refuse to pay the security deposit, Joe would state the deposit is
Starting point is 00:14:48 not negotiable. Almost always, the customer would then declare they're canceling the reservation, they'll never do business here again. Generally recite the whole Karen manifesto. Joe would cheerfully agree, feed their paperwork into the shredder and send them off. You see, dear reader, of the three marinas on the lake, we were the only ones that rented out boats. The other two only rented out spaces for boats to dock.
Starting point is 00:15:14 They'd never ask about our competitors, so Joe never had any reason to inform them. Without fail, within the hour the customer would be back, having realized that they couldn't get a boat elsewhere. Usually at this point, business would be picking up, meaning that I'd be loudly answering questions about boat rentals for other guests, and the customers fishing buddies or antsy kids would be pushing them to get the boat ready. Grudgingly, they'd ask for their boat. Joe would then fake concern and tell them that, unfortunately, all the boats have been reserved
Starting point is 00:15:43 for weeks, so we're usually unable to accommodate, walk, and rent to requests. As luck would have it, we had a cancellation earlier today. Since they don't have a reservation, however, we have to charge the summer holiday pricing. Oh, and just FYI, we require a completely refundable $100 security deposit for all rentals. I hope that's all right with you. OP, that's an awesome story, but I can't believe your boss didn't charge them. I mean, what else were they gonna do?
Starting point is 00:16:18 That was our slash malicious compliance, and if you like this podcast, then be sure to follow me because I put on new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. if you like this podcast, then be sure to follow me because I put a new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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